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Sep 7th, 2015
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  505. <a href="#?w=300" rel="ask" class="poplight"><font color="#182a4c">•</font></a>
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  534. {block:Date}<div id="info"> <a title="{TimeAgo}" href="{Permalink}">{Month} &nbsp;{DayOfMonth}</a>
  535. {/block:Date} {block:NoteCount}&nbsp; ( <a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a> ) {/block:NoteCount}
  537. <br>{block:RebloggedFrom} <a title="{ReblogParentName}" href="{ReblogParentURL}">via</a> {/block:RebloggedFrom}{block:ContentSource} & <a title="{SourceTitle}" href="{SourceURL}">source</a>{/block:ContentSource} {/block:RebloggedFrom} </br>
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  560. <div id="rules" class="popup_block">
  561. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">Guidelines and proper conduct for all who wish to interact and rp with Patriot, I really recommend you take a look before approaching me.</p>
  562. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong>M U N:</strong></p>
  563. <blockquote style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">
  564. <p><strong><em>Name:</em></strong> Jazz/Jun</p>
  565. <p><strong><em>Age:</em> </strong>20</p>
  566. <p><strong><em>Timezone:</em> </strong>PST</p>
  567. <p><strong><em>Activity:</em> </strong>7/10; I am a full time student, I have a part time job and family obligations that keep me away at times. I do try to be around as often as I can.</p>
  568. <p><strong><em>Contact</em>:</strong> Asks and fan mail is the best way to get my attention or to reach me if you need to. For those bolder and mutuals can ask for my Skype, if they so wish.</p>
  569. </blockquote>
  570. <p><strong>BASICS:&nbsp;</strong></p>
  571. <blockquote>
  572. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Status:</em></strong>&nbsp;&rsquo;Independent&rsquo; meaning this blog does not belong to any group roleplay, but may affiliate with open groups. This blog is also &lsquo;private&rsquo; which means I will not follow for follow.</p>
  573. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Selective:</em></strong> This is in regards to who I follow back and who I choose write with. I don&rsquo;t mean to offend anyone, I simply don&rsquo;t want a cluttered dashboard. This also doesn&rsquo;t mean I won&rsquo;t roleplay with you if I don&rsquo;t follow you!</p>
  574. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Timeline:</em></strong>&nbsp;Mainverse is usually two years post-Children&rsquo;s Crusade. Eli has graduated from Pinnacle High School and moved back to start his first semester at Long Island University.</p>
  575. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Icons:</em> </strong>All the comic cropped ones belong to me, some will be bordered and some will be not due to the little time I have. Please do not take them. Eli&rsquo;s face claim icons will be credited properly though.</p>
  576. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Content:</em></strong> NSFW and violent elements will be RPed or mentioned, I will do my best to tag everything but please let me know if something makes you uncomfortable and I will tag it.</p>
  577. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong>Open starters/Greeters:</strong> I usually write both but starts more than greeters sometimes when I can&rsquo;t keep up with new followers. If some starts are tagged with &lsquo;mutuals preferred&rsquo; then that usually is directed to people who know for sure that I&rsquo;m following them and that they are following me back. Honestly open starters not just directed to a certain number of people.</p>
  578. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><em><strong>Smut:</strong> </em>I will not always have the time or patience to RP out a whole thread of it. If a thread reaches that point of time then I would prefer to fade to black or classic fast forward to the morning/time after. Though I do take my partners&rsquo; thoughts into consideration.</p>
  579. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Shipping:</em></strong>&nbsp;In retrospect I like to base shipping off mutual interest and chemistry. Just come to me if you feel something going on between our characters or might be. I love to talk it over.</p>
  580. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Multiverse</em>:</strong> Verse page is located on the navi.</p>
  581. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Crossovers:</em> </strong>Yes. This depends on how well I know the base work your blog is set in.&nbsp;There are certain fandoms I will NOT RP with, such as: MLP, SuperWhoLock, Homestuck, any fandom I am not familiar with.</p>
  582. <p style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"><strong><em>Respect:</em></strong> I&rsquo;m always respectful and friendly to my followers but if you&rsquo;re not to me or other rpers then I won&rsquo;t rp with you and will unfollow you.</p>
  583. </blockquote>
  589. </div>
  591. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  592. <div id="about" class="popup_block">
