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Aug 7th, 2019
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  1. Textractor x86 v4.5.2 made by me: Artikash (email:
  2. Project homepage:
  3. Tutorial video:
  4. Please contact me with any problems, feature requests, or questions relating to Textractor
  5. You can do so via the project homepage (issues section) or via email
  6. Source code available under GPLv3 at project homepage
  7. I'm currently looking for a new job: email me if you know anyone hiring US software engineers
  8. If you like this project, please tell everyone about it :)
  9. Textractor: pipe connected
  10. Textractor: hijacking process located from 0x008D0000 to 0x008D1000
  11. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentPoint32A
  12. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentExPointA
  13. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharacterPlacementA
  14. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphIndicesA
  15. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphOutlineA
  16. Textractor: inserting hook: ExtTextOutA
  17. Textractor: inserting hook: TextOutA
  18. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsA
  19. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsFloatA
  20. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidth32A
  21. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidthFloatA
  22. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentPoint32W
  23. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentExPointW
  24. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharacterPlacementW
  25. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphIndicesW
  26. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphOutlineW
  27. Textractor: inserting hook: ExtTextOutW
  28. Textractor: inserting hook: TextOutW
  29. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsW
  30. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsFloatW
  31. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidth32W
  32. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidthFloatW
  33. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextA
  34. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextExA
  35. Textractor: inserting hook: TabbedTextOutA
  36. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTabbedTextExtentA
  37. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextW
  38. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextExW
  39. Textractor: inserting hook: TabbedTextOutW
  40. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTabbedTextExtentW
  41. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipAddPathString
  42. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipAddPathStringI
  43. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipMeasureCharacterRanges
  44. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipDrawString
  45. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipMeasureString
  46. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipDrawDriverString
  47. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipMeasureDriverString
  48. vnreng:ShinaRio: unknown version
  49. vnreng:Leaf: pattern not found
  50. vnreng:NekoPack: pattern not found
  51. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrlenA
  52. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpyA
  53. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpynA
  54. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrlenW
  55. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpyW
  56. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpynW
  57. Textractor: inserting hook: MultiByteToWideChar
  58. Textractor: inserting hook: WideCharToMultiByte
  59. Textractor: inserting hook: CharNextA
  60. Textractor: inserting hook: CharNextW
  61. Textractor: inserting hook: CharPrevA
  62. Textractor: inserting hook: CharPrevW
  63. Textractor: inserting hook: CharNextExA
  64. Textractor: inserting hook: CharPrevExA
  65. Textractor: inserting hook: SysAllocString
  66. Textractor: inserting hook: SysAllocStringLen
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