

Jul 27th, 2019
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  1. #WeAreAllAssange Tweet Storm Phase 1
  3. Phase 1 of the We Are All Assange Tweetstorm will focus on mainstream media's hypocrisy regarding Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
  5. The idea behind a small compact Tweetsheets to be released in phases is to ensure that Twitter does not lock accounts for what they call "suspicious behavior" or "automated behavior".
  7. Please Tweet in 9 or 10 minute intervals to prevent being caught up in Twitter's rouge algorithms
  9. This sheet can be copy and pasted onto any format for repubplication. We implore all to repost this sheet on thier own website and add their own pictures or words to Tweet. Please share this sheet far and wide
  11. Please feel free to create your own Tweets and use the hash-tag #WeAreAllAssange.
  13. This is #OpAssange!
  15. We will not sit idly by as Julian Assange is crucified at the stake.
  17. We will not allow Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States.
  19. We are Anonymous.
  21. We are Legion.
  23. We do not forgive.
  25. We do not forget.
  27. We Are All Assange.
  29. Expect Us.
  31. When @Wikileaks published the Collateral Murder video they were praised by mainstream media and condemn by the Military Industrial Complex. Since then the media and the Military Industrial Complex have grown evermore united and in 2016 they found a common enemy. #WeAreAllAssange
  33. Most of the people applauding the arrest and imprisonment of journalist Julian Assange are either still salty about Hillary Clinton losing to Donald Trump or were directly implicated in leaks published by Wikileaks #WeAreAllAssange
  35. Anyone who tells you that the arrest of Julian Assange is right in any way lacks moral standards. If they are a journalist— and they claim Assange is not a journalist— then they expose themselves as actually not being a journalist at all. #WeAreAllAssange
  37. If we allow Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States it will set the stage for unhinged nations who oppress freedom of speech to justify cracking down on dissenting views. It tells Saudi Arabia that it’s okay to kill a journalist in a foreign embassy, #WeAreAllAssange
  39. Today to be a good journalist is to not look past the headlines, it is to adhere to the pack, to regurgitate talking-points formulated well-funded in think tanks. Julian Assange shattered the walls of these echo chambers by freeing information #WeAreAllAssange
  41. Whether you are Right or Left, what is happening to Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning should scare you, it should shake you to your core if it doesn’t then you lack morality. This isn’t a legal debate or a political debate this is about human rights. #WeAreAllAssange
  43. The US Military killed two journalist working for Reuters, Saeed Chmagh & Namir Noor-Eldeen, they killed the father of the van, Saleh Matasher Tomal & severely wounded his children. Julian Assange did not kill those innocent civilians the US government did. #WeAreAllAssange
  45. Assange is kept in his cell 23 hrs a day with 30min in the recreation yard and 30 min to compete with other prisoners to make phone calls, making his attempts to prepare a defense extremely difficult. Assange's crime? Having the audacity to speak truth to power #WeAreAllAssange
  47. Recently, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Prof Nils Melzer visited Assange with a psychiatrist. He described Assange’s treatment over the past 8 yrs by the U.S. and its allies Britain, Australia, Sweden as amounting to torture and in violation of UN Conventions. #WeAreAllAssange
  49. "I must say I’m appalled at the consistent, sustained, concerted abuse #JulianAssange has been exposed to at the hands of the democratic states over a period of almost a decade” - Professor Nils Melzer (UN Special Rapporteur on Torture) #WeAreAllAssange
  51. In 2011 @wikileaks was awarded the Walkley Award for "outstanding contribution to journalism" 8 yrs later & Wikileaks remains the same entity it was before, the only thing that has changed is that Journalist have become toadies for the Military Industrial Complex #WeAreAllAssange
  53. “This case is an outrageous affront to journalistic protections,” Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson said after the court decision. “This indictment will place a chilling impact and will affect journalists and publishers everywhere all over the world." #WeAreAllAssange
  55. "I am defenseless and am counting on you and others of good character to save my life. Truth ultimately is all we have" Assange’s comments were made in a letter addressed to independent British journalist Gordon Dimmack. We must stand up to this extradition. #WeAreAllAssange
  57. Julian Assange was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 7 times & the US government is prosecuting him for exposing war crimes. Assange put himself on the alter of liberty for sake of an informed public & it is our moral imperative to stand up to this extradition #WeareAllAssange
  59. The 17 counts against Assange carry a combined maximum prison sentence of 175 years. They are an unprecedented attempt to criminalize investigative journalism, and abolish the free press protections of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Stand
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