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Nov 18th, 2020
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  1. root@numco:~/7i92/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/m7i92# ./mesaflash64 --device 7i92 --addr --readhmid
  2. Configuration Name: HOSTMOT2
  4. General configuration information:
  6. BoardName : MESA7I92
  7. FPGA Size: 9 KGates
  8. FPGA Pins: 144
  9. Number of IO Ports: 2
  10. Width of one I/O port: 17
  11. Clock Low frequency: 100.0000 MHz
  12. Clock High frequency: 200.0000 MHz
  13. IDROM Type: 3
  14. Instance Stride 0: 4
  15. Instance Stride 1: 64
  16. Register Stride 0: 256
  17. Register Stride 1: 256
  19. Modules in configuration:
  21. Module: DPLL
  22. There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
  23. Version: 0
  24. Registers: 7
  25. BaseAddress: 7000
  26. ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  27. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  28. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  30. Module: WatchDog
  31. There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
  32. Version: 0
  33. Registers: 3
  34. BaseAddress: 0C00
  35. ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  36. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  37. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  39. Module: IOPort
  40. There are 2 of IOPort in configuration
  41. Version: 0
  42. Registers: 5
  43. BaseAddress: 1000
  44. ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  45. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  46. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  48. Module: PWM
  49. There are 2 of PWM in configuration
  50. Version: 0
  51. Registers: 5
  52. BaseAddress: 4100
  53. ClockFrequency: 200.000 MHz
  54. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  55. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  58. Module: QCount
  59. There are 2 of QCount in configuration
  60. Version: 2
  61. Registers: 5
  62. BaseAddress: 3000
  63. ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  64. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  65. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  67. Module: StepGen
  68. There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
  69. Version: 2
  70. Registers: 10
  71. BaseAddress: 2000
  72. ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  73. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  74. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  76. Module: LED
  77. There are 1 of LED in configuration
  78. Version: 0
  79. Registers: 1
  80. BaseAddress: 0200
  81. ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  82. Register Stride: 256 bytes
  83. Instance Stride: 4 bytes
  85. Configuration pin-out:
  87. IO Connections for P2
  88. Pin# I/O Pri. func Sec. func Chan Pin func Pin Dir
  90. 1 0 IOPort None
  91. 14 1 IOPort PWM 0 PWM (Out)
  92. 2 2 IOPort StepGen 0 Step/Table1 (Out)
  93. 15 3 IOPort None
  94. 3 4 IOPort StepGen 0 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  95. 16 5 IOPort None
  96. 4 6 IOPort StepGen 1 Step/Table1 (Out)
  97. 17 7 IOPort StepGen 4 Step/Table1 (Out)
  98. 5 8 IOPort StepGen 1 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  99. 6 9 IOPort StepGen 2 Step/Table1 (Out)
  100. 7 10 IOPort StepGen 2 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  101. 8 11 IOPort StepGen 3 Step/Table1 (Out)
  102. 9 12 IOPort StepGen 3 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  103. 10 13 IOPort QCount 0 Quad-A (In)
  104. 11 14 IOPort QCount 0 Quad-B (In)
  105. 12 15 IOPort QCount 0 Quad-IDX (In)
  106. 13 16 IOPort None
  108. IO Connections for P1
  109. Pin# I/O Pri. func Sec. func Chan Pin func Pin Dir
  111. 1 17 IOPort None
  112. 14 18 IOPort PWM 1 PWM (Out)
  113. 2 19 IOPort StepGen 5 Step/Table1 (Out)
  114. 15 20 IOPort None
  115. 3 21 IOPort StepGen 5 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  116. 16 22 IOPort None
  117. 4 23 IOPort StepGen 6 Step/Table1 (Out)
  118. 17 24 IOPort StepGen 9 Step/Table1 (Out)
  119. 5 25 IOPort StepGen 6 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  120. 6 26 IOPort StepGen 7 Step/Table1 (Out)
  121. 7 27 IOPort StepGen 7 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  122. 8 28 IOPort StepGen 8 Step/Table1 (Out)
  123. 9 29 IOPort StepGen 8 Dir/Table2 (Out)
  124. 10 30 IOPort QCount 1 Quad-A (In)
  125. 11 31 IOPort QCount 1 Quad-B (In)
  126. 12 32 IOPort QCount 1 Quad-IDX (In)
  127. 13 33 IOPort None
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