
A Boring World Ch. 2

Dec 31st, 2012
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  1. >Train rides
  2. >So tranquil
  3. >The gentle rattling
  4. >The peaceful view
  5. >Yup, shit sucks
  6. >At least Pinkie was making it interesting
  7. >”Oh boy I haven’t seen Discord’s statue in so long I can’t wait I bet it’ll be just like how I remember it and…”
  8. >The attendants had stopped attempting to calm her down after the 5th or so try, and had simply moved you both to one of those train rooms with a door
  9. >A room that Pinkie was bouncing around
  10. >As she ricochets off another corner, you reach out our hand and grab her, plopping her down on the seat in front of you
  11. So, Pinkie! Tell me more of this Discord fellow…
  12. >Pinkies eyes widen, and you see her muscles tense
  13. …While sitting, please.
  14. >She huffs, but quickly gets over it, smiling wide
  15. >”Well Anon Discord is a funny looking guy to say the least! He’s like a big bag of party mix!
  16. >What
  17. What
  18. >”You know, he’s a bunch of stuff thrown together! Like a big mix! And what better mix than PARTY mix?!
  19. >Well that cleared up absolutely nothing
  20. >Pinkie carries on regardless
  21. >”Apparently him and the Princesses knew each other way back over a thousand years ago but they didn’t get along like how we didn’t get along so they must have fought or something and he got turned into stone!”
  22. So that’s why he’s stone?
  23. >”Well sort of, he broke free a couple years ago and started playing a bunch of jokes on people except soon the whole wide world went wacky and oh wow did you just hear how many w’s were in there that sounded crazy and”
  24. >You give Pinkie a pointed glance
  25. >”Oh sorry Anon anyways so we had to put a stop to him and then well you know Elements of Harmony power play and tada he’s in stone again!”
  26. >So, Discord and the Princesses didn’t like each other.
  27. >That works out well
  28. >Perfectly, in fact
  29. >You aren’t too fond of the two either
  31. >You walk through Canterlot with Pinkie leading the way
  32. >Unfortunately she regularly gets distracted
  33. >Would it be inappropriate to put her on a leash?
  34. >You’ve been to Canterlot before, when you first arrived in Equestria
  35. >Unfortunately, you were shipped out before you could really get any mental map going
  36. >Despite the random detours, the castle was getting larger
  37. >Your hand twitches in anticipation
  38. >Eventually you reach the gates
  39. >The guards out front look fairly tough, especially if you ignored the fact that they were a good foot and a half shorter than you
  40. >They take one look at Pinkie and open the gates, giving you looks as you walk through
  41. >You ignore them
  42. So Pinkie, where exactly is this statue anyways?
  43. >”Well it is right in the back of the garden Anon! It used to be near the center, but after the whole “Oh hey I can come back from being a statue” incident Celestia decided letting the general tours see him on a regular basis wasn’t such a good idea”
  44. >You stop walking for a moment
  45. >She put him on display
  46. >He got out
  47. >So when he got turned to stone again, she put him farther back
  48. >And left him alone once again
  49. >…Still smarter than Fluttershy
  50. >”Coming Anon?!”
  51. Oh, sorry Pinkie!
  53. >Soon you reach the far end of the gardens
  54. >You stopped seeing other ponies a fair while ago
  55. >Big walls of shrubbery reach up on either side of you, causing the walking to be in the shadow
  56. >Good
  57. >You hated the sun
  58. Pinkie, are you sure you know where you’re going?
  59. >Pinkie pops up in front of you
  60. >”Well of course silly! It’s just been a bit!”
  61. If you insist
  62. >15 minutes later, you are sure Pinkie has gotten you both terribly lost
  63. >Maybe Celestia isn’t as slow as you originally thought
  64. >How big is this damn maze?
  65. >Just as you’re about to ask Pinkie again if we aren’t lost, you turn a corner, and Pinkie squees
  66. >You’ll never understand how they make that a joke
  67. >It’s like a chew toy
  68. >”Found you Discord!”
  70. >You look at the statue Pinkie is now running circles around
  71. >Party Mix
  72. >Suddenly, that makes a lot more sense
  73. >Before you stands an amalgamation of body parts, frozen in a picture of shock
  74. >Beautiful.
  75. >You walk up slowly to it, oblivious to your surroundings
  76. >You think you hear Pinkie chattering on, but you don’t care
  77. >All that matters is the potential you see in this creature
  78. >An end to boredom
  79. >An end to trivialities
  80. >All that stood before a return to happiness and excitement was some enchantment
  81. >You raise your hand
  82. >”Uhm, Anon? Why did you want to see Discord again?”
  83. >She sounds nervous
  84. >You chuckle
  85. >It's been a while since you've genuinely laughed
  86. >You smile at her
  87. No reason in particular, Pinkie.
  88. >You place your hand on Discords chest
  89. >You see a bright glow appear beside you, but not before you hear a crack
  91. End of Chapter 2
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