
Unarmed man

Dec 17th, 2010
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  1. Guest_nazeaf has joined the chat
  2. Guest_nazeaf: hello
  3. KroeEklypse: Hello
  4. Guest_nazeaf: howdy?
  5. Guest_nazeaf: y ur boobs are so big?
  6. KroeEklypse: Hmm, well for the same reason your boyfriend dumped you for your small penis. We're all born different.
  7. Guest_nazeaf: lol
  8. Guest_nazeaf: my bf
  9. Guest_nazeaf: im not bi
  10. KroeEklypse: I figured you were full-blown gay, it's okay.
  11. Guest_nazeaf: actually the size of penis does no matter
  12. KroeEklypse: That's what he said to make you stop crying.
  13. Guest_nazeaf: if u dont know
  14. Guest_nazeaf: u r so funny
  15. Guest_nazeaf: hoe did u knew his exact words
  16. Guest_nazeaf: u wer looking at us having sex?
  17. Guest_nazeaf: u perv
  18. Guest_nazeaf: i got u
  19. KroeEklypse: Well you see, him and I both speak English - which you lack any comprehension of.
  20. KroeEklypse: And he said that you cry after you have an orgasm.
  21. Guest_nazeaf: and u wer fingering urself there?
  22. KroeEklypse: You wish.
  23. Guest_nazeaf: bang..i never wish that
  24. Guest_nazeaf: i wish i could put my dick on ur mouth
  25. Guest_nazeaf: and cum inside u
  26. KroeEklypse: It was like watching childbirth in reverse, and by childbirth I mean like a dolphin giving birth to a snail, sucking it back in then birthing a rhinosaurous.
  27. Guest_nazeaf: thats not wat i was talking about
  28. KroeEklypse: Unless you think my pores work like vacuums. That's not likely to work.
  29. Guest_nazeaf: are u out ur mind?
  30. Guest_nazeaf: u know what u r talking about?
  31. KroeEklypse: Quite fluently.
  32. Guest_nazeaf: i don think so
  33. KroeEklypse: You're moronic, that doesn't surprise me.
  34. Guest_nazeaf: u really need to consult a vetenery doctor
  35. KroeEklypse: I'm not paying for your doctor visits.
  36. Guest_nazeaf: oh i mean u
  37. Guest_nazeaf: come on admit it
  38. KroeEklypse: "U" isn't a work.
  39. Guest_nazeaf: i know u do that often
  40. KroeEklypse: Do what often?
  41. Guest_nazeaf: do finger and scream
  42. Guest_nazeaf: u really got lot of time to talk to me
  43. KroeEklypse: The same can't be said about you? Considering we've been in this room at the exact same ammount of time?
  44. Guest_nazeaf: but im all alone...atleast im talking to a real person..i have nothing else to waiting for my uncle he said he will fix my car
  45. KroeEklypse: I didn't know goats could drive.
  46. Guest_nazeaf: then i need to go to work
  47. Guest_nazeaf: i have a driver
  48. Guest_nazeaf: u fool
  49. KroeEklypse: His name is "U fool"? His mother must've loved him even less than your mother did when she abandoned you at the Crand Canyon.
  50. Guest_nazeaf: u better not pull mothers in to it
  51. Guest_nazeaf: its not fair
  52. Guest_nazeaf: let them sit at home
  53. KroeEklypse: Yeah, I'm sure in your culture they teach you that women are farming equipment. That's a shame, considering how you turned out.
  54. KroeEklypse: They just can't cultivate like an electric tiller.
  55. Guest_nazeaf: i had a respect for u even though i was talking shit to u
  56. Guest_nazeaf: how do u even know my culture?
  57. KroeEklypse: Educated guess on your attitude, I imagine you are apart of a cult who worships mayonese and believes that rain is a distilled golden shower from Count Dooku in the Heaven's above.
