
Shen - "Meanie..."

Feb 14th, 2014
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  1. [06:32] <Shen> Shen was outside in the garden where Xi Feng and Blossom had previously sparred. He was cycling through his kata, extended now by a new form that he was still trying to get used too. He had begun learning it in the mountains from Satzu, though he hadn't quite explained to his brother why he wanted to learn it over his already mastered stance.
  2. [06:32] <Shen> His breath escaped his mouth in the cool morning mist, fusing with it as he trailed in his motions. His mask hung from his belt though his jaw guard remained on, he found comfort in wearing it.
  3. [06:36] <~Deedles> He could hear soft footfalls approaching from the porch, he knew those footsteps well by now, and it was only confirmed as the sound came close enough to be accompanied by the soft scent of flowers and jasmine tea. "Shen..." came Blossom's gentle voice, and he didn't need to see her to know by her tone that she was smiling, but there was something else to her tone too, a nervous edge.
  4. [06:38] <Shen> He span slowly in his stance towards her as if part of a dance from his kata. "Blossom..." he returned to her with his own smile. "I sense something is on your mind." he finished his movements, sealing with a closed lowering of his stance. "Is something wrong?" he looked a little more concerned as his body loosened again, his arms falling to his sides.
  5. [06:41] <~Deedles> "I wondered... before you leave." A hand came up to demurely place her fingertips to her lips as she paused, before she breathed in silently and decided to just say it "I want to spar you." she stated out-right.
  6. [06:44] <Shen> Shen ran a hand through his own hair, pushing the irritating locks back from his face. "Spar me?" he repeated a little slowly, not quite expecting at all for her to say that. He was silent for a few moments before finally and softly nodding. "We can, if you want, but only if you promise to go easy on me." he worded with a sly grin. "I heard you gave Xi Feng quite a run for her money." he commended.
  7. [06:46] <~Deedles> Blossom's hand shifted to grip her hair slightly as she blushed "I ... I was just lucky." she murmured modestly, her mind conflicted between her own pride of actually winning and her guilt at having hurt Xi Feng, even if it was just temporary.
  8. [06:51] <Shen> "Don't sell yourself short." he chuckled with a small, amused sigh. "You won fair and square with your own skills against hers... Losing a fight may temporarily hurt your pride, but you learn much more from it in the process. You don't learn nearly as much by winning all the time." he offered. "Even if it does feel rather good." He beckoned her towards him as he took a few steps back.
  9. [06:51] <Shen> "As a Warrior any opportunity to test and reflect upon my skills is always welcome, even against those I love. Win or lose." he smiled back to her.
  10. [06:53] <~Deedles> She listened to his words as she slowly took up her stance, her feet apart in a balanced and stable stance as she held up her hands, open palm with just the ring and little fingers bent. "Well, if that's the case..." she began to say, relaxing at his assurance as a playful smile spread across her lips. "I'll just have to win so that you learn more." she concluded
  11. [06:55] <Shen> "I always welcome a challenge." he retorted, his smile sliding into a grin as he too fell into stance. It was a different stance this time, while a palm led a fist, his feet and centre of gravity was much different to how he would usually start. "It beats being pasted by my brother constantly, at least." he breathed a quiet laugh.
  12. [07:06] <Shen> Shen moved first, mists swirling around him as he pushed forward with his palm towards Blossom's left wrist.
  13. [07:08] <~Deedles> She sensed it coming and shifted to the side, managing to get out of the attempt to weaken her wrist, but his blow still lands, leaving it aching.
  14. [07:14] <~Deedles> Blossom came at him in return, her fingers remaining relaxed as she shot her hand forward, stiffening only just before they hit a point at his side... and were met with a metal plate. "Ow...!" she pulled her hand back, her fingers curling back as they, to no great surprise, lost their fight between flesh and metal.
  15. [07:17] <Shen> Shen looked at her with concern as he watched it happen through his mists, though he didn't want to speak. There was no need to patronise her in the middle of a spar. Instead he pivoted a step back as he pulled his arms through his plated tunic, leaving it to hang around his waist, still held at the bottom by his belt.
  16. [07:28] <~Deedles> She noted what he did, Shen being wordlessly concerned for her, and she couldn't help but smile, despite her cheeks being a bit red as she felt a tad embarrassed.
  17. [07:29] <Shen> Shen repeated his maneuver again, pivoting forward on his planted foot and feinting his approach on her other hand, but instead he returned to the hand he had attacked before. His palm pushed forward.
  18. [07:31] <~Deedles> Blossom danced to the side once more, getting out of the brunt of the force, but he still grazed her wrist again.
  19. [07:42] <~Deedles> She shifted back in, spinning on the heel of one of her feet as her hands came in for two quick jabs, one at his wrist and another at his stomach. With all the wrist movements back and forth and the two moving around each other it seemed more like a strange dance rather than a fight.
