
More Than Friends-*REAL* Finale- (Fade Away)

Jun 12th, 2012
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  3. >Shining sighed, and looked at the broken locket.
  4. >He held it close, and continued his path.
  5. >He hung his head low as he saw the princess.
  6. >”Shining! You’re back!” Cadance trots up immediately.
  7. >She sees the look on his face and stops.
  8. >”Shining, where’s Anon?”
  9. >He does not answer.
  10. >He sighs again, and stops.
  11. >”Shining.” Cadance comes up and stares at him.
  12. >”What.”
  13. >”Happened.”
  14. >”To.”
  15. >”Anon?”
  16. >Shining stares blankly to her.
  17. >He doesn’t need to talk.
  19. >She knows.
  21. >Cadance slowly backs up, staring blankly to the background.
  22. >Her lip trembles, then she freezes.
  23. >She then starts to shake, and a single tear rolls down.
  24. >Cadance then lets out a hiccup, then another.
  25. >She gasps, and then stops.
  27. >On the happy Tuesday morning, the Sparkles received a letter.
  28. >Bearing the Equestrian seal, it came.
  29. >Mother shook and cried on the content.
  30. >Twilight could only try to reason out what was going on.
  31. >”What’s wrong?” She asked.
  32. >Mrs. Sparkle forced a smile and set a hoof on Twilight’s head.
  33. >”Anon is-“
  34. >”Anon! Is he coming back soon? He promised to spend the day with me tomorrow!”
  35. >Mom looks down to her sadly.
  36. >She runs a hoof through Twilight’s mane.
  37. >”Twilight…”
  38. >The little filly looks to her with hope.
  39. >Soon, Twilight’s smile fades.
  40. >”Anon isn’t coming back.”
  41. >Twilight cocks her head to the side, taking the information.
  42. >She smiles.
  43. >”Of course he is! He promised!”
  44. >Mother brings her head low again, searching for words.
  45. >She couldn’t possibly tell Twilight what happened.
  46. >”Anon is… Gone, Twilight, he’s gone away.”
  47. >Twilight pauses, her mouth agape.
  48. >”B-but, he promised!”
  49. >Her mother refuses to speak anymore.
  50. >”No, he PROMISED!” Twilight shrieks, before running up to her room.
  52. >He was going to be on time.
  53. >He always was.
  54. >He promised.
  55. >Twilight buries her head in the pillow.
  56. >She can hear her mother sobbing again.
  57. >No, tomorrow will be Wednesday.
  58. >And then, everything will be fine, and Anon will be there.
  59. >He has to.
  61. >Celestia looks over the report.
  62. >She passes few glances over to the squad.
  63. >Soarin shuffles in his position nervously.
  64. >Shining is rather quiet, staring onto the floor.
  65. >She sighs.
  66. >Two guardsmen were lost that day.
  67. >Anonymous…
  68. >Cadance- how will she take the news?
  69. >”Shining Armor.” She finally speaks. “Is this true?”
  70. >He nods.
  71. >”Is the threat dealt with?”
  72. >Another nod.
  73. >Celestia sighs and rubs her temples.
  74. >First day, and it all goes to hell.
  75. >”Shining, since you were the second in command, you will assume the role of the captain for now. I need to… look into matters.”
  76. >”HIM?” Soarin shouts.
  77. >”He’s the bucker who got Anon killed in the first place! He messed it all up! He will never be captain!”
  78. >”Are you questioning my choice, Soarin?” Celestia stares at him.
  79. >”You know what?” He takes off his helmet, and throws it to the ground.
  80. >”I fucking quit. I don’t want to take orders from that kind of pony.”
  81. >Soarin quickly walks out.
  82. >He, like his friend before, needed a drink.
  84. >”What happened, Soarin?” The mare asked.
  85. >”Shining Armor happened. That idiot mucked it all up.”
  86. >He slammed the glass to the counter.
  87. >Its contents waved about.
  88. >”You know, Soarin, if you’re still looking for a job…”
  89. >”I’ll take it. The Wonderbolts?”
  90. >”Yep.”
  91. >”Anon would have laughed at that.” Soarin sinks into his seat.
  92. >Spitfire raised her own glass.
  93. >”For Anonymous.”
  94. >Soarin smiled weakly, doing the same.
  95. >”For Anonymous.”
  96. >They clinked their glass.
  98. >Twilight woke up early that day, facing the sunlight.
  99. >Anon would be here today.
  100. >She quickly packed her things, put on her bag, and set out.
  101. >Anon is here, he would be waiting.
