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a guest
Aug 28th, 2018
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  1. 0x00000000005ed308 <+0>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!
  2. 0x00000000005ed30c <+4>: mov x29, sp
  3. 0x00000000005ed310 <+8>: stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]
  4. 0x00000000005ed314 <+12>: mov x19, x0
  5. 0x00000000005ed318 <+16>: str x21, [sp, #32]
  6. 0x00000000005ed31c <+20>: mov x21, x1
  7. 0x00000000005ed320 <+24>: ldr x1, [x0, #120]
  8. 0x00000000005ed324 <+28>: ldr x0, [x0, #432]
  9. 0x00000000005ed328 <+32>: ldr x20, [x0]
  10. 0x00000000005ed32c <+36>: cbz x1, 0x5ed3e0 <dw_mci_request_end+216>
  11. 0x00000000005ed330 <+40>: brk #0x800
  12. 0x00000000005ed334 <+44>: ldr x0, [x19, #432]
  13. 0x00000000005ed338 <+48>: str xzr, [x0, #24]
  14. 0x00000000005ed33c <+52>: str xzr, [x19, #112]
  15. 0x00000000005ed340 <+56>: add x0, x19, #0x160
  16. 0x00000000005ed344 <+60>: ldr x1, [x19, #352]
  17. 0x00000000005ed348 <+64>: cmp x0, x1
  18. 0x00000000005ed34c <+68>: b.eq 0x5ed3c8 <dw_mci_request_end+192> // b.none
  19. 0x00000000005ed350 <+72>: ldr x0, [x19, #352]
  20. 0x00000000005ed354 <+76>: mov x6, #0x100 // #256
  21. 0x00000000005ed358 <+80>: mov x5, #0x200 // #512
  22. 0x00000000005ed35c <+84>: movk x6, #0xdead, lsl #48
  23. 0x00000000005ed360 <+88>: movk x5, #0xdead, lsl #48
  24. 0x00000000005ed364 <+92>: mov w4, #0x1 // #1
  25. 0x00000000005ed368 <+96>: ldp x3, x2, [x0]
  26. 0x00000000005ed36c <+100>: str x2, [x3, #8]
  27. 0x00000000005ed370 <+104>: sub x1, x0, #0x20
  28. 0x00000000005ed374 <+108>: str x3, [x2]
  29. 0x00000000005ed378 <+112>: stp x6, x5, [x0]
  30. 0x00000000005ed37c <+116>: str w4, [x19, #344]
  31. 0x00000000005ed380 <+120>: ldur x0, [x0, #-8]
  32. 0x00000000005ed384 <+124>: ldr x2, [x0]
  33. 0x00000000005ed388 <+128>: cbz x2, 0x5ed3c0 <dw_mci_request_end+184>
  34. 0x00000000005ed38c <+132>: mov x0, x19
  35. 0x00000000005ed390 <+136>: bl 0x5eccb0 <__dw_mci_start_request>
  36. 0x00000000005ed394 <+140>: mov x0, x19
  37. 0x00000000005ed398 <+144>: bl 0x5ed398 <dw_mci_request_end+144>
  38. 0x00000000005ed39c <+148>: mov x1, x21
  39. 0x00000000005ed3a0 <+152>: mov x0, x20
  40. 0x00000000005ed3a4 <+156>: bl 0x5ed3a4 <dw_mci_request_end+156>
  41. 0x00000000005ed3a8 <+160>: mov x0, x19
  42. 0x00000000005ed3ac <+164>: bl 0x5ed3ac <dw_mci_request_end+164>
  43. 0x00000000005ed3b0 <+168>: ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]
  44. 0x00000000005ed3b4 <+172>: ldr x21, [sp, #32]
  45. 0x00000000005ed3b8 <+176>: ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48
  46. 0x00000000005ed3bc <+180>: ret
  47. 0x00000000005ed3c0 <+184>: ldr x2, [x0, #8]
  48. 0x00000000005ed3c4 <+188>: b 0x5ed38c <dw_mci_request_end+132>
  49. 0x00000000005ed3c8 <+192>: ldr w1, [x19, #344]
  50. 0x00000000005ed3cc <+196>: mov w0, #0x7 // #7
  51. 0x00000000005ed3d0 <+200>: cmp w1, #0x6
  52. 0x00000000005ed3d4 <+204>: csel w0, w0, wzr, eq // eq = none
  53. 0x00000000005ed3d8 <+208>: str w0, [x19, #344]
  54. 0x00000000005ed3dc <+212>: b 0x5ed394 <dw_mci_request_end+140>
  55. 0x00000000005ed3e0 <+216>: ldr x1, [x19, #128]
  56. 0x00000000005ed3e4 <+220>: cbnz x1, 0x5ed330 <dw_mci_request_end+40>
  57. 0x00000000005ed3e8 <+224>: b 0x5ed338 <dw_mci_request_end+48>
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