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a guest
Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. {
  2. "extends": "tslint-sonarts",
  3. "rules": {
  4. "array-type": [true, "array-simple"],
  5. "arrow-return-shorthand": true,
  6. "ban": [true,
  7. {"name": "Array", "message": "tsstyle#array-constructor"}
  8. ],
  9. "ban-types": [true,
  10. ["Object", "Use {} instead."],
  11. ["String", "Use 'string' instead."],
  12. ["Number", "Use 'number' instead."],
  13. ["Boolean", "Use 'boolean' instead."],
  14. ["Function", "Use (..) => .. instead."]
  15. ],
  16. "class-name": true,
  17. "curly": [true],
  18. "forin": true,
  19. "interface-name": [true, "never-prefix"],
  20. "label-position": true,
  21. "member-access": [true],
  22. "new-parens": true,
  23. "no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": true,
  24. "no-any": true,
  25. "no-arg": true,
  26. "no-conditional-assignment": true,
  27. "no-construct": true,
  28. "no-shadowed-variable": true,
  29. "prefer-object-spread": true,
  30. "no-debugger": true,
  31. "no-default-export": false,
  32. "no-duplicate-variable": true,
  33. "no-inferrable-types": true,
  34. "no-namespace": [true, "allow-declarations"],
  35. "cyclomatic-complexity": [true, 13],
  36. "no-duplicate-imports": true,
  37. "no-reference": true,
  38. "no-string-throw": true,
  39. "no-unused-variable": [true],
  40. "no-unused-expression": true,
  41. "no-var-keyword": true,
  42. "object-literal-shorthand": true,
  43. "only-arrow-functions": [true, "allow-declarations", "allow-named-functions"],
  44. "prefer-const": true,
  45. "radix": true,
  46. "semicolon": [true, "always", "ignore-bound-class-methods"],
  47. "switch-default": true,
  48. "triple-equals": [true, "allow-null-check"],
  49. "use-isnan": true,
  50. "variable-name": [
  51. true,
  52. "check-format",
  53. "ban-keywords",
  54. "allow-pascal-case",
  55. "allow-leading-underscore",
  56. "allow-trailing-underscore"
  57. ],
  59. "cognitive-complexity": true,
  60. "mccabe-complexity": true,
  61. "no-duplicate-string": true,
  62. "no-nested-incdec": false,
  63. "no-all-duplicated-branches": true,
  64. "consecutive-overloads": true,
  65. "max-union-size": true,
  66. "no-accessor-field-mismatch": true,
  67. "no-array-delete": true,
  68. "no-big-function": true,
  69. "no-case-with-or": true,
  70. "no-collection-size-mischeck": true,
  71. "no-commented-code": true,
  72. "no-dead-store": true,
  73. "no-duplicate-in-composite": true,
  74. "no-duplicated-branches": true,
  75. "no-element-overwrite": true,
  76. "no-empty-destructuring": true,
  77. "no-empty-nested-blocks": true,
  78. "no-extra-semicolon": true,
  79. "no-gratuitous-expressions": true,
  80. "no-hardcoded-credentials": true,
  81. "no-identical-conditions": true,
  82. "no-identical-expressions": true,
  83. "no-identical-functions": true,
  84. "no-ignored-initial-value": true,
  85. "no-ignored-return": true,
  86. "no-in-misuse": true,
  87. "no-inconsistent-return": false,
  88. "no-misleading-array-reverse": true,
  89. "no-misspelled-operator": true,
  90. "no-multiline-string-literals": true,
  91. "no-nested-template-literals": true,
  92. "no-redundant-boolean": true,
  93. "no-redundant-jump": true,
  94. "no-redundant-parentheses": true,
  95. "no-return-type-any": true,
  96. "no-same-line-conditional": true,
  97. "no-self-assignment": true,
  98. "no-small-switch": true,
  99. "no-statements-same-line": true,
  100. "no-unconditional-jump": true,
  101. "no-undefined-argument": true,
  102. "no-unenclosed-multiline-block": true,
  103. "no-unthrown-error": true,
  104. "no-unused-array": true,
  105. "no-use-of-empty-return-value": true,
  106. "no-useless-cast": true,
  107. "no-useless-increment": true,
  108. "no-useless-intersection": true,
  109. "no-variable-usage-before-declaration": true,
  110. "parameters-max-number": true,
  111. "prefer-default-last": true,
  112. "prefer-immediate-return": true,
  113. "prefer-promise-shorthand": true,
  114. "use-primitive-type": true,
  115. "use-type-alias": true
  116. },
  117. "linterOptions": {
  118. "exclude": [
  119. "node_modules/**/*.ts"
  120. ]
  121. }
  122. }
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