
The Logs of Death

Nov 5th, 2013
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  1. (21:39:13) ChaoBot: CasualCollision logs into the Chat.
  2. (21:39:17) Skyralie: loudclaw
  3. (21:39:19) Skyralie: u ok
  4. (21:39:27) Skyralie: wait wait here's how to test your sanity
  5. (21:39:41) CasualCollision: You're not lucid.
  6. (21:39:53) Mana: hi
  7. (21:40:28) Skyralie: ιαη ραυℓѕση
  8. (21:40:44) Jack_Augustine enters Hypermode
  9. (21:40:45) Jack_Augustine: ****
  10. (21:40:49) Jack_Augustine: YOU ALL HAVE TO DO IT
  11. (21:40:55) Jack_Augustine: YOU ALL HAVE TO ******* DO IT
  12. (21:41:02) Jack_Augustine: WELL THERE IS NO MOD HERE TO PROTECT YOUR ******* ASSES
  13. (21:41:22) Mana: crying
  14. (21:41:23) Skyralie: u mad
  15. (21:41:30) CasualCollision: Ian are you alright?
  16. (21:41:32) Mana: oh no
  17. (21:41:33) CasualCollision: frick
  18. (21:41:37) CasualCollision: oops
  19. (21:41:46) Jack_Augustine: YOU'RE DEAD TO ME
  20. (21:42:12) CasualCollision: noone went to willys funeral accept ian
  21. (21:42:14) CasualCollision: FRICk
  22. (21:42:21) Jack_Augustine: **** YOU
  23. (21:42:21) Mana: im
  24. (21:43:49) Skyralie:​/cooltext1267658166.gif
  25. (21:44:09) Mana: i can hear the mad
  26. (21:44:33) Jack_Augustine: I WILL **** YOUR MOTHER SKY
  27. (21:44:43) Mana: you should
  28. (21:44:46) Mana: go ahead and do it
  29. (21:44:50) CasualCollision: u claim to be a playa
  30. (21:44:53) Mana: and then sky will have a baby half sibling
  31. (21:44:59) Mana: to kick through a window
  32. (21:45:21) ChaoBot: Mamkute logs into the Chat.
  33. (21:45:33) ChaoX-Girl: i don't even want to know what's happening now
  34. (21:45:43) Jack_Augustine: THEY ******* CALLED ME BY MY NAME
  35. (21:45:47) Jack_Augustine: AFTER I KEEP TELLING THEM NO
  36. (21:46:19) Jack_Augustine: *eyetwitch*
  37. (21:46:24) ChaoX-Girl: hi Mamkute
  38. (21:46:29) Mamkute: Hello
  39. (21:46:41) Mamkute: Not a rules thing, but come on guys.
  40. (21:47:54) Jack_Augustine: I will find some way to get revenge back to ALL OF YOU.
  41. (21:48:13) Jack_Augustine: Save Mamkute
  42. (21:48:38) Skyralie:​/cooltext1267661637.png
  43. (21:48:40) Mana: i'm gonna go hit up the streets with my homies sabe and
  44. (21:48:41) Skyralie: im gone
  45. (21:48:43) ChaoBot: Skyralie is now away.
  46. (21:48:57) Jack_Augustine: OH THAT'S IT
  47. (21:49:02) ChaoX-Girl: @ Mamkute: i'm trying to stay out of it
  48. (21:49:06) Mamkute: Don't rage.
  49. (21:49:15) Jack_Augustine enters Hypermode.
  50. (21:49:16) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: We didn't even say your name. Calm down.
  51. (21:49:25) Jack_Augustine: Check the link.
  52. (21:49:29) Mamkute: Fair enough. I would like to do that do, but oh well.
  53. (21:49:34) Mana: @ Skyralie: ding
  54. (21:49:39) CasualCollision: Oop
  55. (21:49:42) Mana: dying
  56. (21:49:45) CasualCollision: I didn't click the link
  57. (21:49:46) CasualCollision: Gomen
  58. (21:49:55) ChaoBot: ShadowXUnicorn logs into the Chat.
