

Jun 23rd, 2019
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  1. so okay, there have been bad communists, i won't deny that. stalin was horrible. mao had good ideas in the beginning but he let the fame get to his head and started a cult of personality. however, most lefties fucking despise stalin and mao. righties celebrate hitler (look at charlottesville lmao). the end goal of fascism is the destruction of everyone who doesn't think like them, the end goal of communism is that everyone gets along regardless of their differences. fascism is an attack on things that are inherent to you (race, gender, disability etc) and communism is an attack on your shitty opinions.
  3. also, are you a right wing libertarian or authoritarian? you talk about wanting a small government but then complain about migration flow. small government usually goes hand in hand with open borders for anarchocapitalists, where labor can move freely to all nations. however, the part about wanting to control the migration flow seems to point towards a more authoritarian view.
  5. what being a white man has to do with the right? well, we all have subconscious biases and thats something we should all realize we have and try to combat. white men arent discriminated against based off their identity, so it's really easy for them to sit back and let the world sort itself out. however, most white men are workers like the rest of us, so they are of course dehumanized by our capitalist oppressors. we're treated like slaves and they spread propaganda to divide us and prevent us from rising up against them. it's hard for workers to organize if all we do is fight each other.
  7. you're the political movement that stands for freedom of the individual? yeah, bullshit! nothing says freedom like making fun of women and minorities. the left is all about consent. we want all of the actions in our day to day lives to be consentual. i never signed up to be a citizen of this country.
  9. "sweden, the rape capital of the world".... am i allowed to laugh? i think i've debunked this argument over 100 times with reactionaries. sweden have a way broader definition of rape than any other country. any sexual violence, rape, or harrassment goes under the category of sexualvåldtäkt, which just means "sexual violence". this gets translated as "rape" in english, which is very misleading. secondly, sweden counts the number of rapes differently, so if a woman gets raped 30 times by her husband and then reports that to the police, that will count at 30 instances of rape and not 1 like in most other countries. please, do your research.
  11. we have to raise our children gender neutrally? hold the fuck up, where did you read that??
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