  58. Guest_nazeaf: u r talking shits
  59. Guest_nazeaf: do u even know my faith?
  60. Guest_nazeaf: is it because india u saw in my profile
  61. Guest_nazeaf: we have all the faith thera
  62. Guest_nazeaf: not only those who believe in cows and suns
  63. Guest_nazeaf: i mean worship
  64. KroeEklypse: I believe I said mayo and Sith lords, but thanks for the lesson, Professor.
  65. Guest_nazeaf: now u call me a proffessor
  66. Guest_nazeaf: i am not here to give ur primaru education
  67. KroeEklypse: Yeah because if you were it'd really be wasted on the fact you can't even type one single sentance like a sentance is suppose to be typed.
  68. KroeEklypse: I'd have to drop out of that class. Pronto.
  69. Guest_nazeaf: you want me to type without any spelling mistake...?
  70. Guest_nazeaf: shame on u
  71. Guest_nazeaf: u cant even accept typin mistake on informal chat
  72. Guest_nazeaf: long live ur bf
  73. KroeEklypse: It's a mistake if you didn't mean it to happen.
  74. KroeEklypse: Thanks, he's a swell guy.
  75. Guest_nazeaf: what if i mean
  76. Zer0bandit has joined the chat
  77. KroeEklypse: Oh, where are my manners. nausiate, this is my "bf" whom you swear longevity to.
  78. Zer0bandit: This asshole bothering you, honey?
  79. Guest_nazeaf: oh u brought someone to attak me/
  80. KroeEklypse: Oh no no no, he's just telling me how jealous of you he is.
  81. KroeEklypse: He's simply a charm
  82. Guest_nazeaf: shut ur smelly mouth kangaroo
  83. KroeEklypse: He's mildly schizophrenic however.
  84. Zer0bandit: Wow, you've found a real gem here.
  85. Zer0bandit: Really? That's a shame for him.
  86. KroeEklypse: Yeah, try to speak softly though, his balls have recessed into his body cavity since I am not easy enough to go down on him.
  87. Guest_nazeaf: u know u r so funny..thanks for making me laugh
  88. Guest_nazeaf: clowns
  89. KroeEklypse: Oh joyous day, I love clowns.
  90. KroeEklypse: Don't you, darling?
  91. Guest_nazeaf: then love urself
  92. Zer0bandit: You, sir, are a remarkable font of intellect and witty repartee.
  93. KroeEklypse: I was just going to say that.
  94. Guest_nazeaf: oh really ? i didnt knew
  95. Guest_nazeaf: or know
  96. KroeEklypse: I have a hard time binding that all in 3 sylabols or less, however.
  97. Guest_nazeaf: if u r going to dig my mistakes
  98. Guest_nazeaf: and whatelse u wer going to say?
  99. Zer0bandit: I think it's quite philanthropic of him.
  100. Zer0bandit: He's cutting back on letters so that children in third world countries can use them, presumably.
  101. KroeEklypse: What a feat of heroic detail.
  102. Guest_nazeaf: ya ya
  103. KroeEklypse: He sings too.
  104. Guest_nazeaf: kangaroo rocks
  105. Zer0bandit: Magnificent.
  106. KroeEklypse: And has a driver, name of "U. Fool"
  107. Guest_nazeaf: oh u still remember that?
  108. Zer0bandit: Yes, my Kroe has an excellent memory.
  109. Guest_nazeaf: u got a good memory
  110. KroeEklypse: I believe he does puppets but, I have a feeling it isn't TV-14
  111. KroeEklypse: Oooo! You guys are too much~
  112. Guest_nazeaf: oh come on im just being honest
  113. KroeEklypse: I'm sure it's all you know how to be.
  114. KroeEklypse: Honest Lee Simpleton
  115. Guest_nazeaf: kang say soomething
  116. Guest_nazeaf: she brought u here to entertain me
  117. KroeEklypse: His schizophrenia is acting up again, darn.
  118. Zer0bandit: Excuse me. I can't help but notice that you keep saying the word 'kangaroo', or variants thereof.
  119. Guest_nazeaf: if u dont she not gonna pay u
  120. Zer0bandit: Is there some reason for that?
  121. Zer0bandit: Oh, cute.
  122. Zer0bandit: You really are insecure, if you really believe I'm hired intellectual muscle.
  123. Guest_nazeaf: excuse not granted
  124. Guest_nazeaf: u are not supposed to question
  125. Zer0bandit: I hate to break it to you, darling, but some people are actually what we civilised folk call 'likeable'.
