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a guest
Jun 17th, 2022
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  1. [17.06.2022 20:50:41] GMS|Gallia.Night: Bonjour !
  2. [17.06.2022 20:50:55] UN]-Baldur: Hello there, worker.
  3. [17.06.2022 20:51:00] GMS|Gallia.Night: need some ore ?
  4. [17.06.2022 20:51:13] UN]-Baldur: Not really, my cargo is full right now.
  5. [17.06.2022 20:51:22] GMS|Gallia.Night: make more then the cargo you have now ?
  6. [17.06.2022 20:51:28] GMS|Gallia.Night: ok then
  7. [17.06.2022 20:51:32] UN]-Baldur: Hmmm...
  8. [17.06.2022 20:51:36] UN]-Baldur: Where do you sell that?
  9. [17.06.2022 20:51:52] GMS|Gallia.Night: iam not sure
  10. [17.06.2022 20:52:08] UN]-Baldur: Ok, where did you mine it?
  11. [17.06.2022 20:52:34] GMS|Gallia.Night: just fill my base with ore thats all
  12. [17.06.2022 20:52:43] UN]-Baldur: Is this your base?
  13. [17.06.2022 20:52:52] GMS|Gallia.Night: here in zurich
  14. [17.06.2022 20:53:07] GMS|Gallia.Night: they are from the GMS| yes .
  15. [17.06.2022 20:53:25] UN]-Baldur: Very impressive, how long has it been here?
  16. [17.06.2022 20:53:41] GMS|Gallia.Night: well for some years
  17. [17.06.2022 20:54:32] GMS|Gallia.Night: follow
  18. [17.06.2022 20:54:46] GMS|Gallia.Night: i fill you
  19. [17.06.2022 20:54:58] UN]-Baldur: Sounds nice.
  20. [17.06.2022 20:55:50] UN]-Baldur: You do know that us Unioners see GMS as enemies? You work for Gallia after all
  21. [17.06.2022 20:55:50] GMS|Gallia.Night: 9 k
  22. [17.06.2022 20:56:17] GMS|Gallia.Night: yes but you have the bigger guns *Smiles*
  23. [17.06.2022 20:56:29] UN]-Baldur: Hehe, you got that right. All right, fill her up.
  24. [17.06.2022 20:56:41] GMS|Gallia.Night: so see it as tax
  25. [17.06.2022 20:56:49] Your cargo is now full.
  26. [17.06.2022 20:57:54] Your cargo is now full.
  27. [17.06.2022 20:58:05] GMS|Gallia.Night: free ofcause .
  28. [17.06.2022 20:58:10] GMS|Gallia.Night: good luck.
  29. [17.06.2022 20:58:14] UN]-Baldur: Would you look at all that ore. It will definitely come in handy
  30. [17.06.2022 20:58:29] GMS|Gallia.Night: yeah !
  31. [17.06.2022 20:58:35] UN]-Baldur: What is your name, arbeiter?
  32. [17.06.2022 20:58:43] GMS|Gallia.Night: iam Anna
  33. [17.06.2022 20:59:03] UN]-Baldur: We will see each other again, Anna. If the ore pays off of course.
  34. [17.06.2022 20:59:10] GMS|Gallia.Night: *Waves*
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