
VRaptor 3.4.x + JPA 2 + JBoss 5.1.0.GA (jpa-deployers-jboss)

Dec 3rd, 2011
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  1. 14:02:49,091 INFO [ServerImpl] Starting JBoss (Microcontainer)...
  2. 14:02:49,092 INFO [ServerImpl] Release ID: JBoss [The Oracle] 5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)
  3. 14:02:49,092 INFO [ServerImpl] Bootstrap URL: null
  4. 14:02:49,092 INFO [ServerImpl] Home Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA
  5. 14:02:49,092 INFO [ServerImpl] Home URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/
  6. 14:02:49,092 INFO [ServerImpl] Library URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/lib/
  7. 14:02:49,093 INFO [ServerImpl] Patch URL: null
  8. 14:02:49,093 INFO [ServerImpl] Common Base URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/common/
  9. 14:02:49,093 INFO [ServerImpl] Common Library URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/common/lib/
  10. 14:02:49,093 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Name: default
  11. 14:02:49,093 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Base Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server
  12. 14:02:49,093 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Base URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/
  13. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Config URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/conf/
  14. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Home Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default
  15. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Home URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/
  16. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Data Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/data
  17. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Library URL: file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/lib/
  18. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Log Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/log
  19. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Native Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/native
  20. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Temp Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp
  21. 14:02:49,094 INFO [ServerImpl] Server Temp Deploy Dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/deploy
  22. 14:02:49,574 INFO [ServerImpl] Starting Microcontainer, bootstrapURL=file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/conf/bootstrap.xml
  23. 14:02:50,067 INFO [VFSCacheFactory] Initializing VFSCache [org.jboss.virtual.plugins.cache.CombinedVFSCache]
  24. 14:02:50,069 INFO [VFSCacheFactory] Using VFSCache [CombinedVFSCache[real-cache: null]]
  25. 14:02:50,283 INFO [CopyMechanism] VFS temp dir: /Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp
  26. 14:02:50,284 INFO [ZipEntryContext] VFS force nested jars copy-mode is enabled.
  27. 14:02:51,234 INFO [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.6.0_29,Apple Inc.
  28. 14:02:51,234 INFO [ServerInfo] Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11-402-11M3527)
  29. 14:02:51,234 INFO [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 20.4-b02-402,Apple Inc.
  30. 14:02:51,234 INFO [ServerInfo] OS-System: Mac OS X 10.7.2,x86_64
  31. 14:02:51,236 INFO [ServerInfo] VM arguments: -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
  32. 14:02:51,271 INFO [JMXKernel] Legacy JMX core initialized
  33. 14:02:52,808 INFO [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Loading profile: ProfileKey@3b47788d[domain=default, server=default, name=default]
  34. 14:02:54,077 INFO [WebService] Using RMI server codebase:
  35. 14:02:58,266 INFO [NativeServerConfig] JBoss Web Services - Stack Native Core
  36. 14:02:58,266 INFO [NativeServerConfig] 3.1.2.GA
  37. 14:02:58,768 INFO [AttributeCallbackItem] Owner callback not implemented.
  38. 14:02:59,545 INFO [LogNotificationListener] Adding notification listener for logging mbean "jboss.system:service=Logging,type=Log4jService" to server[ defaultDomain='jboss' ]
  39. 14:03:11,920 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@1622406850{vfsfile:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
  40. 14:03:11,921 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@1622406850{vfsfile:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
  41. 14:03:11,921 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@1622406850{vfsfile:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
  42. 14:03:11,921 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@1622406850{vfsfile:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/profileservice-secured.jar/}
  43. 14:03:13,076 INFO [JMXConnectorServerService] JMX Connector server: service:jmx:rmi://
  44. 14:03:13,203 INFO [MailService] Mail Service bound to java:/Mail
  45. 14:03:15,265 WARN [JBossASSecurityMetadataStore] WARNING! POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK. It has been detected that the MessageSucker component which sucks messages from one node to another has not had its password changed from the installation default. Please see the JBoss Messaging user guide for instructions on how to do this.
  46. 14:03:15,278 WARN [AnnotationCreator] No ClassLoader provided, using TCCL: org.jboss.managed.api.annotation.ManagementComponent
  47. 14:03:15,345 WARN [AnnotationCreator] No ClassLoader provided, using TCCL: org.jboss.managed.api.annotation.ManagementComponent
  48. 14:03:15,383 INFO [TransactionManagerService] JBossTS Transaction Service (JTA version - tag:JBOSSTS_4_6_1_GA) - JBoss Inc.
  49. 14:03:15,383 INFO [TransactionManagerService] Setting up property manager MBean and JMX layer
  50. 14:03:15,539 INFO [TransactionManagerService] Initializing recovery manager
  51. 14:03:15,609 INFO [TransactionManagerService] Recovery manager configured
  52. 14:03:15,609 INFO [TransactionManagerService] Binding TransactionManager JNDI Reference
  53. 14:03:15,628 INFO [TransactionManagerService] Starting transaction recovery manager
  54. 14:03:15,913 INFO [AprLifecycleListener] The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: .:/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java
  55. 14:03:15,957 INFO [Http11Protocol] Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
  56. 14:03:15,957 INFO [AjpProtocol] Initializing Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-
  57. 14:03:15,977 INFO [StandardService] Starting service jboss.web
  58. 14:03:15,979 INFO [StandardEngine] Starting Servlet Engine: JBoss Web/2.1.3.GA
  59. 14:03:16,016 INFO [Catalina] Server startup in 58 ms
  60. 14:03:16,034 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossws
  61. 14:03:16,379 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console
  62. 14:03:16,538 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/invoker
  63. 14:03:16,614 INFO [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/jboss-local-jdbc.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
  64. 14:03:16,626 INFO [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/jboss-xa-jdbc.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
  65. 14:03:16,650 INFO [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/jms-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
  66. 14:03:16,672 INFO [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/mail-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
  67. 14:03:16,694 INFO [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/quartz-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml
  68. 14:03:16,774 INFO [SimpleThreadPool] Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main
  69. 14:03:16,819 INFO [QuartzScheduler] Quartz Scheduler v.1.5.2 created.
  70. 14:03:16,823 INFO [RAMJobStore] RAMJobStore initialized.
  71. 14:03:16,823 INFO [StdSchedulerFactory] Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: ''
  72. 14:03:16,823 INFO [StdSchedulerFactory] Quartz scheduler version: 1.5.2
  73. 14:03:16,823 INFO [QuartzScheduler] Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
  74. 14:03:17,217 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=DefaultDS' to JNDI name 'java:DefaultDS'
  75. 14:03:17,617 INFO [ServerPeer] JBoss Messaging 1.4.3.GA server [0] started
  76. 14:03:17,709 INFO [QueueService] Queue[/queue/DLQ] started, fullSize=200000, pageSize=2000, downCacheSize=2000
  77. 14:03:17,716 INFO [ConnectionFactoryJNDIMapper] supportsFailover attribute is true on connection factory: jboss.messaging.connectionfactory:service=ClusteredConnectionFactory but post office is non clustered. So connection factory will *not* support failover
  78. 14:03:17,716 INFO [ConnectionFactoryJNDIMapper] supportsLoadBalancing attribute is true on connection factory: jboss.messaging.connectionfactory:service=ClusteredConnectionFactory but post office is non clustered. So connection factory will *not* support load balancing
  79. 14:03:17,769 INFO [ConnectionFactory] Connector bisocket:// has leasing enabled, lease period 10000 milliseconds
  80. 14:03:17,770 INFO [ConnectionFactory] org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory@7d89ff39 started
  81. 14:03:17,772 INFO [ConnectionFactory] Connector bisocket:// has leasing enabled, lease period 10000 milliseconds
  82. 14:03:17,772 INFO [ConnectionFactory] org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory@6499cd43 started
  83. 14:03:17,774 INFO [QueueService] Queue[/queue/ExpiryQueue] started, fullSize=200000, pageSize=2000, downCacheSize=2000
  84. 14:03:17,774 INFO [ConnectionFactory] Connector bisocket:// has leasing enabled, lease period 10000 milliseconds
  85. 14:03:17,774 INFO [ConnectionFactory] org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory@777a7af2 started
  86. 14:03:17,895 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryBinding,name=JmsXA' to JNDI name 'java:JmsXA'
  87. 14:03:17,938 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=CaduDS' to JNDI name 'java:CaduDS'
  88. 14:03:18,287 INFO [JBossASKernel] Created KernelDeployment for: profileservice-secured.jar
  89. 14:03:18,290 INFO [JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3
  90. 14:03:18,290 INFO [JBossASKernel] with dependencies:
  91. 14:03:18,290 INFO [JBossASKernel] and demands:
  92. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureManagementView/
  93. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
  94. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] and supplies:
  95. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] Class:org.jboss.profileservice.spi.ProfileService
  96. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureProfileService/remote
  97. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureProfileService/remote-org.jboss.profileservice.spi.ProfileService
  98. 14:03:18,291 INFO [JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: profileservice-secured.jar
  99. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3
  100. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] with dependencies:
  101. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] and demands:
  102. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
  103. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] and supplies:
  104. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureDeploymentManager/
  105. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel]
  106. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureDeploymentManager/remote
  107. 14:03:18,292 INFO [JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: profileservice-secured.jar
  108. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3
  109. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] with dependencies:
  110. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] and demands:
  111. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
  112. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] and supplies:
  113. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureManagementView/
  114. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel]
  115. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] jndi:SecureManagementView/remote
  116. 14:03:18,293 INFO [JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: profileservice-secured.jar
  117. 14:03:18,299 INFO [EJB3EndpointDeployer] Deploy AbstractBeanMetaData@4da201ec{name=jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3_endpoint bean=org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.impl.EndpointImpl properties=[container] constructor=null autowireCandidate=true}
  118. 14:03:18,299 INFO [EJB3EndpointDeployer] Deploy AbstractBeanMetaData@2f717604{name=jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3_endpoint bean=org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.impl.EndpointImpl properties=[container] constructor=null autowireCandidate=true}
  119. 14:03:18,299 INFO [EJB3EndpointDeployer] Deploy AbstractBeanMetaData@4c22980e{name=jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3_endpoint bean=org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.impl.EndpointImpl properties=[container] constructor=null autowireCandidate=true}
  120. 14:03:18,467 INFO [SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureDeploymentManager,service=EJB3
  121. 14:03:18,475 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.jboss.profileservice.ejb.SecureDeploymentManager ejbName: SecureDeploymentManager
  122. 14:03:18,513 INFO [JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
  124. SecureDeploymentManager/remote - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface
  125. SecureDeploymentManager/ - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface
  127. 14:03:18,569 INFO [SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureManagementView,service=EJB3
  128. 14:03:18,570 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.jboss.profileservice.ejb.SecureManagementView ejbName: SecureManagementView
  129. 14:03:18,581 INFO [JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
  131. SecureManagementView/remote - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface
  132. SecureManagementView/ - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface
  134. 14:03:18,621 INFO [SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:jar=profileservice-secured.jar,name=SecureProfileService,service=EJB3
  135. 14:03:18,622 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.jboss.profileservice.ejb.SecureProfileServiceBean ejbName: SecureProfileService
  136. 14:03:18,632 INFO [JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
  138. SecureProfileService/remote - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface
  139. SecureProfileService/remote-org.jboss.profileservice.spi.ProfileService - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface
  141. 14:03:18,737 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/admin-console
  142. 14:03:18,807 INFO [config] Initializing Mojarra (1.2_12-b01-FCS) for context '/admin-console'
  143. 14:03:20,684 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/
  144. 14:03:22,752 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/myapp
  145. 14:03:22,933 ERROR [STDERR] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
  146. 14:03:22,933 ERROR [STDERR] SLF4J: Found binding in [vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/common/lib/slf4j-jboss-logging.jar/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
  147. 14:03:22,933 ERROR [STDERR] SLF4J: Found binding in [vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/myapp.war/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
  148. 14:03:22,933 ERROR [STDERR] SLF4J: See for an explanation.
