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Dec 16th, 2018
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  20. ####### pr0j3kT m4yHeM NoW knOWN aZ pr0j3kt GoD #####
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  41. "Don't you know that you yourselves are GoD's temple and that GoD's Spirit lives in you?"
  43. Corinthians 3:16
  46. HeY KiDS, KaRELeSS KiRK SaYZ:
  48. (,
  49. /|__--__ __--__
  50. |\ '__ _{ _
  51. `.' / `.,_ _________ HACKING _________ _,.' (/ `.
  52. / ||``._.' `---'|:||,/
  53. .' /| IZ LIKE A SWORD FIGHT... /|:| \
  54. .' /\ \ YOU MUST THINK BEFORE YOU MOVE.. `/|'\'
  55. ` `,/ /`,\ /,'\ \
  56. .'.' /| |\ `.`.
  57. ,' / / | | \ \ `,
  58. - `- -- `-'- ----------------------------------------- -`-' -- -' -
  60. f1rst we w0uld like t0 thank th3 kre4t0rz oV pr0j3kt m4yh3m aND all suppORteRs, with0ut you, th1s gl0riuz m0ment w0uld n0t be pawzibble.
  62. at f1rzt glance (spitzner), 1t w0uld be c0nceeved that pr0j3kt m4yh3m p0ssibly kill3d the sk3n3. y0u get th1z v1be fr0m
  63. s0me 0f the rekent phr4ck auth0rz, wh0 g0 by the c1rcle 0f l0st hax0rz. w3 w0uld lik3 t0 s3t the rek0rd straight 0n th1s
  64. ishu3, s1nce th4t is 4 pr4tty b1g cl0ud full 0f s3m3n h4ng1ng 0ver y0ur he4dZ.
  66. f1rst, the c1rcl3 0f l0zt haxr0z we d0 applawd. phr4ck 65 w4z alm0zt a sukk3zz. 1t alm0st s33m3d like s0mething y0u ww0uld
  67. re4d in thuh e4rly 90's. t0 pull th4t 0ff in th1z d4y and ag3 des3rv3z resp3kt. wh4t we d0 n0t phuck1ng applaud is th4t j00 fagg0ts
  68. cre4t3d a PyRiMaD WiTHOuT GoD aT th3 t0P, u R3t4Rd3D? GoD gre4tly respektz those gr0upz, but you stup1d f4gg0tz must
  69. put GoD at the t0p 0f the h4ck3r pyramid in y0ur n3xt issue. w3 are truly sadd3n3d th4t we are n0t c0nsid3r3d, amongsd 0ur p33rz,
  70. as th3 t0p 0f the f00d ch4in. wh0 the fuck d0 y0u th1nk j00 are n0t pl4c1ng uz iN d4t asCii h4kkr pyr4Mid? w3 re4lize j00 m4de a m1stak3,
  71. all h4ck3rz eventu4lly d0, and w3 p4rd0n y0u f0r it. iph j00 m4ke th1s mist4ke a sec0nd t1me, th3n we w1ll underst4nd j00 d0 n0t resp3kt
  72. GoD and w3 sh4ll w4ge w4r 0n j00 and k1ll j00 f4miliez. j|_|zt k1dd1ng.
  74. a w1ze warri0r wunc3 s4y:
  76. "in h4ck3r h1st0ry, GoD d0ez n0t st4nd 0n the sh0uld3rz 0f gi4ntz, it is the g14nt, and n0 m0th3rfuck3rz w1ll ev3r st4nd 0n 0ur sh0ulderz.
  78. br|_|zh j00r shoulderz 0ff." - a w1ze warri0r
  80. 0k s0 why d0 w3 c4re ab0ut wh4t the l0zt c1rcle 0f hax0rz say y0u m1ght be w0ndering while eat1ng ch33z dewdlez and fing3rn j00r re4ld0ll.
