
Raw Dial Avalon - Gospel Music 24/7

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. [6:06 PM] Kiran: finishes up chatting with Arden, pausing in the clearing to look around for objectively the second-least-difficult-to-find person in the pocket dimension.
  2. [6:06 PM] SwaDM: Wait, who's even the fi - oh ,right, Raken.
  3. [6:07 PM] SwaDM: That being the case, Adalet would currently be off to the southeastern side of the "dimension" itself - standing close towards the crater, seemingly inspecting it.
  4. [6:07 PM] Kiran: ... third-least-difficult-to-find. I forgot the dragon.
  5. [6:08 PM] Kiran: walks sedately over to him, pausing a few feet back, giving him his space.
  6. [6:09 PM] SwaDM: Kiran isn't really looked at, but upon approach, he will at least be greeted. "You really have been making the rounds, haven't you, my boy?"
  7. [6:10 PM] Kiran: "How often are we all in one place?"
  8. [6:10 PM] Kiran: pauses.
  9. [6:10 PM] Kiran: "And not trying to hit each-other with things."
  10. [6:10 PM] SwaDM: "Well...never, actually."
  11. [6:11 PM] Kiran: "Exactly. Plus, you know - wanted to thank Libra for helping me not be dead."
  12. [6:12 PM] Kiran: "Also the opportunity to speak with Arden seemed too good to pass up. It's not like I-"
  13. [6:12 PM] Kiran: frowns slightly.
  14. [6:13 PM] Kiran: "I didn't frequently speak with anyone who knew the real history of the world."
  15. [6:13 PM] Kiran: "On which note-"
  16. [6:13 PM] Kiran: folds his arms, looking mildly concerned.
  17. [6:13 PM] Kiran: "How are you doing with... all this?"
  18. [6:15 PM] SwaDM: "Well, it is rather awkward to figure that one out, I'm afraid! Unlike Reveno there, I haven't exactly got my memories back - at least not in a fair ammount. But visiting this place at least has jogged them somewhat."
  19. [6:16 PM] SwaDM: "I would, however, say that I am fine."
  20. [6:17 PM] Kiran: "Okay. I'm glad to hear it. What brings you to this fine... crater?"
  21. [6:17 PM] Kiran: steps forward and peers down into it.
  22. [6:17 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, that one's...interesting."
  23. [6:18 PM] SwaDM: "See, I've been here before - obviously. Fought with Arden over there, against...that selfsame dragon, whom...apparently was being controlled by that other bastard? Well, no matter."
  24. [6:18 PM] SwaDM: "It was...I believe six of us?"
  25. [6:19 PM] SwaDM: "All fighting against that there beast over there. And one by one, we died. I believe I was...third? Or fourth. I drove my sword through it's neck, but got knocked off before I could finish it - and then I had to dive to protect one of ours."
  26. [6:19 PM] SwaDM: Adalet seems to ponder for a moment, afore pointing towards a patch of grass several feet to the left of the crater. "I believe it was...there."
  27. [6:20 PM] Kiran: stares at it.
  28. [6:20 PM] Kiran: "Oh."
  29. [6:20 PM] SwaDM: "Aand as it went, it was only Arden, standing."
  30. [6:21 PM] SwaDM: "He climbed atop of the dragon, had his spear knocked off mid-motion. Grabbed onto Avalon, and yanked it to the side, while the dragon barreled directly down...and over there - where that crater is."
  31. [6:21 PM] SwaDM: "From what I understand, he just barely survived. The dragon didn't."
  32. [6:21 PM] SwaDM: "Funny, how the crater's here, is all."
  33. [6:22 PM] Kiran: "Maybe he left it here as a reminder."
  34. [6:23 PM] SwaDM: "Maybe."
  35. [6:23 PM] Kiran: "Your sword, Avalon - does... she? remember any of this place?"
  36. [6:24 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, I'm quite sure."
  37. [6:24 PM] SwaDM: "Who do you think told me about what happened just now?"
  38. [6:24 PM] SwaDM: Adalet reaches out with one hand - giving a singular flick across Kiran's forehead, as he lets out a deep chuckle.