  149. 14:03:22,998 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:22,997 INFO [BasicConfiguration ] Using class as Container Provider
  150. 14:03:23,016 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,016 INFO [DefaultSpringLocator] No application context found
  151. 14:03:23,054 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,054 INFO [WebAppBootstrapFactory] No static WebAppBootstrap found.
  152. 14:03:23,055 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,055 INFO [BasicConfiguration ] = null
  153. 14:03:23,061 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,061 DEBUG [ScannotationComponentScanner] scanning WEB-INF/classes at file:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/5c4o0b-345bow-gvqt9whp-1-gvqtaknh-9q/myapp.war/WEB-INF/classes/
  154. 14:03:23,142 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,142 DEBUG [ScannotationComponentScanner] scanning 1 packages
  155. 14:03:23,142 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,142 DEBUG [ScannotationComponentScanner] scanning package at
  156. 14:03:23,143 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,143 INFO [ScannotationComponentScanner] scanning url vfszip:/Users/wbotelhos/Development/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/myapp.war/WEB-INF/lib/vraptor-3.4.x.jar/br/com/caelum/vraptor/util/jpa/
  157. 14:03:23,255 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,255 INFO [AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext] Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Sat Dec 03 14:03:23 BRST 2011]; root of context hierarchy
  158. 14:03:23,340 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,340 DEBUG [AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext] Bean factory for Root WebApplicationContext: defining beans [org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor]; root of factory hierarchy
  159. 14:03:23,366 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,366 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor'
  160. 14:03:23,366 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,366 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor'
  161. 14:03:23,403 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,403 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  162. 14:03:23,404 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,404 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor'
  163. 14:03:23,435 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,435 WARN [BaseComponents ] There is neither commons-fileupload nor servlet3 handlers registered. If you are willing to upload a file, please add the commons-fileupload in your classpath or use a Servlet 3 Container
  164. 14:03:23,465 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,465 INFO [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Overriding bean definition for bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor': replacing [Root bean: class [org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null] with [Root bean: class []; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null]
  165. 14:03:23,481 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,480 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor'
  166. 14:03:23,481 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,481 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor'
  167. 14:03:23,482 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,482 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  168. 14:03:23,497 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,497 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor'
  169. 14:03:23,497 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,497 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor'
  170. 14:03:23,497 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,497 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor'
  171. 14:03:23,498 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,498 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  172. 14:03:23,498 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,498 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor'
  173. 14:03:23,498 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,498 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor'
  174. 14:03:23,498 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,498 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor'
  175. 14:03:23,502 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,502 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  176. 14:03:23,503 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,502 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor'
  177. 14:03:23,503 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,503 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator'
  178. 14:03:23,503 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,503 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator'
  179. 14:03:23,543 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,543 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  180. 14:03:23,552 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,552 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator'
  181. 14:03:23,555 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,555 DEBUG [AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext] Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default []
  182. 14:03:23,557 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,557 DEBUG [AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext] Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using default [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@723ee458]
  183. 14:03:23,561 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,561 DEBUG [UiApplicationContextUtils] Unable to locate ThemeSource with name 'themeSource': using default []
  184. 14:03:23,569 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,569 INFO [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor,defaultRouter,XStreamConverters.NullConverter,defaultResourceTranslator,javaEvaluator,encodingHandlerFactory,pathAnnotationRoutesParser,defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler,paranamerNameProvider,defaultRoutes,defaultMultipartConfig,hibernateProxyInitializer,cglibProxifier,defaultRestDefaults,topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry,JSR303ValidatorFactory,defaultTypeNameExtractor,validatorFactoryCreator,defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory,defaultTypeFinder,defaultConverters,defaultResourceNotFoundHandler,defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat,noRoutesConfiguration,defaultDeserializers,messageInterpolatorFactory,interceptorListPriorToExecutionExtractor,objenesisInstanceCreator,stereotypeHandler,converterHandler,interceptorStereotypeHandler,deserializesHandler,stereotypedBeansRegistrar,defaultSpringLocator,emptyResult,deserializingInterceptor,executeMethodInterceptor,defaultPageResult,instantiateInterceptor,nullMultipartInterceptor,defaultHttpResult,parametersInstantiatorInterceptor,defaultLogicResult,downloadInterceptor,replicatorOutjector,flashInterceptor,sessionFlashScope,defaultFormatResolver,JSR303Validator,XStreamXMLSerialization,HTMLSerialization,applicationConfiguration,defaultRepresentationResult,jsonDeserializer,messageConverter,resourceLookupInterceptor,ognlFacade,defaultPathResolver,exceptionHandlerInterceptor,defaultValidator,defaultMethodInfo,defaultRestHeadersHandler,defaultResult,ognlParametersProvider,defaultExceptionMapper,XStreamJSONSerialization,defaultStatus,XStreamJSONPSerialization,emptyElementsRemoval,XStreamXMLDeserializer,defaultRefererResult,outjectResult,XStreamConverters,defaultValidationViewsFactory,forwardToDefaultViewInterceptor,jstlLocalization,enumConverter,primitiveFloatConverter,stringConverter,primitiveShortConverter,primitiveBooleanConverter,primitiveLongConverter,uploadedFileConverter,primitiveDoubleConverter,byteConverter,primitiveIntConverter,localeBasedDateConverter,floatConverter,characterConverter,booleanConverter,bigIntegerConverter,longConverter,integerConverter,primitiveCharConverter,doubleConverter,localeBasedCalendarConverter,primitiveByteConverter,shortConverter,bigDecimalConverter,VRaptorRequestProvider,httpServletRequestProvider,httpServletResponseProvider,httpSessionProvider,enhancedRequestExecution,XStreamBuilderImpl,defaultInterceptorStack,org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator,loginController,motivoDesativacaoBusiness,tipoEnderecoBusiness,unidadeFederativaBusiness,loginBusiness,customJSONSerialization,grupoEmpresaController,userSession,sistemaController,empresaBusiness,acessoBusiness,grupoEmpresaBusiness,perfilController,servicoBusiness,sistemaLegadoBusiness,sistemaBusiness,perfilBusiness,tipoUsuarioBusiness,motivoDesativacaoUsuarioBusiness,municipioController,empresaController,indexController,logBusiness,municipioBusiness,usuarioBusiness,contatoBusiness,ajaxExceptionInterceptor,usuarioController,logController]; root of factory hierarchy
  185. 14:03:23,570 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,570 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor'
  186. 14:03:23,570 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,570 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor'
  187. 14:03:23,570 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,570 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor'
  188. 14:03:23,570 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,570 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor'
  189. 14:03:23,572 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,572 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  190. 14:03:23,572 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,572 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  191. 14:03:23,583 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,583 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  192. 14:03:23,591 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,590 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  193. 14:03:23,591 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,591 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  194. 14:03:23,591 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,591 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  195. 14:03:23,592 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,592 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'httpServletRequestProvider' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  196. 14:03:23,594 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,594 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  197. 14:03:23,594 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,594 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  198. 14:03:23,594 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,594 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  199. 14:03:23,594 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,594 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'httpServletResponseProvider' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  200. 14:03:23,596 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,596 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  201. 14:03:23,596 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,596 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'httpSessionProvider'
  202. 14:03:23,596 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,596 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'httpSessionProvider'
  203. 14:03:23,597 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,597 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'httpSessionProvider' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  204. 14:03:23,598 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,598 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'httpSessionProvider'
  205. 14:03:23,598 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,598 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator'
  206. 14:03:23,600 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,600 DEBUG [AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext] Unable to locate LifecycleProcessor with name 'lifecycleProcessor': using default []
  207. 14:03:23,602 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,602 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'lifecycleProcessor'
  208. 14:03:23,603 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,603 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar'
  209. 14:03:23,603 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,603 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar'
  210. 14:03:23,625 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,625 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'stereotypeHandler'
  211. 14:03:23,625 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,625 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'stereotypeHandler'
  212. 14:03:23,627 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,627 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultRouter'
  213. 14:03:23,627 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,627 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultRouter'
  214. 14:03:23,635 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,635 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'noRoutesConfiguration'
  215. 14:03:23,635 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,635 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'noRoutesConfiguration'
  216. 14:03:23,636 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,636 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'noRoutesConfiguration' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  217. 14:03:23,638 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,638 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'noRoutesConfiguration'
  218. 14:03:23,641 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,641 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'cglibProxifier'
  219. 14:03:23,641 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,641 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'cglibProxifier'
  220. 14:03:23,645 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,645 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'objenesisInstanceCreator'
  221. 14:03:23,646 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,646 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'objenesisInstanceCreator'
  222. 14:03:23,646 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,646 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'objenesisInstanceCreator' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  223. 14:03:23,648 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,648 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'objenesisInstanceCreator'
  224. 14:03:23,648 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,648 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'cglibProxifier' via constructor to bean named 'objenesisInstanceCreator'
  225. 14:03:23,651 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,651 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'cglibProxifier' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  226. 14:03:23,653 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,653 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'cglibProxifier'
  227. 14:03:23,655 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,655 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultTypeFinder'
  228. 14:03:23,655 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,655 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultTypeFinder'
  229. 14:03:23,657 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,657 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'paranamerNameProvider'
  230. 14:03:23,657 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,657 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'paranamerNameProvider'
  231. 14:03:23,662 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,662 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'paranamerNameProvider' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  232. 14:03:23,665 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,665 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'paranamerNameProvider'
  233. 14:03:23,665 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,665 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultTypeFinder' via constructor to bean named 'paranamerNameProvider'
  234. 14:03:23,666 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,666 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultTypeFinder' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  235. 14:03:23,668 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,668 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultTypeFinder'
  236. 14:03:23,669 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,669 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultConverters'
  237. 14:03:23,670 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,670 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultConverters'
  238. 14:03:23,673 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,673 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  239. 14:03:23,673 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,673 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultConverters' via constructor to bean named ''
  240. 14:03:23,673 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,673 INFO [DefaultConverters ] Registering bundled converters
  241. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  242. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  243. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  244. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  245. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  246. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  247. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  248. 14:03:23,674 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  249. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,674 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  250. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  251. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  252. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  253. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  254. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  255. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  256. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  257. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  258. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  259. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  260. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  261. 14:03:23,675 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  262. 14:03:23,676 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,675 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  263. 14:03:23,676 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,676 DEBUG [DefaultConverters ] bundled converter to be registered: class
