
Dont shit on my tree

Dec 11th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was in the kitchen working on decorating some cookies with Connor. Holly was hanging out with them as well decorating up her own set of cookies with the different colored icings and such.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad had been pacing the hallway on the phone with the editor that was currently working on the footage for Anna's video. "Right, so when you're splicing the rough cut together, I want to see that first shot interchanged with the fourth one just to see how it flows. You never know, it might end up being a smoother transition." He said, shuffling back and forth. // Evan was just sort of waiting for Brad to get off the phone so they could go over some other work things, but was happy that gave him some time to spend with Holly in the kitchen doing the cookie things. He leaned his forearm down on the counter, watching the cookie decorating. "Can I do one?"-
  3. Covet: Kelsey was helping Connor with some of the sprinkles adding some eyes to his cookies. She looked over at Evan and gave him a soft smile, "Sure we have plenty of cookies and decorations." // Holly looked at Evan and handed him one of the messed up ones, "You should try them they are really good too."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Right so-" He paused, stopping in the middle of the hallway before continuing on. "I'm not concerned with the visual effects yet. Let's just get that rough cut down before we start adding in all that extra shit. If the cut doesn't look good, it doesn't matter what the compositor can do." // Evan looked over at Brad again to make sure he was still on the phone before reaching over to pick up the cookie, taking a bite. "I had no doubts about y'all making delicious cookies. You always do."-
  5. Covet: Kelsey laughed, "Thanks. It was a group effort." She told him. "Here Connor, do you want the red ones or the green ones for the harness on his reindeer cookies." // Holly watched him. " How's it been going working with Bradley again?"
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Great, send me what you have when you finish it." He pulled his phone away from his ear and hung up, shoving it down into his pocket and walking over to the kitchen. "Alright, I promise I'm done for the night. How far did we get?" // Evan shrugged, taking another bite of the cookie. "I think it's been going pretty well. It was easy to fall back into the swing of things."-
  7. Covet: "Dad, you're behind like seventy billion cookies." Connor told him, a poor basic attempt at a joke. // Kelsey laughed at him, then looked at Brad, "He gets that level of drama from you." She told him. // "That's good, I'm glad that you guys have made some sort of ammends." Holly told him, giving him a blank cookie and the bowl that had the different icing bags in it.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "To be fair, you've done a lot of cookies." He said as he eyed what they'd decorated already. "Okay someone hand me a tree. I want to do a tree." He said as he reached for the green icing, getting himself ready. // "Yeah, everything is working out well I think." He said and then took the cookie from her, carefully selecting a red bag of icing and getting started on his decorations.-
  9. Covet: "Yeah but we saved some for you." Connor told him. // Kelsey handed him over a tree. "Here you are hun. How is the video coming along?" // "Fantastic. I'm so happy for you." She told him giving him a nudge with her hip.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Well I haven't seen anything yet because he's still working on the rough cut, but from what we discussed it seems to be going pretty well. He hasnt called me with any real issues yet, just judgement calls." He leaned in, beggining to pipe icing onto the cookie. // Evan smiled at Holly, giving her a nudge in return and then reached for a container of sprinkles to shake some onto his cookie. It wasn't looking like any sort of masterpiece.-
  11. Covet: Kelsey was making magnificent cookies because she's a boss at these things. "Oh well that's good then right?" She asked him. " I was thinking about the song a little bit today." She said to him. // Holly looked over at them " Song for what?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that's good. Makes my job easier, that's for sure. So far there's no fires to put out." He said with a smile and set the green icing down, reaching for the yellow so he could attempt to add a sloppy star to the top of his tree. When he heard Holly's question, he lifted his eyes to Kelsey, wanting her to have the opportunity to share that news herself. // Evan set the sprinkles down and leaned up to admire his work. "At least it'll taste good..."-
  13. Covet: "Oh, Brad's going to help me put together some sort of composition because, I'll be singing at the ball drop in Time square this New years." She said to her. // Holly smiled "Oh wow really? That's so exciting and sounds like fun."