  20. [07:45] <Shen> Shen loved it, she was different when she fought: Focused. Relentless. Keen. Infuriatingly attractive. He moved with her, as they both danced a waltz of dodges. He avoided one of the jabs, but the other got a bit too close, forcing the young Storm Dragon to redirect it with a swipe of his palm.
  21. [07:54] <~Deedles> Blossom smiled as he did, her hand subtly gripping his when passing by as she retracted it after her offensive. Even though he was whittling away at her faster she didn't mind, and she couldn't help but wonder why she'd been so nervous to ask for a spar - she was loving it so far.
  22. [15:18] <Shen> As they danced around the garden beside the porch, Shen struck at her wrist again as he waited for the opportune moment, instead of striking with his palm though this time he inverted his hand and struck out with the back of his wrist, attempting to collide it with hers.
  23. [15:26] <~Deedles> Blossom sensed the blow coming, but instead of dodging it she twisted her hand as she met his attack head on, her wrist slamming back into his, her forward approach causing them to end up with their faces inches apart as she winced from the pain she felt pang through her wrist as they collided.
  24. [15:32] <Shen> Shen brushed his fingertips over her wrist in a silent soothing caress, planting a soft kiss on her lips as he took a step back with a grin. "I like it." he commended her reckless, but very direct approach quietly.
  25. [15:36] <~Deedles> As they were that close he could feel the heat of her cheeks as she blushed "I'm glad you do..." she murmured, the blind girl taking a moment before she twisted around, changing her leading hand as the other was aching, which quickly came in for an attack. One jab aimed for his chest, but her second attack was different, her leg coming up as she tried to actually use the tip of her foot to hit a pressure point by his knee.
  26. [15:41] <Shen> Shen sidestepped the jab, the mists informing him all he needed to know. As the kick came in towards him he smiled defiantly, taking a step towards her leading in with his knee as he dimished the kicks arcing potential.
  27. [15:43] <~Deedles> Blossom didn't expect that, and being unused to kicking anyway her foot was caught in the crook of Shen's leg, her arms flailing as she tried to catch her balance, but to no avail as she fell back with a yelp, her rear hitting the soft grass below.
  28. [15:46] <Shen> Shen leant down offering her his hand, he held a hint of a smile and a dash of concern.
  29. [15:47] <~Deedles> She grimaced faintly as she accepted his hand, looking really embarrassed as she averted her faded eyes.
  30. [15:56] <Shen> He smiled more at her as he ran his thumb over her wrist, gently letting go as he took a step back. "Balance, thats all it is." he said quietly as if to assure her, help her. He retook his stance once again and moved the second she showed she was ready, making a similar move but for her other wrist as if to keep his approaches consistent, yet slightly fresh.
  31. [16:00] <~Deedles> Blossom focused once more as he came in for another attack, spinning out of the way and past his hand to avoid him coming for her wrist, though he still managed to hit it with the edge of his palm. As they were so close again, her torso pushed up against his after her dodge, she felt his mist coming up to haze her senses, but she narrowed her eyes as she forced her chi sense to get even sharper,
  32. [16:00] <~Deedles> seeing past the illusion he tried to create.
  33. [16:12] <~Deedles> As she was right by him her fingers came in for a swift strike against his stomach in an attempt to weaken him by making him feel queasy.
  34. [16:12] <~Deedles> Shen could also hear that her breathing was getting heavier, a sign of how hard she was trying to land even a single blow on him that had some effect.
  35. [16:17] <Shen> He picked up her sweet scent as he passed near her, almost causing him to zone out as she struck his stomach swiftly. He strengthened the muscles in his stomach just a second too late as she pressed against his gut causing him to release an odd mix of a cough and a burp. He span out of her reach again, the mist following him like a game of chase.
  36. [16:17] <Shen> Coming to a sudden stop he rubbed his stomach with a frown. "I'd like my breakfast kept inside, thank you very much." his tone was playful though, his faded eyes catching a spark of interest.
  37. [16:19] <~Deedles> Blossom spun on her heel to follow his movements, using quick steps to remain within close proximity of him. "Consider it a return favour for Yumu." she returned jestfully as she smiled, her hands held in front of her as she kept her stance even when chasing after him.
  38. [16:21] <Shen> Shen laughed at the statement. "I'm sorry, I never apologised for that." he smiled back at her as he fell back into a stance. "Looks like we're even now." he finished as he pushed forward quickly, his dominant palm again taking the lead and pushing forward multiple times.
  39. [16:27] <~Deedles> She was getting slower, one of his attacks managing to hit her wrist despite her trying to dance out of its way. She bit the inside of her lip as her second wrist began to ache, though it wasn't so bad that she couldn't deal with it yet, but she could feel that her chi reserve were getting spent, and she wasn't breathing well enough to keep up with the pace in which it was going.