  39. [6:24 PM] SwaDM: "I still do not have my memory, as I just told you!"
  40. [6:25 PM] Kiran: rubs his forehead, mockingly indignant.
  41. [6:25 PM] Kiran: "You said you had some of them!"
  42. [6:26 PM] SwaDM: "Well - yes! Some."
  43. [6:26 PM] SwaDM: "I feel like that description was much too detailed to qualify for some, though."
  44. [6:26 PM] Kiran: "Eh, maybe. When you've been around as long as you have..."
  45. [6:27 PM] Kiran: "You know, I'm afraid I don't know much about Avalon. I've only met one other sentient weapon, and we didn't really communicate that clearly. Can you... talk to each-other?"
  46. [6:27 PM] SwaDM: "To a degree. We do not speak in the way you and I do, for an example."
  47. [6:27 PM] SwaDM: "It is an Empathic bond. Are you familiar with it?"
  48. [6:29 PM] Kiran: winces, remembering the emotions sent at him from the Daughter of Tara.
  49. [6:29 PM] SwaDM: "...That looks like an awkward yes."
  50. [6:29 PM] Kiran: "I have had a brief encounter with it."
  51. [6:29 PM] SwaDM: "Yes, well. That."
  52. [6:29 PM] SwaDM: "Images, concepts, emotions, all those kinds of things."
  53. [6:30 PM] Kiran: "That sounds really nice."
  54. [6:30 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, certainly."
  55. [6:33 PM] Kiran: tilts his head slightly.
  56. [6:33 PM] Kiran: "Was Avalon a being before being a sword?"
  57. [6:33 PM] SwaDM: "I'm not all that certain."
  58. [6:34 PM] SwaDM: "Said kind of sentience can arise from a variety of things. I do not know it's reason - nor can it inform of it, apart from the obvious fact that it is Celestial in nature."
  59. [6:34 PM] SwaDM: "Archonic, to be precise."
  60. [6:36 PM] Kiran: "Oh, that's- they're the lawful celestials, right?"
  61. [6:36 PM] SwaDM: "That'd be right. Sworn to upload the laws of heaven, and strive for the seven virtues."
  62. [6:36 PM] SwaDM: "Well - so do quite a fair few angels. Archons just tend to be stricter about it."
  63. [6:38 PM] Kiran: "Huh. Well, it's nice to make your acquaintance properly this time, Avalon."
  64. [6:38 PM] Kiran: inclines his head to her.
  65. [6:38 PM] SwaDM: Her? Him? It? Swords are inherently female, but how do you figure it out when they're sentient? What if a man got put on a sword? Would it be a he, or a she?
  66. [6:39 PM] SwaDM: "I think you got acquainted when you lost a finger, to be honest."
  67. [6:39 PM] Kiran: "I don't think it counts as a real introduction when I didn't know her name."
  68. [6:39 PM] SwaDM: "Debatable."
  69. [6:40 PM] SwaDM: "If there's one thing that they agree with when it comes to the dragon, is that truth of the mortal spirit is laid bare in rigtheous combat."
  70. [6:40 PM] SwaDM: "So, in a sense, that was an introduction."
  71. [6:40 PM] SwaDM: "Just a very, very painful one."
  72. [6:41 PM] Kiran: "Fair enough. I think you learn a lot about people when they're under pressure, sure."
  73. [6:41 PM] SwaDM: "Not untrue."
  74. [6:43 PM] Kiran: looks into the pit again.
  75. [6:43 PM] Kiran: "Must be weird to meet someone who killed you."
  76. [6:44 PM] SwaDM: "No, not that strange, honestly."
  77. [6:44 PM] SwaDM: "What is death, but a state of being?"
  78. [6:44 PM] SwaDM: "Now, if there was animosity involved - certainly, but given how things panned out - no. It does not feel "weird"."
  79. [6:45 PM] Kiran: "Fair. I guess if you didn't remember it before meeting him, it probably wouldn't be."
  80. [6:47 PM] Kiran: "What should I call you now?"
  81. [6:48 PM] SwaDM: "Well, whatever fits best, I suppose. I've not stopped being Adalet, have I?"
