
Loser 11

Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. app based sum. not very accurate. tldr at the bottom.
  3. Ch starts with a recap of the last part of the last ch where MC admits he failed to get promoted.
  5. Wife starts with 'what? are you kidding me?' and MC goes 'sorry..'. She asks for a minute to think and tells him to get out. Next i think she starts to cry and MC goes 'Ji-yeon' and how he's sorry, he's really sorry, not to cry cause next time he will surely be promoted. Tells her again that he's really sorry and he will work hard to get promoted next time. MC goes how he isn't any different from other ppl(or his situation) and doesn't quite understand why he didn't get the promoted and cries. Calls her name and asks her to open the door. Wife comes out and he sees the bag and asks what's with that but she tells him to move out of the way. MC asks her if she wants to leave the house cause he didn't get promoted and how regardless of that such a thing is .. and wife replies with how she talked about his upcoming promotion at work with everyone from her friends to her family and how she even received congrats for that(or asked for them)..and again she tells him to move out of the way. MC calls her name and tells her to wait a min. He insists on that, calls her name and asks her where she's going. Tells her to wait and talk to him cause her leaving is too much. FMC hears and goes '?' and MC repeats by telling wife to wait, and asks her where is she going while FMC hears it all. He repeats again what he told her to wait and talk to him cause what she does it's too much while FMC hearts it all. Wife tells MC "When you say good words"(not sure here but i think she implies for him to talk to her when he has smth good to say), and MC goes 'Ji-yeon..please..' and wife goes 'Let go of me you fucking loser!' and she then tells him if he has any idea how many great guys were always aiming for her, but she without a second thought chose him. Then she goes how does he thinks he's the only guy for her out there and how what they have now is okay(not sure at all here). Next she tells him how she feels embarrassed to be and live with a powerless and incapable man like him and how it's too much of an embarrassment for her. MC goes '....'. and wife tells him he doesn't wanna see him for a while and not to call her at all, and he goes '...'.
  7. MC drinking by himself, and he thinks how he will die, how he was trying to die before, and questions why does he suddenly thinks of that girl(FMC) and remembers when he told her during that role play of her acting as the wife and how he went: 'sorry for not getting promoted, not making lots of money, sorry..' how if she was embarrassed about him, if he brought her shame, how he caused problems for his boss(not sure) and if she's embarrassed for his stagnant work position, and if that's enough to call him her biggest mistake in life, and if she hates him. Then FMC telling him how he talks nonsense, that she chose him without prejudgement cause he was him, and she married him cause she loves him for being him and she goes 'i love you honey'. Flashback over and he tells himself not be mistaken, that she only pretended to say those things. He thinks to die and that it will be over instantly(gets on the balcony rail here), how it won't hurt anymore. He hears noises/knocks and thinks 'are you back?!' and runs shouting 'Ji-yeon..!!'. Opens the door and goes 'what ..what is it?' and FMC goes 'ajeossi~' and makes a hello gesture.
  9. They talk inside, and she goes how she thought this was gonna happen and tells him how the windows are open and asks him if he tried to jump again and he goes '....'. He asks her if she heard everything and she goes how she was taking out the trash and just happened to hear it. She goes how she didn't wanna just ignore it and then hear about his suicide on the news the next day and how she'd feel guilty about it, and how he absolutely doesn't have to do a thing like that. She then tells hims he did her part as his neighbor and how she'll go, and tells him to stop drinking. MC thinks and he grabs her hand and this next part is not clear but he tells her that he wants it now, the girl that grants wishes(her job and role play), and tells her to sleep with him in their room, to become his wife and to stay next to him, together. FMC goes how that's a bit too much, how this is not the place where she works, and if he wants to do it let him make a reservation for tomorrow and come to her work place. MC with teary eyes tells her that if she leaves he will jump, and how she'll indirectly help him do that(not sure). She replies with 'that ..what is that..' MC tells her how it's not difficult and all she has to do is sleep next to him and pat his head and comfort him, and if she can do that for him he thinks he can go on living(cries here). Goes on his knees and begs her to do that for him and cries, and tells her that he wants to live and cries some more and she goes '....'. FMC then goes into her role play and tells him 'baka.. are you crying again?' and he goes '..?' then she 'you have work tomorrow, you must go to bed early.. come on, lets go to sleep together'. Tbc...
  12. tldr- more stuff above^^^
  13. MC tells wife that he's sorry that he didn't get the promotion but he will work hard to get it next time. She tells him to get out. Wife packs her shit and plans to leave. MC asks her where she's going and how she should do this, and just talk to him. MC thinks he should have gotten that promotion but doesn't know why he didn't get it. He gets called a fucking loser by wife when he tried to stop her. She tells him she flipped off so many good guys for him. Tell him how she feels embarrassed to stand next to a weak man like he is, and that she doesn't wanna see him or hear her for a while. MC thinks about killing himself again. FMC comes knowing he might jump again and saves him but he asks her to do smth for him, and sleep with him and comfort him. She tells him she doesn't do her work where she lives and he insists that he will kill himself if she leaves and she will feel guilty for it afterwards. MC begs her to sleep next to him so he could live on and she enters her waifu role and gives him that.
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