
World Environment Day Celebrated by ICMEI at Marwah Studio

Jun 7th, 2015
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  1. Noida Film City: “World Environment Day is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Over the years it has grown to be a broad, global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated by stakeholders in over 100 countries” said Vimla Batham Member of Legislatively Assembly of UP from Noida inaugurating the session.
  2. “ It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet” said Sandeep Marwah President ICMEI and Ambassador of IHRO affiliated to United Nations at a grand function at Marwah Studio celebrating World Environment Day..
  3. “This year theme is ‘Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.’ The well being of humanity, the environment, and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend upon the responsible management of the planet’s natural resources,” said Dr. K.D.Gupta Environmentalist and Chairman Climate and Environment Committee of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.
  4. “Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces in common purpose, we can make a tremendous difference,” message read by Kiran Mehra Kerpelman Director of United Nation Information Centre for India & Bhutan send by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
  5. The evidence is building that people are consuming far more natural resources than what the planet can sustainably provide, we have to be cautious in our thinking,” added Dr. Yogendra Narain former Secretary General Rajya Sabha and Chairperson of Planning Commission of ICMEI.
  6. Ashok Tyagi Secretary General ICMEI, Dr Sham Singh Shashi Chancellor Roma International Cultural University, Dr Sudha Tyagi of Roma University, Dr. Gyanedra Pandey of Rajya Sabha Television and Dr. Hari Singh Pal of All India Radio also spoke on the occasion.
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