  102. >He would be there on his special spot, waiting for her.
  103. >With a bag full of candy.
  104. >She ran, and ran some more.
  105. >There she saw it, the tree.
  106. >But… No Anon.
  107. >Twilight sat by the tree, resting her head on the empty spot Anon used to sit.
  108. >She sat there silently, as the day rolled on.
  109. >She soon found herself sobbing.
  110. >”No.” Twilight muttered. “He would be here.”
  111. >Then the day went on, and sun set.
  112. >She finally let it all out.
  113. >She cried, sobbing loudly.
  114. >She tore at the books, the ones Anon gave to her.
  115. >And then her mane.
  116. >Its usual bookish looks were messed like a bird’s nest.
  117. >She felt so much anger.
  118. >Why did he have to leave like that? After the promise?
  119. >When he got back, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.
  120. >… If he ever came back.
  121. >That’s what Mom said, right?
  122. >Twilight recalled the insignia.
  124. >Higher-up History, Vol. 35.
  126. >”After the general’s death, an apologetic letter bearing the seal…”
  127. >No, that can’t be true.
  128. >Twilight smiled madly, and tried laughing.
  130. >… He will, right?
  131. >He was still her BBBFF.
  132. >Twilight sniffled again, and stared to the orange sky.
  133. >Anon would make her watch the sunset right now, and ruffle her mane.
  134. >She missed that.
  135. >”Twilight?” a familiar worried voice calls from her back.
  136. >Cadance runs up to Twilight, holding her in a hug.
  137. >”I was so worried when I heard-“
  138. >She looked down to the filly, who silently looked up, with glazed eyes.
  139. >She sniffled once, and then frowned.
  140. >She looked down to the ground, defeated.
  141. >Cadance silently sat next to Twilight, gently caressing her and fixing Twilight’s messy mane.
  142. >”Oh Twilight, you sometimes end up really tardy.”
  143. >”Tardy?”
  144. >Cadance combed Twilight’s mane, wearing a small smile on her face.
  145. >Twilight could see the sadness on Cadance too.
  146. >”Cadance, is Anon dead?”
  147. >Her foal-sitter jumps at this.
  148. >”How did you-“
  149. >”I’ve read some history books.”
  150. >”Is he?”
  151. >Cadance hesitated.
  152. >”N-no, he isn’t.”
  153. >Cadance sighed.
  154. >”Anon is out there somewhere, Twilight, he is. And I’m sure one day; he’ll come back to us.”
  155. >Twilight looked to her in wonder.
  156. >”Really?”
  157. >Cadance gave her a sad smile.
  158. >”Yes, one day.”
  159. >Cadance gave Twilight a soft hug, and watched the sunset with her.
  161. >It’s what Anon would do.
  164. >Somewhere in the borders of Equestria, a lone wanderer passes through a road.
  165. >It is difficult to make out any details due to the traveler’s attire, which covered them head to foot.
  166. >A long horn poked out of the hood, betraying the anonymity.
  167. >In a distance, hung a small lamp, shaking in the wind.
  168. >The traveler rushed to the light, running with new-found vigor.
  169. >In the shrubbery and the foliage, several minotaurs lie and wait for their next prey.
  170. >They notice the traveler, and rush out immediately.
  171. >The plan is simple; scare them out of their wits.
  172. >Take their money.
  173. >End of the job.
  174. >But this traveler is a tough one.
  175. >He flares up and goes into a combat stance.
  176. >The long horn glows in a lime green light.
  177. >The minotaurs stop, not because they want to.
  178. >This pony is good.
  179. >’He’ shakes the hood off, revealing the ethereal pastel mane.
  180. >The white head stands firm.
  181. >”You will take me to the Apothecary.” Commands Celestia.
  183. >Their camp spawned across the trees, some actually on the trees.
  184. >Many different kinds of creatures lurked the area, often arguing in the market.
  185. >This was a small city, Celestia thought.
  186. >She was led by a single minotaur, who as he passed, often threw obscene insults at the mercs.
  187. >Celestia flinched at the grime and dirt in this area.
  188. >And the hive of villainy, that too.
  189. >Celestia was led into a small house built into a massive tree.
  190. >She should take note of this design.
  191. >Maybe she can try it out later, in case of emergencies.
  193. >Celestia heard of whispers, a human, out here, helping the sick and wounded.
  194. >They called him the ‘Apothecary’.
  195. >Celestia just followed the story after the story, leading to this point.
  196. >Some stories had an ounce of truth in them.
  197. >She entered the tree-house, instantly being greeted by the gruesome sight of the wounded.
