

May 11th, 2016
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  1. [1:03:56 PM] Bria: alright, sir.
  2. [1:04:14 PM] Bria: what's this about
  3. [1:05:17 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria. You're bad. I'll put it that way. This is me looking at it that way
  4. [1:05:25 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I don't need to hear I don't know nothing. I know what I see
  5. [1:05:43 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): This isn't an/wasn't an invitation
  6. [1:05:44 PM] Bria: I'm still confused as to what you're talking about
  7. [1:05:45 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): to change that
  8. [1:05:50 PM] Bria: and no, I know.
  9. [1:05:51 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): If you're confused. Be confused.
  10. [1:06:09 PM] Bria: but in the end, we don't talk like that
  11. [1:06:12 PM] Bria: I don't know you.
  12. [1:06:16 PM] Bria: and you don't me.
  13. [1:06:18 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria
  14. [1:06:19 PM] Bria: and that's cool.
  15. [1:06:21 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you're doing it
  16. [1:06:31 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): refer to
  17. [1:06:34 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): 'I know what I see'
  18. [1:06:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): consider
  19. [1:06:39 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): your time prior
  20. [1:06:49 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): on eternia.
  21. [1:06:59 PM] Bria: i mean.
  22. [1:07:06 PM] Bria: hmm.
  23. [1:07:07 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): there is no ' I mean' here
  24. [1:07:09 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): at all.
  25. [1:07:09 PM] Bria: i really don't know.
  26. [1:07:12 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): There is something I say
  27. [1:07:21 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that Dante is trying to pretend i'd hide
  28. [1:07:24 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): like I give a shit
  29. [1:07:33 PM] Bria: i mean.
  30. [1:07:37 PM] Bria: again, it's cool.
  31. [1:07:41 PM] Bria: shit's not gonna change.
  32. [1:07:44 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I called you a ho. he heard. I don't need a nigga to fish for shit like that when I can say it myself
  33. [1:07:46 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Yeah.
  34. [1:08:06 PM] Bria: i don't think i'm a ho.
  35. [1:08:09 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that's fine
  36. [1:08:11 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I think you are
  37. [1:08:14 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): it's that simple
  38. [1:08:17 PM] Bria: and that's cool.
  39. [1:08:28 PM] Bria: but why you have to come at me like that for no reason.
  40. [1:08:30 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): posting it in there
  41. [1:08:33 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I didn't
  42. [1:08:33 PM] Bria: i don't know.
  43. [1:08:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): he did
  44. [1:08:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): but hold on
  45. [1:08:38 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): posting it
  46. [1:08:41 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I don't like silly shit.
  47. [1:14:51 PM] Bria: Okay so.
  48. [1:14:57 PM] Bria: You're talking about RPs.
  49. [1:15:05 PM] Bria: But that's all you got.
  50. [1:15:17 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Exactly!
  51. [1:15:22 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I said refer to your time on eternia
  52. [1:15:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): my god
  53. [1:15:24 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): what.
  54. [1:15:28 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria. It's not a issue
  55. [1:15:30 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): it really isn't.
  56. [1:15:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Do you know how often you come up?
  57. [1:15:45 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Once in a very blue moon
  58. [1:15:47 PM] Bria: Not very.
  59. [1:15:50 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that's been appearing more, and more
  60. [1:15:52 PM] Bria: And that's okay.
  61. [1:15:53 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): as dante isinvolved
  62. [1:16:04 PM] Bria: I'm not B-rated.
  63. [1:16:09 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I don't need you to go on some power tip: vary not even important, but you stressing this
  64. [1:16:10 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Chill
  65. [1:16:18 PM] Bria: i can't.
  66. [1:16:19 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): You are a friend. I do not think much of you though sometimes
  67. [1:16:22 PM] Bria: you cannot pay me to care.
  68. [1:16:28 PM] Bria: so why you even bringing this up.