  82. [6:49 PM] SwaDM: "In a way, I'm still somewhat different to the person that I was before. But I also was that person...and still am. Ah, identity! Adorably complex, is it not?"
  83. [6:50 PM] Kiran: considers this.
  84. [6:51 PM] Kiran: "I think I'll keep calling you Adalet. I know Adalet. He's my friend."
  85. [6:52 PM] SwaDM: "That is perfectly fine by me."
  86. [6:53 PM] Kiran: "I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to tomorrow."
  87. [6:53 PM] SwaDM: "Why not?"
  88. [6:55 PM] Kiran: "Because I don't really want to fight my friends again. Don't get me wrong, I am interested in how well we'll do - but it's... I still have trouble reconciling that we're all on the same side, but that we're on different parts of it. It's a source of constant frustration."
  89. [6:55 PM] SwaDM: "Hm."
  90. [6:55 PM] SwaDM: "Give me your sword for a moment."
  91. [6:56 PM] SwaDM: Adalet sinks his own up against the ground, to keep it in place, freeing up his hand.
  92. [6:57 PM] Kiran: frowns at him, then draws it and flips it so he's holding the needle, and extends it to Adalet.
  93. [6:57 PM] SwaDM: Adalet reaches out, taking a careful hold of the weapon by the grip, looking it over.
  94. [6:58 PM] SwaDM: "Tell me - how did you make this sword?"
  95. [6:58 PM] Kiran: "I uh- that's a complicated question."
  96. [6:59 PM] SwaDM: "I know it is. But just tell me the baics."
  97. [6:59 PM] Kiran: "I meant more because I'm not precisely done making it."
  98. [6:59 PM] SwaDM: "Aahh. I see."
  99. [7:01 PM] Kiran: "Which is weird to say out loud - anyway. I learned a lot about forging when I was younger, and duelling at the same time. The style that suited me best was the rapier. So that's exactly what I made. I studied the way I fought, as well as how rapiers are weighted and balanced and put together, and I picked a material whose weight suited the counterbalance of my body while also being durable and hard-wearing."
  100. [7:01 PM] SwaDM: Adalet nods at Kiran.
  101. [7:02 PM] Kiran: "Eventually, when it came time to enchant Firebrandt, an enchantment sprang to mind while I was working, that makes the sword infinitely easier to use and more intuitive. You- you might've noticed, actually."
  102. [7:02 PM] SwaDM: "A little bit, yes."
  103. [7:03 PM] SwaDM: "So, you meticulously picked out everything you needed to make it, did you?"
  104. [7:03 PM] Kiran: "Yes."
  105. [7:03 PM] SwaDM: "Must've been a difficult process."
  106. [7:03 PM] Kiran: "Of course. I now think of that as more..."
  107. [7:03 PM] Kiran: looks slightly conflicted.
  108. [7:03 PM] Kiran: "Naïve."
  109. [7:03 PM] SwaDM: "Why?"
  110. [7:04 PM] Kiran: "Since then, I've stopped trying to control everything so carefully. I know the principles enough, but enchantment and crafting are more art than science. I think that the same is true of battle also."
  111. [7:05 PM] SwaDM: "Mm. Experiment, select - see what works - what's best for your purposes."
  112. [7:05 PM] SwaDM: "Is that right?"
  113. [7:06 PM] Kiran: "Yes. It's also accepting that sometimes- sometimes it's okay not to know what the answer is, or what right thing to do is."
  114. [7:06 PM] SwaDM: Adalet nods, again, carefully turning the sword around and holding it closer towards it's tip, holding it back out towards Kiran.
  115. [7:07 PM] Kiran: takes it back.
  116. [7:07 PM] SwaDM: "If you've learned that regarding your sword already, then you need but apply that same principle here."
  117. [7:07 PM] SwaDM: "We are all, ultimately, searching for that ideal combination. To forge something truly perfect - to fit the purposes that we need."
  118. [7:08 PM] SwaDM: "The fact that we can find common ground in spite of it is something to be celebrated."
  119. [7:09 PM] Kiran: nods.
