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Aayla and Ventress: Slimebound Sisters

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May 20th, 2023
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  1. In the remote world of Sullust, known for its volcanic landscapes and industrial centers, a chemical refinery stood hidden amidst the billowing smoke and bubbling magma. This facility played a crucial role in the galactic conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, as it produced a rare and potent energy source known as Solara.
  3. Aayla Secura, a skilled Twi'lek Jedi Knight, and Asajj Ventress, a formidable Dathomirian Sith assassin, found themselves drawn to the refinery, each seeking to gain control over the Solara production for their respective factions.
  5. Aayla, her blue skin radiating with determination and her ignited lightsaber casting a vibrant azure glow, believed that the Solara should be harnessed responsibly by the Republic. She saw it as an opportunity to bring light and prosperity to the galaxy, fueling the Jedi Order's mission of peace and justice.
  7. Asajj, her pale white complexion contrasting against her crimson lightsaber, had her own agenda. She sought to exploit the Solara's immense energy for the Separatist cause, aiming to sow chaos and weaken the Republic and Jedi Order.
  9. Their conflicting objectives converged within the refinery's darkened corridors, the flickering lights casting long shadows. Aayla and Asajj locked eyes, sensing the imminent clash that awaited them. Without a word, their ignited lightsabers pierced the silence, the humming blades filling the air with anticipation.
  11. "Ventress, your thirst for power ends here!" Aayla shouted. "The Solara must be protected for the greater good!"
  13. "Your Jedi ideals won't stop me, Secura. The Separatists will put this energy source to better use!" Ventress replied.
  15. The clash of their blades reverberated through the metallic maze, echoes of their opposing ideologies. Aayla's precise strikes blended with Asajj's savage, relentless assaults, creating a dance of skill and determination that seemed to defy the harsh industrial backdrop, and in a brief moment of respite, both women began to debate each other yet again.
  17. "Your dark path leads only to destruction, Ventress. The Jedi will prevail!" Aayla declared.
  19. "The Jedi are blinded by their ideals. The power of the dark side cannot be denied!" Ventress countered. They spoke as they held their lightsabers in a lock with each other.
  21. Within the refinery, the air crackled with the intensity of their confrontation. The acrid scent of machinery and volatile chemicals mingled, heightening the tension. Every swing and parry carried the weight of their convictions, each strike a testament to their contrasting paths.
  23. In this duel, the rest of the galaxy faded into insignificance. The clash between Aayla and Asajj became the embodiment of the struggle between light and dark, order and chaos. Their duel encapsulated the greater conflict, a microcosm of ideologies manifesting in elegant combat.
  25. But as their fierce battle raged on, the fates of Aayla Secura and Asajj Ventress took an unforeseen turn. Amidst their relentless strikes, a wayward blow from their lightsabers struck a Liquid Tank nearby, causing it to rupture, and a spray of thick, greenish slime burst forth, spraying all over the refinery and coating both combatants from head to toe. Aayla and Asajj froze mid-attack, their faces contorted in disbelief and disgust. The room fell into an abrupt silence, broken only by the drip-drip-drip of the slimy residue cascading from their bodies.
  27. "What in the Force is this vile slime? It's repulsive!" Aayla exclaimed, wiping the slime off her face.
  29. "Ugh! Get it off me! This wasn't part of our duel, Secura!" Ventress grumbled, spitting out some slime that had gotten into her mouth.
  31. After exclaiming this, They glanced at each other, momentarily forgetting their animosity as they recoiled from the slimy residue. Both combatants knew the area was too risky to continue duelling in, and their bodies coated in the slippery substance would lead to accidents, no matter how good their agility or skills with a lightsaber were.
  33. "Our battle can wait, Ventress. We need to rid ourselves of this filth," Aayla said, as she continued to remove the slime from her body.
  35. "Agreed, Secura. This slime is revolting, but our duel isn't over," Ventress replied, wiping her cleavage to remove the slime from it.
  37. With an unspoken truce, they sheathed their lightsabers and began wiping off the slimy substance, disgust etched on their faces. The duel had come to an unexpected pause, the slimy residue interrupting their fierce clash.