  40. [16:30] <Shen> Shen watched her quietly as they moved around the garden once again. He was unsure whether they should keep going, the lover part of him wanting to throw in the towel to save her suffering and the warrior part demanding he wait longer so she learned important lessons.
  41. [16:32] <~Deedles> Blossom quickly came in for another attack, aiming for an aligning spot to the one she'd hit before, but the power behind her blows was diminishing and she knew even before it hit that it would do nothing. Right before her fingers hit their mark she stopped in her tracks, her breathing coming out in soft puffs as she tried to catch her breath, feeling embarrassed, yet enlightened, by how badly this had gone for her.
  42. [16:35] <Shen> Shen stood before her completely still, he could sense the lack of intent in her strike even with her outstretched arm. He gently took her wrist in his hand, then the other one with his other, massaging them softly. "You did well." he said to her quietly, a concerned smile on his face, but a smile nonetheless. "Do you want to stop for now?" he asked her quietly.
  43. [16:39] <~Deedles> "If I kept going now... I'd just be your punching bag." She replied inbetween deep breaths, a faint tone of playfulness to her as she spoke. Her eye slid close as her rubbed at her wrist, a quiet sound of contentment escaping her, before she took a step closer to him, resting her forehead against his shoulder. "Thank you... I learnt a lot." she murmured
  44. [16:43] <Shen> "I'm glad you understand that." his smile deepening as she moved into him. "You pushed yourself that much further and with it you increased your ability." he continued to gentle roll her wrists in his hand, soothing the aches and pains away to the best of his ability. That said, it was an ability based on love, not medicine.
  45. [16:43] <Shen> "Besides, there was no winner so we'll have to have a rematch again sometime." he chuckled down at her as he planted a kiss on top of her head.
  46. [16:45] <~Deedles> "I agree, there has to be rematch, but, you're wrong..." Blossom raised her head slowly as she smiled up at him with an adoring expression "Before you I'm always utterly defeated." she stated softly.
  47. [16:51] <Shen> He fell silent at that, slowly dropping his head to plant a soft kiss on her sweet lips. "When you speak like that, you cut right to my heart." he murmured with a silent loving sigh. "I suppose I should be grateful that you didn't try pummeling me with your words." he laughed quietly and airely.
  48. [16:51] <Shen> "Instead you fought me properly and showed me your strength, I'm honoured you took it seriously." he spoke honestly, glad that she wasn't inhibited by her love for him.
  49. [17:02] <~Deedles> She pressed her lips tenderly against his "How could I not take it seriously?" She asked in return as she smiled still, gently slipping one of her hands from his to place it on his cheek. "I know how strong you are, it simply wouldn't do to not take you seriously." she closed her eyes as she uttered a soft laugh "I guess many would think that because I love you I'd be afraid of hurting you, and true,
  50. [17:02] <~Deedles> I don't want to hurt you, but you're still the one I wish to prove my strength to the most. I care little and less about what anyone else thinks."
  51. [17:09] <Shen> He kissed her hand and wrist as she slid it over his cheek. "I know." he replied with a feint smile. "And that alone already proves that you have the will. That is the most important factor." he told her truthfully as he wrapped his arms around her, taking her into an embrace. "You will get stronger no matter what, whenever you wish to, all you need do is ask and I'll do all I can."
  52. [17:11] <~Deedles> She rested in his arms, her head leaning against his chest as she nodded dully "All I ask is that you spar me again once you get back." she whispered, her eyes shutting tighter as her arms came around him, holding herself close to him.
  53. [17:15] <Shen> "Of course." he said a bit more loudly as if it was obvious. "I'll want to see if you slacked or not after I left." he grinned, his eyes and tone playful but loving. "Then we can show each other how much we've both learned since today onwards... And you can teach me how much you've learned in... other lessons." he said a little more quietly as he cleared his throat.
  54. [17:18] <~Deedles> Blossom prodded his chest "Alright, pervert." she replied as she gained a playful smile in return. "In return for your Warrior Fools approach I'll show you the various tools of the Doctor. I'm sure I'll be able to think of some... interesting things while you're gone." she promised in a tease, her hand tapping her lips in a coyly thoughtful manner.
  55. [17:22] <Shen> "Why does that make me kind of nervous." he imitated her by tapping his own lips. "I can't help it if you're a lady in the streets, but a demon in the sheets." he teased her back, a humorous smile on his face.
  56. [17:23] <~Deedles> She blushed at that, her teasing melting away at his, the blind girl averting her face as she mumbled "You make it sound like I'm the dominant one..."
  57. [17:24] <Shen> He laughed at her shyness, lightly shaking his head. "Only because its fun to tease you." he kissed her head again as he chuckled.
  58. [17:25] <~Deedles> "As I said... utterly defeated." She sighed with a smile as she leaned against him. "You big meanie..."
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