
Monster Island Hack(ROBLOX)

Nov 3rd, 2016
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  1. Game:
  3. Unlock Any Item (Even old event items) Exploit:
  5. List of items: (Go to Wiki Content > Equipments)
  6. Step 1: Change 4 bytes into String
  7. Step 2: After seeing the item you like want in the menu shop, count how many letters there is (Also count the spaces)
  8. Step 3: After that, find another item with the same amount of letters length. Scan the item you found that has the same amount of length into cheat engine.
  9. Step 4: Drag everything down and rename everything to the item you want.
  10. Step 5: You also must have enough gold to be able to purchase it, after you change the name you'll see it on your shop menu. Click on it and purchase the item.
  11. Step 6: After you buy it, you now unlocked the item you wanted. (Must be the level requirement I believe to wear the item.
  12. (Note this will not work for Admin armor, cloak armor and the duck item)
  14. Money Exploit:
  16. Step 1: Go to the old man who sells candies, Find two candies that is the same letter length.
  17. (I highly recommend Ribcage choc and Blood sucker)
  18. Step 2: Open up cheat engine and change 4 bytes into String
  19. Step 3: Scan the cheap candy which would be Ribcage choc.
  20. Step 4: Bring everything down and change the name to Blood sucker
  21. Step 5: Buy Ribcage choc (which will be named Blood sucker after you changed it)
  22. Step 6: After you buy it, go on the sell tab and go on the actual Blood sucker candy and click sell all.
  23. Step 7: Repeat and you'll get thousands even millions of gold. (This also works for Ore but it's hard to find an item with same length)(Also notice, there will be a lot of Ribcage choc in full servers so go there, there's nothing if you join a new server)
  25. Rapid Fire Exploit:
  27. Step 1: Go on cheat engine and change 4 Bytes into Array of byte. (Also turn Hex off)
  28. Step 2: Pull out a weapon that has a charge time, like bows, Chakram and such.
  29. Step 3: Scan 1 then attack then quickly scan 0. Wait about 3-5 seconds and repeat.
  30. Step 4: After repeating a lot you'll end up with like 4-10 maybe less Address.
  31. Step 5: Bring everything down and keep attacking until you see the value change (1 = Ready to attack) (0 = Reloading)
  32. Step 6: After finding it, freeze it (while its 1) and profit you can attack extremely quick.
  33. (Notice this will NOT work on element staff, It will kick you out of the game if you try it with the staff)
  35. Massive XP ish:
  37. Step 1: Go on cheat engine and change 4 Bytes into Array of byte. (Also turn Hex off)
  38. Step 2: Pull out a weapon that has a charge time, like bows, Chakram and such.
  39. Step 3: Scan 1 then attack then quickly scan 0. Wait about 3-5 seconds and repeat.
  40. Step 4: After repeating a lot you'll end up with like 4-10 maybe less Address.
  41. Step 5: Bring everything down and keep attacking until you see the value change (1 = Ready to attack) (0 = Reloading)
  42. Step 6: After finding it, freeze it (while its 1) and profit you can attack extremely quick.
  43. (Notice this will NOT work on element staff, It will kick you out of the game if you try it with the staff)
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