  39. "I never expected to encounter such repugnant filth in the midst of our duel, Ventress," Aayla remarked.
  41. "Don't think this changes anything, Secura. Once we're rid of this slime, we'll continue where we left off," Ventress asserted, as both women continued to clean themselves.
  43. They scrubbed their bodies, trying to rid themselves of the persistent slime. Despite their animosity, a shared sense of distaste bonded them temporarily, but little did Aayla Secura and Asajj Ventress know that the encounter with the slime would mark a turning point, setting the stage for an unforeseen transformation that would challenge their very identities. The refinery on Sullust held more than just the promise of Solara energy; it held secrets and mysteries that would reshape their destinies in ways they couldn't yet comprehend.
  45. As Aayla and Ventress desperately sought a means to cleanse themselves of the repulsive Hutt slime, an unforeseen consequence began to manifest. The residue, infused with the strange properties of Hutt physiology, triggered a transformative reaction within their bodies.
  47. At first, it was subtle, a slight swelling of their limbs, a deepening of their voices. But as moments turned into minutes, the changes accelerated with alarming speed. Their muscles bulged and stretched, clothes strained against their expanding frames, and their skin took on a sickly green hue.
  49. Aayla and Ventress exchanged frantic glances, their eyes widening with a mix of astonishment and growing dread. The transformation was undeniable—they were slowly becoming Hutts themselves.
  51. Their physical alterations were accompanied by a surge of overwhelming sensations. Aayla's once nimble fingers thickened into heavy digits, while Ventress' lithe form contorted into a bloated mass. Their movements became sluggish, as if gravity itself conspired against them, burdening them with the weight of their growing Hutt bodies.
  53. Panicked, they stumbled toward a control panel nearby, their swollen bodies knocking over equipment as they struggled to regain their balance. Aayla's voice, now deep and gravelly, trembled with a mix of fear and determination.
  55. "We need to find a way to reverse this transformation," Aayla croaked, her vocal cords strained by the Hutt physiology invading her form. "There must be something within the refinery that can help."
  57. Ventress, her elongated tongue flicking out nervously, nodded in agreement. Despite the grotesque changes overtaking them, their resolve remained unyielding. Together, they would fight against this unexpected turn of events and seek a solution.
  59. Navigating the refinery's corridors, their lumbering bodies scraping against walls and pipes, Aayla and Ventress encountered a series of droids and workers, who recoiled in terror at the sight of the transforming women. They pleaded for assistance, but it became clear that their only hope lay within themselves.
  61. Finally reaching the central control room, Aayla and Ventress activated the refinery's holographic displays, their pudgy fingers clumsily operating the controls. Through their encumbered forms, they discovered a potential solution—the refinery's research archives contained records of a substance that could potentially stabilize their transformations.
  63. As they desperately analyzed the schematics, an alternative thought crossed their minds as a primal hunger took over their thoughts. The Hutt slime that had triggered their transformation was still abundant within the refinery. A daring idea took root, a move that would lead to irreversible consequences.
  65. Aayla and Asajj turned to face each other, their Hutt features distorted by determination and a hint of rivalry. In unison, they reached out and scooped up globs of the slimy substance from the control room floor, their massive tongues flicking out to taste it. The Hutt slime, repulsive yet strangely alluring, slid down their throats.
  67. As if responding to their actions, their transformation intensified. Their bodies swelled with each passing second, their limbs thickening, their once-human features distorting further. The power of the Hutt slime coursed through their veins, accelerating their metamorphosis.
  69. In their competition to become the larger Hutt, they consumed more and more of the slime, heedless of the risks. Aayla's and Ventress' rivalry fuelled their consumption, their bodies expanding rapidly with each additional mouthful.
  71. The chamber echoed with their heavy breathing and the squelching sound of the Hutt slime being devoured. They grew larger and larger, their forms resembling monstrous caricatures of their former selves. The refinery's control room strained under the weight of their massive bodies.
  73. But as their rivalry reached a fever pitch, a sudden realization struck them—they had become consumed by their desire for dominance. The transformation had pushed them beyond reason, sacrificing their identities for the sake of power.