  69. [1:16:32 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I DIDN'T
  70. [1:16:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that nigga dante did
  71. [1:16:38 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and I confirmed it
  72. [1:16:41 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that's all I did
  73. [1:16:45 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): i don't need you to think i'm a liar
  74. [1:16:46 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): the fuck
  75. [1:16:52 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): i don't need to lie to anyone here
  76. [1:17:06 PM] Bria: okay.
  77. [1:17:11 PM] Bria: so dante said i was a ho
  78. [1:17:12 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): i don't care. what i say is what i say. you over here seeking to try, and subtlely come at dudes afterwards
  79. [1:17:14 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria
  80. [1:17:15 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): look
  81. [1:17:16 PM] Bria: and you were confirming
  82. [1:17:17 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): no no
  83. [1:17:21 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): okay.
  84. [1:17:22 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): listen
  85. [1:17:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): god damn
  86. [1:17:25 PM] Bria: that's what i'm confused about.
  87. [1:17:28 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): No.
  88. [1:17:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Dante said I called you a ho
  89. [1:17:36 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I have
  90. [1:17:44 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): this isn't a reoccurring thing
  91. [1:17:53 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): this doesn't mean i didn't believe it when i said it
  92. [1:17:57 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): or that it was said once
  93. [1:18:10 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): whenever Dante act like he the shit, and talk of you
  94. [1:18:31 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): i can just bring up redi, and kale and say 'she kinda a ho, and you not shit for bagging her, bruh'
  95. [1:18:36 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): this is the context.
  96. [1:19:12 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Anyways. explaining it- what that was in chat. That'snot an insul-- it is, but it's not me opening up for insults
  97. [1:19:29 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): it's my thoughts. why i can say ' my friend bria a ho.' and believe it
  98. [1:19:49 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): How you might say 'vary not important' and believe it because all I do is talk shit over the internet, and i don't actually associate with you
  99. [1:20:02 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that's fair. it's the way we view things. so chill
  100. [1:20:38 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Consider what you did to make me come to that, and just leave it be. I still say you a friend- it's not that critical, and i'm not out to ruin your name. You do that enough for yourself if what i see in these chats means anything
  101. [1:20:48 PM] Bria: i can just bring up redi, and kale and say 'she kinda a ho, and you not shit for bagging her, bruh'excuse me.
  102. [1:20:55 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria
  103. [1:20:56 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): CHILL
  104. [1:20:59 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): it's mainly
  105. [1:21:05 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): no. purely
  106. [1:21:06 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): to upset dude
  107. [1:21:09 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that shit be funny
  108. [1:22:37 PM] Bria: okay.
  109. [1:23:01 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): okay. You good?
  110. [1:24:47 PM] Bria: Not really.
  111. [1:24:51 PM] Bria: Like.
  112. [1:24:56 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Look.
  113. [1:24:58 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): We can talk about it
  114. [1:25:07 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I'm not actually gonna care, but I'm considerate.
  115. [1:25:10 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and if it bothers you that much
  116. [1:25:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): yeah, sure- I apologize. I don't care though.
  117. [1:25:29 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Vent away though
  118. [1:26:23 PM] Bria: I mean.
  119. [1:26:26 PM] Bria: Like I said.
  120. [1:26:30 PM] Bria: I could ignore you.
  121. [1:26:39 PM] Bria: But I asked to see what information you had.
  122. [1:26:42 PM] Bria: What logs you had.
  123. [1:27:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Erm.. you didn't say all that
  124. [1:27:29 PM] Bria: No one would let me talk.
  125. [1:27:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): but logs for what? This is all memory Bri--- Talk now then
  126. [1:27:45 PM] Bria: That's it.
  127. [1:27:55 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Okay.
  128. [1:27:56 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): We done then?
  129. [1:27:59 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): If so. . .
  130. [1:28:35 PM] Bria: Logs to back up your claims.
  131. [1:28:40 PM] Bria: And what you're saying.
  132. [1:28:55 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria.
  133. [1:28:59 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I'm not going to play a game
  134. [1:29:04 PM] Bria: It's not a game.
  135. [1:29:07 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): where i go to find things from your dealings with dudes
  136. [1:29:08 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): okay.
