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SSSS. Dynazenon Voice Drama 1.1

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Apr 3rd, 2021
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  1. Dynazenon Voice Drama
  2. Episode 1.1 - Kashiwaguilty
  3. We really should go with something that'll leave a lasting memory.
  4. Say what?
  5. I'm talking about what we'll be doing as a class for the school festival.
  6. If we can't do a haunted house, we should sell food.
  7. The upperclassmen get prioritized for fire usage, though.
  8. How about a cafe, then?
  9. We can't write a proposal without specifics, you know.
  10. What are you even going for?
  11. You're not even on the planning committee.
  12. How about a cafe with reversed gender roles?
  13. Boys in girl clothing and girls in boy clothing.
  14. Wait, nowadays, it's not appropriate to be basing our genders on clothing, you know?
  15. Who are you even trying to accommodate?
  16. You need to brainstorm with us too, Yomo-kun.
  17. Huh, me?
  18. I'm trying so hard to think here, but you've been quiet the entire time.
  19. I'm listening.
  20. Yomogi-kun's is just so lost in thought about Minami Yume-san after we saw her on the flood gate, after all.
  21. Seriously?
  22. No. I was listening, seriously.
  23. Yomogi, that was totally a "kashiwaguilty" moment.
  24. Come on, no, he isn't.
  25. Trust me, Yomogi's the most apt when it comes to being "kashiwaguilty".
  26. It's a guy thing.
  27. No way.
  28. Stop it, don't you feel bad for Yomogi-kun?
  29. Sorry, I don't get it.
  30. What's "kashiwaguilty"?
  31. Oh, you, we talked so much about it yesterday.
  32. Wait, Yomogi wasn't with us when we were talking about it.
  33. Oh yeah, he was at work.
  34. So what does it mean?
  35. Uh...
  36. Forget it, it wouldn't be funny if we talked about it now.
  37. True.
  38. It just kinda came up yesterday.
  39. I don't really care if it's funny, I just want to know what it means.
  40. Oh, you.
  41. The way you're asking about it is what makes you pretty "kashiwaguilty".
  42. Okay, whatever, as kashiwaguilty as charged.
  43. Yomogi, keep your kashiwaguilty in check, all right?
  44. You're the ones who started calling me that!
  45. Yomogi-kun, you should probably give up on Minami-san.
  46. Is she your type?
  47. She's not my type at all, well, that's kind of rude.
  48. Anyway, that's not it, um.
  49. But you don't hate her, right?
  50. Well, yeah.
  51. Does that mean you like her?
  52. Not really.
  53. Even though you stare at her?
  54. That's only because I'm wondering what she's doing.
  55. Really?
  56. What kind of girls do you like then?
  57. Do you like them older? Younger?
  58. How much older? How much younger?
  59. Huh, let me think.
  60. For older girls...
  61. 33 years.
  62. You can go pretty old, huh!?
  63. That's like double the age-gap.
  64. I didn't even say that.
  65. Also, if she's hot with big boobs, anyone works for me.
  66. Hey, wait, that's not me, either.
  67. You can't get away with just being bi now.
  68. I don't get it. Seriously.
  69. Everyone, Yomogi this morning is confirmed to be "kashiwaguilty".
  70. We might as well just call him Yomoguilty.
  71. It's not funny.
  72. No, no, Yomo-kun, just stay the way you are.
  73. What's that mean?
  74. Anyway, I've never really talked with Minami-san.
  75. I've never actually seen her talk to anybody in class.
  76. That's true.
  77. She has a friend in the next class over, I think.
  78. She's kind of a mystery.
  79. I can't tell if she's angry or not when I talk to her.
  80. I totally get that.
  81. It's hard to pace a conversation with her, too.
  82. Sometimes, she sings to herself in a low voice.
  83. And she'd just drop things right away.
  84. She's kind of standoffish but it'd be interesting if you hung out with her.
  85. When we had consecutive classes in April, she just went home without permission.
  86. For real?
  87. Also, last week's physicals, she was wearing super erotic underwear.
  88. It was like this, right?
  89. That barely hides anything!
  90. Oh, whenever our quizzes get collected, she really stares at people's heads.
  91. Wish she would stop that.
  92. Oh, I get that.
  93. There's one guy I thought of during all of that.
  94. Yeah.
  95. Yomogi!
  96. Wait, what? Does that make me kashiwaguilty?
  97. Nah, just the thought of you being there was kind of gross.
  98. So you're just trash talking me...
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