  75. Aayla Secura, now a fusion of Twi'lek and Hutt features, was in shock of her immense form. Her once-slender Twi'lek body had expanded dramatically, each arm thick and heavy with muscle. The transition from Twi'lek to Hutt had elongated her neck, now adorned with a series of thick folds of flesh that cascaded down like regal drapes. Her lekku, once slender and graceful, had swelled and broadened, twisting and writhing like the serpentine coils of a massive creature. The vibrant azure of her Twi'lek skin had melded with the green hues of a Hutt, resulting in a unique shade of bluish-green that covered her colossal frame. Her chest and belly had grown to immense proportions, jutting out prominently from her massive torso, while her legs had fused together into a single, large, bloated tail.
  77. Asajj Ventress, on the other hand, exhibited a blend of Dathomirian and Hutt characteristics. Her once-pale skin had taken on a sickly white hue, her scalp smooth and bare. Dark, swirling tattoos stretched and merged across her enlarged body, the stark contrast against her pallid complexion. Her lithe figure had expanded into a bloated mass, her once-graceful movements replaced by the sinuous undulations of a Hutt. The sharp features of her Dathomirian heritage had morphed, resulting in a face distorted by swollen jowls and an elongated snout, reminiscent of a Hutt's maw. Her chest and belly had grown to immense proportions, protruding prominently from her massive frame, and like Aayla Secura, her legs had also fused together to create a signature hutt tail.
  79. Both Aayla and Ventress slithered around on the floor, their hutt tails capable of supporting their tremendous weight. Scales, slick with hutt slime, covered their lower torsos and extended all the way down the length of their thick, coiling appendages. With the aid of the hutt slime they now secreted, their bodies glided and wriggled with surprising agility, propelling them forward in a serpentine motion.
  81. Their colossal chests and bellies dominated their forms, swollen and distended with the excess of their transformation. The immense size of their chests heaved with each breath, while their bellies protruded, evidence of the gluttonous consumption of Hutt slime that had fuelled their metamorphosis. The slime they now secreted served not only as a lubricant for their slithering movements but also as a protective coating, shielding their grotesque forms and aiding their navigation through the world as Hutts.
  83. Together, they stood as monstrous figures, their once-recognizable features twisted and distorted by their insatiable desire for power. Covered in hutt slime, their immense chests and bellies jutting forward, Aayla and Ventress slithered with an eerie grace, their transformed bodies a testament to the irreversible consequences of their choices.
  85. Aayla and Asajj, now transformed into massive Hutts, found themselves consumed by a relentless rivalry. Their once-shared goal of finding a solution to reverse their transformation had been overshadowed by their insatiable desire to outgrow and overpower each other.
  87. Their gargantuan forms slithered through the refinery, leaving a trail of hutt slime in their wake. Their immense chests and distended bellies jutted forward, evidence of their voracious consumption of Hutt slime. With each passing moment, their rivalry intensified, fueled by the power coursing through their engorged bodies.
  89. "Y-You won't... outgrow me," Aayla's slurred voice reverberated, her Hutt tongue fumbling over the words. "I'll consume... more slime... and become... bigger than you!"
  91. Asajj's bloated snout twisted into a sinister grin. "We'll see about that," she slurred, her Hutt form contorting with a mix of arrogance and determination. "I'll devour... the slime... and surpass... your bloated size."
  93. Their rivalry became an all-consuming obsession, driving them to seek out more Hutt slime within the refinery. They toppled containers, broke through barriers, and devoured the oozing substance with reckless abandon. Each mouthful sent a surge of power through their massive frames, swelling them further.
  95. As they consumed more Hutt slime, their bodies expanded, straining against their already immense forms. Their chests and bellies grew larger, their scaled skin stretching to accommodate the ever-increasing mass. The slime they secreted multiplied, coating their immense bodies in a slick, oily sheen.
  97. Their slurred, booming voices echoed through the refinery as they pushed each other to the limits. They would often clash, their bloated forms colliding in a titanic struggle for dominance. The sound of their colossal bodies colliding reverberated through the facility, shattering equipment and causing tremors in their wake.