  593. <p><strong>Name:</strong> Elijah Isaiah Bradley<br /><strong>Aliases:</strong>&nbsp;Patriot, Eli, Soldier Boy, Bucky, Cap, Jr., Junior<br /><strong>Birth date:&nbsp;</strong><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">August 11, 1994<br /></span><strong>Age:</strong> Pre/Post-CC (17), Mainverse (20), MCU (18-21).<br /><strong>Gender:</strong> Male<br /><strong>Hair:</strong> Black, shaven.<br /><strong>Eyes:</strong> Brown<br /><strong>Height:</strong> 5&rsquo; 11"<br /><strong>Body:</strong>&nbsp;Athletic, fit.<br /><strong>Faceclaim: </strong>Eli Goree and Robbie Jones (secondary)</p>
  594. <p><strong>Education:</strong></p>
  595. <ul>
  596. <li><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Bronx High School of Science (attended grades 9-10)</span></li>
  597. <li><span style="line-height: 1.4;"> Pinnacle High School (alumni),&nbsp;</span></li>
  598. <li><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Long Island&nbsp;</span>University<span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp;(current student)</span></li>
  599. </ul>
  600. <p><strong>Marital Status: </strong>Single<strong><br />Sexuality:&nbsp;</strong>Demisexual<br /><strong>Nationality:</strong> African-American<br /><strong>Occupation:</strong>&nbsp;Student, hero.</p>
  601. <p><strong>Abilities:</strong></p>
  602. <ul>
  603. <li>Enhanced strength, speed, durability and agility.</li>
  604. <li>Capable hand-to-hand combatant.</li>
  605. <li>Basic firearms and throwing projectile training.</li>
  606. <li>Heightened Senses</li>
  607. <li>Parkour</li>
  608. <li>Fair strategist and leader.</li>
  609. </ul>
  610. <p><strong>Affiliations:</strong> Young Avengers (formerly), The Runaways (formerly), The Avengers (formerly).</p>
  611. <p><strong>Family:&nbsp;</strong><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">Isaiah Bradley (grandfather); Faith Bradley (grandmother); Gail (maternal great-grandmother, deceased); Sarah Gail Bradley (mother); unnamed father, Josiah al hajj Saddiq (uncle), Stephanie Bradley (sister) Litigious Bradley (brother), unnamed stepfather and two unnamed sisters</span></p>
  612. <p><strong>History<span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">:</span></strong></p>
  613. <blockquote>
  614. <p><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">Born in the Bronx, New York as the third oldest child of Sarah Bradley and second grandson of Isaiah Bradley; Eli grew up on stories of his supposed famous grandfather. To him then that&rsquo;s all they had been. Stories. Myths. Legends. Instead of idolizing his grandfather he felt nothing but shame after what the country had done to Isaiah and his family. His dislike toward the red, white and blue clad hero stemmed his outspoken and brash personality.</span></p>
  615. <p>When his mother remarried and moved his two youngest sisters to Arizona, he was allowed to stay to finish school in New York with his grandparents. His attitude toward his grandfather didn&rsquo;t change until one day Isaiah single handedly took out three neighborhood bullies who had constantly harassed Eli and Isaiah. It was then did he decided he wanted to be just like his Isaiah and follow his footsteps to be a hero. With Iron Lad&rsquo;s appearance he saw his chance. But with his stature he knew he had to get some help himself. Finding no other solution he began using MGH (Mutant Growth Hormones) that gave him super soldier abilities.</p>
  616. <p><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">Eventually the duo began to grow into a full blown team dubbed as the Young Avengers. The team began doing their best to protect New York, becoming an established and well known name around the city. Among dealing with countless hardships the team faced Eli managed to kick his drug usage after gaining true super soldier abilities by a blood transfusion from his grandfather. He even started dating fellow YA teammate Kate Bishop (Hawkeye).</span></p>
  617. <p><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">With the victories also came loses. During a confrontation with Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom, Cassie Lang (Stature) was killed in action by Doom. In the aftermath of this event a distraught Eli hung up his mask and eventually moved to rejoin his family in Arizona.</span></p>
  618. <p><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">Two years later, he tried to make his peace with his guilt for stopping the Scarlet Witch and Cassie&rsquo;s death. The former hero couldn&rsquo;t escape his past, from the Internet to TV news it was filled with nothing but familiar faces. In the end he decided to keep updated on his friends and found some relieve in knowing most of them were doing well without him.</span></p>
  619. <p><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;"></span><span style="line-height: 21.7777786254883px;">After much consideration Eli decided to transfer from the local community college to attend Long Island University. There he decided to major in communications and medical studies. Still he couldn&rsquo;t shake off his old habits. A month after his return he donned his mask once more, resuming his hero work around campus.</span></p>
  620. </blockquote>
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  627. navi goes here blah blah blah
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