

Mar 19th, 2017
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  1. [6:06 PM] Edgy12YearOld: I think if the majority of it in english then it's fine
  2. [6:10 PM] Lee Winter: Im gonna go play overwatch before im kicked off the pc
  3. [6:10 PM] Lee Winter: i've spent most of my time watching the stream >.>
  4. [6:11 PM] Lee Winter: I banned someone so sorry not sorry
  5. [6:12 PM] Edgy12YearOld: what'd they do?
  6. [6:12 PM] Edgy12YearOld: I wasnt really paying attention
  7. [6:13 PM] Lee Winter: annoying me beyond belief
  8. [6:13 PM] Edgy12YearOld: like what though?
  9. [6:13 PM] Lee Winter: I'll tell Yajji what i did so he knows
  10. [6:13 PM] Edgy12YearOld: all i saw him say was
  11. fuck me in the ass and call me your slave
  12. [6:13 PM] Lee Winter: But i swear to god that better not be you Budder
  13. [6:14 PM] Lee Winter: You kinda lost some of my trust after yesterday lol
  14. [6:14 PM] Edgy12YearOld: what else did he do???
  15. [6:14 PM] Edgy12YearOld: smh
  16. [6:14 PM] Edgy12YearOld: again, all I saw him say was
  17. fuck me in the ass and call me your slave
  18. [6:15 PM] Lee Winter: the fking guy changed his name to "Lee Winter is a Nigger" bro
  19. [6:15 PM] Edgy12YearOld: yeah, then he changed it
  20. [6:15 PM] Edgy12YearOld: I saw that
  21. [6:15 PM] Edgy12YearOld: he changed it to, Lee Winter Is A Lovely Person
  22. [6:15 PM] Zavocado: FINALLY
  23. [6:15 PM] Zavocado: DISCORD WORKS
  24. [6:15 PM] Zavocado: This guy just hard r'd nigger
  25. [6:16 PM] Lee Winter: Sorry but im not going to search for his other comments
  26. [6:16 PM] Lee Winter: Im taking a short break and going to play some overwatch
  27. [6:16 PM] Edgy12YearOld: smh Lee
  28. [6:16 PM] Lee Winter: bye
  29. [6:16 PM] Zavocado: Budder
  30. [6:16 PM] Edgy12YearOld: im done with you
  31. [6:16 PM] Zavocado: the ban was valid
  32. [6:16 PM] Zavocado: I can personally vouch, after seeing everything the guy did
  33. [6:16 PM] Edgy12YearOld: yeah but Lee isnt explaining it to me
  34. [6:16 PM] Edgy12YearOld: at all
  35. [6:16 PM] Zavocado: It was completely justified
  36. [6:16 PM] Zavocado: He was just harrassing lee
  37. [6:16 PM] Lee Winter: Because im not searching through the chat
  38. [6:17 PM] Zavocado: being a troll/offensive in general
  39. [6:17 PM] Lee Winter: Thats too much work, too many comments
  40. [6:17 PM] Edgy12YearOld: lee whatever
  41. [6:17 PM] Edgy12YearOld: just do your own thing
  42. [6:17 PM] Lee Winter: He had a 6 min timeout
  43. [6:17 PM] Zavocado: ^^^
  44. [6:17 PM] Zavocado: He got timed out for his name saying nigger
  45. [6:17 PM] Zavocado: he got timed out for insulting lee for 6 mins
  46. [6:17 PM] Zavocado: he said that quote lee sent earlier I think like twice
  47. [6:18 PM] Lee Winter: Yeah, i timed him out and someone else did aswell so if i was to search for his comments that would be a lot of time wasted on my part
  48. [6:18 PM] Edgy12YearOld: Lee just do your own thing
  49. [6:18 PM] Edgy12YearOld: you've given me that answer 3 times
  50. [6:18 PM] Lee Winter: Honestly, just stop
  51. [6:18 PM] Zavocado: What's the problem here, budder
  52. [6:18 PM] Lee Winter: I did what i did and ill tell yajji later
  53. [6:18 PM] Edgy12YearOld: I'm just trying to understand something
  54. [6:18 PM] Edgy12YearOld: but others dont seem to care
  55. [6:18 PM] Edgy12YearOld: Im leaving
  56. [6:18 PM] Edgy12YearOld: whatever
  57. [6:19 PM] Lee Winter: See ya
  58. [6:19 PM] Zavocado: Why was my explanation unstatisfactory
  59. [6:19 PM] Lee Winter: Because he's upset, probably because of something i said
  60. [6:19 PM] Edgy12YearOld: @Zavocado yours was fine
  61. [6:19 PM] Edgy12YearOld: Lee's was half-assed
  62. [6:19 PM] Lee Winter: No shit, and im well aware of that
  63. [6:19 PM] Zavocado: Our judgement gets clouded when we're mad (assuming lee was mad at him)
  64. [6:20 PM] Lee Winter: But like i said before and ill say it again, im not going digging
  65. [6:20 PM] Zavocado: here
  66. [6:20 PM] Lee Winter: Im not mad or annoyed with you whatsoever just so you know
  67. [6:20 PM] Zavocado: I'll use the youtube API and copy ALL his comments
  68. [6:20 PM] Lee Winter: But sure, be mad
  69. [6:20 PM] Zavocado: gimme like 5 mins, hopefully they're not wiped
  70. [6:20 PM] Zavocado: Lee, that's not necessary to say
  71. [6:24 PM] Zavocado: Sorry budder, the API doesn't query that far back
  72. [6:24 PM] Zavocado: there have been so many messages since then it won't show
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