  264. 14:03:23,676 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,676 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultConverters' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  265. 14:03:23,678 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,678 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultConverters'
  266. 14:03:23,679 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,679 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'paranamerNameProvider'
  267. 14:03:23,680 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,680 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'javaEvaluator'
  268. 14:03:23,680 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,680 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'javaEvaluator'
  269. 14:03:23,681 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,681 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'javaEvaluator' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  270. 14:03:23,683 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,683 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'javaEvaluator'
  271. 14:03:23,684 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,684 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultRouter' via constructor to bean named 'noRoutesConfiguration'
  272. 14:03:23,684 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,684 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultRouter' via constructor to bean named 'cglibProxifier'
  273. 14:03:23,684 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,684 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultRouter' via constructor to bean named 'defaultTypeFinder'
  274. 14:03:23,684 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,684 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultRouter' via constructor to bean named 'defaultConverters'
  275. 14:03:23,684 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,684 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultRouter' via constructor to bean named 'paranamerNameProvider'
  276. 14:03:23,684 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,684 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultRouter' via constructor to bean named 'javaEvaluator'
  277. 14:03:23,686 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,686 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultRouter' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  278. 14:03:23,688 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,688 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultRouter'
  279. 14:03:23,689 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,689 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'pathAnnotationRoutesParser'
  280. 14:03:23,689 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,689 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'pathAnnotationRoutesParser'
  281. 14:03:23,693 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,693 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultRouter'
  282. 14:03:23,693 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,693 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'pathAnnotationRoutesParser' via constructor to bean named 'defaultRouter'
  283. 14:03:23,693 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,693 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'pathAnnotationRoutesParser' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  284. 14:03:23,695 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,695 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'pathAnnotationRoutesParser'
  285. 14:03:23,696 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,696 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'servletContext'
  286. 14:03:23,696 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,696 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypeHandler' via constructor to bean named 'defaultRouter'
  287. 14:03:23,696 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,696 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypeHandler' via constructor to bean named 'pathAnnotationRoutesParser'
  288. 14:03:23,696 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,696 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypeHandler' via constructor to bean named 'servletContext'
  289. 14:03:23,697 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,697 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: public void
  290. 14:03:23,698 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,697 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InitDestroyAnnotationBeanPostProcessor$LifecycleElement@8ad9ac2f
  291. 14:03:23,698 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,698 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'stereotypeHandler' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  292. 14:03:23,700 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,700 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Invoking init method on bean 'stereotypeHandler': public void
  293. 14:03:23,703 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,702 INFO [LinkToHandler ] Registering linkTo component
  294. 14:03:23,703 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,703 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'stereotypeHandler'
  295. 14:03:23,703 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,703 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'converterHandler'
  296. 14:03:23,703 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,703 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'converterHandler'
  297. 14:03:23,705 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,705 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultConverters'
  298. 14:03:23,705 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,705 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'converterHandler' via constructor to bean named 'defaultConverters'
  299. 14:03:23,705 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,705 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'converterHandler' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  300. 14:03:23,707 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,707 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'converterHandler'
  301. 14:03:23,707 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,707 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'interceptorStereotypeHandler'
  302. 14:03:23,707 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,707 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'interceptorStereotypeHandler'
  303. 14:03:23,710 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,710 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  304. 14:03:23,710 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,710 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  305. 14:03:23,725 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,725 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  306. 14:03:23,727 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,727 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  307. 14:03:23,728 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,728 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  308. 14:03:23,728 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,728 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'interceptorStereotypeHandler' via constructor to bean named 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  309. 14:03:23,729 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,729 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'interceptorStereotypeHandler' via constructor to bean named ''
  310. 14:03:23,729 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,729 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'interceptorStereotypeHandler' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  311. 14:03:23,731 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,731 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'interceptorStereotypeHandler'
  312. 14:03:23,731 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,731 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'deserializesHandler'
  313. 14:03:23,731 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,731 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'deserializesHandler'
  314. 14:03:23,733 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,733 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultDeserializers'
  315. 14:03:23,733 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,733 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultDeserializers'
  316. 14:03:23,733 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,733 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultDeserializers' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  317. 14:03:23,735 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,735 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultDeserializers'
  318. 14:03:23,735 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,735 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'deserializesHandler' via constructor to bean named 'defaultDeserializers'
  319. 14:03:23,735 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,735 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'deserializesHandler' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  320. 14:03:23,736 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,736 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'deserializesHandler'
  321. 14:03:23,744 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,744 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar' via constructor to bean named 'stereotypeHandler'
  322. 14:03:23,744 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,744 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar' via constructor to bean named 'converterHandler'
  323. 14:03:23,744 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,744 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar' via constructor to bean named 'interceptorStereotypeHandler'
  324. 14:03:23,744 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,744 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar' via constructor to bean named 'deserializesHandler'
  325. 14:03:23,744 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,744 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  326. 14:03:23,746 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,746 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar'
  327. 14:03:23,748 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,748 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor for bean definition org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor
  328. 14:03:23,748 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,748 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor
  329. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,748 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor for bean definition org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor
  330. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class org.springframework.context.annotation.CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor for bean definition org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor
  331. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultRouter
  332. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class$NullConverter for bean definition XStreamConverters.NullConverter
  333. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultResourceTranslator
  334. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition javaEvaluator
  335. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition encodingHandlerFactory
  336. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition pathAnnotationRoutesParser
  337. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler
  338. 14:03:23,749 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition paranamerNameProvider
  339. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,749 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultRoutes
  340. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultMultipartConfig
  341. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition hibernateProxyInitializer
  342. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition cglibProxifier
  343. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultRestDefaults
  344. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry
  345. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition JSR303ValidatorFactory
  346. 14:03:23,750 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultTypeNameExtractor
  347. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,750 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition validatorFactoryCreator
  348. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory
  349. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultTypeFinder
  350. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultConverters
  351. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultResourceNotFoundHandler
  352. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat
  353. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition noRoutesConfiguration
  354. 14:03:23,751 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,751 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultDeserializers
  355. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition messageInterpolatorFactory
  356. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition interceptorListPriorToExecutionExtractor
  357. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition objenesisInstanceCreator
  358. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition stereotypeHandler
  359. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition converterHandler
  360. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition interceptorStereotypeHandler
  361. 14:03:23,752 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,752 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition deserializesHandler
  362. 14:03:23,753 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,753 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition stereotypedBeansRegistrar
  363. 14:03:23,753 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,753 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultSpringLocator
  364. 14:03:23,753 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,753 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition emptyResult
  365. 14:03:23,753 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,753 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition deserializingInterceptor
  366. 14:03:23,753 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,753 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  367. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition executeMethodInterceptor
  368. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  369. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultPageResult
  370. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition instantiateInterceptor
  371. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  372. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition nullMultipartInterceptor
  373. 14:03:23,765 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,765 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultHttpResult
  374. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition parametersInstantiatorInterceptor
  375. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  376. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultLogicResult
  377. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition downloadInterceptor
  378. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  379. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition replicatorOutjector
  380. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition flashInterceptor
  381. 14:03:23,766 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,766 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  382. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition sessionFlashScope
  383. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultFormatResolver
  384. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition JSR303Validator
  385. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition XStreamXMLSerialization
  386. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition HTMLSerialization
  387. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition applicationConfiguration
  388. 14:03:23,767 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,767 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultRepresentationResult
  389. 14:03:23,768 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,768 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition jsonDeserializer
  390. 14:03:23,768 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,768 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition messageConverter
  391. 14:03:23,768 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,768 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition resourceLookupInterceptor
  392. 14:03:23,768 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,768 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  393. 14:03:23,768 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,768 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition ognlFacade
  394. 14:03:23,768 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,768 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultPathResolver
  395. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition exceptionHandlerInterceptor
  396. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  397. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultValidator
  398. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultMethodInfo
  399. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultRestHeadersHandler
  400. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultResult
  401. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition ognlParametersProvider
  402. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultExceptionMapper
  403. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition XStreamJSONSerialization
  404. 14:03:23,769 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,769 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultStatus
  405. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition XStreamJSONPSerialization
