
The Fall of Lusty Stallion

Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. So, some of you who read this already know that Lusty Stallion and I are not exactly the best of friends, and it's true, we've never gotten along, and we never will.
  3. There was a huge, embarassingly long novel about me on his 'about me' section, complete with links to 'prove' what kind of a prick I am, and the most I decided to do, was point out when I tried to reach an accord, and he blatantly refused, and would rather continue his singular warmongering.
  5. Until he changed his mind. We spoke at length, and we came to the agreement that we'd not speak anymore(Not before he demanded to be allowed to write me non-stop for 45 minutes, without interruption, about exactly what he thinks about me. You can see it here: ), neither to eachother, nor of eachother. Proof can be seen here:
  7. So...With that in place, not really caring one bit about his little tirade, we went our separate ways; he deleted his mile-long column dedicated exclusively to hating me, and I deleted the small 50 word paragraph stating that he was the one who refused to discuss it like adults. Done deal, nothing else to discuss.
  9. And then a person in his personal Telegram group witnessed this:
  11. I wasn't exactly happy, to say the least. Here was this...sorry excuse of a man, who had spent untold amounts of energy trying to 'expose me' to 'embarrass me' to 'humiliate me', going as far as to catalog EVERY word I've said to him, and filed away EVERY offense I ever showed him, knowingly or not(i.e fabricated on his terms). Here was this individual, who'd made it a point from day one of this mess that I was the wrongdoer, that I was the asshole, the prick, the self-righteous, arrogant dick, that I was all that was wrong...and meanwhile, he claims that all he's said and done, is just, right, and honest. Fair, even.
  13. Up until that point, I'd been largely willing to accept it, going on the defensive really; dispelling his petty rumors, answering clever peoples' question who had the foresight to come and ask for MY side of the story instead of blindly believing his filthy hogwash, mostly cause I do not deny that I could've handled the situation that is 'him' better, mostly because he just throws a bigger temper tantrum than your average attention demanding prick with a priority complex.
  15. Anyways, my response can be seen here(and now do remember that he agreed in the screenshot above that we'd not discuss this any further with eachother or anyone else):
  17. There you have it folks. The man whose spent the better part of a year doing his best to write me off as an overly self righteous bastard with no regard for anyone but those who can 'worship me', is breaking his own word, and continues on his merry way with his same old broken record labeled 'Vaxi Hatred'.
  19. Hope you've enjoyed watching this slimey bitch and his hypocritical ways. If you run into him, do yourself a favor, avoid him. And if you already know of him, do yourself a favor, and take everything he says, with a mighty big grain of salt. It's not like he's starved for it. ;D
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