  198. >She winced at the smell of blood in the air.
  199. >She then turned her attention to the figure by the bloody chair.
  200. >”Well, I never expected a princess to be here.”
  201. >She knows that voice.
  202. >”Anonymous.” She speaks.
  203. >The figure stops.
  204. >”I haven’t heard that name in a while.”
  205. >The figure shifts, and Celestia hears a creak.
  206. >You move to the light, showing yourself.
  207. >You would open your arms wide and give hug or something, but that’s just silly.
  208. >You don’t even own an arm now.
  209. >That’s a sore spot.
  210. >Literally.
  212. >Groups of minotaurs converge on the pile of rocks.
  213. >The leader, points to the center, and the minotaurs follow.
  214. >They start struggling with the largest boulder.
  215. >They manage to hold it up, and throw it to the side.
  216. >Bright light floods your vision.
  217. >You try to move, only to be greeted by aching all over.
  218. >You couldn’t feel your legs.
  219. >You raise your bloodied hand to block out the sun.
  220. >You slowly lift your head and look down.
  221. >You find your body covered in a weak blue aura.
  222. >Well, looks like all those classes paid off.
  223. >One minotaur jumps to your side, and examines you.
  224. >He gives you a sad glance.
  225. >”Help me up.” You say, putting up your left arm.
  226. >Instead, you only find a bloody stump where your forearm should be.
  227. >”Shit.” You mutter.
  228. >You try to stand.
  229. >You realize another thing.
  230. >Where the hell is your right leg?
  232. >You rest your wooden limb on the wall.
  233. >”And that is how I ended up here.”
  234. >”Why didn’t you come back?”
  235. >You shrug.
  236. >”Everyone assumed I was dead, so better keep it that way.”
  237. >You sigh.
  238. >It has been- what- two years?
  239. >Everyone moved on.
  240. >No need to re-open old wounds.
  241. >”But, Cadance misses you greatly, Twilight too.”
  242. >You raise a brow.
  243. >”I thought they all assumed I was dead?”
  244. >”That doesn’t stop them from missing you.”
  245. >You pause.
  246. >You feel for your left arm, which you often covered.
  247. >”Sure, why not.”
  249. >You sit in the royal carriage once again, truly excited once again.
  250. >Back from the dead, that would be a pleasant surprise for everyone.
  251. >Wonder what you missed.
  252. >Celestia tells you of Shining’s promotion, Soarin’s withdrawal, his inclusion to the Wonderbolts and so on.
  253. >Shiny, a captain?
  254. >No wonder Soarin quit.
  255. >You look out the window and see the city in view.
  256. >You take a deep breath.
  257. >You were excited.
  258. >Excited to see Cadance again.
  259. >”Does it hurt?” Celestia asks you, worried expression still on her face.
  260. >”What, the arm?” You say, putting up the nub.
  261. >She nods.
  262. >”Not really, you’ll get used to it.”
  263. >You give a warm smile.
  264. >”It itches sometimes, though.”
  265. >Celestia fakes one back, still staring at your missing arm.
  266. >You ignore the stares and look out again.
  267. >It’s been a while since you have had the warm sunlight in your face.
  268. >It would have cost you an arm or a leg.
  269. >Okay, that was rubbish.
  271. >As soon as the carriage lands, you jump out.
  272. >Well, jumping out wasn’t a very good word.
  273. >You had your own wooden leg to support you-
  274. >You were used to it, but it still slowed you down.
  275. >It just doesn’t feel the same.
  276. >You slowly limp into the castle, as Celestia tries to catch up with you.
  277. >She does so with ease, but she doesn’t do anything else.
  278. >At least that’s what you thought, since you were so absorbed in the ‘run’.
  279. >You thought staying dead would be the best for everyone, but Celestia has a way of making it best for you.
  280. >You know the paths; you’ve been here so many times.
  281. >Past the gardens, past the kitchen, past the main hall, past the throne room, and follow the corridors.
  282. >And there she was, always sitting in that position.
  283. >It was your special spot, the balcony that overlooked Canterlot.
  284. >Cadance and you used to spend hours here, just talking.
  286. >And maybe more.
  288. >And there she was, alone, no soul to comfort her.
  289. >You silently make your way, intending to surprise her.
  290. >Suddenly another pony comes into view.
  291. >In the trademark golden armor- the one you used to wear.
  292. >Not directly, pony-sizes aren’t yours.
  293. >He removes the helmet, revealing the wavy blue mane.
  294. >Shining Armor.