  137. [1:29:12 PM] Bria: I'm a factual person.
  138. [1:29:19 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): We were in chats together. --- If you're a factual person
  139. [1:29:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): are you saying you and redi
  140. [1:29:25 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): or you, and kale
  141. [1:29:26 PM] Bria: You say I'm a ho? Cool. Show me logs.
  142. [1:29:30 PM] Bria: but other than that.
  143. [1:29:33 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you sound like Dante
  144. [1:29:37 PM] Bria: You can't expect me to take it serious.
  145. [1:29:39 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): 'you don't got the proof, so it didn't happen'
  146. [1:29:45 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): if you know what i'm leaning towards
  147. [1:29:46 PM] Bria: And in the end.
  148. [1:29:49 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and why i think you a ho
  149. [1:29:51 PM] Bria: Why should I take it serious?
  150. [1:29:52 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): keyword being I
  151. [1:29:56 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you shouldn't.
  152. [1:30:04 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I keep saying this is what i think
  153. [1:30:08 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): from what I've seen
  154. [1:30:11 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and maybe heard
  155. [1:30:16 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): but i'm avoiding that
  156. [1:30:32 PM] Bria: Right.
  157. [1:30:33 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): because then others get involved. it turns into they said this, he said that
  158. [1:30:36 PM] Bria: What you've seen.
  159. [1:30:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): so
  160. [1:30:39 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): we done?
  161. [1:30:39 PM] Bria: And what you heard.
  162. [1:30:57 PM] Bria: Okay, so let me see if I got this right.
  163. [1:31:02 PM] Bria: Before it's dropped.
  164. [1:31:07 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Nope.
  165. [1:31:09 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria.
  166. [1:31:11 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): scroll up
  167. [1:31:14 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and through that chat
  168. [1:31:16 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): right now
  169. [1:31:18 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): all your answers
  170. [1:31:20 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): are there
  171. [1:31:20 PM] Bria: Vary.
  172. [1:31:21 PM] Bria: Hold on.
  173. [1:31:24 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): No.
  174. [1:31:25 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria.
  175. [1:31:27 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): You said you were done
  176. [1:31:28 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): my god
  177. [1:31:28 PM] Bria: Let me see if I get this.
  178. [1:31:31 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): stop
  179. [1:31:33 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): no
  180. [1:31:34 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): You got it.
  181. [1:31:36 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Listen
  182. [1:31:39 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Scroll
  183. [1:31:39 PM] Bria: Do I?
  184. [1:31:40 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): up.
  185. [1:31:41 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): now.
  186. [1:31:43 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and read it
  187. [1:31:51 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): S C R O L L U P
  188. [1:32:00 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): stop typing. Do that.
  189. [1:32:01 PM] Bria: You're saying that Dante gasses himself, and acts like he's important.
  190. [1:32:17 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I'm not saying
  191. [1:32:22 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I see this man ruin himself daily
  192. [1:32:27 PM] Bria: So, to combat that, you say I'm nothing but a B-grade ho.
  193. [1:32:31 PM] Bria: To knock him down.
  194. [1:32:32 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): what
  195. [1:32:32 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): no
  196. [1:32:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that was
  197. [1:32:42 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Bria
  198. [1:32:42 PM] Bria: Okay, so I still don't get it.
  199. [1:32:45 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): hold on
  200. [1:33:19 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): No.
  201. Dante said I called you a ho
  202. I have
  203. this isn't a reoccurring thing
  204. this doesn't mean i didn't believe it when i said it
  205. or that it was said once
  206. whenever Dante act like he the shit, and talk of you
  207. [1:33:29 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): as often as Dante gasses himself
  208. [1:33:32 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you not mentioned by me
  209. [1:33:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that much
  210. [1:33:42 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): twice maybe, three times?