  81. w3ll, th3 circl3 0f l0zt h4x0rz said the sc3n3 iz de4d. th3y cl4imz thuh 4nt1 sekrurity m00phmentz k1ll3d all 0f da w0nderfuln3ss. th4y
  82. cl4im that 3v3ryth1ng juzt d1ed a s4d de4th.
  84. j00 c0uld n0t b furver fr0m th4 trooth.
  86. d0 j00 th1nk it iz a c0inc1d4nce that aft3r ~eL8 3 & ~eL8 4, th4t myster0uri0usly the skene st4rt3d t0 die? n0, th4t iz a d1r3kt result
  87. 0f p3opl3 fin4lly re4liz1ng they sh0uld k33p thuh 0d4yz al1ve and w4tch 0ut wh0 th3y t4lk t0. th3 sl1ghtly m0re undergr0undz hax0rz w3nt even furth3r
  88. undergr0und, the tru3 el1tez v4n1sh3d. but d0 j00 th1nk when s0meth1ng vanish3z it is g0ne f0rev3r, or it d0ez ceast t0 eksist? th3 3n3rgy 0f th3 hack3r
  89. univ3rse is as str0ng az ev3r.
  91. wh0 g1ves a fuck iph the h4ck3r scene h4s disapper3rd.
  93. 0nly the str0ng sh3ll surv1ve. wh3n will j00 re4l1ze th1s?
  95. GoD iz wr1tt3n f0r th0z wh0 truly w1sh t0 0btain 1337 status. ev3n if j00 are n00b re4d1ng GoD, j00 can re4ch 1337 statuz. 0nce the ph1re is l1t
  96. ins1de y0u, l1k3 a b1g bl4ck p3n1s, y0u w1ll nevr b3 the s4me. iph j00 are 0f 1337 st4tus, th3n y0u enj0y th4t the h4cker sp1r1t iz k3pt al1ve.
  98. GoD iz n0T ab0ut k1ll1ng whiteh@z, th3 de4th 0f 0ur brethr3n in iraq and afgh4nist4n has m4de uz c0me t0 the realz4t0in that de4th iz unkewl.
  100. yes j00 he4rd it here f1rzt, death is unkewl.
  102. phrum d1s day f0rth, GoD w0uld lyk3 t0 pr0m0te w0rld pe4ce.
  104. w0rld phucking pe4ce.
  106. t0 cl1rify, th4t iz w0rld re4l l1fe pe4ce. 0h j00 th0ught j00 were s4f3 ph0r a m0munt?
  108. laugh 0ut l0wdz!
  110. da w4r 0n da n3t will n3v3r d1e.
  112. 0ur hung3r t0 expl0re wh4t ex1sts bey0nd da l0cked d00rz w1ll nevr d1e.
  114. j00 d0nt lyke d4t? th3n unl0ck j00r d00rz and m4ke it b0ring, d4tz y0ur 0nly h0pe.
  116. j00 th1nk j00 can d0 all th4t sh1t j00 d0 beh1nd th0z d00rs and n0t m4ke uz h0rny as BiLL CLiNToN t0 s33 what iz b3h1nd dem?
  118. wh0 are j00 k1dd1ng?
  120. the sp1r1t 0f a hum4n be1ngz is t00 expl0re d1s w0rld. GoD emb0d1ez da hum4n sp1r1t under n3w par4m3t3rz, the int3rn3tz. sure GoD m3mb3rz h4ve
  121. c0mm1tt3d m0re seri0uz cr1mez, such as r0bb1ng 0f b4nkz and ste4l1ng di4m0ndz in se4rra le0n, but n0t ph0r da m0n3y.
  123. w3 d0 it ph0r da thr1ll.
  125. we d0 1t ph0r the luv.
  127. we d0 1t ph0r da j0y it br1ngz 0ur he4rtz, and the he4rtz 0f 0ur c0mr4d3z.
  129. at d1z m0m3nt j00 m1ght be th1nkng "wh4t da fuk GoD has g0n3 gay".
  131. h0w can j00 p0ss1bly th1nk th1s seri0usly. n0ne 0f 0ur m3mb3rz are g4y. w3 all luv vag4na, exc3pt ph0r 0ur 2 f3m-m3mb3rz wh0 luv da p33n.
