

Dec 21st, 2017
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  1. You're constantly told that they're open with their emotions and value family. The key word is told. It's a perfect case of showing vs. telling. You only ever get like two family scenes, and a few emotional ones. The way they're described, it sounds like they should be the polar opposite of Elcor. Always in laughter, or tears, or freaking out, or yelling at one another. But they're not. They're just normal dudes. They're an alien race from another fucking galaxy, but there's only minimal friction between your lot and theirs. You're never forced to try and see the world through their own bizarre morals. There's never any cultural clash, like in the smegging OT. You get off on a rocky introduction and then become buddies.
  2. There are so many fucking things they could've done. It's a motherfucking alien lifeform from another galaxy. Instead they're bipeds with backwards shins, three fingers and toes, that act like just normal people.
  4. Like, here's an interesting plot pitch for FIRST CONTACT IN A NEW GALAXY!
  5. You go to a planet and OH SHIT! There's people here! But they're primitive, like alien cavemen, or perhaps even tribals. You've accidentally interfered with their natural development, what the fuck are you going to do now? Leave them and the planet's resources, hoping they don't wind up making you into a deity or some shit? Try and find some uninhabited spot on the planet where you can try and pinch a few resources without destroying their prospects? Or say "Fuck it, kill 'em all" and take the planet for yourselves out of desperation, and fear that the damage to those people has already been done?
  7. It's wasted potential. There were so many exciting and interesting directions they could've taken the idea of a sentient alien species in a new galaxy. But they didn't. They did nothing with it.
  8. This is a prevalent theme throughout the entire game. Every time the chance for an interesting plot point comes up, it is ignored.
  9. This constant shitting away of potential came to its logical conclusion with Patch 1.10 and the cancellation of single-player DLC.
  10. It's tragic, truly. Nobody wanted to see it fail, I'm sure, but here we are.
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