  99. Aayla's azure eyes glared at Ventress, filled with determination. "I'll consume... every last drop... of this slime," she hissed, her words slow and laboured. "And I'll be... the largest... most powerful Hutt in the galaxy!"
  101. Ventress pale blue eyes narrowed, her elongated snout curling with defiance. "Not if... I have... anything to say... about it," she growled, her slurred speech barely intelligible. "I'll surpass... you, Aayla... and claim... the title... for myself."
  103. Their rivalry raged on, their bodies expanding to unthinkable proportions. They became towering monstrosities, their once-recognizable forms distorted beyond recognition. The refinery trembled under their colossal weight as they continued their ceaseless quest for dominance.
  105. Yet, in their obsession to become the largest Hutts, they failed to realize the toll it took on their minds and spirits. The power they sought had consumed them, blinding them to the destruction they left in their wake and the irreversible transformation that had stripped them of their former selves.
  107. As they consumed more Hutt slime, their slurred voices became distorted, their thoughts consumed by primal urges. Their rivalry had become a grotesque dance of gluttony and destruction, their former identities buried beneath the insatiable hunger for power.
  109. A few hours had passed, and in the dimly lit depths of the refinery, Asajj Ventress, her pale Hutt form looming, fixated her gaze upon Aayla Secura. The once-fierce rivals had now become consumed by their insatiable hunger for power, no longer recognizing the bounds of their former identities.
  111. As Aayla's massive form oozed with hutt slime, Ventress' eyes glimmered with a ravenous desire. With a sinister grin spreading across her bloated snout, she slithered closer to her rival, reaching out with her colossal, scaled hand. Her fingers dipped into the folds of fatty flesh that become Aayla's transformed body.
  113. Aayla's azure eyes widened with a mix of fear and anticipation as she felt Ventress' touch. The sensation sent shivers down her immense form, a strange mixture of repulsion and arousal coursing through her veins. Ventress's slurred voice filled the air, thick with the primal hunger that consumed her. "Your essence... it calls to me," she hissed, her forked tongue flickering hungrily. Without hesitation, she plunged her massive hand into Aayla's mounds of hutt slime, scooping out handfuls of the viscous blue substance.
  115. Aayla gasped as she felt Ventress' forcefulness, the sensation sending shivers down her immense form. She watched with a mixture of horror and reluctant anticipation as Ventress brought the slime-covered hand to her pale gaping maw.
  117. With a depraved hunger in her eyes, Ventress savoured the taste of Aayla's essence. The slime, thick and slippery, slid down her throat, fuelling her transformation and the dark power that pulsed within her.
  119. Aayla watched, a mixture of fascination and horror, as Ventress' bloated body pulsed with newfound vitality. The ravenous consumption of hutt slime seemed to invigorate her rival, causing her form to swell even further. Ventress' pale white skin glistened with the sheen of the slime, each mouthful only driving her deeper into the throes of her insatiable appetite.
  121. Driven by an inexplicable hunger of her own, Aayla's hesitations melted away. The desire to regain the power she had lost overwhelmed her, and without a second thought, she reciprocated the gesture. Her massive hand reached out, plunging into the thick layers of oozing fat flesh that was Ventress' Hutt form, and pulling out globs of pale white slime.
  123. Their slurred voices intertwined in a symphony of greed and primal need as they devoured each others hutt slime, their maws opening wide to receive the slick gooey substance. The room filled with wet, squelching sounds as Aayla and Ventress indulged in their grotesque feast, their massive bodies quivering with pleasure and the dark power that surged within them.
  125. With each mouthful, their rivalry transformed into a twisted dance of mutual consumption. They fed off each other, their once-adversarial relationship reduced to a primal bond of shared gluttony. The slime fuelled their growth, their chests and bellies expanding with each intake, their forms distorting into ever more monstrous shapes.
  127. As the transformation continued, they teetered on the edge of their former selves, now reduced to insatiable, ravenous beings. The line between predator and prey blurred, consumed by their relentless drive for power. In their grotesque communion, they were bound together, their fates entwined in a macabre dance of transformation and destruction.
  129. And so, in the heart of the refinery, Aayla and Ventress feasted upon each other's essence, their rivalry now an intertwined obsession that would forever bind them in their Hutt forms.
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