
Umbra - Untitled Luna Story 2

Apr 29th, 2015
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  1. Originally posted by Umbra in the Luna threads:
  5. >The hood of your cloak drifts down to your shoulders as you sit down with a groan
  6. >Life has been a bit much for you lately, and exhaustion is setting in
  7. >You are Anonymous, champion of the night princess Luna
  8. >And by now you'd love nothing more than to simply pass out
  9. >Luna had had a conversation with Princess Celestia recently about regaining some of the royal duties she once held
  10. >But what that actually translated to was Celestia dumping her entire schedule on Luna
  11. >Which consisted of mountains of paperwork, meeting with dignitaries and settling disputes
  12. >And you, not wanting your princess to shoulder it all alone, stood by her side the whole time and assisted whenever possible
  13. >In truth, the majority of this was suited for an advisor
  14. >It was almost insulting, to you at least
  15. >After all, both you and Princess Luna had your own responsibilities
  16. >All of Equestria past dark was your ward
  17. >Overseeing nightly patrols, training the bat pony guard, disposing of whatever threats went bump in the night
  18. >Not to mention Luna's dream walking to fend off nightmares
  19. >For three nights and two days now, the two of you were spread thin
  20. >Having time to eat, attend to hygiene, and that was it
  21. >All the while, Celestia had just been sitting on her royal hindquarters
  22. >And to top it off, the two of you had to forego the quality time that could only be afforded once a week
  23. >Only Celestia herself knew the "special bond" you and Luna shared
  24. >So as you can imagine, not having a lick of free time for the one you love wouldn't help things either
  25. >The more you dwell on it, the more your exasperation grows
  26. >It's like she did all this out of spite
  27. >But as bad as it was for you, Luna had gotten it far worse
  28. >Any dignitary she had spoken to wouldn't give her the time of day
  29. >Any dispute she attempted to settle, the parties involved demanded that Celestia oversee it instead
  30. >It was like none of her subjects took her seriously, or were just plain afraid of her
  31. >Even though you were generally well liked by ponies at this point, nothing you did could change their minds, no matter how hard you tried
  32. >However, you know that being pissed off wasn't going to make this whole thing any easier
  33. >Taking advantage of the breathing room you have, you brew some tea. A cup or two always seemed to make you feel better
  34. >As upset as you are, the dominant thought in your mind is concern for your princess
  35. >After the last dispute of the day was over with, she had run off to her chambers without so much as a word
  36. >Initially you left well enough alone, knowing better than bother an irate alicorn
  37. >Now though, a gut feeling tells you something is rotten in Denmark
  38. >She has been MIA for two hours now
  39. >The only evidence of her presence being the transition from day to night
  40. >Fidgeting with the sword currently sheathed on your belt, you mull over what to do now
  41. >Luna's abrupt disappearance had been disconcerting
  42. >Even when things were bleak, she would always turn to you for comfort and vice versa
  43. >But sadly, a sharp knock at the door interrupts any solution you may have been forming
  44. >Before you could even answer it, the door opens
  45. >In steps a bat pony in dark blue armor
  46. >One you instantly recognize as the commander of the bat pony guard
  47. "Commander Dusk."
  48. >Your voice betrays your level of exhaustion
  49. "What can I do for you?"
  50. >"You need to come with me immediately. I'll explain on the way."
  51. >Even for a bat pony, his expression is grim
  52. >So it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that something is seriously wrong
  53. >Picking up a brisk pace, you follow the commander
  54. "What's the situation?" You ask him.
  55. >"The guards posted outside of the princess' chambers tell me they hear strange sounds coming from inside."
  56. "What kind of sounds?"
  57. >"They say it shifts between muttering and yelling. And that multiple times objects have been broken. She won't allow any pony inside, not even me."
  58. >You and the commander both quicken your pace
  59. >Regardless, you're glad that the bat ponies came to grab you
  60. >They love the princess dearly, their loyalty absolute
  61. >And ever since you had become her champion, they treated you like one of their own
  62. >The sight of an oaken door emblazoned with a crescent moon tells you you've reached your destination
  63. >Two bat pony guards, one on either side, give you and Dusk a crisp salute
  64. "Status report." You order, hoping something changed
  65. >"The princess is still inside. The yelling hasn't stopped, and we can't get in no matter how hard we try."
