
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 129

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. [15:48] <@Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:48] <@Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:49] <@Kjell> -Session 129-
  4. [15:51] <@Kjell> After a harrowing journey through the desert, Kahree and Kjell returned to Liri with the freed slaves, whereupon they were greeted with acclaim by Samaritha, and the others who had been working on the settlement and its surrounding area.
  5. [15:52] <@Kjell> Most welcomed them readily, eager to see new faces after only having the same people to talk to for a month, as well as the ready hands of extra workers. However, some questioned whether or not their supplies would be able to hold out. Thankfully, reassurance from Kjell of their ability to retrieve additional supplies via teleportation quelled the issue
  6. [15:53] <@Kjell> What was to follow was the dawn of the new city, wherein it would grow from a cluster of tents and supplies into a real settlement...
  7. [15:55] <@Kjell> For their first few days back, most of the freed slaves took days of rest, while also listening to Samaritha's proposal of education for them. Among them, the only other one with any proper education had been Sirocco, who had been trained to read maps and star charts to guide ships. She revealed that her maimed legs were the result of a failed escape attempt overboard, after which she had been savagely beaten.
  8. [15:58] <@Kjell> Meanwhile, the Janni that Kahree had rescued with the other genies, had elected to stay in Liri. He admitted to curiosity about what Kahree could provide to Genies and their demi-elemental descendants, and whether or not the Ifrit would be able to follow through as a leader.
  9. [16:10] * Kjell recommends to Kahree that they start construction on something a little more fortified, in addition to getting roofs over everyone's heads. A watchtower would give them a place to be prepared in case any trouble came for them
  10. [16:11] * Kahree agrees, as long as tenements are next on the agenda! She assists with the latter, attempting to play public, for the first time, and utilize her lyre of building.
  11. [16:14] <@Kjell> The former slaves watch in awe as Kahree's notes turn sand into stone and stone into brick, constructing an entire lot of tennements for them to live in effortlessly. The show of magical construction and prospect of homes, albeit small ones, of their own inspires the citizens of Liri. As well, the construction of a Watchtower seems to quell lingering fears of retaliation from Sedeq being the end of their freedom.
  12. [16:29] <@Kjell> During the first month of Liri's settling, things are a bit rough. The inhabitants are a bit uneasy as the lingering threat of nearby Sedeq persists, causing unrest. That said, the supplies are far from running out, and the people choose to be hopeful that their fears will pass.
  13. [16:38] * Kjell leaves the town for a little while to go and find a cleric for their settlement, as a healer would not only be a boon to their community, but would also help alleviate fears. He recommends that Kahree might want to prioritize getting a shrine or temple ready as their next construction effort.
  14. [16:39] <@Kjell> Kjell manages to find a Keleshite named Kyra, who is a cleric of Sarenrae the Dawnflower. After hearing abotu the plight of the slaves, she agrees to return to Liri with him.
  15. [16:45] * Kjell also takes a trip to Iadara to speak with Queen Telandia. Liri was in need of someone who was a better speaker. Someone who could help settle future disputes, and knew the ins and outs of diplomacy for future bargains and arrangements with other nations.
  16. [16:47] <@Kjell> Iadara assigns Kjell a trusted vassal; A Keleshite Half-Elf Cavalier named Lenoro. He rode a proud looking camel named Gungir, and actually had previous ventures in the eastern deserts.
  17. [16:54] * Kahree recommends next building a fishery to help the efforts of the former undine slave. She's open to suggestions for other improvements.
  18. [16:57] * Kjell notes that, considering they were surrounding by the sea, a salt mine might give them a potential resource to develop with. Even better if they should come across something more valuable whilst digging
  19. [17:21] * Kjell wants to do more to help quell the fears of attack, so he takes volunteers and begins training a militia
  20. [17:21] <Kjell> Kjell gets 50 volunteers, and his expertise in fighting is enough to teach them the fundamentals.
  21. [17:42] <Kjell> Kahree declares that Liri will have, throughout the coming year, Holidays every other month, A modest level of promotion for Liri so as to attract more settlers and potentially investors as well. With the addition of the mining and fishing resources, these declarations seem to go over well enough.
  22. [17:46] <Kjell> However, in order to fund these edicts, Kahree declares a modest level of taxation. While this wins her no brownie points, even the ex-slaves realize that they're all going to have to contribute to their mutual benefit if the fledgeling City is to survive.
  23. [17:47] <Kjell> As well, the fact that Kahree granted them their freedom, and even their homes, they are willing to go along with it.
  24. [17:55] <Kjell> Over the course of that month, Kahree uses her Mystical Lyre to sonctruct proper homes for the residents of Liri, upgrading from the basic tennements she had provided before. The more comfortable living does a lot to ease the worries of the citizenry. As well, the construction of a Shrine and the admission of a well meaning cleric does wonders.
  25. [18:06] * Kjell and Kahree each donate 400 platinum (4000 gold) pieces to the settlements treasury out of pocket. Additionally, they sell the slavemaster's amulet of health, contributing the proceeds to the settlement treasury as well.
  26. [18:15] <Kjell> The time comes for tax collection, and while the people are not exactly thrilled, the salt miners and the fishery workers have wages out of which they can pay them, and the ex-slaves, having never even had their own money before, are still left with their own funds with which to pursue their own leisure activities.
  27. [18:19] <Kjell> Other than that, the first month of Liri's development is relatively uneventful.
  28. [18:21] <Kjell> -End Session-
  29. [18:23] <Kjell> Kingdom Rewards: Founding a Kingdom, Establishing a Capital City. 3600 Experience Each
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