  59. (21:49:56) ShadowXUnicorn: TRIERT
  60. (21:50:00) ChaoX-Girl: mainly 'cause i don't even know what's going on, and also because the arguing (i assume) is getting old
  61. (21:50:12) ShadowXUnicorn: oh well
  62. (21:50:13) ShadowXUnicorn: ANYONE
  63. (21:50:15) ShadowXUnicorn:​2f21244499053f645756f0af4b2/tumbl​r_mvs05jMKPa1rnro5jo1_1280.jpg
  64. (21:50:21) CasualCollision: Hey Uni
  65. (21:50:21) Triert: I LIVE
  66. (21:50:27) ShadowXUnicorn: LOOK AT MEEEEE
  67. (21:50:31) ShadowXUnicorn: AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
  68. (21:50:36) ShadowXUnicorn maniac laughter
  69. (21:51:03) Jack_Augustine launches Hyper Missiles at Mamkute, horrifyingly destroying his legs
  70. (21:51:27) ChaoBot: [Away]_Skyralie has been logged out (Timeout).
  71. (21:51:33) Triert: You look like crap uni
  72. (21:51:33) Mamkute: O_O
  73. (21:51:39) Triert: that was not me
  74. (21:51:42) ShadowXUnicorn: shhh
  75. (21:51:45) Triert: bh,k,
  76. (21:51:46) ShadowXUnicorn: im skonia
  77. (21:51:48) Triert: g6
  78. (21:51:48) Triert: ftbgdt
  79. (21:51:49) Triert: gfcj
  80. (21:51:50) CasualCollision: @ Mana: LC claims to be a playa but I said 'is name
  81. (21:51:59) CasualCollision: We bust some bad boys.
  82. (21:52:01) Triert: phemy god damn
  83. (21:52:04) ShadowXUnicorn: but the wig sucks i need to fix it
  84. (21:52:07) Triert: fgsdtyrfxghfdfgdxfhdf
  85. (21:52:16) ShadowXUnicorn: @ Triert: PHEMY STOP BEIN A MEANIE
  86. (21:52:24) Jack_Augustine: Say my name and I swear to God I will get revenge on you
  87. (21:52:34) Mana: @ CasualCollision: i'm ******* dying
  88. (21:52:36) Triert: Dunno why he's blamin' me
  89. (21:52:38) ShadowXUnicorn: ian
  90. (21:52:40) ChaoX-Girl: what is a chatbox?
  91. (21:52:42) Triert: YOU LYING LIL
  92. (21:52:50) ShadowXUnicorn: @ Triert: BOTH OF YOU STOP BEIN MEANIES
  93. (21:52:51) Triert: Ian, stop being such a baby
  94. (21:53:04) Triert: You need to grow up already
  95. (21:53:04) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: How?
  96. (21:53:05) Jack_Augustine: I DO NOT WANT TO BE CALLED THAT YOU ASSWIPE
  97. (21:53:09) CasualCollision: Like I'm genuinelt curious
  98. (21:53:17) ChaoX-Girl: a place for randomness and debates
  99. (21:53:22) CasualCollision: How will you get back at us?
  100. (21:53:24) Triert: @ ShadowXUnicorn: Ooooookaaaaaay
  101. (21:53:28) Mamkute: @ ChaoX-Girl: Hell.
  102. (21:53:40) ChaoX-Girl: @ Mamkute: and that
  103. (21:53:51) Jack_Augustine: @ Mamkute: Help
  104. (21:54:42) Triert: Ian, stop running behind the mods to excuse your immaturity
  105. (21:54:59) Mamkute: @ Triert: And you guys need to stop pestering him.
  106. (21:55:27) CasualCollision: @ Mamkute: Hey, we'll stop.
  107. (21:55:29) CasualCollision: Or at least I'll stop
  108. (21:55:38) ChaoX-Girl: i seriously wish everyone could resolve this peacefully, but i've already lost faith
  109. (21:55:43) Jack_Augustine: THE HELL YOU WILL
  110. (21:55:50) Jack_Augustine: YOU DO IT THE INSTANT THERE IS NO MOD THERE
  111. (21:55:58) Triert: @ Mamkute: I'm sorry he wants to slit our throats
  112. (21:56:00) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: No I won't. :I
  113. (21:56:11) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: I just know when to stop.