  295. >He goes to sit next to Cadance, on your old seat.
  296. >Then Cadance rests her head on him.
  297. >You stop.
  299. >They moved on.
  301. >A chill runs through your chest, and you clutch it.
  302. >”At least you’re happy.” You whisper, turning around.
  303. >No need to jump in and ruin everything again.
  304. >You wipe your tears, and leave.
  305. >The dead should stay dead.
  307. >You sit in the familiar room, on the familiar bed.
  308. >You carefully run your fingers through the two lockets on the bed stand.
  309. >It was yours and hers.
  310. >You bring them together.
  311. >They stick once again, but Cadance’s stopped glowing.
  312. >You remove the string from your piece, and fuse the locket together.
  313. >You remove all of the enchantments, and take the locket with you.
  315. >”Celestia.” You call.
  316. >”I’m sorry Anonymous.”
  317. >”It’s fine.”
  318. >You sit on the grass, enjoying the cool mountain air.
  319. >”You know,” you start. “This was where we had our first kiss.”
  320. >”Oh?” Celestia comes and sits next to you.
  321. >You limp over to the pond.
  322. >You look at your reflection, seeing the shadow of your former self.
  323. >”Something is missing.” You whisper.
  324. >You turn to the rose hedge behind you, and pluck out the reddest rose.
  325. >You return to the pond, and gently place it on the water.
  326. >”There, perfect.” You whisper again, wiping a tear.
  327. >Celestia comes and places a hoof on your shoulder.
  328. >”Celestia, I need to ask you to do something.”
  329. >”Anything, Anon.”
  330. >”But before that, I need to do one more thing.”
  331. >You say, feeling the gift you saved so long.
  333. >You stand outside of the school.
  334. >Twilight graduated from the kindergarten, and now, she’s a primary magic student.
  335. >She’s in class 1B, just like you.
  336. >She’s great with telekinesis and teleportation, just like you.
  337. >She comes out kicking the door, just like you.
  338. >You couldn’t be more proud.
  339. >You stand there, arms ‘crossed’, waiting.
  340. >Twilight comes out alone, holding a saddle bag full of books.
  341. >She looks around carefully, before continuing her path.
  342. >She then sees you.
  343. >You smirk, and open your arms wide.
  344. >She pauses, mouth agape.
  345. >”Anon?”
  346. >You nod, still smiling.
  347. >Her eyes wet, and she immediately runs up to you.
  348. >You hold her in your still attached arm.
  349. >She’s still light, just as you remember.
  350. >She sobs into your chest, and hugs you tightly.
  351. >Her small legs can only cover your chest, but still, it’s the thought.
  352. >You also squeeze tight.
  353. >The two of you hold this position for a few minutes.
  354. >”I thought you were dead!” She speaks through her sobs.
  355. >You set her down.
  356. >You ruffle her mane, and see her smile again.
  357. >”I missed you doing that.” She wipes her tears.
  358. >”Bet no other pony can do the same?” You ask.
  359. >”Yep!”
  360. >Twilight goes and goes to punch your leg.
  361. >”Hey! Where’s the-“
  362. >You hold up your large bag.
  363. >”Candy?” You ask.
  364. >The two of you read each other like a book.
  366. >You sit in your spot again, lying with Twilight.
  367. >She rests her head on your lap again, just like before.
  368. >She’s also filled on the candy.
  369. >”I always came back to this place, Anon.”
  370. >She rolls her eyes to meet yours.
  371. >”I could never forget you.”
  372. >You smile, and ruffle her mane.
  373. >A single tear converges on the corner of your eyes.
  374. >She couldn’t be any more wrong.
  375. >”Wait!” Twilight shoots up.
  376. >”It’s almost eight! I need to be home by eight! Exactly!”
  377. >”Really? Mom got really tight now?”
  378. >”No! I’ll get tardy! I can’t be late, Anon, bad things happen when you’re late.”
  379. >You feel tears in your corner again.
  381. >You were late.
  383. >”So, you have to go now?” You ask, feeling for your own bag.
  384. >”Yeah! You have to say hi to mom again!”
  385. >”Sorry Twilight, but Celestia wants my report right away.”
  386. >You take out the aged package.
  387. >”Hey, I was going to give you two years ago.”
  388. >”For me?” Twilight eyes the faded purple of the gift.
  389. >You slowly open it.
  390. >you hand her the doll.
  391. >”It’s the one you wanted last time we met. What was his name…”
  392. >”Mr. Smarty Pants!” Twilight shouts.
  393. >You smile again.