  406. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition emptyElementsRemoval
  407. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition XStreamXMLDeserializer
  408. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultRefererResult
  409. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition outjectResult
  410. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  411. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition XStreamConverters
  412. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultValidationViewsFactory
  413. 14:03:23,770 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,770 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition forwardToDefaultViewInterceptor
  414. 14:03:23,771 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,771 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  415. 14:03:23,771 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,771 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition jstlLocalization
  416. 14:03:23,771 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,771 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition enumConverter
  417. 14:03:23,771 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,771 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  418. 14:03:23,771 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,771 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveFloatConverter
  419. 14:03:23,772 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,772 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  420. 14:03:23,772 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,772 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition stringConverter
  421. 14:03:23,772 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,772 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  422. 14:03:23,772 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,772 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveShortConverter
  423. 14:03:23,772 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,772 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  424. 14:03:23,772 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,772 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveBooleanConverter
  425. 14:03:23,773 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,773 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  426. 14:03:23,773 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,773 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveLongConverter
  427. 14:03:23,773 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,773 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  428. 14:03:23,773 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,773 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition uploadedFileConverter
  429. 14:03:23,773 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,773 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  430. 14:03:23,773 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,773 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveDoubleConverter
  431. 14:03:23,774 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,774 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  432. 14:03:23,774 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,774 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition byteConverter
  433. 14:03:23,774 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,774 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  434. 14:03:23,774 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,774 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveIntConverter
  435. 14:03:23,774 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,774 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  436. 14:03:23,775 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,775 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition localeBasedDateConverter
  437. 14:03:23,775 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,775 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  438. 14:03:23,775 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,775 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition floatConverter
  439. 14:03:23,775 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,775 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  440. 14:03:23,776 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,775 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition characterConverter
  441. 14:03:23,776 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,776 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  442. 14:03:23,776 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,776 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition booleanConverter
  443. 14:03:23,786 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,786 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  444. 14:03:23,787 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,786 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition bigIntegerConverter
  445. 14:03:23,787 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,787 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  446. 14:03:23,787 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,787 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition longConverter
  447. 14:03:23,788 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,788 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  448. 14:03:23,788 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,788 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition integerConverter
  449. 14:03:23,788 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,788 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  450. 14:03:23,788 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,788 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveCharConverter
  451. 14:03:23,789 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,789 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  452. 14:03:23,789 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,789 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition doubleConverter
  453. 14:03:23,790 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,790 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  454. 14:03:23,790 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,790 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition localeBasedCalendarConverter
  455. 14:03:23,790 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,790 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  456. 14:03:23,790 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,790 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition primitiveByteConverter
  457. 14:03:23,790 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,790 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  458. 14:03:23,791 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,791 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition shortConverter
  459. 14:03:23,791 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,791 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  460. 14:03:23,791 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,791 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition bigDecimalConverter
  461. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,791 DEBUG [ConverterHandler ] Ignoring handling default converter class
  462. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,792 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition VRaptorRequestProvider
  463. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,792 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning interface for bean definition httpServletRequestProvider
  464. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,792 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning interface for bean definition httpServletResponseProvider
  465. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,792 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession for bean definition httpSessionProvider
  466. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,792 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition enhancedRequestExecution
  467. 14:03:23,792 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,792 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition XStreamBuilderImpl
  468. 14:03:23,793 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,793 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition defaultInterceptorStack
  469. 14:03:23,793 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,793 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation.AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator for bean definition org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator
  470. 14:03:23,793 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,793 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition loginController
  471. 14:03:23,793 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,793 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  472. 14:03:23,846 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,846 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LoginController.login() as []
  473. 14:03:23,847 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,847 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LoginController.login() as []
  474. 14:03:23,851 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,851 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /login retrieved /login with {}
  475. 14:03:23,852 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,852 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /login [GET] -> LoginController.login()
  476. 14:03:23,852 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,852 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LoginController.logout() as []
  477. 14:03:23,852 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,852 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LoginController.logout() as []
  478. 14:03:23,852 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,852 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /logout retrieved /logout with {}
  479. 14:03:23,853 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,853 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /logout [GET] -> LoginController.logout()
  480. 14:03:23,857 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,857 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LoginController.autenticar(Usuario) as [entity]
  481. 14:03:23,857 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,857 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LoginController.autenticar(Usuario) as [entity]
  482. 14:03:23,857 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,857 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /autenticar retrieved /autenticar with {}
  483. 14:03:23,857 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,857 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /autenticar [POST] -> LoginController.autenticar(Usuario)
  484. 14:03:23,858 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,858 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition motivoDesativacaoBusiness
  485. 14:03:23,858 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,858 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition tipoEnderecoBusiness
  486. 14:03:23,858 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,858 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition unidadeFederativaBusiness
  487. 14:03:23,858 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,858 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition loginBusiness
  488. 14:03:23,858 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,858 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition customJSONSerialization
  489. 14:03:23,858 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,858 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition grupoEmpresaController
  490. 14:03:23,859 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,859 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  491. 14:03:23,860 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,860 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for GrupoEmpresaController.criar(GrupoEmpresa) as [entity]
  492. 14:03:23,860 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,860 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for GrupoEmpresaController.criar(GrupoEmpresa) as [entity]
  493. 14:03:23,860 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,860 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /grupoEmpresa/cadastrar retrieved /grupoEmpresa/cadastrar with {}
  494. 14:03:23,860 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,860 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /grupoEmpresa/cadastrar [GET] -> GrupoEmpresaController.criar(GrupoEmpresa)
  495. 14:03:23,861 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,861 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for GrupoEmpresaController.salvar(GrupoEmpresa) as [entity]
  496. 14:03:23,861 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,861 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for GrupoEmpresaController.salvar(GrupoEmpresa) as [entity]
  497. 14:03:23,861 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,861 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /grupoEmpresa retrieved /grupoEmpresa with {}
  498. 14:03:23,862 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,862 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /grupoEmpresa [POST] -> GrupoEmpresaController.salvar(GrupoEmpresa)
  499. 14:03:23,862 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,862 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition userSession
  500. 14:03:23,862 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,862 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition sistemaController
  501. 14:03:23,862 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,862 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  502. 14:03:23,864 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,864 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.criar(Sistema) as [entity]
  503. 14:03:23,864 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,864 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.criar(Sistema) as [entity]
  504. 14:03:23,864 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,864 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/cadastrar retrieved /sistema/cadastrar with {}
  505. 14:03:23,864 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,864 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/cadastrar [GET] -> SistemaController.criar(Sistema)
  506. 14:03:23,865 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,865 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.editar(Sistema) as [entity]
  507. 14:03:23,866 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,865 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.editar(Sistema) as [entity]
  508. 14:03:23,866 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,866 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/alterar retrieved /sistema/alterar with {}
  509. 14:03:23,866 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,866 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/alterar [GET] -> SistemaController.editar(Sistema)
  510. 14:03:23,866 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,866 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.consultar() as []
  511. 14:03:23,866 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,866 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.consultar() as []
  512. 14:03:23,867 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,867 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/consultar retrieved /sistema/consultar with {}
  513. 14:03:23,867 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,867 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/consultar [GET] -> SistemaController.consultar()
  514. 14:03:23,868 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,868 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.ativar(Sistema, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  515. 14:03:23,868 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,868 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.ativar(Sistema, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  516. 14:03:23,868 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,868 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/ativar retrieved /sistema/ativar with {}
  517. 14:03:23,869 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,869 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/ativar [PUT] -> SistemaController.ativar(Sistema, boolean)
  518. 14:03:23,870 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,870 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.ativar(Sistema) as [entity]
  519. 14:03:23,870 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,870 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.ativar(Sistema) as [entity]
  520. 14:03:23,870 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,870 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/ativar retrieved /sistema/ativar with {}
  521. 14:03:23,870 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,870 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/ativar [GET] -> SistemaController.ativar(Sistema)
  522. 14:03:23,871 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,871 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.desativar(Sistema) as [entity]
  523. 14:03:23,871 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,871 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.desativar(Sistema) as [entity]
  524. 14:03:23,871 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,871 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/desativar retrieved /sistema/desativar with {}
  525. 14:03:23,871 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,871 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/desativar [GET] -> SistemaController.desativar(Sistema)
  526. 14:03:23,872 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,872 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.desativar(Sistema, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  527. 14:03:23,872 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,872 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.desativar(Sistema, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  528. 14:03:23,872 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,872 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/desativar retrieved /sistema/desativar with {}