  114. (21:56:12) Mamkute: @ Jack_Augustine: That is not okay. Don't just hide from mods to get threats out.
  115. (21:56:14) Jack_Augustine: Look we went over the slit-throat thing
  116. (21:56:16) Jack_Augustine: Ages ago
  117. (21:56:36) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: Approximately 2 days ago.
  118. (21:56:44) Triert: @ Mamkute: I'm sorry, but you excuse it all the damn time because you say we pester him all the time
  119. (21:56:48) Jack_Augustine: And I have been attempting to stop
  120. (21:57:27) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: I admit that I went over the edge with calling you by your name, but I really think you should learn to control your anger so that people can take you more seriously.
  121. (21:57:28) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: You're just outright immature over the smallest things
  122. (21:57:37) Jack_Augustine: Hmph
  123. (21:57:44) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Not to mention the fact that you like to joke about suicide
  124. (21:57:47) ChaoX-Girl: guys...
  125. (21:57:58) Mamkute: @ Triert: Am I not allowed to "redeem" myself? I am not excusing him.
  126. (21:58:01) Jack_Augustine: I DO NOT JOKE ABOUT SUICIDE
  127. (21:58:10) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Why should we have to respect your minor annoyances when you disrespect a lot of people here.
  128. (21:58:31) ChaoX-Girl: *sigh*
  129. (21:58:36) Jack_Augustine: Why should I remain at this **** hole you call a chat? It's not like most of you are DECENT PEOPLE.
  130. (21:58:46) Jack_Augustine: Hear me out.
  131. (21:59:02) Triert: @ Mamkute: ^ My point exactly
  132. (21:59:10) Triert: @ Mamkute: He doesn't even like us
  133. (21:59:25) Jack_Augustine: I initially thought that it'd be rather exciting to be here at the chat once more.
  134. (21:59:25) ChaoX-Girl: the chatbox is a war zone..
  135. (21:59:26) Triert: @ Mamkute: Though that's a given
  136. (21:59:36) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Well it sure is interesting again
  137. (21:59:40) ChaoX-Girl readies ignore button.
  138. (22:00:03) CasualCollision: @Mamkute: Aren't you gonna break this up?
  139. (22:00:06) Jack_Augustine: I only come here to talk with Citrus and Molly on here.
  140. (22:00:23) Mamkute: @ Jack_Augustine: Stop.
  141. (22:00:25) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: I don't see either, and you're still talking to me
  142. (22:00:30) Mamkute: And check your PM's soon.
  143. (22:00:39) Jack_Augustine: That's because you all aren't leaving me alone and shutting up about Molly's suicide thing, and my flipping name.
  144. (22:01:12) Jack_Augustine: You bring those up to piss us off, and neither of us like it.
  145. (22:01:12) CasualCollision: @ Triert: Just ignore him. You're prolonging the **** storm.
  146. (22:01:18) Triert: You're right
  147. (22:01:20) ChaoBot: Blasphemy logs into the Chat.
  148. (22:01:21) Triert: It's over
  149. (22:02:14) Blasphemy: @ Triert: But LC has a point. If he's really trying to get better, constantly teasing and bullying him only eggs him on.
  150. (22:02:27) Blasphemy: @ Triert: Would you like it if the same was done to you?
  151. (22:02:34) Triert: @ Blasphemy: He does do the same to me
  152. (22:02:42) Jack_Augustine: No, I do not.
  153. (22:02:52) Jack_Augustine: I'd respect you better if you stopped.
  154. (22:02:56) Blasphemy: @ Triert: That may give you reason to tease him, but not a right.
  155. (22:03:08) Triert: @ Blasphemy: He's already made suicide jokes in the past few days and only tried to justify them
  156. (22:03:17) Jack_Augustine: I WAS NOT THE ONE TO MAKE THE JOKES
  157. (22:03:23) Triert: @ Blasphemy: But he expects us to call him by a different name
  158. (22:03:23) Jack_Augustine: AND MOLLY WAS NOT JOKING EIHER
  159. (22:03:25) Jack_Augustine: EITHER
  160. (22:03:38) ShadowXUnicorn: hes right
  161. (22:03:40) Jack_Augustine: Look
  162. (22:03:40) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Didn't you say if molly killed herself you wouldn't lose your virginity until you were 25?
