
Shotgun like kick in the chest

Nov 26th, 2023
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  1. Jensen had left Cali with ruined legs and figured that would be the last he’d see of him. He
  2. hadn’t reckoned on the enthusiasm the Motor City Bangers had for elective
  3. cybernetic augmentation.
  5. Cali was wearing torn, bloodstained cut-offs that revealed his newest
  6. enhancements. From the knees down, both his shattered legs had been
  7. replaced by shiny, gold-plated augs that ended in skeletal, claw-like feet.
  8. They matched the designs of Cali’s twin cyberarms, and he was grinning
  9. like he’d been reborn, his weak flesh replaced with glittering metal.
  10. He came stiffly through the door of the tavern, followed by a gangly kid
  11. with a pump-action MAO shotgun and a third ganger carrying a giant,
  12. heavy-caliber pistol that was far too big for his skinny frame. All the MCBs
  13. drew down as one, and Jensen knew this was not a robbery, not a show of
  14. force, but an execution squad.
  16. Jensen shoved Henry away, down toward the bar, launching himself in
  17. the other direction as he tore his pistol from the holster beneath his coat.
  18. Lightning-fast, Jensen fired three rounds as he dove, and at least one shot
  19. clipped the kid with a big semi-automatic. But Cali and the shotgunner were
  20. already firing, filling the air inside the bar with hot, screaming lead, and
  21. Jensen took multiple hits across his shoulder and upper arm that slammed
  22. him off course. Jensen spun and fell across tables and chairs, crashing to the
  23. floor among a rain of broken glasses and spilled beer. Pain shocked through
  24. the muscle-machine interface in his bones, the ripple effect of the impact
  25. over the polycarbonate implants like a kick in the chest. He took a
  26. wheezing breath, tasted blood.
  28. “I know you!” Cali was whooping and laughing as he sprayed rounds
  29. from the machine pistol across the room, cutting down the other drinkers
  30. who were too slow to take cover or flee through the fire exit.
  31. Behind the bar, Jake perished as a shotgun blast blew him back into a
  32. rack of liquor bottles. He toppled out of sight in silence, his sightless eyes
  33. looking at nothing. The gunman who had ended him hunted for Henry
  34. Kellman, who was scrambling desperately across the floor between the legs
  35. of the bar stools. The MAO barked again and Jensen saw Henry go down in
  36. a bloody heap.
  38. “Done, man, let’s jet!” shouted the punk with the shotgun.
  39. “No!” bellowed Cali, as his weapon ran dry. He ejected the drum mag
  40. and let it clatter to the floor, jamming a new load into the ammo port.
  41. “Where’s that hairy-faced fucker? I’m gonna smoke him!”
  43. It registered distantly with Jensen that he wasn’t actually the one the
  44. MCBs had come to kill, but Cali had no intention of leaving without taking
  45. his scalp as a bonus. Jensen lurched forward, coming back to his feet
  46. underneath a circular table bolted to the floor. Ripping the table’s central
  47. support free, he took it up with him like a battering ram and slammed it into
  48. Cali before the ganger could finish reloading. Without stopping, Jensen
  49. used the broken table to flatten the shooter against the wall and knock him
  50. down. Cali’s gun went spinning away, and Jensen pivoted before the second
  51. thug with the shotgun could track to him. Blind-firing once again, he hit the
  52. other gang member and sent him staggering away, out on to the street. The
  53. kid with the big pistol had already fled without firing a shot.
  55. - Deus Ex: Black Light, Chapter 8 pgs. 145-146
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