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- prefix: "&7[&6PersonalBank&7] &6β &r"
- noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission"
- depositMoneySuccess: "&aThe money has been deposited successfully, Now you have &6%bank_current_balance% &ain the bank"
- depositMoneyFailed: "&cMoney cannot be deposited"
- withdrawMoneySuccess: "&aThe money has been successfully withdrawn, Now you have &6%bank_current_balance% &ain the bank"
- withdrawMoneyFailed: "&aThe money has not been deposited"
- exceedLimitBank: "&cThe amount entered exceeds the bank limit. Improve the bank level to deposit more money"
- notDeposit: "&cYou must first make a deposit"
- notTransactions: "&cYou do not have transactions."
- notEnoughMoney: "&cYou do not have enough money in your wallet to make this transfer"
- notAmountEnoughWithdraw: "&cYou do not have this amount to withdraw. Check your balance"
- lostMoneyForDie: "&cYou lose the %bank_death_percent%% of your money in your wallet, put safe your money in the bank"
- anvilMessage: "Type an amount"
- enterValidNumber: "&cPlease enter a valid number"
- enterValidAmount: "&cEnter a valid amount"
- balanceAdminSuccess: "&athe balance of &6%bank_player% &ais &6%bank_current_balance%"
- depositAdminSuccess: "&aThe deposit was did to &6%bank_player% &asuccessful"
- withdrawAdminSuccess: "&athe withdraw was did to &6%bank_player% &asuccessful"
- bankSetAdminSuccess: "&aYou have changed the bank to the player successfully"
- invalidMoneyAdmin: "&cEnter a valid a amount"
- upgradeBankMessage: "&aYou have leveled up your bank, now you can deposit more money"
- superiorLevelBankError: "&cYou have a superior level bank than the one you're trying to get"
- inferiorLevelBankError: "&cYou still can't unlock this bank level"
- notEnoughMoneyForUpgrade: "&cYou have not the enough money for upgrade your bank"
- needTransaction: "&cFirst, you need do one transaction before upgrade"
- levelHolder: "&cYou already own this bank level"
- itemSaveInBankChest: "&aYour items has been saved in the chest successfully"
- purchasedPlaceHolder: "&aPurchased"
- notPurchasedPlaceHolder: "&cNot purchased yet"
- takeMoneyForOpenBankChest: "&aMoney has been taken from your wallet to open your bank chest, the cost was %bank_open_inventory_cost%"
- notEnoughMoneyForOpenBankChest: "&cyou don't have enough money to open the bank chest, you need %bank_open_inventory_cost%"
- showTransactionsFirstLine: "======== %bank_player% Personal Bank =========="
- showTransactionsLastLine: "========================================="
- clearTransactionsSuccess: "&aAll transactions were delete"
- clearTransactionsFailed: "&aThe transactions can't be deleted"
- transactionMinutes: "min ago"
- transactionHours: "hours ago"
- transactionDays: "days ago"
- MainMenu:
- name: "&aPersonal bank account"
- deposit:
- name: "&aDeposit money"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money deposited: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- - ""
- - "&7Store your money and avoid losing it when you die"
- - "&7while you go on adventures"
- withdraw:
- name: "&aWithdraw money"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money deposited: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- - ""
- - "&7Take your money from the bank and deposit"
- - "&7in your wallet, take care you can lost it"
- transactions:
- name: "&aList of transactions"
- upgradeMenu:
- name: "&aUpgrade Bank menu"
- lore:
- - "&7Are you so rich that you canΒ΄t"
- - "&7event store your coins?"
- - ""
- - "&7Current Bank: %bank_current_level_name%"
- - "&7Bank limit: &6%bank_limit_deposit%"
- - ""
- - "&aClick to view upgrades!"
- bankChest:
- name: "&aBank chest"
- lore:
- - "&7Here you can save items and secure them"
- - "&7but an amount will be charged depending on the amount"
- - "&7of money deposited in the bank and a commission"
- - "&7value set for you: &6%bank_open_inventory_comission%"
- - "&7the total cost for open your bank is: &6%bank_open_inventory_cost%"
- goToMenu:
- name: "&aGo to the menu"
- lore:
- - ""
- exit:
- name: "&aClose menu"
- lore:
- - ""
- investmentInfo:
- name: "&aInformation"
- lore:
- - "&7Keep your money safe in the bank"
- - "&7You lose &6%bank_death_percent%% &7of your money"
- - "&7from your wallet when you death"
- - "&7Protect your money by depositing with us"
- - ""
- - "&7Your deposit limit: &6%bank_limit_deposit%"
- - "&7Your investment: &6%bank_investment_level%"
- - ""
- - "&7You are granted a monetary investment"
- - "&7for keeping your money in the bank"
- - "&7every &6%bank_time_investment% &7hours"
- filler:
- name: "&6-"
- lore: []
- withdrawMenu:
- name: "&6Withdraw Bank menu"
- backToMain:
- name: "-"
- withdrawSpecific:
- name: "&eWithdraw specific quantity"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money in the bank: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- withdrawAll:
- name: "&6Withdraw all your money"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money in the bank: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- withdrawHalf:
- name: "&aWithdraw half of your money"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money in the bank: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- filler:
- name: "&6-"
- lore: []
- depositMenu:
- name: "&6Deposit Bank menu"
- backToMain:
- name: "-"
- depositSpecific:
- name: "&eDeposit specific quantity"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money in the bank: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- depositAll:
- name: "&6Deposit all your money"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money in the bank: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- depositHalf:
- name: "&aDeposit half of your money"
- lore:
- - "&7Current money in the bank: &6%bank_current_balance%"
- filler:
- name: "&6-"
- lore: []
- upgradeMenu:
- name: "&6Upgrade Bank menu"
- backToMain:
- name: "-"
- lore: "-"
- level1:
- name: "&eLittle Bank"
- lore:
- - "&7Click to buy &6Little Bank &7upgrade"
- - ""
- - "&7Purchased: %bank_level_state:1%"
- - ""
- - "&7Cost: &6100000"
- - "&7Upgrade Limit: &65000"
- - "&7Investment: &610%"
- level2:
- name: "&6Premium Bank"
- lore:
- - "&7Click to buy &6Premium Bank &7upgrade"
- - ""
- - "&7Purchased: %bank_level_state:2%"
- - ""
- - "&7Cost: &6500000"
- - "&7Upgrade Limit: &610000"
- - "&7Investment: &620%"
- level3:
- name: "&aDeluxe Bank"
- lore:
- - "&7Click to buy &6Deluxe Bank &7upgrade"
- - ""
- - "&7Purchased: %bank_level_state:3%"
- - ""
- - "&7Cost: &65000000"
- - "&7Upgrade Limit: &6200000"
- - "&7Investment: &625%"
- filler:
- name: "&6-"
- lore: []
- chestMenu:
- name: "&6Bank chest"
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