  163. (22:03:43) ShadowXUnicorn: no one made a suicide joke
  164. (22:03:49) ShadowXUnicorn: except molly
  165. (22:03:55) Jack_Augustine: If you want to talk to me
  166. (22:03:57) ShadowXUnicorn: she kind of made it a joke but kind of didnt
  167. (22:03:58) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Didn't Molly also say "Happy Halloween" after she faked her suicide
  168. (22:04:08) ShadowXUnicorn: those are the only two things, though
  169. (22:04:15) Triert: Or at least acted like she had
  170. (22:04:17) Blasphemy: @ ShadowXUnicorn: Oh yeah, I came here to wish you luck on styling your Skonia wig. Styling wigs are difficult.
  171. (22:04:21) Mamkute: Guys. Stop. This does not need to go on.
  172. (22:04:32) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: Likewise, I would respect you more if you didn't make such a big deal about your name.
  173. (22:04:34) Jack_Augustine: Use "Loudclaw", "Loud", "LC", or my current username to talk to me
  174. (22:04:37) CasualCollision: Error
  175. (22:04:56) ChaoX-Girl: seriously, i have more faith in the mods right now in all honesty
  176. (22:05:08) ShadowXUnicorn: @ Blasphemy: aha thanks
  177. (22:05:18) ShadowXUnicorn: first wig ive ever had so
  178. (22:05:27) ShadowXUnicorn: at least the hair style is fairly simple
  179. (22:05:33) Jack_Augustine: Guys
  180. (22:05:43) Jack_Augustine: Just accept that I dislike being called by my name online.
  181. (22:05:48) Mamkute: People: respect Loudclaw. Respecting someone helps them improve in actions, and you heckling him to prove a point of anger does not helping anyone. People pestering him by calling him what he has asked you stop calling him shows you are immature too. Loudclaw, Never threaten people again.
  182. (22:05:49) CasualCollision: (whispers) Honestly though think, hypothetically, how people would react if you said "Please do not call me by my real name. I don't appreciate that." Rather than going ballistic?
  183. (22:05:56) Blasphemy: @ ShadowXUnicorn: No prob. I styled two wigs and while the first one doesn't look that bad, the second one came out much shorter than I wanted.
  184. (22:05:56) CasualCollision: (whispers) Think about this for a second.
  185. (22:06:10) ChaoX-Girl: i'm not trying to defend anybody, everyone keeps pointing figures at everyone else, and it's not solving anything
  186. (22:06:13) Jack_Augustine: @ Mamkute: I'll stop.
  187. (22:06:21) Triert: @ Mamkute: We'll show him respect when he displays it
  188. (22:06:22) Blasphemy: @ ShadowXUnicorn: It's good that the hairstyle is simple, at least.
  189. (22:06:30) Triert: @ Mamkute: He can start for apologizing for those suicide jokes
  190. (22:06:42) Jack_Augustine: (whispers to CasualCollision) They'd likely shut up.
  191. (22:06:51) Jack_Augustine: And I never made a suicide joke, Treedirt.
  192. (22:06:56) CasualCollision: (whispers) Yes, they would.
  193. (22:07:17) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Liar
  194. (22:07:27) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: A lot of people can attest to your joke
  195. (22:07:31) Blasphemy: @ Jack_Augustine: According to what Triert tells me, they had proof of you doing so, but it was deleted by mods. At the moment, I'm not taking sides since it's all hearsay to me.
  196. (22:07:48) Jack_Augustine: It wasn't me who made a joke.
  197. (22:07:51) Triert: The mods have been deleting posts lately
  198. (22:07:58) Jack_Augustine: And my girlfriend didn't joke about it
  199. (22:08:03) Blasphemy: @ Triert: So I heard.
  200. (22:08:05) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Well now thats a lie
  201. (22:08:10) CasualCollision: @ Triert: Look, just drop it.
  202. (22:08:22) Triert: @ CasualCollision: You know what, ok
  203. (22:08:24) ChaoX-Girl: everyone...please..
