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Nov 15th, 2019
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  1. IGN (In Game Name):Zigyz
  3. Age:14
  5. Timezone:GMT
  7. Country:United KingDom
  9. Do you have a good quality mic?:No (getting one today since its my brithday soon)
  11. Do you have Telegram and Teamspeak?:Yes i have teamspeak:zigyz but no telegram
  13. How many hours can you put in the server per week:29
  15. Any previous punishments on Vast?:No
  17. Any past experiences in being a staff member?:
  18. ValidHCF
  19. I was Trial-Mod Until they shutdown and there coming back soon and they reached about 100 players
  20. __________________________
  21. vendorpvp
  22. I was a co-Owner until i resigned since too much staff on the team and too much abusing i dont like it
  23. ___________________________
  24. HCQuads
  25. I was a owner, It was my server but i shutdown the server since it was growing.
  26. ___________________________
  27. Why do you want to become staff? (100 Words minimum):
  28. I would love to be staff on Relix because I feel that lately, I have been dying many un-legit ways. Hackers, block glitches, insiders, and more On other servers. Now I don't want to sound like every applicant "I'm gonna ban hackers and be a great staff member!" but, this is partly true. One part of my reason for applying for this server is the hackers. I feel that in this community there is a lot of people who are un-legit. Now on every server, the staff team always tries to do their best, but players are unsatisfied. I know that if I am staff I can satisfy the players. For example, today I was in a /panic for 15 mins before being moved by a helper, I understand that the server just got back up but that does not mean that staff should be inactive, it was frustrating. I feel that with my experience I have an efficient way of dealing with players who are in need. Scenario 1: A team has just gone raidable to a cheater, they do not have proof. The first thing that I would do is teleport to their base to make sure that they did go raidable, then, I would see if the cheater is still online. If so, I would watch him until I could prove if the player is legit, or hacking. If the player is cheating, I would ban the player and contact a staff member who has perms to roll back their base (Implying I do not have perms to do so.). If not, I would bring the player in for a screen-share and hope to find something. Scenario 2: If a player just died to a cheater with proof. Now, as a staff, member, you need to approach this situation carefully, because there are clients with "fake hacker" options now. So if someone were to send in a report, I would first need to watch the proof, assess if the player is cheating, if so teleport to the player in-game. If the player is still being obvious, I would ban the player. If not I would watch for a little while, and eventually, freeze the player. At this point I would try and get them to admit, and, if not, take them into a screen-share. At this point, the player would be found a cheater, or found clean, and be issued the appropriate punishment. Over these multiple applications, I have grown an undying love and hunger for becoming staff on this server I am so passionate for. The more I get denied it fuels me into the next application, and eventually, this fuel and passion will be on the staff team, I can guarantee that. Overall I hope that this was thorough enough for you to see that I am very passionate about this position and I hope to soon become apart of your staff team!
  30. Why should we accept you as staff? (100 Words minimum):
  31. Maturity:
  32. I have been told and personally believe that for a 14-year-old, I am very mature. I believe that I know when it is time to mess around and time to have fun, and when there are times to focus on a task that needs to be done. Overall I feel that maturity is a big part of staffing, and without it, you cannot become a great staff member. For example, this applies when you have a player in TeamSpeak, who has a funny voice. You need to stay serious and work with this player as if he was anyone else. Otherwise, players like this could be deterred from the server. Maturity plays a huge role in being a staff member as without maturity and being a role model for the players is tough. If staff members weren't mature they would be doing stupid stuff and messing with the server in a way that could ruin a player's experience.
  34. Crunch Time:
  35. This is not a trait, but it is something that needs to be said. Crunch time is basically when you need to achieve a task in a short period. For example,
  36. when I was working on a server called FriendlyHCF we were terraforming a new map our main advertiser, with 3.2k subscribers, decided that he wanted to have SOTW a week early. He only gave us about a 3 hr notice. This would be an example of a time to focus on making the server as good as possible in that short time!
  38. Experience:
  39. As you will see above I have staffed on many servers ranging from prisons to survival games, to HCF (I only listed HCF servers). I believe that with this experience I can help the server improve some bugs, make things more easy to access, and simply make the relix experience more enjoyable. For example, I know of many fixes to different configuration problems with plugins, I may be able to help in that regard.
  41. Patience:
  42. When staffing a large, or a small server, patience is KEY. I believe that being the oldest in a large family, has helped me gain a LOT of patience in whatever I do. An example of patience is when I was a Co-Owner on a server called Vendorpvp. This server had a very low staff age requirement, which created a lot of young kids, on the staff team. Whenever there was a dispute they came to me. This was very hard because they could be fighting over something like the other person taking that person's ban. If I didn't have patience in this situation, I would have blown my lid, and made an irrational decision.
  45. Unbiased:
  46. I believe that if a staff member is being biased, then that staff member is not capable of being in such a position. I know that if one of my friends is cheating they will be instantly banned. Not too long ago on a server called HCRival one of my closest friends was cheating. They did not expect me to ban them, and they cursed me out when I did. I no longer talk to that guy, simply because he should not have gotten mad at me for doing my job. Moral of the story, I don't care who you are, if you are cheating, you are banned. This happens a lot if your friend is staff does not mean you can cheat. Cheating is ruining the game, no one can deny that. My goal is to try my best to punish cheaters while enjoying myself.
  48. Responsibility:
  49. I believe, for a 14-year-old, I am very responsible. I manage all honors classes (equivalent to AP classes) work, playing lacrosse at a high level, as well as playing video games a TON, and fishing frequently. I manage all A's and am shooting for the highest academic diploma possible. This is important because if a staff member is not responsible, they will fail to resign appropriately.
  51. Task Management:
  52. As stated above I have a lot on my plate. Above I listed hours that I can contribute to the server, allowing plenty of time for studying/homework. This is great in a staffing situation because it allows me to get tasks done promptly. For example, when I was staff on HCQuads, we had a smaller staff team for the number of players we had and needed to help people promptly. I found myself able to help people very quickly.
  55. Honesty:
  56. In life and Minecraft, I try to stay as honest as possible. My parents always instilled honesty in me since I was very young. In life, I try to own what I do and try to be completely honest as well. If a staff member is lying to another, nothing will ever get done. This is why I believe that honesty is very important when staffing on a server. For example, above I stated that I was banned multiple times on faithful. I feel that this was important to state because it shows a lot. I could lie, and there' s a chance that no one would know my history; it is important that I did this to show reliability, as well as my honesty.
  58. Reliability:
  59. This is a big part of life and in Minecraft. I try to help my friends, and family members as much as possible. I think that I am always someone who people can talk to, and I will always listen. This applies to staff in the way that if I player needs help I will be there to listen to the situation and try to understand each point of view to the best of my ability.
  61. Persistence:
  62. In life, when I am passionate about something, I will try my absolute hardest to get it. For example, 5 weeks ago I applied and I was denied. Afterward, I dmed muffinking2 on telegram asking the reason. He said it was due to my in-game toxicity. After reading his response it got me thinking and made me want to better myself to get this staff role. So over those weeks, I have been watching what I've been saying in chat and trying to be kind/nice to everyone I interacted with. At first, I was avoiding chat because I was afraid I was going to say something that could be perceived as toxic. But after a few days, I got back into interacting with the community in a way that I was hoping could help clear my name of this title. I know that I can sometimes come across as toxic, but I am just a very competitive person and always try to win in whatever I'm playing. It's my nature. So, even if I get denied again. I will be here again in a few weeks to try to redeem myself, in an attempt to show my passion for getting this role.
  64. Additional Information: I love staffing on server. Im UK i can be a active staff for EU.
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