  66. >You've gone two days with no sleep, had to hold your tongue multiple times when Luna's subjects outright disrespected her, and now this
  67. >The next time you see Celestia you'll damn sure have a few words for her
  68. >Pressing your ear to the door, you attempt to listen in for yourself
  69. >A voice can be heard from inside, but you can't decipher anything else
  70. >You knock three times, there's nothing else to do now
  71. "Princess Luna?" You call out, "It's me, can you please let me in?"
  72. >No sooner than the words leave your lips does everything go dead silent
  73. >Nothing can be heard from within her room now
  74. >Its as if the air itself has been sucked out of the hall
  75. >The heavy door glides open, seemingly of its own volition
  76. >The princess is letting you in, so that's something right?
  77. >Then why do you feel this uneasy?
  78. >You look around to your bat pony companions
  79. >Except the two guards are gone, and Commander Dusk looks like he's seen a ghost
  80. >But you would be a sorry excuse for a champion if you didn't go in
  81. >All you can see within the room is utter darkness
  82. >Not even the light of the scented candles Luna was so fond of
  83. >You take a few tentative steps inside, only for the door to slam shut behind you
  84. >But finally, the vague outline of Luna's form is visible
  85. >She's lying on her bed facing away from you
  86. "Luna?" You try again, "Please tell me you're ok..."
  87. >At the sound of your voice, Luna's body stiffens like a board
  88. >Her head swivels around to face you and her eyes snap open
  89. >Instead of the deep pools of sapphire you've come to know and love, you see what's more akin to the eyes of a snake. Two jagged slits going down the middle
  90. >The unlit candles throughout the room suddenly spark to life
  91. >But you quickly wish they hadn't
  92. >Luna's once flowing, starry mane is reduced to a disheveled mess, her coat stained jet black
  93. >Dark rings surround her eyes and her lips are curled back into a toothy grin
  94. >The levity of the situation you're in fully sinks in, and your blood runs cold
  95. >You've heard the old stories, seen her likeness in the hall of stained glass, but never once did you think you'd see this for yourself
  96. >"Well now...times have changed if there is one who cares for me."
  97. "...Nightmare Moon..." the words almost don't make it past your lips
  98. >Your legs don't need any hints, taking a few steps backward
  99. >She fully unfurls her wings as if part of some grand gesture
  100. >Even her voice is unsettling, feminine, but deep and almost gutteral
  101. >"My reputation precedes me."
  102. >That ghastly, fanged smile is still there
  103. >A million thoughts run through your mind at once
  104. >Was Luna still in there? Could you stop all this? Would she have to be banished again if you failed?
  105. >Somehow, that rational section of your brain tells you to keep a calm air
  106. >More like it tells you to avoid being afraid at all costs
  107. >Nightmare Moon takes a few more steps forward, her gaze glued on you
  108. >In an instant your hand flies down to your belt, your sword is drawn and you take a defensive stance
  109. >But she merely laughs, a cackle that would perturb even the most stoic of hearts
  110. >Her horn lights up, and a sharp burning sensation lights up your hand, like the hilt of your sword was just pulled from the blacksmith's forge
  111. >You yell out in surprise and pain, quickly dropping your only means of defense
  112. >"There will be no need for that Anonymous."
  113. >You're out of options, out of...wait
  114. "How do you know my name?" it's more of a blurt than a question
  115. >But maybe if you get her talking, you can stall long enough to figure out what to do next
  116. >The gap between the two of you is closed
  117. >"You are the champion of the night, MY champion, are you not?"
  118. >This was becoming stranger by the moment, but you had her talking
  119. "Yes, Luna named me champion." Is all you can muster
  120. >"Then sit."
  121. >She motions to a large chair at the far end of the room
  122. >If she wanted you dead, she would have killed you by now...right?
  123. >All you can do at this point is do as Nightmare Moon asks
  124. >Without turning your back to her, you walk across the room quickly and sit down
  125. >Nightmare's horn lights up again, and your sword begins to drift over
  126. >But to your surprise, it merely sheaths itself onto your belt
  127. >Curiosity finally gets the best of you
  128. "So you're not going to kill me?"
