
Slay 101

Apr 5th, 2015
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  1. Chat
  2. MadamSlay has joined the chat
  3. KaneWick: [Posting.]
  4. KaneWick: There was merely nothing to do put staring from behind his glasses at the falling sun dyeing in the waters that carried once treasures of man and no man. Waiting for her, as his hand kept playing in his pocket rolling the small box that carried promises, hopes, fears, emotions, honest desires, passions, devotion and love. Stood there as one of the roman gods stood with the sun reflecting his face that for a reason remains soulless as the volcanoes and earthquakes storms within him. His mind went into the worlds of no existence but in his limbo of thoughts where there was one voice echoing in silent tones in the world of seclusion with her. Slay, this one killer eye that went through his heart with cold blades of warm feelings, the one who enjoyed bringing him down to lower his gates of his castle so she would sit there as a rightful princess of his dark kingdom of no crown, glory or joy.
  5. MadamSlay: *Slay brought her hair to the side and let it slip down her shoulder as she slid her body to the door exit. The taximan had exited first, and already appeared at the car side, releasing the door as the handle sounded and a brief gust of wind fluttered through the taxi. She would lean down to catch the end of her dress with her fingertips and delicately placed her heels to the ground and took the gentlemans hand as she rose and left the confines of the backseat. Leaning inward, she smiled softly and thanked the man who happily chuffed and motioned her towards the alley which opened onto the bridge rising across the channel. She glanced at the bricks of the old building in the alloeyway and ran her fingertips along the rough surface. Enjoying the patterns where her finger slipped into crevices and marbled up and down until the wall disapeared from her touch. She smiled lightly and glanced up, her thoughts dancing about her mind as she had rode in the taxi, Kane asking to meet her at this location. It was not unusual, they had done it before, but she was hoping to spend slightly more time in this beautiful part of Italy. She had hoped business was not the purpose, as her dress was laced in black over the sheen golden silk underneath, and her jewlery esentuated the shape of her collar bone and neckline simply. Far too dressed for that purpose, but she felt it warranted given Venice. She wanted to see the canal's and if she was not going to be back for some time, she was going to do it, in one of her favourite dresses. Her eyes caught the silhouette of her partner as slight shadow was cast over his face, the sunset provoking no details but his outline. As she moved slowly down the side of the quietened cafe, his image came into view and her eyes brightened, he looked handsome and unaware of her presence as she neared*
  6. Guest_freashforlife123 has joined the chat
  7. Guest_freashforlife123: oh hell nah thats confusing
  8. KaneWick: IQ issues?
  9. MadamSlay: Est-ce que vous parlez français?
  10. Guest_freashforlife123: we
  11. KaneWick: Moi aussie.
  12. MadamSlay: Quelles sont les chances !
  13. KaneWick: Comen ta le vous?
  14. Guest_freashforlife123: bon
  15. Guest_freashforlife123: rofl
  16. KaneWick: :D
  17. KaneWick: Les chances sont de trois à une,Slay.
  18. MadamSlay: Will vas te faire encule tout, nous sommes au milieu de quelque chose oui ?
  19. Guest_freashforlife123 has left the chat
  20. MadamSlay: (*laughs softly* xD)
  21. MadamSlay: (well it worked lol)
  22. KaneWick: [Oh la la, Tu es dangereux.]
  23. KaneWick: Never off guard after what she did to him, animal side was always awake and alerted with might. Three things would give her away come closer to him each and every time, remarkable perfume he was never able to pronounce it's name right, the eyes of every one sent her way but his beholding god's perfect creations and the devil's doom upon earth and his heart pouncing almost ripping his bone cage a part at the knowledge of her coming, it was merely as animals do feel incoming disasters……Marvelous disaster. He felt a snap in his ear as uncontrolled twitch hearing his ankles leading her sharp heels digging her way to him into the hearts of many walking to him. How many hearts did you have you slain with each step Slay? A face fit to poker where mental giants battle, a ghost of a smile hovering around his blocked by closed eyes gathering what is left with in him of power, it merely felt as the sun penetrating his skin and the earth under him powering him up; in the land of angels a demon was powering up intensifying, strengthen…..over powering with his silence. The wind came his way only to dance playfully between his hair tufts grinding to him asa tender playful kitty will….did he really growl? his breathing became heavy, steady and strong as laying dragon looking at the sky promising his elders of stars to make their well true…………..this dragon was praying today.
