

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. We see Rocky Maivia, Chris Jericho and Osamu Nishimura in the ring in their Trailblazer gear. Jericho has a 2nd Trailblazer jacket over his shoulder. Rocky has the mic.
  3. "Tonight, I am proud to share this ring with the winner of the 1998 Royal Rumble!" Jericho briefly plays to the crowd who pop in response. "But this isn't about Chris Jericho." Jericho gives a comical 'aw shucks' shrug as Rocky continue. "You see, in reality the 1998 Royal Rumble has another winner. Now true, this man was eliminated. He will not be facing Steve Austin for the WWF championship at Wrestlemania but that's ok. Because he won something even more important, he won his pride. Now on behalf of the Trailblazers, including our brother Taz who is not with us tonight we'd like to make a little offering to that man." Jericho shows up the Trailblazer jacket on his shoulder. "And that man is.....GOOOOOOOLD-DUST!"
  5. [url=""]Goldust's music hits as the man himself walks slowly to the ring.[/url] There is something seemingly off about him, he looked somewhat bewildered and dazed. Nonetheless he gets into the ring and grabs the mic.
  7. "Thank you very much. Rocky, Chris, Nishi-san." Goldust takes the jacket from Jericho and starts to put it on when...
  9. [url=""]Kazuya Okada begins to storm down to ringside, so angry that he can't even form a proper sentence.[/url]
  11. " OUT OF THAT RING! You do not belong there! I STILL OWN YOU! Nothing changes!"
  13. "Ooooh but you are wrong Okada. Everything has changed. And I suggest you stand down for a minute unless you feel like getting your ass kicked by 4 Trailblazers." Okada begrudgingly stays his hand. "Okada, I got a massive headache and I think you know why. You see, after I threw you out of the rumble a few things happened, I got careless and...well let's just show the people at home what happened."
  14. (Video plays of Kane throwing Goldust out of the Royal Rumble).
  15. "Aaaand freeze-frame. You see that, Okada? Ouch, my head just bounced off that unforgiving arena floor! I hope I didn't get a concussion....oh wait, I *did* get a concussion, Okada. And on its own, that would have been fine. In this business these things happen; I just had to make sure I didn't, oh my memory is a little fuzzy, what's that thing you're not supposed to do when you get a concussion?"
  17. Jericho interdicts. "I think they tell you not to go to sleep."
  19. "Oh that's right. Sleep. Shouldn't do that. Very bad. Very dangerous. Now let's see what happens next." (The video resumes showing Ted leaving the announce desk and putting Goldust in the Million Dollar Dream) "Looks like I got put to sleep, by a man who is not a member of the WWF roster by any in-ring definition, a man that had absolutely NO business putting his hands on me. And once I hit that match, I was no longer in the match, I was a civilian, not a combatant. And that makes what Mr. Ted DiBiase, your business partner and a cosignatory on that contract you wave at me whenever I step out of line, did an act of assault. You see Okada, when I threw you out of the rumble I was prepared to spend the rest of my days in a Japanese prison if need be just to get you out of my life. But now I don't have to. You see, thanks to that vicious assault by your employer, and the sudden magnanimous mood the Power Trip seems to be in, I now find myself in a very fortuitous position, with two roads diverging in this yellow wood. Now, I could take [i]legal[/i] action, bring you into court, drag this thing out until the Wrestlemania after next. I could. But I don't want to. You know me, Okada, you know I'm not the kind of man who likes settling things in court, by technicalities. That's why next week--if I'm cleared to compete, of course--I will get in that ring for a spot in that Dungeon Of Destiny, and I will triumph, and at DDT4, I promise you, I will earn myself that Wrestlemania match. And I know what ju-just what I'm--I'm sorry, my bell's still a little bit rung--just what match I'm making. You and me, in that ring, for my debt. I'm going free and clear after Wrestlemania, not in court, not by working like a dog for a son of a bitch like you, but by earning it like I've earned everything I've got: in this very ring."
  21. "Thi-you-ba-baka-f-FUCK!" Okada fumes and sputters his way backstage as the Trailblazers stand tall with their newest member.
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