  204. (22:08:28) Triert: I can't get any further here
  205. (22:08:32) Triert: I know when to draw my cards
  206. (22:08:36) Triert: Or fold
  207. (22:08:38) Triert: Yeah, fold
  208. (22:08:41) Triert: Mamkute
  209. (22:08:54) Triert: This isn't an issue the mods can resolve by ceasefire
  210. (22:08:56) Mamkute: Yes?
  211. (22:09:05) Jack_Augustine: If you want me gone, fine.
  212. (22:09:12) Jack_Augustine: I'll request a ******* ban.
  213. (22:09:14) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: I want you to apologize
  214. (22:09:28) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: But if you're too haughty for that, then you deserve that ban
  215. (22:09:36) Jack_Augustine: I WILL apologize.
  216. (22:09:41) Jack_Augustine: But I don't know what to start with.
  217. (22:09:52) Triert: I'm sorry I made jokes about suicide?
  218. (22:10:02) CasualCollision: @ Jack_Augustine: Just say sorry. I think people will get the drift.
  219. (22:10:03) Jack_Augustine: Look, I never made a suicide joke.
  220. (22:10:07) Jack_Augustine: Those aren't cool.
  221. (22:10:12) Jack_Augustine: Nor funny.
  222. (22:10:13) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: ...
  223. (22:10:17) CasualCollision: @ Triert: Presuming he DID joke about suicide
  224. (22:10:19) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: But you still made one and deny it
  225. (22:10:39) ChaoX-Girl: ...this isn't getting anywhere, i really want to help but i don't know how..
  226. (22:10:48) ShadowXUnicorn: the one joke he made was more of a joke about being single
  227. (22:10:54) Blasphemy: @ ChaoX-Girl: Then let it fizzle out on it's own.
  228. (22:10:59) ShadowXUnicorn: it wasnt specifically implied to be a suicide joke
  229. (22:11:11) Jack_Augustine: Suicide jokes are not cool, not funny, not anything except enraging and depressing.
  230. (22:11:21) ShadowXUnicorn: now drop it
  231. (22:11:22) ChaoX-Girl: @ Blasphemy: i want to, but it's really hard to watch this go on
  232. (22:11:23) Triert: @ ShadowXUnicorn: "If you kill yourself I won't lose my virginity until I'm 25"
  233. (22:11:31) Triert: Along those lines more or less
  234. (22:11:32) ChaoX-Girl: i suppose i could leave if it bothers me
  235. (22:11:32) CasualCollision: @ Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: Look, both of you stop. Triert, stop interrogating Jack, and Jack, just apologize, regardless if you made the joke or not.
  236. (22:11:43) Jack_Augustine: Fine.
  237. (22:11:45) Blasphemy: @ ShadowXUnicorn: I hope it wasn't a "Forever Alone" joke, because those deader than a ghost.
  238. (22:11:46) CasualCollision: Or whether or not you meant what you said to be a joke.
  239. (22:11:48) ShadowXUnicorn: @ Triert: the specific way he worded it wasn't exactly mentioning the suicide part
  240. (22:11:51) ChaoX-Girl: but then i'd be giving in to the situation
  241. (22:11:53) Blasphemy: @ ChaoX-Girl: I agree.
  242. (22:12:04) Triert: @ ShadowXUnicorn: "If you kill yourself"
  243. (22:12:07) ChaoX-Girl: and i don't want to do that
  244. (22:12:13) ShadowXUnicorn: i dont think he added that
  245. (22:12:23) Triert: @ ShadowXUnicorn: Believe what you want I suppose
  246. (22:12:25) Blasphemy: @ ChaoX-Girl: Well, I agree that it is difficult to watch this go on.
  247. (22:12:26) Jack_Augustine: I'm sorry for making that alleged suicide joke
  248. (22:12:54) Triert: @ Jack_Augustine: I'm sorry you can't acknowledge yourself as a jackboot but I suppose I have to accept this much from you.
  249. (22:13:03) ChaoX-Girl: but at the same time, i really don't think there's anything i can do to break this up without getting caught in the crossfire
  250. (22:13:24) Triert offers handshake
  251. (22:13:48) Jack_Augustine reaches out with the free left hand and accepts the handshake.
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