  120. [7:10 PM] Kiran: "I see where you're coming from. Abandoning that- that pride, is why I've been praying. Seeking guidance, I guess."
  121. [7:11 PM] SwaDM: "Pride? I'm not certain I understand."
  122. [7:12 PM] Kiran: "Being willing to accept that I don't even know where to start to look for answers, sometimes, I guess. Accepting feeling lost as being natural and not something that I should strive to be better than."
  123. [7:12 PM] Kiran: "I've had a surprisingly long time to think about the way I look at the world, since meeting everyone. We're all so different."
  124. [7:13 PM] SwaDM: Adalet inclines his head a little
  125. [7:13 PM] Kiran: shrugs expansively.
  126. [7:14 PM] Kiran: "I said a while ago that I'd never felt the need to pray to Essati for inspiration, and that I was proud of that. Because when it came to crafting, I always knew what to do."
  127. [7:14 PM] Kiran: "That - but on a grander scale, I guess. Being scared of being lost everywhere else?"
  128. [7:15 PM] SwaDM: "Ahhh. I believe I understand what you mean."
  129. [7:15 PM] SwaDM: "Is this a matter of you focusing so much on that one thing that...? Well. I suppose other matters get a little overlooked."
  130. [7:16 PM] Kiran: "Exactly that."
  131. [7:16 PM] SwaDM: Adalet taps one finger upon his own chin.
  132. [7:16 PM] SwaDM: "But why pray?"
  133. [7:17 PM] Kiran: "Because I'm not here to craft."
  134. [7:18 PM] SwaDM: "You misunderstand my question."
  135. [7:18 PM] SwaDM: "You said it yourself. You feel lost, when dealing with such expansive matters - is that right?"
  136. [7:18 PM] Kiran: chuckles drily.
  137. [7:18 PM] Kiran: "Frequently."
  138. [7:18 PM] SwaDM: "So, tell me."
  139. [7:19 PM] SwaDM: "Is it really healthy for your attempted solution to said problem be to pray to a much higher authority?"
  140. [7:19 PM] Kiran: "Ah - I see."
  141. [7:19 PM] SwaDM: "Celestial - gods, whatever have you. If you earnestly believe that they know what you want..."
  142. [7:19 PM] SwaDM: "Then I'm afraid you're in for a rather rude awakening. It doesn't work like that, my boy. Well, it can. But not with good results."
  143. [7:22 PM] Kiran: "I'm not relying on any god. I'm asking for advice, practicing, sparring, drilling. I'm doing everything I can. And on top of that, I'm asking a god of inspiration for a guiding hand. If Essati doesn't answer, then she doesn't answer. Very few have received her blessing before, and I have no reason to think I'm any more deserving than anyone else."
  144. [7:22 PM] Kiran: "But I can still hope."
  145. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "Aahh. Good!"
  146. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: Adalet breaks out into a guffawing laugh for a moment, nodding his head. "Good!"
  147. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "I see you've already moved past the more difficult part, then."
  148. [7:23 PM] Kiran: joins the laugh for a few moments.
  149. [7:23 PM] Kiran: "I don't feel like we'll be past it for a while yet."
  150. [7:23 PM] SwaDM: "Ah, but you wish..."
  151. [7:30 PM] SwaDM: "Now.."
  152. [7:30 PM] SwaDM: "I do not know much...if at all about your Goddess, I should make that clear..."
  153. [7:31 PM] SwaDM: "But that guiding hand, what do you want it for, exactly?"
  154. [7:36 PM] Kiran: "Essati blesses people with inspiration, to improve upon and change the world."
  155. [7:37 PM] Kiran: "What do I want? I want to fight. Essati's blessing is generally upon invention. There is a creativity, a design, and invention to combat that happens when you are in it."
  156. [7:38 PM] SwaDM: "Hmn. Of course, with the state of the planes as it is right now, you're not going to remotely be able to contact her, even if she wanted to..."
  157. [7:39 PM] SwaDM: "And even after that, I would most certainly imagine that things would be a tremendous mess..."
  158. [7:39 PM] Kiran: shrugs, with a slight smile.