  529. 14:03:23,872 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,872 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/desativar [PUT] -> SistemaController.desativar(Sistema, boolean)
  530. 14:03:23,873 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,873 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.salvar(Sistema) as [entity]
  531. 14:03:23,873 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,873 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.salvar(Sistema) as [entity]
  532. 14:03:23,873 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,873 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema retrieved /sistema with {}
  533. 14:03:23,873 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,873 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema [POST] -> SistemaController.salvar(Sistema)
  534. 14:03:23,874 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,874 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.loadByCodigo(Sistema) as [entity]
  535. 14:03:23,875 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,875 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for SistemaController.loadByCodigo(Sistema) as [entity]
  536. 14:03:23,876 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,876 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /sistema/codigo/{entity.codigo} retrieved /sistema/codigo/([^/]+) with {entity.codigo=[^/]+}
  537. 14:03:23,876 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,876 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /sistema/codigo/{entity.codigo} [GET] -> SistemaController.loadByCodigo(Sistema)
  538. 14:03:23,877 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,877 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition empresaBusiness
  539. 14:03:23,877 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,877 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition acessoBusiness
  540. 14:03:23,877 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,877 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition grupoEmpresaBusiness
  541. 14:03:23,877 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,877 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition perfilController
  542. 14:03:23,877 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,877 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  543. 14:03:23,879 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,879 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.criar(Perfil) as [entity]
  544. 14:03:23,879 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,879 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.criar(Perfil) as [entity]
  545. 14:03:23,880 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,880 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/criar retrieved /perfil/criar with {}
  546. 14:03:23,880 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,880 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/criar [GET] -> PerfilController.criar(Perfil)
  547. 14:03:23,881 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,881 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.editar(Perfil) as [entity]
  548. 14:03:23,881 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,881 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.editar(Perfil) as [entity]
  549. 14:03:23,881 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,881 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/alterar retrieved /perfil/alterar with {}
  550. 14:03:23,882 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,882 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/alterar [GET] -> PerfilController.editar(Perfil)
  551. 14:03:23,883 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,883 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.consultar(Perfil) as [entity]
  552. 14:03:23,883 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,883 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.consultar(Perfil) as [entity]
  553. 14:03:23,883 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,883 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/consultar retrieved /perfil/consultar with {}
  554. 14:03:23,884 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,884 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/consultar [GET] -> PerfilController.consultar(Perfil)
  555. 14:03:23,885 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,885 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.ativar(Perfil) as [entity]
  556. 14:03:23,885 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,885 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.ativar(Perfil) as [entity]
  557. 14:03:23,885 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,885 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/ativar retrieved /perfil/ativar with {}
  558. 14:03:23,886 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,886 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/ativar [GET] -> PerfilController.ativar(Perfil)
  559. 14:03:23,887 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,887 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.ativar(Perfil, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  560. 14:03:23,887 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,887 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.ativar(Perfil, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  561. 14:03:23,887 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,887 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/ativar retrieved /perfil/ativar with {}
  562. 14:03:23,888 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,888 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/ativar [PUT] -> PerfilController.ativar(Perfil, boolean)
  563. 14:03:23,889 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,889 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.desativar(Perfil) as [entity]
  564. 14:03:23,889 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,889 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.desativar(Perfil) as [entity]
  565. 14:03:23,889 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,889 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/desativar retrieved /perfil/desativar with {}
  566. 14:03:23,889 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,889 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/desativar [GET] -> PerfilController.desativar(Perfil)
  567. 14:03:23,891 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,890 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.desativar(Perfil, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  568. 14:03:23,891 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,891 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.desativar(Perfil, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  569. 14:03:23,891 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,891 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/desativar retrieved /perfil/desativar with {}
  570. 14:03:23,891 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,891 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/desativar [PUT] -> PerfilController.desativar(Perfil, boolean)
  571. 14:03:23,893 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,893 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.salvar(Perfil) as [entity]
  572. 14:03:23,893 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,893 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.salvar(Perfil) as [entity]
  573. 14:03:23,893 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,893 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil retrieved /perfil with {}
  574. 14:03:23,893 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,893 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil [POST] -> PerfilController.salvar(Perfil)
  575. 14:03:23,895 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,895 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.loadByNome(Perfil) as [entity]
  576. 14:03:23,896 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,896 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for PerfilController.loadByNome(Perfil) as [entity]
  577. 14:03:23,896 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,896 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /perfil/nome/{entity.nome} retrieved /perfil/nome/([^/]+) with {entity.nome=[^/]+}
  578. 14:03:23,896 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,896 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /perfil/nome/{entity.nome} [GET] -> PerfilController.loadByNome(Perfil)
  579. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition servicoBusiness
  580. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition sistemaLegadoBusiness
  581. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition sistemaBusiness
  582. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition perfilBusiness
  583. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition tipoUsuarioBusiness
  584. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition motivoDesativacaoUsuarioBusiness
  585. 14:03:23,897 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,897 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition municipioController
  586. 14:03:23,898 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,898 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  587. 14:03:23,899 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,899 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for MunicipioController.loadByUf(UnidadeFederativa) as [uf]
  588. 14:03:23,900 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,900 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for MunicipioController.loadByUf(UnidadeFederativa) as [uf]
  589. 14:03:23,900 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,900 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /municipio/uf/{uf.codigo} retrieved /municipio/uf/([^/]+) with {uf.codigo=[^/]+}
  590. 14:03:23,900 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,900 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /municipio/uf/{uf.codigo} [GET] -> MunicipioController.loadByUf(UnidadeFederativa)
  591. 14:03:23,901 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,901 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition empresaController
  592. 14:03:23,901 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,901 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  593. 14:03:23,904 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,903 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.criar(Empresa) as [entity]
  594. 14:03:23,904 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,904 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.criar(Empresa) as [entity]
  595. 14:03:23,904 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,904 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/cadastrar retrieved /empresa/cadastrar with {}
  596. 14:03:23,904 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,904 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/cadastrar [GET] -> EmpresaController.criar(Empresa)
  597. 14:03:23,905 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,905 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.editar(Empresa) as [entity]
  598. 14:03:23,905 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,905 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.editar(Empresa) as [entity]
  599. 14:03:23,905 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,905 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/alterar retrieved /empresa/alterar with {}
  600. 14:03:23,906 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,906 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/alterar [GET] -> EmpresaController.editar(Empresa)
  601. 14:03:23,906 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,906 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.consultar() as []
  602. 14:03:23,906 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,906 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.consultar() as []
  603. 14:03:23,906 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,906 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/consultar retrieved /empresa/consultar with {}
  604. 14:03:23,907 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,907 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/consultar [GET] -> EmpresaController.consultar()
  605. 14:03:23,908 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,907 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.ativar(Empresa, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  606. 14:03:23,908 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,908 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.ativar(Empresa, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  607. 14:03:23,908 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,908 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/ativar retrieved /empresa/ativar with {}
  608. 14:03:23,908 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,908 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/ativar [PUT] -> EmpresaController.ativar(Empresa, boolean)
  609. 14:03:23,909 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,909 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.ativar(Empresa) as [entity]
  610. 14:03:23,909 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,909 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.ativar(Empresa) as [entity]
  611. 14:03:23,909 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,909 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/ativar retrieved /empresa/ativar with {}
  612. 14:03:23,910 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,910 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/ativar [GET] -> EmpresaController.ativar(Empresa)
  613. 14:03:23,911 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,911 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.desativar(Empresa) as [entity]
  614. 14:03:23,911 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,911 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.desativar(Empresa) as [entity]
  615. 14:03:23,911 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,911 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/desativar retrieved /empresa/desativar with {}
  616. 14:03:23,911 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,911 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/desativar [GET] -> EmpresaController.desativar(Empresa)
  617. 14:03:23,912 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,912 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.desativar(Empresa, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  618. 14:03:23,912 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,912 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.desativar(Empresa, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  619. 14:03:23,912 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,912 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/desativar retrieved /empresa/desativar with {}
  620. 14:03:23,912 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,912 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/desativar [PUT] -> EmpresaController.desativar(Empresa, boolean)
  621. 14:03:23,913 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,913 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCNPJSemContratoAssinado(Empresa) as [entity]
  622. 14:03:23,915 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,915 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCNPJSemContratoAssinado(Empresa) as [entity]
  623. 14:03:23,916 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,915 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/cnpj/{entity.cnpj}/inclusao retrieved /empresa/cnpj/([^/]+)/inclusao with {entity.cnpj=[^/]+}
  624. 14:03:23,916 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,916 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/cnpj/{entity.cnpj}/inclusao [GET] -> EmpresaController.loadByCNPJSemContratoAssinado(Empresa)
  625. 14:03:23,917 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,917 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCNPJ(Empresa) as [entity]
  626. 14:03:23,917 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,917 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCNPJ(Empresa) as [entity]
  627. 14:03:23,917 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,917 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/cnpj/{entity.cnpj} retrieved /empresa/cnpj/([^/]+) with {entity.cnpj=[^/]+}
  628. 14:03:23,918 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,918 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/cnpj/{entity.cnpj} [GET] -> EmpresaController.loadByCNPJ(Empresa)
  629. 14:03:23,919 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,919 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.salvar(Empresa) as [entity]
  630. 14:03:23,919 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,919 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.salvar(Empresa) as [entity]
  631. 14:03:23,919 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,919 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa retrieved /empresa with {}
  632. 14:03:23,919 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,919 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa [POST] -> EmpresaController.salvar(Empresa)
  633. 14:03:23,920 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,920 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCodigo(Empresa) as [entity]
  634. 14:03:23,920 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,920 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCodigo(Empresa) as [entity]
  635. 14:03:23,920 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,920 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/codigo/{entity.codigo} retrieved /empresa/codigo/(-?\d+) with {entity.codigo=-?\d+}
  636. 14:03:23,921 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,921 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/codigo/{entity.codigo} [GET] -> EmpresaController.loadByCodigo(Empresa)
  637. 14:03:23,921 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,921 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCodigoSemContratoAssinado(Empresa) as [entity]
  638. 14:03:23,922 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,922 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.loadByCodigoSemContratoAssinado(Empresa) as [entity]
  639. 14:03:23,922 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,922 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/codigo/{entity.codigo}/inclusao retrieved /empresa/codigo/(-?\d+)/inclusao with {entity.codigo=-?\d+}
  640. 14:03:23,922 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,922 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/codigo/{entity.codigo}/inclusao [GET] -> EmpresaController.loadByCodigoSemContratoAssinado(Empresa)