  129. >That unnerving smile of hers breaks last
  130. >"Kill you? I suppose you would think that. Loyalty is difficult to come by, it would be foolish to dispose of you."
  131. >Now you're really confused. Everything you'd ever heard about Nightmare Moon suggests she's as evil and vicious as they come
  132. >"Your confusion is evident. Contrary to what you may have been told, the elements of harmony did not destroy me. I am a part of Luna and cannot be so easily dealt with."
  133. "But I was lead to believe you were-"
  134. >"Were what?" She sneers
  135. >"A malevolent force that possessed poor widdle woona? Of course that's what they told you."
  136. >The idea of the shit hitting the fan seems to be out the window, for now at least
  137. >She has your full attention now though
  138. >And doesn't wait for an invitation to continue
  139. >"Before all of this began a thousand years ago, Luna did not have things as easy as she does now. Not a soul appreciated her, the night, or anything she did for her subjects. They ignored her and slept through each and every night she made. Instead they chose her sister and the daylight."
  140. >"She felt unloved, unwanted, because she was! Even her own sister did nothing, she was too busy basking in every pony's admiration. She spent her days in isolation, and that, you see, is where I came in. I was born of necessity Anonymous. Luna was unable to cope with having nopony to care for her or acknowledge her, with constantly being overshadowed by Celestia. But I was."
  141. >By now you're enthralled with her story
  142. >"All she wanted, all we wanted was for the night to last a little longer. A chance to show the night can be as the day."
  143. >Her eyes glowed white and her hoof violently stomped the stone
  145. >"Luna has been driven to the breaking point. Being unable or unwilling to suffer these injustices, she begged me for help. And I, unlike anypony else in her life, helped. It shouldn't come as a surprise that Celestia would paint me as a monster. I imagine she wouldn't be able to handle the truth. That her selfishness, and apathy towards her own sister was the true cause of all this."
  146. >Nightmare Moon looks as though she's finished talking
  147. >There's a shitload of information to digest here, assuming its all true of course
  148. >But that doesn't explain one thing
  149. "May I speak freely pri...your highness?"
  150. >Nightmare Moon rolls her eyes with a sigh
  151. >"You are our champion. Quite possibly the only one who doesn't draw our ire. You may speak. "
  152. "If that's all true, then why are you here now?"
  153. >You rise to your feet, standing at eye level with her now
  154. "Is it not obvious? The elements merely gave Luna back her control. I have seen her being treated now as she was back then. Luna wants to be an equal to Celestia, as Celestia promised they would be. These last few days have reminded her a bit too much of how things used to be. Her subjects treating her so poorly, her sister looking down on her. She didn't want you to see her in such a state and couldn't reach out to you. You couldn't help her, but I could."
  155. >For awhile you honestly don't know what to say
  156. >This would explain how she knew you, and why Luna had been so reclusive
  157. >Her words repeat in your mind: "Possibly the only one who doesn't draw our ire."
  158. >You can thank your lucky freakin' stars for that
  159. >But now that leaves just one question
  160. "So what happens now?"
  161. >This gives her pause, as if she really didn't know
  162. >"We are...uncertain. I will not stand idle and allow history to repeat itself....but another thousand years on the moon is a grim prospect."
  163. >She didn't want to get her banished again, if she was evil then she at least cared for Luna
  164. >"Hm." She mutters, walking a slow circle around you
  165. >"If you truly serve the night, then hear me my champion. You shall be left with this task. Luna cannot confront her sister, but I believe you can. If things do not change, then I fear history indeed will repeat itself."
  166. >An order, now that, your brain has no problem processing
  167. "I'll do whatever I can. Luna has another to care for and appreciate her now."
  168. >"Know this Anonymous," her voice doubles in volume and her eyes glow that eerie white again
  169. >"If you cannot end this miserable cycle, THEN I WILL. And know that nopony or ape will stand in my way!"