  24. MadamSlay: (Je ne peux parler français , mais intéressé à la façon dont vous pouvez)
  25. MadamSlay: (Faites-vous le même traducteur haha)
  26. KaneWick: [Google translate? je puex parle la franincas, mai je au petit montant de mots]
  27. MadamSlay: (google translate indeed lol)
  28. KaneWick: [ I know french, a lil....got a lot of friends in maraco and Algeria, they tought me. XD]
  29. MadamSlay: (hahha ooh how exciting xD hehhe)
  30. KaneWick: [ I'm multi langual, speaks french, english, arabic, urdu and BITCH TOO!]
  31. KaneWick: [I love the accent of it, oh god so spoiling and sassy sometimes.]
  32. MadamSlay: (heheh ooh how exciting, well should be have more intruders, it may be easier to do that hehe)
  33. MadamSlay: (posting)
  34. KaneWick: [-Sense Sarcasim.- ]
  35. MadamSlay: *Slays heels illuminated silence with instantaneous sound as she placed her first step over the stairs. He seemed cast in thought to which she was not able to penetrate without her touch. She neared him as she so often did, she recalled when they first met. The same chemistry bound by intuition, based on nothing but physical attracton until he spoke. Oh, and he spoke. She was matched in bare wit and challenged in opinion. How often she saw men of great stature fall to their knees in possibilityof her grace, but he stood, a man amongst wolves who barely blinked as they fell behind him. His words falling from his tongue as smoth as silk rippled the skin. She adored his intent to remain firm in his own presence without succumbing to hers, though she would never say. She had hated him, and fell for him, in all the one moment, and she knew no other since then who would consume her thoughts like the wallowing of a pond flower, every surfaced and moving with nothing but its current moment. Slay came to within reach of Kane, her fingers moved out to touch him gently on his forearm, her smile cast over her face as she warmed to the picture before her, her eyesight cast over his face, finally reaching his eyes as she parted her lips and spoke words that only he could hear, 'Mr Wick'*
  36. KaneWickKaneWick : [Kane did all of that? What a killer he should be.]
  37. MadamSlay: (hahaha its talking about chemistry you douche lol)
  38. MadamSlay: (hehehe)
  39. MadamSlay: (swap positions?)
  40. MadamSlay: (doesnt affect ur height lol)
  41. KaneWick: [Wait a minute, where is the plan?]
  42. MadamSlay: (o.o for the smoking etc?)
  43. KaneWick: [oui.]
  44. MadamSlay: (what times are u meant to be at wrk during the day? from what time to what time?)
  45. KaneWick: [9 am to 7 pm every day.]
  46. MadamSlay: (kk)
  47. MadamSlay: (any diet foods u dont like?)
  48. MadamSlay: (cant eat)
  49. KaneWick: [not really]
  50. MadamSlay: (or/and what do u usually have for break, lunch, dinner)
  51. MadamSlay: (kk not allergic to anything?)
  52. KaneWick: [Wait, I'm alrigic to pussy!]
  53. MadamSlay: (no u arent)
  54. MadamSlay: (do u have rp sex out of interest? on here?)
  55. KaneWick: [hun need to add you to a convo on kik.]
  56. MadamSlay: (o.O)
  57. MadamSlay: (with who >.>)
  58. KaneWick: [An ex of mine her bf thinks we are having something, I need to ask you to come there as my gf.
  59. KaneWick: ]
  60. MadamSlay: (are we dating in rl or imvu only?)
  61. KaneWick: [ To give the dobuting bastard no reason to be fucken jumpy.]
  62. MadamSlay: (how long have we been together?)
  63. MadamSlay: (months?)
  64. MadamSlay: (and sure, no probs)
  65. KaneWick: [Just say I'm his Gf/Miss.]
  66. MadamSlay: (kk)
  67. KaneWick: [ another attantion whore, I needed you there to kick her off my back.]
  68. MadamSlay: (lol hopefully that did it)
  69. MadamSlay: (did i come off blunt enough for you.... she went remarkably quiet *grins*)
  70. KaneWick: [ Just loved the holding jaw thingy :D]
  71. KaneWick: [How cares.....?]
  72. MadamSlay: (well.. claiming whats mine)
  73. MadamSlay: (xD)
  74. MadamSlay: (im sure her "bf" will get the picture... along with herself)
  75. KaneWick: [-Rises hand empty with no ring and holds jacket collar empty.- No ring, no collar....nothing is really yours.]
  76. KaneWick: [Yet......]
  77. MadamSlay: (then propose already)
  78. MadamSlay: (lolol)
  79. KaneWick: [ Oh look an ant walking up the wall -Goes watching it.- ]
  80. KaneWick: [:3]
  81. MadamSlay: (but... we both know jewelry doesnt necessarily omit ownership.. u already give me that by letting me grasp your jaw)
  82. MadamSlay: (lmao get back here and love me!!)
  83. MadamSlay: (xD lmao)
  84. KaneWick: [ wai I have to do something really fast.]
  85. MadamSlay: (uhuh)
  86. MadamSlay: (mhm)
  87. MadamSlay: (sure)
  88. MadamSlay: (cold feet?)
  89. MadamSlay: (lol)
  90. KaneWick: [ something really fast I promise.]
  91. MadamSlay: (tyt xD)
  92. KaneWick: [Check kik.]
  93. KaneWick: [Posting.]
  94. MadamSlay: (kk)
  95. KaneWick: If she came any closer she would have burned his soul and closer she would have heard the bombing brushing heart within his wide cage. Her touch woke him up from a dead worlds he attempted to keep himself with in only to deny her power over his own realm, savage conquer she was to his being. His hair all tensed at the feeling of her silky touch reminding him of how human she made him at times…………in jungle he was a prime at. She demanded him with her soft tone, she was merely calling his name but it echoed in his ear as million harps of angels with music to silence the screams of tourted souls in the depth of hell. "My lady" He kept his head looking the other way to the sun. "Do you think there is tomorrow ?" He asked her merely pulling her closer from where she held him was he slides his arm around her to have her shielded from the eyes around him with his own body of the arrowing looks
  96. MadamSlay: *She felt his hands slip over her waist line and bring her in closer yet to him. Her eyes closed softly as she leant in against him and allowed herself to be moved by his intention. Her own fingers slipped ontop of his own and gently rested, encouraged by his warmth. She sighed lightly, contented by the sun as it slipped from beneath the clouds and teased over her skin with its heat, the darkening of its impact as the sunset grew closer to an end, elements of the street parched in dimmed shadows. She listened to his chest as he spoke to her, the rhythmic deep vibrations passing her ear, the scent of his cologne, she would pause for but a moment, 'if there is not, i will have tonight'*
  97. Whispering to
  98. Stop whisper
  99. Send
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