  159. [7:39 PM] SwaDM: "Buuut..."
  160. [7:40 PM] SwaDM: "What was that one thing that they had back in that world..."
  161. [7:40 PM] SwaDM: "The one with the flying things."
  162. [7:40 PM] SwaDM: "A raw dial?"
  163. [7:40 PM] Kiran: "... a radio?"
  164. [7:40 PM] SwaDM: "Radio! Yes. I believe that was the word."
  165. [7:41 PM] SwaDM: "Something to do with amplifying soundwaves and receiving them with some kind of...thing. Gods, I am absolutely awful at technology."
  166. [7:41 PM] SwaDM: raises up one finger. "But, I do understand to concept."
  167. [7:41 PM] Kiran: "Yes. We do have a slight edge when it comes to overcoming the planar disturbances."
  168. [7:42 PM] SwaDM: "Correct, but you lack a direct connector and amplifier to the celestial planes."
  169. [7:42 PM] SwaDM: "Correction : You lack it."
  170. [7:42 PM] Kiran: looks blankly at him.
  171. [7:42 PM] Kiran: "How does one go about getting such a thing?"
  172. [7:42 PM] SwaDM: "...Kiran."
  173. [7:43 PM] SwaDM: "You do realize I am quite literally holding an ancient, sentient celestial sword, right?"
  174. [7:44 PM] Kiran: "Adalet, Avalon has already removed a part of my anatomy. I didn't want to assume that just because she is a celestial sword, she would be able to communicate with the celestial planes."
  175. [7:44 PM] Kiran: "That would be racist."
  176. [7:44 PM] SwaDM: "Well, no."
  177. [7:44 PM] SwaDM: "That would be..."
  178. [7:44 PM] SwaDM: "It's not racist it's..."
  179. [7:45 PM] SwaDM: "Pla...nist...?"
  180. [7:45 PM] Kiran: "Planist. That sounds like it could be the right word."
  181. [7:45 PM] SwaDM: "You should ask Lous afterwards, honestly."
  182. [7:45 PM] SwaDM: "Regardless."
  183. [7:45 PM] SwaDM: "Once we are done with tomorrow, provided my...companion agrees..."
  184. [7:46 PM] SwaDM: "I'll try and give you a way to help you on that first step."
  185. [7:46 PM] Kiran: "Wow. I- thank you. I really didn't expect that."
  186. [7:47 PM] SwaDM: eases out a noncommital shrug. "Hey, it motivates you."
  187. [7:48 PM] Kiran: looks blankly at him for a moment, then belts out a laugh.
  188. [7:48 PM] Kiran: "Alright, fine. Consider me motivated."
  189. [7:48 PM] SwaDM: "Apologies, my boy, but I do know how you work at this point."
  190. [7:50 PM] Kiran: "Well. I guess I'd better get sparring, then, hadn't I?"
  191. [7:50 PM] Kiran: "Or- maybe a nap."
  192. [7:50 PM] SwaDM: "Yes, but do not overwork yourself - you do need the rest."
  193. [7:51 PM] SwaDM: "Exactly. See?"
  194. [7:51 PM] Kiran: "Well, I uh- I guess I'll see you in the-"
  195. [7:52 PM] Kiran: squints up at the sky.
  196. [7:52 PM] Kiran: "... morning?"
  197. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "Morning."
  198. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "The Morning Morning."
  199. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "Instead of the Morning Afternoon."
  200. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "Or the Morning Evening."
  201. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "Right before Morning Brunch."
  202. [7:52 PM] Kiran: "In the morning morning."
  203. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "Precisely."
  204. [7:53 PM] Kiran: "Good- ...morning night, Adalet. Good morning night, Avalon."
  205. [7:54 PM] SwaDM: "Good...morning...night. Gods, lack of weather is confusing."
  206. [7:54 PM] Kiran: nods.
  207. [7:54 PM] Kiran: "This place is weird."
  208. [7:54 PM] SwaDM: "Yes, it is."
  209. [7:55 PM] Kiran: grins at Adalet, then waves at both man and sword, stepping away from the crater and back toward wherever he'll be sleeping.
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