  394. >”And here’s the bonus things that came with it.”
  395. >You hand over the quill and the notebook.
  396. >Twilight immediately pockets them in her bag.
  397. >She comes and gives you another hug.
  398. >”Hey, Twilight.”
  399. >”Yeah?”
  400. >”Can you promise me one thing?”
  401. >”Hm?”
  402. >”Will Mr. Smarty Pants be your best friend if I’m not here?”
  403. >”Always.” She responds, digging in to your chest.
  404. >”Always.” You echo.
  405. >”Well, it’s time to go! See you tomorrow, Anon!”
  406. >Twilight jumps and starts running home.
  407. >”Goodbye, Twilight!” You shout after her.
  408. >She turns one more time, and comes back for another hug.
  409. >You ruffle her mane once more.
  410. >”Goodbye, Anon, I love you.”
  411. >You feel a tear running down your cheeks.
  412. >”I love you too, Twilight.” You whisper.
  413. >You give her a light kiss on the forehead, and let her go.
  414. >She smiles to you, and continues her path.
  415. >”Good bye.”
  416. >You whisper.
  418. >”Forever.”
  420. >You kiss the locket, and then throw it into the abyss.
  421. >It made its slow descent into the darkness.
  422. >You turn to Celestia.
  423. >”Do it.” You order.
  424. >She nods, and activates her magic.
  425. >A large boom is heard, and a large wave of lime green magic booms from your position to every direction.
  426. >It sweeps through the castle, washing through the guards.
  427. >Washing through Cadance.
  428. >She blinks, and turns to Shining.
  429. >He looks to her, and she stares back.
  430. >Her tears stop, and she smiles to him.
  431. >The only stallion she ever loved…
  433. >The boom goes to the airfield.
  434. >Soarin, living up to his name in the air, feels the magic gets past him.
  435. >He pauses for a while, and then continues.
  436. >For a reason, this was the fastest he ever went.
  437. >As if some weight was lifted off him.
  439. >Twilight reached her house door, kicking it open.
  440. >”Mom!” She calls.
  441. >The magic sweeps over her, and into the house.
  442. >”Yes?” Her mother pokes her head out.
  443. >Twilight pauses.
  444. >What was she going to say?
  445. >”Hey, where did you get the doll?” Her mother asks.
  446. >Twilight turns to the doll.
  447. >Where did she get it?
  448. >”What’s it for, Twilight?”
  449. >Twilight looks to her mother, and smiles.
  450. >”This? This is Smarty Pants. And he is my best friend! Like a brother!”
  452. >You sigh, and look over to the horizon.
  453. >Everyone forgot you ever existed.
  454. >Celestia looks to you sadly.
  455. >”What are you going to do now?” Celestia asks.
  456. >”Me? Just getting rid of the final loose end.” You say, smiling widely again.
  457. >As if all of the weight is lifted off you.
  458. >You slowly back away, and walk.
  459. >Your body slowly glows in a soft hue of white.
  460. >It consumes you.
  461. >You ignore it, still walking.
  462. >The top of your head and your tip of your limb slowly dissipate.
  463. >White particles leave you.
  464. >As you disappear one more time, you smile widely one more.
  465. >Then you are no more.
  467. >That day, Canterlot had the most pure snow.
  468. >Cadance gasped, as she saw the snow, something stirred within her.
  469. >Soon, she forgot, as she crossed her neck with Shining’s.
  470. >She had him for comfort and to enjoy the view.
  472. >Twilight was reading her new best friend a story, when the snow came.
  473. >She went on to describe the possibilities of the snow happening to her friend.
  474. >And like the good friend he is, he listened.
  475. >Maybe it is better if it was a girl, Twilight thought.
  476. >Twilight always wanted another sister.
  478. >You blanket the two most important mares in your life, your love for the two seeping unconsciously.
  480. >”I’ll watch over you, forever.” You whisper.
  483. >The changelings grew tired again.
  484. >The strange substance that coated the lower levels of the mountain finally ran out of its power.
  485. >The queen looked to the locket, hanging in the caves.
  486. >She would feast on the love there, but something protected it.
  487. >She had plans to leave the caverns anyway…
  489. >Once reunited with the real Cadance, Twilight desperately searched the way out.
  490. >Then, she saw it.
  491. >A small glimmer of light.
  492. >She followed it, and found the way out.
  493. >Your old locket still hung there, brightly reflecting the dying sunlight.
  494. >It still radiated your care for her.
  495. >Care.
  496. >For a friend…
  497. >No, more than friends.
  499. >It was your last act of love.
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