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LA prosecutor Patrick Frey asked Anonymous for help

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Sep 5th, 2012
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  1. February 16th, 2011
  3. Me = Barrett Brown
  4. Patrick = Patrick Frey, LA county prosecutor and conservative blogger Patterico
  6. In this chat, Frey accepts offer by alleged criminal mastermind Barrett Brown to have Anonymous operatives reduce the visibility of a blog post by Jeff Goldstein, a "classical liberal" blogger, academic, and Frey foe who runs Brown agrees to look into the matter. Further conversations may be released as appropriate. As noted, this leak is being conducted in retaliation for Frey's failure to readily answer questions about a possible connection between Confederate/white nationalist Washington Times editor Robert Stacy McCain and the HBGary criminal organization as well as Frey's decision to publicly attack an RNC protester who was arrested in possession of a weapon, with the final straw being R.S. McCain's latest attack on Brown, whom the author and conservative stalwart denounced in public as deserving of FBI attention in 2011 - before later claiming instead that Brown is in fact an FBI informant based on his own misunderstanding of facts known even to many reporters who have covered Anonymous in the last few years. Frey is also the target of legal action due to another incident involving a different activist who is being represented by Jay Leiderman, the "Anonymous lawyer" who has secured pro-bono legal defense for more than a dozen other citizens who have been raided or charged by the feds since late 2010. Journalists interested in further details, as well as the bizarre connection between this and the "SWAT" story from earlier this year, may as always contact Barrett Brown at
  8. Don't wait. Retaliate.
  11. -Barrett Brown
  12. Project PM
  14. Patrick: Google Patrick Frey
  15. One of his bullshit posts is on the first page
  16. 12:41 AM me: I'm assuming it's transparent BS, though, of the sort that anyone who matters can see through?
  17. I'll look though
  18. meanwhile I'm getting off opiates
  19. decided to make my old heroin addiction public
  20. to avoid it being revealed by someone else
  21. 12:42 AM Patrick: No, it's a link to another post that would take hours to debunk even though it's utter bullshit
  22. me: oic
  23. Well
  24. That can be changed
  25. by one of several methods
  26. 12:43 AM Patrick: Oh?
  27. me: yep
  28. I'll have to think a bit about details
  29. you need to remember
  30. and this is something I don't say publicly
  31. NYT just refers to me as "Barrett Brown," for instance
  32. others as "informal spokesman"
  33. 12:44 AM Anonymous has no leaders
  34. or titles
  35. but certain people have more influence than others
  36. now, should note, I'm not talking about anything illegal
  37. I don't commit crimes
  38. 12:45 AM off the top of my head, though
  39. hmmm
  40. let me Google goldstein real quick
  41. hmm
  42. 12:46 AM Goldstein has top three results as positive references, plus one referring to someone else with same name
  43. then Sadly No piece
  44. which you really should read, by the way
  45. it can be changed such that top result is an article by mee
  46. Patrick: Oh, I have read it
  47. me: on Encyclopedia Dramatica
  48. detailing everything
  49. now
  50. 12:47 AM obviously a direct approach would not wokr
  51. as in, a bargain whereby he deletes or allows you to respond within the post
  52. he won't accept that
  53. most people would
  54. but most people aren't already fucked
  55. in case I'm being cryptic
  56. I'll note that on a couple of occasions I have had employers who owed me money
  57. and refused to pay up
  58. 12:48 AM until such time as I made it such that the top result for their name was an account of their flaws and failures
  59. oh, you may have seen what I did to my girlfriend's faggot roommate
  60. MCCain and Donald Douglas both ran the video
  61. I took it down after he moved out
  62. again, though, not likely to work
  63. but Darleen Click
  64. she probably wouldn't like it if I were to reveal
  65. 12:49 AM that she asked me for favors
  66. Patrick: ?
  67. me: help getting into Mad Magazine, lol
  68. I've got the e-mails
  69. understand that I am considered a great villain over there
  70. Patrick: Oh, for her cartoons?
  71. me: and she folded like a fucking umbrella as soon as I offered help
  72. being a person of no real virtue
  73. 12:50 AM yeah, her "cartoons"
  74. not very talented, regardless of the politics
  75. ham-fisted
  76. that's just something to consider in terms of relevant elements, thoguh
  77. lemme google you real quick
  78. 12:51 AM I may have to bring some specialists in on this
  79. Patrick: Hm
  80. 12:53 AM me: sorry, fucking GF bitching at me on IM, just ignoring her now
  81. Patrick: Fucking GF!
  82. me: damn right
  83. oh, Douglas hates you too?
