

Apr 12th, 2017
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  1. Contains: Cock Vore, Cum digestion, blowjobs, willing vore
  3. Twilight Sparkle passed over her array of chemistry equipment, looking sternly at the roiling liquid inside. Looking down to the floor Twilight bit her lip and trotted back in forth, tapping her wings against her side in thought.
  5. “So the last treatment plan had no effect either?” Twilight asked
  7. Nearby, Big Macintosh sat on an examination table, his fore-hooves placed in his lap and a forlorn look on his face.
  9. “Enope…” Big Mac responded, shaking his head.
  11. Twilight sighed and looked at Big Macintosh. The stallion had come to her for help and, being that his sister was one of her best friends, Applejack, Twilight couldn't help but feel like failing him meant failing her. Twilight stepped to the stallions side and put a hoof on his thigh.
  13. “Big Mac. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I might not be able to help you,” Twilight said, her words filled to the brim with concern and sympathy.
  15. Big Macintosh knew Twilight was genuine, he knew what Twilight said she meant. Despite that her words still cut deep and he couldn't stop the tears welling up in his eyes. Twilight's ears pinned back, the want to help and the need to succeed; grit teeth replaced Twilight's frown.
  17. “No. I made you a promise. I will help you to the fullest extent I am able, Big Mac,” Twilight announced, sending a magic ball of light into the air that popped into little embers of light before snuffing out by themselves.
  19. “The only thing I need to be sure of Big Macis you. I will be using magic to alter your body until we get the results you want. Are you, Big Macintosh, okay with that?” asked Twilight, getting as close as possible and staring him dead in the eyes.
  21. Big Macintosh had lost all hope that Twilight could help, after the failure of her last concocted treatment, he was certain he would have to live life with his condition...never telling anyone, never letting anyone close enough to find out; he looked Twilight Sparkle in the eyes, the fierce determination to fulfill her promise was set in her gaze; all she needed was one word from him.
  23. “Eeyup!” Big Mac answered, the infectious attitude of resolve filling his voice and reviving his smile.
  25. “Alright! You take a break and prepare yourself, and I will meet you back here. I'm going to the library to find any book that will help me,” Twilight said, heading to the door.
  27. Big Macintosh smiled, almost giddy. Soon his micro penis would be a thing of the past.
  30. A stack of books and tomes towered above the stallion, stacked diligently by Twilight's number one assistant Spike. It was only an hour break, but Twilight still managed to gather so many books; books she was now reading through. Muttering softly to herself, Twilight’s brow was furrowed in concentration even as Big Mac stepped behind her to peak over her shoulder at what the book contained when suddenly the book snapped shut.
  32. “Ready. Big Mac, would you please go stand over there?” Twilight asked, sending out a colored magic orb to help denote her ideal spot.
  34. Big Macintosh did as asked while Twilight went to her table and got two leather pouches and Spike handed her a stick of chalk. Joining Big Mac, Twilight carefully angled one of the bags and poured its contents onto the floor, tracing a white circle of salt around the stallion. Opening the second leather pouch, Twilight traced another circle, this one made of red dust, before magically lifting the chalk and writing an arcane rune repeatedly in the space between the two circles.
  36. “All done!” Twilight announced, smiling.
  38. Big Macintosh returned the smile. Assuming she was done, he went to trot out of the circle before Twilight lifted him with her magic.
  40. “No, no, no silly. I mean I'm done putting up the CoP,” Twilight said
  42. Big Macintosh, tilted his head and scratched it in confusion.
  44. “The CoP, or “Circle of Protection” or “Crutch of Protection” if you want to be derogatory, is a safeguard that steps the power of any spell that passes through it down by a factor equal to how many runes are currently in the circle. In your case, Big Mac, I have put ten runes to take the edge off the spells I will be casting on you so they will be easier to disenchant if we get a result that is unsatisfactory. I will be casting a series of spells from multiple schools of magic, each one offering a possible solution to our problem. We will take a break every three books to get our three “R’s”, or rest, relax and re-apply the safeguard,” Twilight explained, circling Big Macintosh before looking at him and smiling
  45. “Catch all of that?”
  47. Big Macintosh swallowed the lump in his throat, looking over to Spike for translation or guidance. Spike sat on the edge of the table with the books, producing a bucket of popcorn from behind him and tossing a claw full into his mouth.
  49. “Just don't leave the circle and you’ll be fine,” Spike clarified.
  51. “E-...Eyup,” Big Mac said, nodding.
  53. Twilight put distance between her and Big Macintosh. Tapping her fore-hoof a few times and closing her eyes Twilight's horn flared to life with magic. The air around her horn snapped with heat, the conical extremity turning a dull red with heat as the magic arranged itself according to Twilight's will. Putting a fore-hoof forward and a hind hoof back, Twilight braced herself and let the complete spell fire.
  55. The light was brilliant, even when Big Macintosh closed his eyes the light was blinding, the bolt of magic raced across the distance in a blink of an eye, hit the circle and the runes lit up; one after another, each one draining the color from the magical energies before it hit Big Macintosh. A wave of cold washed over the stallion, radiating from the spot the spell touched down.