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Brad smiled when she announced her news, nodding his head. "If that's not the biggest honor in live performance, I don't know what is." // "Wow congratulations." Evan said to her. "If you need to reserve some studio time, just let me know. I'd be happy to fill out a reservation form for you."-
  15. Covet: "Thanks you guys. It means a lot to me. One of those dream bucket list items" She said with a smile finishing another cookie, then she looked at Evan with a soft look, " Thank you, but That would be inappropriate of me to let you do." She told him // Holly's smile dropped a little nociticing the tone in Kelsey's voice change.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Brad nodded, not about to let bad things fall into place. "Yeah, it's fine. I'll let you know if I need anything." He said a little more sternly to Evan that he had been speaking previously. // Evan pursed his lips and nodded, remembering the talk he'd had with Brad when he signed back on with him. "Right, my apologies."-
  17. Covet: "It's okay. Your heart was in the right place." She told Evan with a soft smile. She grabbed another cookie and went about getting it decorated, picking up on the tone that Brad had. // Holly was confused, but she cleared her throat, "Well if it's alright with you, and you don't need me any more, I was hoping to take off for the night."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think that'll be an issue, right Kels? I'm done working and we're both here so if you want to head out it's not a big deal." He grabbed for the sprinkles, dropping them onto his tree for ornaments. // "As long as you're done working for the night, I'll probably head out as well." He paused, turning to look at Holly. "I can take you home if you want?"-
  19. Covet: "Feel free, we can handle everything else here tonight." She said giving her a nod of her head. // Connor piped up, "Goodbye Miss Holly, I'll see you tomorrow after school." // "Goodbye kiddo. I will see you tomorrow." Holly told Connor, then looked at Evan, "Thank you. that would be nice." She said then started heading that direction, before dropping her head, "So I know it's none of my business, but I won't say anything to anyone. I can't help but feel this weird tension between everyone. Is everything okay?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Brad gave the two a wave as they walked off before turning his cookie to face Kelsey and Connor. "What do you think of my tree?" // Evan had taken Holly's hand and walked with her down the hallway to the exit, keeping his voice low. "I'm not supposed to be doing favors for Kelsey unless Brad specifically asks me to."-
  21. Covet: "I love it. It looks amazing." She told him, leaning in to give him a kiss. // Connor looked at it, "I don't think I've ever seen a tree that looks like that Dad." // Holly gave his hand a bit of a squeeze, "Oh, I see.. did something happen?" She asked further. "Things have seemed... different for over a month or so now."
  22. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned in to return her kiss before shooting a look at Connor. "It's called being creative. I'm allowed to take some liberties with my cookie. It's okay to be abstract." He was a little defensive. // "Yes... but it's really not my business to share. I'm sure if the time comes that they feel you should know, they'll tell you." He said like that wasnt opening a fucking door for her to be curious af.-
  23. Covet: "Okay Dad. Sorry." Connor said giving him a bit of attitude. // Kelsey laughed. "I'm sure he means well, don't be too offended by his words." She told Brad. // Holly nodded her head looking at him. "Okay, I guess I will just let it be then. But if there's anything I can do to help you out, or them, please let me know."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "I like my tree..." He said in a smaller voice, looking down at the decorated cookie. "And I bet it tastes just as delicious as any of the other cookies, too." // "Of course. You know I would tell you if I could." He leaned in for a kiss before opening the door for her to head out.-
  25. Covet: " It looks good, and it probably does, You should test it out and see." She told him giving him a nod of her head.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I think I should!" He announced in a very profound voice, picking the cookie up to take a bit bite. "Mmmmm it's very good. Do you want to try some of my cookie, Kels?" He asked dramatically, trying to make a big show of his amazing cookie.-
  27. Covet: Connor looked at Brad then shook his head, "I'm going to go wash up and get my pajamas on. You adults are weirdos." He told them as he walked away. // Kelsey leaned in and took a bite of Brad's cookie, being overly dramatic just to annoy her kid as he walked off from them. "Ah, I think we're doing this parenting thing right."
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Brad broke into a laugh when Connor walked off to get ready for bed. "He went to get ready for bed without us telling him to. I don't care what the methods are, we are definitely doing something right here."-
  29. Covet: "That makes me feel good. He's growing up and becoming more and more mature. That something to be proud about." She said then took some icing and wiped it on Brad's cheek. "Too bad that can't be said for the rest of us."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I can be mature when I feel like being. I worked tonight, didn't I?" He asked like he was trying to justify himself.-
  31. Covet: "Working and being mature are two different things I think." She said with a laugh "But You did good tonight." Kelsey added giving him a pat on the shoulder.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Not always. In this case, I did my work first before I decorated cookies and had fun and that is maturity." He said, lifting his chin a bit.-
  33. Covet: "Hmm, okay I'll give you that one." She told him. "I'm proud of you."
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you. Now..." He paused, pushing the rest of the cookie into his mouth. "Now I'm happy."-
  35. Covet: "Make sure to chew that before you swallow. I only know a little bit of how to do the heimlich." Kelse told him poking him in the stomach as she went about getting things cleaned up.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "I want to savor every crumb." he said with his mouth full, chewing and working on getting it down. "Do you need any help getting this cleaned up?"-
  37. Covet: "I would love your help, but if you could make sure Connor's in bed, then I would greatly appreciate that more." She told him with a smile.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "I am happy to do that!" He said, thankful for another alternative to helping her clean up the kitchen because it was essentialy his least favorite chore. He turned, heading back in the direction of her dorm room.-
  39. Covet: Kelsey went about cleaning up so that they could enjoy the rest of their night like mature adults once Connor was in bed.
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