  84. oh
  85. 12:54 AM oh shit
  86. over McCain!
  87. okay, dude, we're gonna get this taken care of
  88. fucking Douglas
  89. Patrick: The Donalde?
  90. 12:55 AM me: yeah
  91. Patrick: Yeah
  92. me: fucking douche
  93. disingenuous
  94. I really respected you for being honest about McCain
  95. because most are't
  96. might hurt the precious cause
  97. 12:56 AM Patrick: I've tried to mend fences with McCain. I don't think he's necessarily a bad man. I have not retracted and
  99. never will retract my belief that the statement I criticized him for was racist. But I still don't know that he is A
  101. racist. Full disclosure
  102. me: I mean, I know you don't know all of it
  103. I don't dislike him
  104. we talk occasionally
  105. I talk to most of my enemies
  106. but, yeah, he has some beliefs that he won't admit to
  107. Patrick: Do I fall in that category? :)
  108. I don't think so
  109. 12:57 AM me: well, he did write that article for American Renaissance
  110. now, the article itself is not anti-black
  111. Patrick: Not so sure about that
  112. me: remember that I'm not a liberal
  113. I don't cry racism over nothing
  114. and I don't refer to him as racist
  115. Patrick: I researched his kids and I think it didn't quite add up
  116. me: dude
  117. I'm from Texas
  118. Patrick: The number of kids he had, that is
  119. me: wait, what?
  120. 12:58 AM Patrick: The American Renaissance article
  121. me: no, that was him
  122. Patrick: The person who wrote it talked about how many kids he had
  123. me: he hasn't said otherwise himself
  124. Patrick: Wasn't it under a pen name?
  125. me: yes
  126. the one he used elsewhere
  127. I put this in my book, man
  128. Patrick: I don't think it's the same number of kids
  129. me: it went through fact checkers and lawyers
  130. well
  131. how many did they mention in article?
  132. 12:59 AM it appeared in 2002
  133. some of his kids are young
  134. and it might have been written earlier
  135. suffice to say
  136. that he himself has all but acknowledged it was him
  137. Patrick: I think I tried to figure out when they were born
  138. me: I didn't realize others thought that was under dispute or I would have made the case more plainly
  139. Patrick: But I forget the details
  140. me: like I said, we confirmed it
  141. can't rememeber how
  142. 1:00 AM but it was good enough for the lawyers and fact-checkers
  143. anyway
  144. yeah, the guy is just overly pro-white
  145. I don't really care
  146. I'm not concerned about the extent to which someone is into his racial heritage, etc
  147. that's small beer
  148. 1:01 AM it''s just that he also makes accusations of racism
  149. and so have a lot of his colleagues
  150. without acknowledging this
  151. it's the dishonesty that infuriates me
  152. anyway
  153. back to the matter
  154. assuming this Donald Douglas article isn't damaging
  155. 1:02 AM I'm assuming that, I mean
  156. agreed?
  157. oh, ok
  158. just noticed that Jeff's piece is #2
  159. 1:03 AM I see
  160. pseudo-sarcastic charge of Semitism
  161. Protein Wisdom specialty
  162. well, for one thing
  163. as you're aware, to the extent that something else pushes it down, it gets... pushed down
  164. 1:04 AM to the extent you break some stories from those e-mails
  165. that will help
  166. but
  167. that's not enough
  168. I'd like to see Jeff beaten more severely
  169. might have to think this over
  170. talk to my Anons, etc
  171. 1:05 AM there's always a way
  172. 1:06 AM Patrick: Hm
  173. As long as any way is legal, I'm all for it
  174. me: well
  175. 1:07 AM what if it's legal...
  176. but
  177. Patrick: Do I need to hear the rest?
  178. me: nope
  179. Patrick: There you go
  180. It's legal, you say? Great!
  181. me: Good man
  182. Hooray!
  183. Yeah, we'll get on this
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