
Sharingan Saiyan?

Sep 18th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Key: King Destroyer
  2. Character: Kikazaru (Challot)/Challot
  3. Skill(or transformation): Sharingan
  4. How well do you know the source material? (obviously not relevant if it's a transformation):
  5. I don't understand why this is still a thing but...
  7. Yes, who does not know about Naruto? An anime of our generation that got a lot of middle schoolers into watching it. Called one of the big three at its peak alongside One Piece and Bleach. Following behind and ushered in a generation of greatness from Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. One of the reasons we even partially have a (DB)R.
  9. The Sharingan is one of the three great dojutsu. A Kekkei Genkai, used by the Uchiha clan, is formed from emotionally strenuous situations which are normally bad but can also be good. Normally formed in most situations through seeing a loved one die, it can be produced in good ways like reuniting with a loved one (fuck Boruto) or the will to protect the people around you.
  11. The Sharingan has three stages of its evolution one, two, and three tomoe. This different tomoe can be reached through training after the initial Sharingan itself is activated. Reaching the third tomoe is not the peak for Sharingan as it can further advance to a different stage altogether. This stage is called, Mangekyou Sharingan, a peak that not many Uchiha can reach. It is reached by the death of someone close to them. It forms a tomoe seal inside the eye and further reaches the power.
  13. This is my knowledge on the Sharingan, I could do more, but... I know you do not care. I could have just said, yes, but I wanted to show off this.
  15. Race: Saiyan
  17. Reasoning:
  18. The goal of Kikazaru [Challot] is to come out of the world as a hero to the people in the slums. If not that, he wants to be remembered fondly. Challot wants to interact with everyone learning all he can to maneuver the slums into their own control. Allowing the slums to come into their own power allowing them to run themselves instead of the mayor. Finding core freedoms away from discrimination for everyone who has been stuck in the slums. He does not know if this is the right thing to do. Allowing people to choose and not snuffing out people's chance and making it easier on the community. This reasoning stems from a mix of ideologies that were built into the character.
  20. A big end goal for my character is finishing rebuilding the slums. Finally finding a place to bury his mom and dad's pieces. Having the chance to grieve about his lost parents and understand his emotions. Taking back the information on the Saiyan race and understanding where Rapini's mindset was when he did. Fixing the way Saiyans are looked at by helping them become the political figure and training the young Saiyans or new ones to use their powers. OOCly these goals are not to become a leader or have power, but for the people to learn from Kikazaru. For the people to decide what they want him to be. He wants them, in the end, if people decided to uplift him as a Leader. It is the goal of this character to give people the freedom of choice.
  22. This will assist my character in working harder and remembering that he has something to protect. He no longer wallows in a hole about loses or wins and just has the courage to carry his weight. Carry his family as the person he was chosen to be. Not a leader but a teacher, accepting his feelings and trying to better others. Removing petty emotions to use that rage to help the city.
  24. Through the ups and downs and losing sight of himself, figuring out that having people around him who are willing to help and teach him. He has been in a few deep scenes. No more pushing than the one with the abandoned android, Robert. Something that showed him how much caring for some meant. The robot stayed for a year having something to protect. How hard the slums could be. Even growing up in the slums did not show him that. Understanding how it felt to feel alone and abandoned.
  26. The wait and hope that the people you love could walk out the door and not come back. Watching a person falter or forget themselves with no one to pick them up. Kikazaru had been that person just like Robert. Unlike Robert, instead of quitting he is strangling himself and speaking with friends. Becoming inspired by how much they wanted to push him forward. How much they wanted to protect him.
  28. Now...
  30. He found something to protect his family, friends, and business. No longer can he wallow in self-hatred, he needs to become the person he was meant to be a protector.
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