
Frej's ban appeal

Dec 20th, 2017
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  1. Appealing for: Ban
  2. Appeal type: Apology
  3. Which staff member banned you: Medulla (@MrLewis @Bolli)
  4. How long were you banned for: Permanent
  6. Your Steam Name: Frej
  7. Your In-game Name: Frej Jenkins
  8. Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5442004
  10. Why were you banned/blacklisted: 'After his original ban that he evaded was shortened after he apologised for the reason and evading, he attempts to evade again while the ban is active".
  12. Why should this appeal be considered: Right, I am here again. First of all before I start this apology, I have kindly asked Josef here to post the thread publicly. Anyways, let me first start with updating you on how this whole thing started if you don't already know... I was banned on the 20th December back in 2016, It has been nearly a whole year since I was banned however of course I decided it was a good idea to ban evade several times and ruin my chances. I apologised to Chris and got my ban lowered to 1 month, I was happy... too happy and I was so addicted after I alted and how much fun I had again and enjoying it, then I decided to ban evade again... I was caught and I received a permanent ban, I then thought all my chances were gone, I fucked up my life on PERPHeads and I knew I was never going to get unbanned due to my actions so I decided to ban evade again... I got caught and got banned again... I then ban evaded another time and got banned of course because I am completely stupid and I don't know why I decided to do this, it was really the most stupidest move I ever made. Anyways... I fully understand my mistakes and I want to again apologise for my actions, I am sincerely sorry for all the shit I caused on PERPHeads and I really hope you will actually consider my ban apology unlike Medulla, Medulla would literally just deny my apologies without reading them because I understand what I did and how many times I mugged him off and bullshitted to him, I understand that but I am ready to take responsibility and come back to the community, I am really sorry and I want to come back and see whats changed, I want to get back involved in the community and get back into the PD and get known again as someone who has changed not as a retarded ban evader who just mugged of a staff member several times by bullshitting to them. I might of done all these things and i am sorry and it was diffidently the wrong thing to do. I don't want you guys to think that im a ban evading retard that is also a liar and has no respect. I honestly have changed from that attitude into a new and more matured one. I can honestly say that ive changed my attitude towards all of this. I promise if i was to ever be unbanned from you, that i will never ever do this and i can show you my changes and i am sorry from down to the bottom of my heart.
  14. I know what I did and I am sorry... I am literally begging you for one last chance because I just miss playing PERPHeads, I log onto steam mostly everyday and I just see all my friends playing PERPHeads and I just get a bit jealous and I just think back about my actions and just see what I did and how much It affected people such as when I alted 4-5 times which I am really really really sorry about. You are probably just going to deny this straight away but I really want you to read this and actually give a considerable answer to me because I know what I did and I admit to everyone I did, I just really want to get back. I have been trying to keep a clean record and Bolli, you told Josef that if I keep a clean record, you may consider my apology in the future and here I am, Christmas eve apologising for my actions, I know It isn't that long since my last apology but I really hope this is long enough and I don't really want to wait any longer to get unbanned because as I have said about a million times throughout all my apologises, I miss PERPHeads and I really want to come to the community, I am literally begging you at this point. I have seen so many people get community wide banned and all that and they got unbanned and all that but of course everyone who has been community wide banned all have different reasons and I know what I did, I admit everything and I just hate myself for all the things I did and I am really sorry. I know I have said sorry about 300 times or something in this apology but this is how much I really want to get unbanned and come back to the community, I really hate myself for what I did and I everyday when I see my friends playing PERPHeads, I'm probably addicted to PERPHeads and i feel that addiction and wanting to get back is always bringing me back to making these apologies and thats what got me banned, I know i am stupid and i know i did wrong. I have made changes in my attitude and how i act, i have matured more and i feel i can show you all this. I'm not just making this just for the sake of making it, I am making this because i care about being back in the community. I want to return and i will do anything to return. I am so very sorry and i know i am in the wrong and i acted in a stupid and uncalled for way. Hopefully you read this and make the choice of unbanning me. I hope you all can make the unban choice. I understand my mistakes and what I did. I am very sorry for the things I have done. I have taken time to reflect and read over the rules so i could not break them next time, i am exceptionally sorry for everything. I saw all these changes made to PERPheads and this made me want to try and get back into it. I love PERPheads and it is one of the only servers i played and enjoyed. I have so many people i miss and want to see again. I want to be an officer and get back into everything and get involved. I am begging to be unbanned, i have tried my best the whole year by constantly constructing these apologies and getting someone to post them for me.