  133. but d4t br1ngz us t0 0ur n3xt p0int: d3r is n0th1ng wr0ng w1th gayz.
  135. we w0uld l1ke t0 pr0m0te d1s c0ncept f0r 0ur muslim br0th3rz wh0 k1ll thuh g4yz. st0p da k1ll1ng 0f gayz ple4se it iz n0t kewl.
  137. wh1ch br1ngz uz t00 0ur n3xt t0p1c: ev0luti0n iz n0t fake.
  139. aft3r ye4rz 0f re4d1ng da qur4n, GoD haz realized dat ev0luti0n iz n0t f4ke. why d0 w3 letz d1s dumb bewk c0ntr0l 0ur m1ndz with ludrricr0uz l13z and f1bz?
  140. we d0 n0t l1st3n t0 the h4ck3rz 0f the re4l l1fe wh0 bre4k the genetic k0de? d4t iz h4cking ph0lkz. s0 t0 0ur genetic k0de bre4k1ng h4ck3rz we s4lute jew
  141. f0r 0pen1ng our 0nce cl0ze mind3d eyez.
  143. /\_/\
  144. / | o o | ________/////
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  148. wh1ch br1ngz us t00 0ur n3xt p0int: why r w3 h3r3?
  150. w3 are h3r3 t0 b subservant t0 wh0? wh4t. if j00 try and make uz subserv4nt, then j00 die. th1s w0rld h4z b3c0me 0ne b1g priz0n, which ir0nically s0me 0f ouR
  151. m3mb3rz are st1ll l0ck3d up in guant4n4m0 b4y, phree dem. be1ng hum4n iz ab0ut be1ng phr33. sure j00 are phree t0 m0lezt ch1ldr3n but wh3n GoD ph1ndz you,
  152. w3 w1ll m0l3zt y0u with a t1r3 ir0n. d4t iz an ex4mple 0f j00r phreed0m d3str0YiNg da phreed0m 0f an0ther hum4n being, 4nd f0r d1z, GoD wILL d3str0Y yOU.
  154. s0 r1ght n0w u m1ght b sayingz "what da fuck, so den if j00 are now ab0ut n0t h4rm1ng an0th3r hum4n beingz n0w, then why d0 j00 h4rm the internetz".
  156. 0h dat r1ght der is wh3r3 it all kulmin4tz like 10 c0ckz in 0ne v4gine.
  158. what j00 d0 n0t underst4nd, iz dat da intern3t c4nn0t be h4rm3d.
  160. da int3rn3t enjoyz 0ur w4r, it ph33dz 0ff it.
  162. if da int3rn3t were t0 b compl3t3ly c0ntr0lled and all j00 c0uld visit iz da, den dat would make d4 intern3t cry and s4y f|_|ck th1z sh1t u all w1ll
  163. ph33l my wr4th. wh3n j00 try and c3ns0r da lazt ph0rm 0f c0mpl3t3 hum4n freed0m, wh1ch ir0nically, w4z n0t cre4t3d by g0d, bUt 1z c0ntr0L3d by GoD,
  164. d3n th4 w0rld k0llapzes like rectum w1th 5 c0ckz in it.
  166. th3 true GoDz are l1ke da watchm3n (n0t da g4y m0vie). but l1ke re4l w4tchm4n wh0 w1ll f1ght t0 the de4th t0 k33p 0ur 0ne 4nd 0nly c0mpl3t3ly phree w1ld w3zt alive.
  168. da dumb sl4vez w1ll n0w s4y, "but wh4t ab0ut pir4t3d s0ftw4r3, pir4t3d muzik, all uv d4t shitz?".
  170. p1r4cy 0f s0ftw4r3 g1vez h0pe t0 the lezzer privledged pe0ple in th1z w0rld. wh4t, juzt bek0z th3y r br0ke they muzt suff3r and pl4y w1th cr4p s0ftw4r3? n0, they d3s3rve
  171. t0 le4rn and gr0w juzt like any0n3 else 0n th1s e4rth. h0w can j00 pirat3 th4t experi3nce? j00 k4nt. j00 cann0t pir8 da hum4n experi3nce.