  211. [1:33:47 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): let's give the benefit of the doubt
  212. [1:33:50 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): say it's atleast five
  213. [1:33:57 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you are not fuel
  214. [1:34:01 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): for what anyone can do to him
  215. [1:34:07 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you are not constantly thrown
  216. [1:34:11 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): out there as a B-Rate ho
  217. [1:34:16 PM] Bria: Okay, okay. So, Dante said you called me a ho, and to reinforce that you're not sneaky, or two-faced, you decided to prove it to him.
  218. [1:34:26 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): you are never classified as such, up until today in RNEC when you asked for thoughts, answers
  219. [1:34:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): so i gave what i actually think, and what i didn't say to anyone else
  220. [1:34:44 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): No Bria
  221. [1:34:44 PM] Bria: Okay, okay. So, Dante said you called me a ho, and to reinforce that you're not sneaky, or two-faced, you decided to prove it to him.
  222. [1:34:55 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I did it because it's a small issue. It's what I think!
  223. [1:34:57 PM] Bria: Oh, wait.
  224. [1:35:01 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): It is. What. I. Think.
  225. [1:35:01 PM] Bria: I see what you typed.
  226. [1:35:14 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): You just said it don't matter.
  227. [1:35:19 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): so i'm going to believe that
  228. [1:35:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): because none of the shit matters.
  229. [1:35:28 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): opinions are opinions
  230. [1:35:30 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): now please
  231. [1:35:32 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): scroll the fuck up
  232. [1:35:32 PM] Bria: Here's my thing.
  233. [1:35:34 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): and read it all
  234. [1:35:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): no
  235. [1:35:36 PM] Bria: I read it.
  236. [1:35:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): read it all
  237. [1:35:43 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): did you?
  238. [1:35:44 PM] Bria: What else do I need to read?
  239. [1:35:47 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): because you seeking answers
  240. [1:35:51 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): still
  241. [1:36:04 PM] Bria: You called me a ho because of what you think and heard.
  242. [1:36:08 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): on something that's summed up as: i think you a ho. That's just me. I also said it to Dante when he think he some shit
  243. [1:36:15 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): think, heard, saw
  244. [1:36:21 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): alright here
  245. [1:36:21 PM] Bria: Saw what?
  246. [1:36:22 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): hold on
  247. [1:36:26 PM] Bria: That's my thing.
  248. [1:36:35 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Redi to Kale, to Kwaj, to Dante, everyone in-between. Yours chars seem to be goal-oriented, but you end up strapped to dick. You complain, and complain like you're something good, but really you're nothing but a B-Grade ho at the end of the day.
  250. You go through niggas like Somo goes through pizza. To me. <---i meant this
  251. [1:36:37 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): again
  252. [1:36:40 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): with this
  253. [1:36:59 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Exactly!
  254. I said refer to your time on eternia
  255. [1:37:08 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): look
  256. [1:37:11 PM] Bria: ...
  257. [1:37:12 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): if it's not clear
  258. [1:37:22 PM] Bria: You mean ICly?
  259. [1:37:23 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): then i don't want to keep it up
  260. [1:37:35 PM] Bria: Look, man. I ain't trying to argue.
  261. [1:37:39 PM] Bria: I think I get it.
  262. [1:37:41 PM] Bria: I might not.
  263. [1:37:52 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Whether you do, or you don't
  264. [1:37:56 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): that's fine either way
  265. [1:37:58 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): I'm about to
  266. [1:38:01 PM] Bria: It's exhausting to try to look further into it.
  267. [1:38:04 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): do some shit though
  268. [1:38:13 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): so yeah. Good talk.
  269. [1:38:19 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): Not an issue.
  270. [1:38:33 PM] Bria: Not an issue.
  271. [1:38:35 PM] Bria: Right.
  272. [1:38:43 PM] Bria: I'll just ignore it next time.
  273. [1:38:58 PM] Bria: But, you know.
  274. [1:39:02 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): BIRA
  275. [1:39:06 PM] Bria: This shit keeps coming up.
  276. [1:39:08 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): STOP MESSAGING ME
  277. [1:39:15 PM] Varying (90% Stressed): this shit done with
  278. [1:39:18 PM] Bria: So, deuces.
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