  641. 14:03:23,923 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,923 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.incluirContrato(Empresa) as [entity]
  642. 14:03:23,923 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,923 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.incluirContrato(Empresa) as [entity]
  643. 14:03:23,923 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,923 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/contrato retrieved /empresa/contrato with {}
  644. 14:03:23,923 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,923 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/contrato [POST] -> EmpresaController.incluirContrato(Empresa)
  645. 14:03:23,924 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,924 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.contrato(Empresa) as [entity]
  646. 14:03:23,924 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,924 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for EmpresaController.contrato(Empresa) as [entity]
  647. 14:03:23,924 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,924 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /empresa/contrato retrieved /empresa/contrato with {}
  648. 14:03:23,924 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,924 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /empresa/contrato [GET] -> EmpresaController.contrato(Empresa)
  649. 14:03:23,925 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,925 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition indexController
  650. 14:03:23,925 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,925 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  651. 14:03:23,925 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,925 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for IndexController.index() as []
  652. 14:03:23,925 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,925 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for IndexController.index() as []
  653. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For / retrieved / with {}
  654. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] / [ALL] -> IndexController.index()
  655. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition logBusiness
  656. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition municipioBusiness
  657. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition usuarioBusiness
  658. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition contatoBusiness
  659. 14:03:23,926 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,926 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition ajaxExceptionInterceptor
  660. 14:03:23,927 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,927 DEBUG [InterceptorStereotypeHandler] Found interceptor for class
  661. 14:03:23,927 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,927 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition usuarioController
  662. 14:03:23,927 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,927 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  663. 14:03:23,928 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,928 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.criar(Usuario) as [entity]
  664. 14:03:23,928 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,928 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.criar(Usuario) as [entity]
  665. 14:03:23,928 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,928 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/cadastrar retrieved /usuario/cadastrar with {}
  666. 14:03:23,929 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,929 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/cadastrar [GET] -> UsuarioController.criar(Usuario)
  667. 14:03:23,930 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,930 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.editar(Usuario) as [entity]
  668. 14:03:23,930 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,930 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.editar(Usuario) as [entity]
  669. 14:03:23,930 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,930 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/alterar retrieved /usuario/alterar with {}
  670. 14:03:23,930 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,930 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/alterar [GET] -> UsuarioController.editar(Usuario)
  671. 14:03:23,931 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,931 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.consultar(Usuario) as [entity]
  672. 14:03:23,931 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,931 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.consultar(Usuario) as [entity]
  673. 14:03:23,932 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,932 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/consultar retrieved /usuario/consultar with {}
  674. 14:03:23,932 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,932 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/consultar [GET] -> UsuarioController.consultar(Usuario)
  675. 14:03:23,933 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,933 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.ativar(Usuario) as [entity]
  676. 14:03:23,933 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,933 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.ativar(Usuario) as [entity]
  677. 14:03:23,933 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,933 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/ativar retrieved /usuario/ativar with {}
  678. 14:03:23,933 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,933 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/ativar [GET] -> UsuarioController.ativar(Usuario)
  679. 14:03:23,935 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,935 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.ativar(Usuario, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  680. 14:03:23,935 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,935 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.ativar(Usuario, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  681. 14:03:23,935 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,935 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/ativar retrieved /usuario/ativar with {}
  682. 14:03:23,936 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,935 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/ativar [PUT] -> UsuarioController.ativar(Usuario, boolean)
  683. 14:03:23,937 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,937 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.desativar(Usuario, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  684. 14:03:23,938 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,937 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.desativar(Usuario, boolean) as [entity, isConfirmed]
  685. 14:03:23,938 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,938 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/desativar retrieved /usuario/desativar with {}
  686. 14:03:23,938 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,938 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/desativar [PUT] -> UsuarioController.desativar(Usuario, boolean)
  687. 14:03:23,939 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,939 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.desativar(Usuario) as [entity]
  688. 14:03:23,939 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,939 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.desativar(Usuario) as [entity]
  689. 14:03:23,939 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,939 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/desativar retrieved /usuario/desativar with {}
  690. 14:03:23,940 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,939 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/desativar [GET] -> UsuarioController.desativar(Usuario)
  691. 14:03:23,941 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,940 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByCNPJSemContratoAssinado(Empresa) as [entity]
  692. 14:03:23,941 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,941 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByCNPJSemContratoAssinado(Empresa) as [entity]
  693. 14:03:23,941 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,941 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/criar/empresa/cnpj/{entity.cnpj} retrieved /usuario/criar/empresa/cnpj/([^/]+) with {entity.cnpj=[^/]+}
  694. 14:03:23,941 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,941 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/criar/empresa/cnpj/{entity.cnpj} [GET] -> UsuarioController.loadByCNPJSemContratoAssinado(Empresa)
  695. 14:03:23,942 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,942 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByCPF(Usuario) as [entity]
  696. 14:03:23,944 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,944 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByCPF(Usuario) as [entity]
  697. 14:03:23,944 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,944 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/cpf/{entity.cpf} retrieved /usuario/cpf/([^/]+) with {entity.cpf=[^/]+}
  698. 14:03:23,945 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,945 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/cpf/{entity.cpf} [GET] -> UsuarioController.loadByCPF(Usuario)
  699. 14:03:23,946 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,946 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByCodigoSubcodigoLogin(Usuario) as [entity]
  700. 14:03:23,946 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,946 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByCodigoSubcodigoLogin(Usuario) as [entity]
  701. 14:03:23,947 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,947 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/codigo/{entity.empresa.codigo}/{entity.subCodigo}/{entity.login1}/{entity.login2} retrieved /usuario/codigo/(-?\d+)/(-?\d+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+) with {entity.login1=[^/]+, entity.subCodigo=-?\d+, entity.login2=[^/]+, entity.empresa.codigo=-?\d+}
  702. 14:03:23,947 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,947 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/codigo/{entity.empresa.codigo}/{entity.subCodigo}/{entity.login1}/{entity.login2}[GET] -> UsuarioController.loadByCodigoSubcodigoLogin(Usuario)
  703. 14:03:23,948 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,948 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByMaster(Usuario) as [entity]
  704. 14:03:23,948 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,948 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.loadByMaster(Usuario) as [entity]
  705. 14:03:23,949 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,949 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/master/{entity.empresa.codigo}/{entity.subCodigo}/{entity.login1}/{entity.login2} retrieved /usuario/master/(-?\d+)/(-?\d+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+) with {entity.login1=[^/]+, entity.subCodigo=-?\d+, entity.login2=[^/]+, entity.empresa.codigo=-?\d+}
  706. 14:03:23,949 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,949 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/master/{entity.empresa.codigo}/{entity.subCodigo}/{entity.login1}/{entity.login2}[GET] -> UsuarioController.loadByMaster(Usuario)
  707. 14:03:23,950 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,950 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.salvar(Usuario) as [entity]
  708. 14:03:23,950 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,950 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.salvar(Usuario) as [entity]
  709. 14:03:23,950 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,950 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario retrieved /usuario with {}
  710. 14:03:23,951 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,951 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario [POST] -> UsuarioController.salvar(Usuario)
  711. 14:03:23,952 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,952 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.reinicializarSenha(Usuario) as [entity]
  712. 14:03:23,952 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,952 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for UsuarioController.reinicializarSenha(Usuario) as [entity]
  713. 14:03:23,952 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,952 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /usuario/reinicializar retrieved /usuario/reinicializar with {}
  714. 14:03:23,952 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,952 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /usuario/reinicializar [POST] -> UsuarioController.reinicializarSenha(Usuario)
  715. 14:03:23,953 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,953 DEBUG [StereotypedBeansRegistrar] scanning class for bean definition logController
  716. 14:03:23,953 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,953 DEBUG [ResourceHandler ] Found resource: class
  717. 14:03:23,954 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,954 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.loadByData(String, String) as [stringInicial, stringFinal]
  718. 14:03:23,954 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,954 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.loadByData(String, String) as [stringInicial, stringFinal]
  719. 14:03:23,954 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,954 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /log/dataInicial/{stringInicial*}/dataFinal/{stringFinal*} retrieved /log/dataInicial/(.*)/dataFinal/(.*) with {stringInicial=[^/]+, stringFinal*=.*, stringInicial*=.*, stringFinal=[^/]+}
  720. 14:03:23,955 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,955 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /log/dataInicial/{stringInicial*}/dataFinal/{stringFinal*}[GET] -> LogController.loadByData(String, String)
  721. 14:03:23,955 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,955 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.loadByUsuario(Log) as [entity]
  722. 14:03:23,956 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,955 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.loadByUsuario(Log) as [entity]
  723. 14:03:23,956 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,956 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /log/usuario/{entity.codigoEmpresaOperador}/{entity.subCodigoOperador}/{entity.loginOperador} retrieved /log/usuario/(-?\d+)/(-?\d+)/([^/]+) with {entity.loginOperador=[^/]+, entity.codigoEmpresaOperador=-?\d+, entity.subCodigoOperador=-?\d+}
  724. 14:03:23,956 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,956 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /log/usuario/{entity.codigoEmpresaOperador}/{entity.subCodigoOperador}/{entity.loginOperador}[GET] -> LogController.loadByUsuario(Log)
  725. 14:03:23,957 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,957 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.loadByTransacao(Log) as [entity]
  726. 14:03:23,957 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,957 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.loadByTransacao(Log) as [entity]
  727. 14:03:23,957 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,957 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /log/transacao/{entity.codigoTransacao} retrieved /log/transacao/([^/]+) with {entity.codigoTransacao=[^/]+}
  728. 14:03:23,957 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,957 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /log/transacao/{entity.codigoTransacao} [GET] -> LogController.loadByTransacao(Log)
  729. 14:03:23,958 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,958 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.consultar(Log) as [entity]
  730. 14:03:23,958 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,958 DEBUG [ParanamerNameProvider] Found parameter names with paranamer for LogController.consultar(Log) as [entity]
  731. 14:03:23,959 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,958 DEBUG [DefaultParametersControl] For /log/consultar retrieved /log/consultar with {}
  732. 14:03:23,959 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,959 INFO [DefaultRouteBuilder ] /log/consultar [GET] -> LogController.consultar(Log)
  733. 14:03:23,961 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,960 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'lifecycleProcessor'
  734. 14:03:23,961 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,961 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'stereotypedBeansRegistrar'
  735. 14:03:23,961 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:23,961 INFO [VRaptor ] VRaptor 3.4.0 successfuly initialized
  736. 14:03:23,981 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console
  737. 14:03:24,060 INFO [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
  738. 14:03:24,093 INFO [AjpProtocol] Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-
  739. 14:03:24,102 INFO [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)] Started in 35s:6ms
  740. 14:03:34,040 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,040 DEBUG [VRaptor ] VRaptor received a new request
  741. 14:03:34,059 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,058 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  742. 14:03:34,060 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,060 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'encodingHandlerFactory'
  743. 14:03:34,060 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,060 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'encodingHandlerFactory'
  744. 14:03:34,062 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,062 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'servletContext'
  745. 14:03:34,063 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,063 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'encodingHandlerFactory' via constructor to bean named 'servletContext'
  746. 14:03:34,064 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,064 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'encodingHandlerFactory' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  747. 14:03:34,066 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,066 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'encodingHandlerFactory'
  748. 14:03:34,067 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,067 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'enhancedRequestExecution'
  749. 14:03:34,069 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,069 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultInterceptorStack'