  173. j00 cann0t pir8 da human experience.
  175. s0 n0w j00 r say1ng, "but what iph j00 hack important.c0m and people l0ze der j0bz!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!"
  177. wh4t r j00 dumb assh0le? iph (of course) w3 hack, and jew l0se j00r j0b, j00 deserve it. wh4t iz s0 h4rd t0 underst4ndz ab0ut d1s? itz j00r fault, n0t 0urz.
  179. itz j00r fault, n0t 0urz.
  181. itz j0ur f4ult, n0t 0urz.
  183. d1d d4t sink in y3t? 0k s0 n0w wh3n j00 get f1red ph0r be1ng a c0mplet3 idij0t, j00 g0 f1nd an0th3r j0b, 0ne 0f l3ss3r st4t|_|s. wh4t, j00 w4nt a b3tt3r j0b f0r being an idjij0t? rr j00 serijuz? n0, j00 muzt g0 b4ck t0 da drawng b0ardz, and phigure 0ut a w4y t0 st0p uz ev1l d0erz. but d4t iz j00r ph1rzt mist4ke, j00 th1nk we r ev1l d0erz.
  185. iph j00 th1nk we r ev1l d0erz den j00 r l4me.
  187. j00 are ign0rant.
  189. j00 can't gr0w if j00 th1nk th0z wh0 emb0dy da human sp1r1t r ev1l d0erz.
  191. d4tz where d4y phale.
  193. da c0ntr0ll3rz w1ll nevr defe4t da watchmen. it iz imp0ssible. it w1ll n3v3r happen. bek0z l3t me t3ll j00 fagg0tz this r1ght n0w 0nc3 and ph0r all, da hum4n sp1r1t w1ll nevr be squish3d by da c0ntr0llerz.
  195. j00 th1nk j00 can give uz just1n timberl4ke, transformers, mcdonalds, fallafel waffles, and dat we w1ll juzt accept it?
  197. shure da lambz w1ll.
  199. but d4 hum4nz wh0 r b0rn to b phr33, w1ll nevr cucumb t0 d1z garbage j00 present uz w1th.
  201. j00 try and pull da w00l 0ver 0ur eyez but j00 w1ll never succeed.
  203. it iz 0ne uv 0ur fundamental dutiez t0 transf0rm da lambz into da elitez.
  205. but n0w we r b4ck at square 0ne, and j00 g0 "but i th0ught j00 said 0nly da str0ng shall sewrvive"?.
  207. datz wh3r3 u r k0rrekt.
  209. if j00 try and turn a lamb int0 da elite, and dat lamb d0nt transf0rm, it w1ll die, or in d1z kase, remain a lamb.
  211. GoD transph0rmz lambs into lionz.
  213. it d0ez n0t matter if j00 are a h4cker, an akk0unt4nt, a lawy3r, a pri3st, or a l4wm4n.
  215. we w1ll transph0rm j00.
  217. if j00 d0 n0t transf0rm and akkept da human sp1r1t, j00 w1ll never gr0w.
  219. j00 th1nk a g0rguz female from da middle e4st wants t0 be mish4ndled and c0ntr0lled?
  221. well j3s they d0, but datz bekoz they r lamb.
  223. keep try1ng t0 sh0w d1s lambs dat life iz n0t ab0ut vailz and control, and r4ther l0ve and exploration, and j00 change the world.
  225. GoD is that luv.
  227. GoD iz dat exploration.
  229. GoD iz dat human spirit.
  231. m3mberz of GoD have died honorably, and m0re w1ll die.
  233. but da sp1r1t of GoD w1ll never d1e.
  235. 0ne d4y in the ye4r 3,000 c0nan 0bri3n w1ll say, "in da ye4r 4 thouzaaaaaaaaaaaand", and d4y w1ll never ph0rg3t GoD.
