

Feb 2nd, 2021
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  1. Using the Spirit Form Transformation spell, the Spirit Form skill and the Materialization skill, he began trying to grow wings.
  3. Now that he thought about it, Bone Bird, who was now a part of Knochen, had used spirit form feathers with its bone wings to fly.
  5. Also, Vandalieu had been using Spirit Form Transformation to grow extra limbs and heads and even branched them out into tentacle shapes.
  7. With that being the case, wouldn’t he be able to grow something like wings fairly easily? And wouldn’t he be able to use these wings to fly?
  9. That was why Vandalieu tried it.
  10. He used Spirit Form Transformation on part of his back, used the Spirit Form skill to change its shape the way he imagined it in his mind and stretched it out. He materialized it here and there using the Materialization skill, adjusting the skill’s intensity depending on the spot.
  12. And so, Vandalieu acquired enormous wings.
  14. Each of the wings was as long as a wing of a jumbo jet, and the torso was large enough for Eleanora and the others to ride on with room to spare.
  16. Perhaps because they were made of spirit form, or because he had used an owl’s wings as a reference, or perhaps because his death-attribute magic’s Erase Presence was active, the wings made almost no noise despite their size.
  18. He was flying at a height where arrows wouldn’t reach, at a speed equivalent to a racehorse sprinting at full speed. Though the wings’ black color was inconspicuous in the night sky, if people on the ground did notice Vandalieu, perhaps they would faint in terror.
  20. “Vandalieu-sama, are you planning to go beyond creating legends and start creating myths?” asked Eleanora.
  22. “It’s nothing as exaggerated as that,” said Vandalieu. “There are lots of flaws, too.”
  24. “As a method of transport, it is indeed inferior to the Teleportation spell of the space attribute,” said Eleanora. “But even so –”
  26. “No, even Knochen could do this much,” said Vandalieu. “At the very least, it would be able to fly while carrying everyone here.”
  28. “Th-that’s true, but…”
  29. “And you know, even if you consider the fact that no other people could do this, it doesn’t give me any additional options in the future other than spending my days running a delivery business.”
  31. Indeed, since no other person was capable of this, even if one were to tell Vandalieu to do it in a way that other people could replicate it, it would be impossible.
  33. “And there are flaws to this. To fly like this, I need multiple instances of Parallel Thought Processing and High-speed Thought Processing, and it consumes a lot of Mana,” Vandalieu explained. “And since I can’t handle tight turns, fighting in the air is impossible.”
  35. He had only tried it out as a method of transportation in the first place, so he supposed that this was how it was.
  37. “But it consumes much less Mana than the Flight spell, so it’s not unusable,” he added. “Ah, we’re almost at the city, so I’ll be descending now.”
  39. And so, Vandalieu and his companions made the journey between the Seventh Cultivation Village and the city, which would normally take three days, in a single night.
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