  126. KroeEklypse: Baby, he seems to mistake you for having the same occupation as his mother.
  127. Zer0bandit: I know it's hard to believe, because you've never had a genuine friend in all of your short, sorry existence
  128. Guest_nazeaf: mother again?
  129. Zer0bandit: but likeable people have people who like them. Astonishing, I know.
  130. Zer0bandit: Would you like me to find you some handy wikipedia links to explain it? I know your tiny brain must be overclocking as it is.
  131. Guest_nazeaf: oh zero we had an issue over mother
  132. Guest_nazeaf: thats wat i was talking about
  133. Zer0bandit: You know, I thought your senseless blithering was cute, but now it's just giving me a headache from the sheer intellectual vaccuum.
  134. KroeEklypse: Careful Zer0, he has 'sharp points'.
  135. Zer0bandit: It's a wonder you haven't undergone gravitational collapse.
  136. KroeEklypse: Careful, he's gonna tell you how much of a doo-doo head he thinks you are, babe.
  137. Guest_nazeaf: u must have attended some shakespear classes
  138. Guest_nazeaf: even though no primary education
  139. Zer0bandit: Shakespeare classes. Is that really the best you've got?
  140. Zer0bandit: Come on, that was pathetic.
  141. Zer0bandit: Hit me with your best shot. I want to see what the sharpest barb in your repertoire looks like.
  142. Zer0bandit: Because at the moment, you're flaccid, I'm sorry to say.
  143. Guest_nazeaf: i dont hit girls
  144. Zer0bandit: Remarkable. You managed to completely miss my point.
  145. Guest_nazeaf: whatever
  146. Zer0bandit: I don't think you could possibly have missed it more if you were in a completely different chat.
  147. KroeEklypse: He thinks shakespear is when your hand shakes while hunting for rabbit.
  148. Guest_nazeaf: will u please shut up?
  149. Guest_nazeaf: let kro talk
  150. KroeEklypse: We haven't said anything.
  151. Zer0bandit: You wanted me to talk, child.
  152. Guest_nazeaf: oh u can say
  153. KroeEklypse: This is all typing you schizophrenic little mutton.
  154. Zer0bandit: Scroll up and read it for yourself, if you don't believe me.
  155. Zer0bandit: So I'm talking. You want to play, I'll play.
  156. Zer0bandit: And I'll win.
  157. Guest_nazeaf: u just entertain me
  158. Zer0bandit: So come on. Insult me. Show us just how amazing you are at cutting down your foes.
  159. Guest_nazeaf: u can make some expressions some sounds
  160. Guest_nazeaf: stuffs like that
  161. Guest_nazeaf: but dont talk
  162. Zer0bandit: At the moment, you're only slightly more entertaining than dirty dishwater, I'm afraid.
  163. Guest_nazeaf: coz u r talking shits
  164. KroeEklypse: That's not saying much, he thinks women enjoy doing chores baby.
  165. Zer0bandit: You can't get out of this one by saying 'shut up shut up shut up' I'm afraid, mon capitain.
  166. KroeEklypse: Oui~
  167. Zer0bandit: You're actually going to have to fight.
  168. Guest_nazeaf: get out of this?
  169. Guest_nazeaf: loolz
  170. Guest_nazeaf: am i in a trouble?
  171. Zer0bandit: I usually don't engage in battles of wit with unarmed men, but for you I'll make an exception.
  172. KroeEklypse: Baby, he's half slaughtered. Brain damage minus intelligence by 9'001.
  173. Zer0bandit: I didn't think it could go so far into the negatives.
  174. Zer0bandit: But I suppose our encephalographically challenged friend here is already a miracle of science.
  175. Guest_nazeaf: oh u have deep knowledge in science too?
  176. Zer0bandit: Yeah, I've actually got more space in my brain than just that necessary for making idiotic conversation and wanking. Unlike yourself.