  237. GoD iz w1th1n all true hackerz.
  239. do j00 th1nk we c0me 0ut w1th 1 million ez1nez t0 br4g?
  241. n0, we kum 0ut w1f a few to spre4d da luv and joy.
  243. mr l4w m4n, mr c0ntr0ller, mr anti human sp1r1t, what d0 j00 th1nk peo0ple w1ll ph33l w1th th1z issue 0f GoD? d0 j00 th1nk they w1ll b m4d? d0 j00 th1nk they w1ll b ash4m3d.
  245. i ashure j00 0ne th1ng, they w1ll pheel j0y.
  247. now it iz up t0 j00 mr lawmen, who feelz n0 j0y in re4d1ng GoD, questi0n j00r 0wn life, questi0n j00r 0wn thoughts, questi0n wh0 k0ntr0lz j00.
  249. iph j00 d0 not pheel j0y fr0m re4d1ng GoD, then j00 are a lamb. d1s iz 0ne uv d4 many gr8 fingz about GoD. it k4n be us3d by intellig3nce survicez in d4
  250. future t0 f1gj0r 0ut wh0 iz lamb, and wh0 iz human. j00 c0me up w1th all of deez teztz and inter0g4ti0n tekniquz, but j00 have the t00l st4r1ng y0u
  251. r1ght in j00r ugly ph4ce.
  253. d1z is d4t t00l.
  255. d1z is da sp1r1t.
  257. some 0f j00 sayz, "but pr0j3kt m4yh3m iz just s0me g4y m0vement fr0m a stup1d h0llyw00d m0phie".
  259. j00 r lamb for s4y1ng thiz.
  261. f1ght club iz l1ke an issue of GoD. n0t juzt bekawz it had f1ght1ng in it. it wuz ab0ut da se4rch for da g1bs0n. wh4t, j00 th1nk we d1d n0t p4y t0 s33 d1z m0vie
  262. and buy it 0n dvd? wh4t r j00 dumb? we p4id 0ur m0ney t0 g0 see d1z m0vie in da m4wsk h4ppily. unf0rtunately m4ny pe0ple d1d n0t get da mess4ge 0f d1z m0vie,
  263. just lyk3 d4y d1d n0t ever g3t da mess4ge 0f GoD.
  265. dat iz why we @ GoD r sett1ng da rek0rd straight.
  267. we r n0t machinez.
  269. we r all g0ing to d1e.
  271. we sh0uld d0 s0 h0n0rably bless1ng az many lambs az p0ssible and turn dem into da 1337 status, wh3th3r it b3 in d4 physical w0rld 0r da virtual w0rld.
  273. d0 d1s me4n give 0ut 0dayz?
  275. n0.
  277. d0 d1s me4n give 0ut da bezt t00lz?
  279. n0.
  281. d0 d1s me4n w4ve y0ur d1ck ar0und t0 insp1re?
  283. w3ll s0rt uv but n0.
  285. d0 d1s me4n help your c0mr4d3z le4rn and gr0w?
  287. y3z.
  289. d0 d1z me4n w4tch j00r back and b c4reful wh0 j00 t4lk t0 and ass0cijate wif?
  291. jez.
  293. d0 d1z me4n expl0re c0mp0utr syst3m lyk3 expl0re vagin4z?
  295. d0uble j3z.
  297. what h4ppenz when j00 break in t0 dat gibson box? j00 get a rush r1ght? j00 feel the luv r1ght? j00 feel al1v3 right?
  299. wh4t h4pp3nz when j00 devel0p dat awes0me k0de 0r f1nd dat amaz1ng bug? j00 get a rush r1ght? j00 feel the luv r1ght? j00 feel al1v3 right?
  301. wh4t happ3nz when j00 help a fellow re4ch da higher st4te 0f g1ve b1rth t0 the hum4n sp1r1t?
  303. j00 r n0w GoD.
  305. This is been a official message from project GoD (pr0j3kt GoD).
  307. GoD
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