
Rebel Leader App

Mar 25th, 2020
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  1. Key: Scruqade
  3. Rank: Rebel Leader
  5. Character: Nameless "Nick"
  7. Backstory: An amnesiac that finds himself waking up in his forest. He is met by a young kitsune and namekian that help him out, and present him with a name. In their journey, they come to encounter mischevious youkai and unfriendly namekians that educate the nameless human on the true natur of this wicked world he finds himself in. Alas, he comes to realize the injustices of racial equality, and vows to stand valiantly against the forces that be... Even if it costs him his own life.
  9. Plans:
  10. - To be a moral-driven character in a morally-gray and antagonistic world
  11. - (W/e happens in IC, happens)
  13. RP sample:
  15. *Nick had succumbed to unconsciousness, beaten until the vision of the world abroad had been rendered to black.
  16. Everything hurt...
  17. It all stung...
  18. In fact, there wasn't much reason to get back up at this point. He had proven his point on how stubborn he was.
  20. ... But what if, there was someone in danger?
  21. ...What if, there were city-folk entertaining themselves with the suffering of those forced to live in the slums?
  22. ... What if, a malevolent slugman came from the forest to exact his wrath, and sate their appetite with the humans unfortunate enough to cross their path?
  24. These thoughts... These concerns...
  25. All of them, vastly outclassing him in power, yet they burned in him.
  26. They coalesced into a burning pyre that was Nick's resolve; hotter than the chill of unconsciousness could sate.
  28. A finger twitched...
  29. Teeth grit...
  30. And body cringed...
  31. It was slow, and surely agonizing, but Retta could look on from the sidelines as human resolve pushed a man, through the veil of defeat, and slowly back up to their knees.
  33. The man was panting...
  34. A streak of blood marred their visage from their forehead, coupled with the finer details of soot and dirt.
  35. "You're... Probably... Getting really tired ... Of seeing me get back up... Huh?" He pushed himself back up, to his feet, stumbling a bit, before his legs bent at an inward angle, just barely supporting his weight.
  37. "... Well, if it's anything about us humans... It's that, when we set our mind to something..." He grinned, chest bouncing to insinuate a silent chortle through his pain.
  38. "--and I've certainly set my mind to something..."
  40. His arms dangled, limp at his sides, for the ground -- Yet his head still directed itself for Retta, looking back at her, while he caught his breath.
  41. "--that we will push ourselves... To the very brink... To see that dream..."
  42. The air waded in reverence, was though subject to heat once again.
  44. Just how much left did this man have in his reserves at this point?
  45. "COME. TO. LIGHT!" He cried out for the heavens as the heat erupted into a pyre that'd burn even more grand than those before it.
  46. That was his secret...
  48. It wasn't raw power...
  49. --and it certainly wasn't technique, though Retta was putting that to the test, for sure.
  50. No...
  51. It was his resolve...
  52. The man's undying determination.
  53. The aura that burned across his form soared for the heavens. Though, the power being emitted was hardly impressive; he wasn't like those within the city, by a long shot.
  55. ...But did this mean, he could've had a chance?*
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