  750. 14:03:34,071 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,071 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory'
  751. 14:03:34,071 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,071 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory'
  752. 14:03:34,074 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,073 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  753. 14:03:34,074 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,074 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory' via constructor to bean named ''
  754. 14:03:34,077 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,077 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  755. 14:03:34,078 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,078 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory'
  756. 14:03:34,079 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,079 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultInterceptorStack' via constructor to bean named 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory'
  757. 14:03:34,080 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,080 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultInterceptorStack'
  758. 14:03:34,082 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,082 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  759. 14:03:34,082 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,082 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'enhancedRequestExecution' via constructor to bean named 'defaultInterceptorStack'
  760. 14:03:34,082 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,082 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'enhancedRequestExecution' via constructor to bean named 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  761. 14:03:34,083 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,083 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'enhancedRequestExecution'
  762. 14:03:34,102 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,102 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'resourceLookupInterceptor'
  763. 14:03:34,104 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,104 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultResourceTranslator'
  764. 14:03:34,104 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,104 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultResourceTranslator'
  765. 14:03:34,106 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,105 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultRouter'
  766. 14:03:34,106 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,106 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultResourceTranslator' via constructor to bean named 'defaultRouter'
  767. 14:03:34,106 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,106 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultResourceTranslator' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  768. 14:03:34,107 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,107 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultResourceTranslator'
  769. 14:03:34,109 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,109 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultMethodInfo'
  770. 14:03:34,113 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,112 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultMethodInfo'
  771. 14:03:34,114 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,114 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultResourceNotFoundHandler'
  772. 14:03:34,114 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,114 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultResourceNotFoundHandler'
  773. 14:03:34,115 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,115 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultResourceNotFoundHandler' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  774. 14:03:34,116 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,116 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultResourceNotFoundHandler'
  775. 14:03:34,118 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,117 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler'
  776. 14:03:34,118 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,118 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler'
  777. 14:03:34,118 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,118 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  778. 14:03:34,120 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,120 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler'
  779. 14:03:34,121 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,121 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  780. 14:03:34,121 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,121 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'resourceLookupInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResourceTranslator'
  781. 14:03:34,121 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,121 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'resourceLookupInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultMethodInfo'
  782. 14:03:34,121 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,121 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'resourceLookupInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResourceNotFoundHandler'
  783. 14:03:34,121 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,121 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'resourceLookupInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler'
  784. 14:03:34,122 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,122 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'resourceLookupInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  785. 14:03:34,124 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,123 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'resourceLookupInterceptor'
  786. 14:03:34,124 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,124 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor ResourceLookupInterceptor
  787. 14:03:34,124 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,124 DEBUG [DefaultResourceTranslator] trying to access /
  788. 14:03:34,128 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,128 DEBUG [DefaultResourceTranslator] found resource [DefaultResourceMethod: IndexController.indexIndexController.index()]
  789. 14:03:34,138 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,138 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'instantiateInterceptor'
  790. 14:03:34,140 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,140 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  791. 14:03:34,140 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,140 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'instantiateInterceptor' via constructor to bean named ''
  792. 14:03:34,143 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,142 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'instantiateInterceptor'
  793. 14:03:34,143 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,143 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor InstantiateInterceptor
  794. 14:03:34,144 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,144 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'indexController'
  795. 14:03:34,146 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,146 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'indexController'
  796. 14:03:34,147 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,147 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'flashInterceptor'
  797. 14:03:34,153 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,153 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpSessionProvider'
  798. 14:03:34,161 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,161 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultResult'
  799. 14:03:34,167 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,167 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  800. 14:03:34,169 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,169 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  801. 14:03:34,170 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,170 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultExceptionMapper'
  802. 14:03:34,173 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,173 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'cglibProxifier'
  803. 14:03:34,173 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,173 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultExceptionMapper' via constructor to bean named 'cglibProxifier'
  804. 14:03:34,176 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,176 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultExceptionMapper'
  805. 14:03:34,178 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,178 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultTypeNameExtractor'
  806. 14:03:34,178 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,178 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultTypeNameExtractor'
  807. 14:03:34,179 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,179 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultTypeNameExtractor' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  808. 14:03:34,181 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,181 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultTypeNameExtractor'
  809. 14:03:34,181 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,181 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultResult' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  810. 14:03:34,182 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,182 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultResult' via constructor to bean named ''
  811. 14:03:34,182 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,182 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultResult' via constructor to bean named 'defaultExceptionMapper'
  812. 14:03:34,182 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,182 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultResult' via constructor to bean named 'defaultTypeNameExtractor'
  813. 14:03:34,186 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,186 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultResult'
  814. 14:03:34,187 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,187 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  815. 14:03:34,188 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,188 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'flashInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'httpSessionProvider'
  816. 14:03:34,188 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,188 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'flashInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  817. 14:03:34,188 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,188 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'flashInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  818. 14:03:34,191 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,191 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'flashInterceptor'
  819. 14:03:34,191 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,191 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor FlashInterceptor
  820. 14:03:34,193 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,192 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'exceptionHandlerInterceptor'
  821. 14:03:34,198 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,198 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  822. 14:03:34,198 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,198 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'exceptionHandlerInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultExceptionMapper'
  823. 14:03:34,198 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,198 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'exceptionHandlerInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  824. 14:03:34,198 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,198 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'exceptionHandlerInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  825. 14:03:34,201 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,201 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'exceptionHandlerInterceptor'
  826. 14:03:34,201 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,201 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor ExceptionHandlerInterceptor
  827. 14:03:34,202 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,202 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'ajaxExceptionInterceptor'
  828. 14:03:34,208 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,208 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  829. 14:03:34,210 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,209 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'ajaxExceptionInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  830. 14:03:34,210 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,210 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'ajaxExceptionInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  831. 14:03:34,212 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,212 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'ajaxExceptionInterceptor'
  832. 14:03:34,216 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,216 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'executeMethodInterceptor'
  833. 14:03:34,221 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,221 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultValidator'
  834. 14:03:34,227 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,227 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultValidationViewsFactory'
  835. 14:03:34,230 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,230 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'cglibProxifier'
  836. 14:03:34,230 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,230 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidationViewsFactory' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  837. 14:03:34,230 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,230 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidationViewsFactory' via constructor to bean named 'cglibProxifier'
  838. 14:03:34,233 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,233 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultValidationViewsFactory'
  839. 14:03:34,234 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,234 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'replicatorOutjector'
  840. 14:03:34,239 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,239 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'paranamerNameProvider'
  841. 14:03:34,239 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,239 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'replicatorOutjector' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  842. 14:03:34,239 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,239 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'replicatorOutjector' via constructor to bean named 'defaultMethodInfo'
  843. 14:03:34,239 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,239 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'replicatorOutjector' via constructor to bean named 'paranamerNameProvider'
  844. 14:03:34,241 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,241 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'replicatorOutjector'
  845. 14:03:34,243 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,242 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'cglibProxifier'
  846. 14:03:34,244 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,244 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'JSR303Validator'
  847. 14:03:34,247 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,247 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'jstlLocalization'
  848. 14:03:34,252 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,252 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  849. 14:03:34,252 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,252 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'jstlLocalization' via constructor to bean named 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  850. 14:03:34,255 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,255 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'jstlLocalization'
  851. 14:03:34,256 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,256 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  852. 14:03:34,257 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,257 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'JSR303ValidatorFactory'
  853. 14:03:34,257 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,257 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'JSR303ValidatorFactory'
  854. 14:03:34,259 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,259 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  855. 14:03:34,260 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,260 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'validatorFactoryCreator'
  856. 14:03:34,261 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,261 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'validatorFactoryCreator'
  857. 14:03:34,261 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,261 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: public void
  858. 14:03:34,262 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,262 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InitDestroyAnnotationBeanPostProcessor$LifecycleElement@739e8abc
  859. 14:03:34,262 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,262 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'validatorFactoryCreator' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  860. 14:03:34,265 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,265 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Invoking init method on bean 'validatorFactoryCreator': public void
  861. 14:03:34,283 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,282 INFO [Version ] Hibernate Validator 4.0.2.GA
  862. 14:03:34,295 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,295 DEBUG [ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator] ValidationMessages not found. Delegating to org.hibernate.validator.ValidationMessages
  863. 14:03:34,310 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,310 DEBUG [DefaultTraversableResolver] Found javax.persistence.PersistenceUtil on classpath.
  864. 14:03:34,312 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,312 INFO [DefaultTraversableResolver] Instantiated an instance of org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.