  170. >And as quickly as she had made her presence known, the hideous visage of Nightmare Moon dissipated, and Princess Luna was left looking confused and afraid
  171. >It was over
  172. >Your legs involuntarily buckle, and you let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding
  173. >It was over
  174. >When Luna finally snaps back to reality, she rushes to your side
  175. >She wraps her wings around you, and you return the gesture
  176. >When she sees that you're ok, she breaks into tears apologizing profusely
  177. >You just hold her close and repeat that its ok over and over
  178. >But through the exhaustion, through everything that just happened, you drag yourself to your feet
  179. >You make for the door, conviction taking hold
  180. >"Anonymous...where are you going?"
  181. "I have an order to carry out."
  184. Epilogue
  186. >Your legs are still a bit shakey, but you're on a mission
  187. >Its uncertain as to why Luna couldn't bring all of this up herself
  188. >Maybe she didn't want to damage the relationship with her sister after it had only just been repaired
  189. >Regardless, you had to find Celestia, the sooner the better
  190. >She would understand...hopefully
  191. >The door to Celestia's room was identical to Luna's, save for the sun emblem
  192. >You don't give a single fuck if she's asleep or not, she hasn't given you that luxury lately
  193. >Banging on the door, you yell for the sun princess
  194. "Celestia open up dammit! Its urgent!"
  195. >After a few moments, the door is opened revealing a sleepy sun horse before she let's you in
  196. >"Urgent? What's this all about?" she asks through a yawn
  197. >To the best of your ability, you regail your conversation with Nightmare Moon, talking so frantically its a wonder your tongue doesn't tie itself in a knot
  198. >Celestia's eyes widen at your news, displaying the same 'this is a lot to take in' look that you undoubtedly had earlier
  199. >"You were right to find me Anonymous. If I've been threatened, then we need to deal with this at once"
  200. >Threatened, that's her take away from this?
  201. >Something in your brain finally snaps
  202. "Oh really? Deal with it how? By sweeping it under the rug like last time!?"
  203. >Celestia is stunned at your sudden outburst
  204. >"Anonymous listen-"
  205. "No fuck off, you listen!"
  206. >Your anger is boiling over now
  207. "This whole damn mess could have been prevented if you had taken even a remote interest in your own sister! All she wanted was to feel like she mattered. Like her existence was as important as yours. But no, you cared more about lining up ponies to kiss your ass. Literally all you had to do was give a shit!"
  208. >Your arms are shaking now too
  209. >The yelling probably wasn't necessary, but by now you are past calm and reasonable
  210. >She looks, confused, hurt, which momentarily disarms you
  211. >"I...I had no idea any of that was going on..."
  212. >About now you have the urge to slam your head against the wall
  213. "That's the problem! You never even bothered with her. I believe you if you say you didn't know, but that doesn't change anything. These last few days we've been run ragged, Luna just wants to prove the past in the past. But when you give her the short end of the stick, and when your subjects treat her like she doesn't matter, its a thousand years ago all over again! It may not be all your fault, but you damn sure could have prevented it."
  214. >Only in such a frayed state could you have managed to tell off the Sun princess
  215. >After listening to your rant in full, Celestia furls her wings and her head droops slightly
  216. >"You're right Anonymous," she begins
  217. >"If I had known Luna was feeling that way, I would have done something. But to think that Nightmare Moon...she was actually...nevermind that for now."
  218. >She literally tries to shake the thought from her mind
  219. >"I will forgive your outburst this once. Its evident that it was only due to the extraordinary circumstances."
  220. "Yeah...sorry about that." You rub the back of your head
  221. >"Do not worry Anonymous. Now that I know the truth, I promise you a peaceful resolution."
  222. >That's all you wanted to hear, and with that the adrenaline you were on wares off
  223. >But to your surprise, Celestia puts a hoof on your shoulder
  224. >"It is good to see that my sister has somepo- someone who cares for her that much. I may not see everything, but I do see that she loves you, and she's lucky to have you around."
  225. "Trust me, its the other way around."
  226. >She gives you that trademark motherly smile, and you believe her that any further crises will be averted
  227. >"Now go get some sleep, you look like you need it"
  228. >She doesn't have to tell you twice
  229. >"Oh, and one more thing "
  230. >You crane your neck around
  231. >"Talk to me like that again, and you'll be the next one sent to the moon."
  232. "Hm, fair enough"
  234. END
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