  16. This apology i am writing right now has taken a lot of thought and time to create, i have thought of the things to say and how to say them in this long apology but i guess it just shows, it shows how much i am trying my best to return to the community and how much i love it and why i still do. I have changed myself so much, i understand it might not show through this apology but i am sure that it will show if i am unbanned. I am ever so sorry and i would do anything to get unbanned, i am begging and showing you everything. I know what i did and i hope you can make the choice and actually take this apology into consideration. Instead of Medulla instantly denying them and doing that without reading them. Like i have said multiple and countless amounts of times, i am sorry. I am sorry for everything. I am sorry for the countless amounts of times i have ban evaded and i am sorry for mugging off everyone. I hope you all can read this and actually take these points into consideration and actually think about unbanning me, i really want to return and i really want to show everyone the new me and i want to get back in and enjoy PERPheads again. I honestly have missed being on PERPheads ever since i was banned and i shouldn't of ever done these things and i understand why i am banned, but people change. It has been a year and i hope you can understand that 1 year is a long time and a lot of things can change within that year, for example me. I have changed a hell of a lot. I feel that i can bring back a better attitude into PERPheads and i can prove to you if i was ever unbanned that it would be your best choice ever. I really can't conclude this whole thing since i am honestly so sorry and so desperate to be unbanned and this whole apology may show it. I have endless ammounts of sorry's that you all deserve. But this needs to conclude somewhere. Alright, to conclude this i want to say that i am so ever very sorry for all of the things i have caused and done. Im sorry for the countless number of times i have mugged you all off. I am sorry. I have changed and i hope you can understand me. It has been 1 year since my original ban and i think you should at least, consider this apology in some way. Thank you guys ever so much for reading this apology and i hope for Christmas Eve/Christmas 2017 you could make the great choice of possible unbanning me. Thank you and have a great Christmas/Christmas Eve.
  18. Additional Comment(s): I have reflected for 1 year after my original ban, i have changed over the year and i feel that i can show you this and i am taking the time out of my life to make this just to show you that i care, i care because i love PERPheads and i am addicted, after seeing my friends on PERPheads all the time i became jealous and my addiction got to me and i alted, I didn't want to alt but it just got to me. I promise to all of you that i will change for you all. I am in control of myself and i will do my best to show you all and prove that i am really sorry and i care about all of this. I have taken time to do this and this is me showing my dedication to try to get back to the server, I hope you all can see this and take the hard time to think about this and take it into consideration. I hope you can unban me from PERPheads. I do admit to all of the things i have done, and i am totaly and honsetly down to my heart very sorry for all of the things i have done and for all of the times ive mugged people off and alted, like i said this was due to my strong addiction to PERPheads and wanting to play ever so badly. I don't know how many times i've said this and how much i've mentioned it but i am geniunly down to my heart sorry, i know it was a stupid thing to do but it just happened... I really am being honest right now, i have taken my time throughout the year to reflect and to construct apologies constantly. I wan't to come back to PERPheads and i want to be back in the community and make new or even meet old friends back there. My changes will show, but in the end of the day i understand your choices... I hope on this day [Christmas Eve] you can make the choice and possibly make something special happen. To end this all completely i would like to, just like i have already and why i made this, love to say sorry to all of you for ban evading multiple times and for mugging you all off. I hope you guys can make the right choice and hopefully unban me from PERPheads, and thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.
  20. Evidence (If Applicable): N/A
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