  865. 14:03:34,319 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,319 DEBUG [ValidationXmlParser ] No META-INF/validation.xml found. Using annotation based configuration only
  866. 14:03:34,343 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,343 DEBUG [ValidatorFactoryCreator] Initializing JSR303 factory for bean validation
  867. 14:03:34,343 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,343 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'validatorFactoryCreator'
  868. 14:03:34,343 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,343 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'JSR303ValidatorFactory' via constructor to bean named ''
  869. 14:03:34,344 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,344 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: public void
  870. 14:03:34,344 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,344 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InitDestroyAnnotationBeanPostProcessor$LifecycleElement@6685e5b6
  871. 14:03:34,344 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,344 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'JSR303ValidatorFactory' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  872. 14:03:34,346 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,345 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Invoking init method on bean 'JSR303ValidatorFactory': public void
  873. 14:03:34,351 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,351 DEBUG [JSR303ValidatorFactory] Initializing JSR303 Validator
  874. 14:03:34,351 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,351 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'JSR303ValidatorFactory'
  875. 14:03:34,352 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,351 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  876. 14:03:34,352 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,352 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'messageInterpolatorFactory'
  877. 14:03:34,352 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,352 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'messageInterpolatorFactory'
  878. 14:03:34,353 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,353 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  879. 14:03:34,353 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,353 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'validatorFactoryCreator'
  880. 14:03:34,354 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,353 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'messageInterpolatorFactory' via constructor to bean named ''
  881. 14:03:34,354 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,354 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: public void
  882. 14:03:34,354 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,354 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Found init method on class []: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InitDestroyAnnotationBeanPostProcessor$LifecycleElement@f3ada3e3
  883. 14:03:34,354 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,354 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'messageInterpolatorFactory' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  884. 14:03:34,356 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,356 DEBUG [CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] Invoking init method on bean 'messageInterpolatorFactory': public void
  885. 14:03:34,356 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,356 DEBUG [MessageInterpolatorFactory] Initializing JSR303 MessageInterpolator
  886. 14:03:34,356 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,356 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'messageInterpolatorFactory'
  887. 14:03:34,356 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,356 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'JSR303Validator' via constructor to bean named 'jstlLocalization'
  888. 14:03:34,356 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,356 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'JSR303Validator' via constructor to bean named ''
  889. 14:03:34,356 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,356 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'JSR303Validator' via constructor to bean named ''
  890. 14:03:34,358 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,358 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'JSR303Validator'
  891. 14:03:34,358 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,358 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidator' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  892. 14:03:34,359 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,358 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidator' via constructor to bean named 'defaultValidationViewsFactory'
  893. 14:03:34,359 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,359 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidator' via constructor to bean named 'replicatorOutjector'
  894. 14:03:34,359 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,359 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidator' via constructor to bean named 'cglibProxifier'
  895. 14:03:34,359 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,359 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidator' via constructor to bean named 'JSR303Validator'
  896. 14:03:34,359 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,359 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultValidator' via constructor to bean named 'jstlLocalization'
  897. 14:03:34,362 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,361 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultValidator'
  898. 14:03:34,362 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,362 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'executeMethodInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultMethodInfo'
  899. 14:03:34,362 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,362 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'executeMethodInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultValidator'
  900. 14:03:34,363 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,363 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'executeMethodInterceptor'
  901. 14:03:34,363 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,363 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor ExecuteMethodInterceptor
  902. 14:03:34,363 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,363 DEBUG [ExecuteMethodInterceptor] Invoking IndexController.index()
  903. 14:03:34,365 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,365 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'forwardToDefaultViewInterceptor'
  904. 14:03:34,366 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,366 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'forwardToDefaultViewInterceptor' via constructor to bean named 'defaultResult'
  905. 14:03:34,367 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,367 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'forwardToDefaultViewInterceptor'
  906. 14:03:34,368 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,368 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor ForwardToDefaultViewInterceptor
  907. 14:03:34,368 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,368 DEBUG [ForwardToDefaultViewInterceptor] forwarding to the dafault page for this logic
  908. 14:03:34,369 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,369 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultPageResult'
  909. 14:03:34,376 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,375 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  910. 14:03:34,376 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,376 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  911. 14:03:34,377 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,377 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultPathResolver'
  912. 14:03:34,378 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,378 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultFormatResolver'
  913. 14:03:34,379 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,379 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  914. 14:03:34,380 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,380 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat'
  915. 14:03:34,380 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,380 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat'
  916. 14:03:34,382 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,382 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Eagerly caching bean 'defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat' to allow for resolving potential circular references
  917. 14:03:34,384 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,384 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat'
  918. 14:03:34,384 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,384 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultFormatResolver' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  919. 14:03:34,384 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,384 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultFormatResolver' via constructor to bean named 'defaultAcceptHeaderToFormat'
  920. 14:03:34,386 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,386 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultFormatResolver'
  921. 14:03:34,386 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,386 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultPathResolver' via constructor to bean named 'defaultFormatResolver'
  922. 14:03:34,388 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,388 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultPathResolver'
  923. 14:03:34,389 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,389 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'cglibProxifier'
  924. 14:03:34,389 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,389 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultPageResult' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  925. 14:03:34,389 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,389 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultPageResult' via constructor to bean named 'httpServletResponseProvider'
  926. 14:03:34,389 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,389 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultPageResult' via constructor to bean named 'defaultMethodInfo'
  927. 14:03:34,389 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,389 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultPageResult' via constructor to bean named 'defaultPathResolver'
  928. 14:03:34,390 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,390 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Autowiring by type from bean name 'defaultPageResult' via constructor to bean named 'cglibProxifier'
  929. 14:03:34,394 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,394 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultPageResult'
  930. 14:03:34,395 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,395 DEBUG [DefaultPageResult ] forwarding to /WEB-INF/jsp/index/index.jsp
  931. 14:03:34,407 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,407 DEBUG [DefaultStaticContentHandler] Deferring request to container: /myapp/WEB-INF/jsp/index/index.jsp
  932. 14:03:34,581 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:34,581 DEBUG [VRaptor ] VRaptor ended the request
  933. 14:03:51,269 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,269 DEBUG [VRaptor ] VRaptor received a new request
  934. 14:03:51,270 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,270 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  935. 14:03:51,270 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,270 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'encodingHandlerFactory'
  936. 14:03:51,275 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,275 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'enhancedRequestExecution'
  937. 14:03:51,275 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,275 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultInterceptorStack'
  938. 14:03:51,276 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,276 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultInterceptorHandlerFactory'
  939. 14:03:51,276 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,276 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultInterceptorStack'
  940. 14:03:51,277 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,277 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'topologicalSortedInterceptorRegistry'
  941. 14:03:51,277 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,277 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'enhancedRequestExecution'
  942. 14:03:51,277 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,277 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'resourceLookupInterceptor'
  943. 14:03:51,278 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,278 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultResourceTranslator'
  944. 14:03:51,279 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,279 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultMethodInfo'
  945. 14:03:51,279 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,279 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultMethodInfo'
  946. 14:03:51,280 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,279 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultResourceNotFoundHandler'
  947. 14:03:51,280 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,280 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultMethodNotAllowedHandler'
  948. 14:03:51,281 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,281 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'VRaptorRequestProvider'
  949. 14:03:51,281 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,281 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'resourceLookupInterceptor'
  950. 14:03:51,281 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,281 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor ResourceLookupInterceptor
  951. 14:03:51,281 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,281 DEBUG [DefaultResourceTranslator] trying to access /empresa/consultar
  952. 14:03:51,282 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,282 DEBUG [DefaultResourceTranslator] found resource [DefaultResourceMethod: EmpresaController.consultarEmpresaController.consultar()]
  953. 14:03:51,282 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,282 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'instantiateInterceptor'
  954. 14:03:51,283 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,283 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  955. 14:03:51,283 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,283 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'instantiateInterceptor'
  956. 14:03:51,283 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,283 DEBUG [ToInstantiateInterceptorHandler] Invoking interceptor InstantiateInterceptor
  957. 14:03:51,284 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,284 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'empresaController'
  958. 14:03:51,287 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,287 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultResult'
  959. 14:03:51,287 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,287 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'httpServletRequestProvider'
  960. 14:03:51,288 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,288 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean ''
  961. 14:03:51,288 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,288 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'defaultExceptionMapper'
  962. 14:03:51,288 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,288 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'cglibProxifier'
  963. 14:03:51,289 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,289 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultExceptionMapper'
  964. 14:03:51,289 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,289 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'defaultTypeNameExtractor'
  965. 14:03:51,289 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,289 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Finished creating instance of bean 'defaultResult'
  966. 14:03:51,290 INFO [STDOUT] 14:03:51,290 DEBUG [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating instance of bean 'empresaBusiness'
  967. 14:03:51,294 ERROR [[/myapp]] Unhandled exception occurred whilst decorating page
  968. org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'empresaController': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 1 of type []: : Error creating bean with name 'empresaBusiness': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager]: : No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'empresaBusiness': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager]: : No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}
  969. at
  970. at
  971. at
  972. at
  973. at
  974. at
  975. at$2.getObject(
  976. at org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributesScope.get(
  977. at
  978. at
  979. at
  980. at
  981. at
  982. at
  983. at
  984. at
  985. at
  986. at
  987. at
  988. at
  989. at
  990. at
  991. at$1.insideRequest(
  992. at
  993. at
  994. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  995. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  996. at com.opensymphony.sitemesh.webapp.SiteMeshFilter.obtainContent(
  997. at com.opensymphony.sitemesh.webapp.SiteMeshFilter.doFilter(
  998. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  999. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  1000. at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(
  1001. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  1002. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  1003. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
  1004. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
  1005. at
  1006. at
  1007. at
  1008. at
  1009. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
  1010. at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
  1011. at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve.invoke(
  1012. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
  1013. at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
  1014. at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
  1015. at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
  1016. at$
  1017. at
  1018. Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'empresaBusiness': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager]: : No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}
  1019. at
  1020. at
  1021. at
  1022. at
  1023. at
  1024. at
  1025. at$2.getObject(
  1026. at org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributesScope.get(
  1027. at
  1028. at
  1029. at
  1030. at
  1031. at
  1032. at
  1033. at
  1034. ... 48 more
  1035. Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}
  1036. at
  1037. at
  1038. at
  1039. at
  1040. at
  1041. ... 62 more
  1042. 14:03:51,295 ERROR [[default]] Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception
  1043. org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'empresaController': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 1 of type []: : Error creating bean with name 'empresaBusiness': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager]: : No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'empresaBusiness': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager]: : No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}
  1044. at
  1045. at
  1046. at
  1047. at
  1048. at
  1049. at
  1050. at$2.getObject(
  1051. at org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributesScope.get(
  1052. at
  1053. at
  1054. at
  1055. at
  1056. at
  1057. at
  1058. at
  1059. at
  1060. at
  1061. at
  1062. at
  1063. at
  1064. at
  1065. at
  1066. at$1.insideRequest(
  1067. at
  1068. at
  1069. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  1070. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  1071. at com.opensymphony.sitemesh.webapp.SiteMeshFilter.obtainContent(
  1072. at com.opensymphony.sitemesh.webapp.SiteMeshFilter.doFilter(
  1073. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  1074. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  1075. at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(
  1076. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
  1077. at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
  1078. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
  1079. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
  1080. at
  1081. at
  1082. at
  1083. at
  1084. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
  1085. at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
  1086. at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve.invoke(
  1087. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
  1088. at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
  1089. at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
  1090. at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
  1091. at$
  1092. at
  1093. Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'empresaBusiness': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager]: : No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}
  1094. at
  1095. at
  1096. at
  1097. at
  1098. at
  1099. at
  1100. at$2.getObject(
  1101. at org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributesScope.get(
  1102. at
  1103. at
  1104. at
  1105. at
  1106. at
  1107. at
  1108. at
  1109. ... 48 more
  1110. Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {}
  1111. at
  1112. at
  1113. at
  1114. at
  1115. at
  1116. ... 62 more
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