  177. Guest_nazeaf: why dont u apply that on ur brain?
  178. Zer0bandit: ...What?
  179. KroeEklypse: ...What?
  180. KroeEklypse: He just divided by zero, m'afraid.
  181. Guest_nazeaf: what?
  182. Guest_nazeaf: ask urself
  183. Zer0bandit: That was quite a remarkably stupid non sequiter.
  184. Guest_nazeaf: thats ur friend ..who is a zero
  185. Zer0bandit: Ohh, burn. Honey, get me an ice pack.
  186. Zer0bandit: Wow, amazing. Calling me a zero. That takes some serious mental prowess.
  187. Zer0bandit: ...for a six year old.
  188. Guest_nazeaf: oh u even found how old i am
  189. Guest_nazeaf: congrats
  190. KroeEklypse: Hey, don't give him too much credit.
  191. Guest_nazeaf: oh let her do that kro
  192. KroeEklypse: He's got a real important job to do today, he will wear the scalp of his infidel father and prance around with a pointy stick and lots of number crunching.
  193. KroeEklypse: Lots.
  194. Guest_nazeaf: my uncle is here
  195. Zer0bandit: Oh my god, is he going to beat us up?
  196. Guest_nazeaf: oh no
  197. Guest_nazeaf: kro knows what he is supposed to do
  198. KroeEklypse: Careful, his ass is still sore from the belt.
  199. Guest_nazeaf: and i told u nobody gonna beat u
  200. KroeEklypse: Please say snuff film.
  201. Guest_nazeaf: if u want i can let my avatar be here for here
  202. Guest_nazeaf: but i really need to go
  203. Guest_nazeaf: will u grant me that?
  204. Zer0bandit: You're boring anyway.
  205. KroeEklypse: Oh with bated breath.
  206. Guest_nazeaf: well i am not here to entertain u
  207. Guest_nazeaf: u r the one called for that job
  208. KroeEklypse: Please leave, delete your account, casturate yourself so you may never procreate, and please for the love of all that is good and Chuck Norris. Die.
  209. Guest_nazeaf: i will think about it
  210. Zer0bandit: Don't blow a fuse.
  211. Guest_nazeaf: tell me wen u finish
  212. KroeEklypse: ..Finish what?
  213. Guest_nazeaf: finish sucking my dick
  214. KroeEklypse: Your uncle is waiting, I think I hear him taking off his belt.
  215. Guest_nazeaf: ya thats what i said i need to go
  216. Zer0bandit: So fuck off already, jeez.
  217. Guest_nazeaf: bye chicks if u r still in ur good age
  218. KroeEklypse: I don't see the hold up, unless he's crying and jacking off, STILL.
  219. Zer0bandit: Ugh, maybe he gets off on being completely outclassed in terms of brain activity.
  220. KroeEklypse: Juanita the sock puppet is getting skullfucked I bet, by his millimeter peter.
  221. Guest_nazeaf: i will read all those wen i come back
  222. Guest_nazeaf: so feel free to type whatever u want
  223. Guest_nazeaf: thanks
  224. KroeEklypse: You know, with his thinking cap, the one composed of a KFC bucket with holes cut out and a penis drawn on it.
  225. KroeEklypse: He doesn't have a job, by the way, he's just some lonely stay at home fag who wonders why girls don't like 'a sensitive man'.
  226. Zer0bandit: Well, he's even more boring silent than he was speaking, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
  227. KroeEklypse: Yeah, it's hitting a low point, he promised us clowns but only some loser here. We should go baby.
  228. Zer0bandit: Yup. I'm out.
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