  57. “Oh, that was awesome!” Spike exclaimed, tossing his claws up and throwing popcorn everywhere.
  59. Spike’s excitement turned to shock as the young dragon put a claw over his eyes at the sight of the spell effects. Sitting plump, fat, and round, Big Macintosh’s balls sagged to the floor, lifting the unfortunate stallion off his hind legs and leaving him mostly immobile.
  61. “Enope-nope nope,” Big Macintosh said, his hind hooves kicking uselessly.
  63. Twilight maintained her composure, trotting over to examine her work. Running a hoof over the soft sack, the musk exuding from the soft enticing balls made Twilight's head swim and her mouth water. Unfortunately the spell didn't work as she thought, Big Macintosh’s balls were something else, sure, but his penis was still only paltry in size.
  65. “Okay, no problem, we will try something else,” Twilight said, stepping inside the circle and disenchanting the spell.
  67. Once all was normal again Twilight assumed her position and grabbed another book. The process would become familiar over the next few hours, open book, cast the spell, spell doesn't work, disenchant and try again. As the tower of tomes shrunk, so did Big Macintosh’s hopes. With only a few books on the table, Twilight spoke.
  69. “Alright, last break while I review these books and reapply the circle,” Twilight said
  71. Big Macintosh felt a gloom settling over him, the last twenty books had failed, what hope could those offer? Spike set a claw on the tired stallions back.
  73. “I know the feeling, I've been helping Twilight out with this sort of thing for years...If there's one thing I've learned from it, it just takes patience,” Spike said “Come on, there's still three more books to go through but I got an entire tin of hot cocoa mix in the kitchen that we need to get through,”
  75. Big Macintosh smiled and after a moment he stood up and followed Spike from the testing area. Twilight stayed where she was, opening one of the few books left, turning the pages and glancing across the section for rituals when something caught her eye. Twilight read further into the section and a smile spread across her face.
  77. When Spike and Big Mac returned with hot drinks in hand they were greeted with a sight. Twilight had covered herself in archaic symbols and writing in what, at first glance, appeared to be ink until the light showed a rainbow sheen across the inky substance.
  79. “Set your cocoa down, Big Mac,” Twilight ordered, which Big Mac promptly followed.
  81. Twilight directed Big Macintosh to examination table, and levitated a folded letter to Spike.
  83. “Spike, go get Pinkie Pie and hand her this letter,” Twilight Said
  85. Spike did as told, only stopping to stare at the two ponies a moment before leaving. As soon as the door shut Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.
  87. “Okay, I found a way. The issue, though, is that you’ll be overcome with the need to breed once I do this,” Twilight said, sitting down in front of Big Mac
  89. “I need you to keep your wits about you when that happens Big Mac. It's gonna feel like every hormonal moment you ever had in your teen years condensed into a single moment, okay? Pinkie will be the volunteer, you need to breed her or may never come back,” Twilight explained
  91. “E-eyup,” Big Macintosh stuttered, equal parts hopeful and scared from what was about to happen.
  93. Twilight Sparkle got to work. Craning her head down and pressing her muzzle right up against Big Mac’s balls. The first smell of his musk brought that swimming feeling back to Twilight's head before she cupped his balls in her fore-hooves and let her warm wet tongue drag against the warm skin of his sack. Leaving a trail of sticky drool across Big Macintosh’s balls, Twilight pressed her muzzle more firmly into his sack and gave a more full lick with tongue, flattening it to let the taste of his balls really sink into her senses.
  95. Big Mac couldn't help but let out sighing moans with each pass of Twilight's tongue. His micro penis was already hard as a it could get, poking out of his sheath and trying desperately to grow larger with each throb. Twilight set her hooves on Big Macintosh’s hips, and began pulling sections of ball sack into her mouth and lavishing them with her tongue in the moist confines of her drooling maw. Twilight shivered, pulling one of his balls into her mouth and rolling it around with her tongue, passing the dextrous muscle over, then under before releasing it, her drool overflowing and running down her chin.
  97. The worship brought Big Macintosh to his limit, his hips jerking suddenly warning that he was close. Twilight smiled, her horn lighting up and magically fondling Big Mac’s plump orbs while she went higher, showing his sheath and his diminutive cock no less enthusiasm with her soft tongue. Pre-cum dripped from the tip of his dick, sliding down the short length of cock before coming within striking distance of Twilight's tongue. Twilight was quick to lick it up and follow the trail to the tip where she reached out with her tongue and ran it in circles right under the ridge of his cock.
  99. Opening her maw wide, Twilight engulfed the entire short length of Big Macintosh’s cock and took a moment to suckle softly and enjoy the steady stream of pre dribbling onto her tongue. Twilight brushed the underside with her tongue before pulling back from the treat and let it make a pop sound as it left the suction of her wet and plump lips . Big Macintosh bit his lip, loving the attention Twilight was doling out, making a mental note to return the pleasure in full, regardless if this worked or not. Twilight scooped up the cute penis with her tongue, taking it back into the warmth of her mouth while her magic softly stroked and fondled his delicate orbs.
  101. Big Macintosh yelped, his body shivering and shaking as his orgasm crashed through him, his cock letting out a singular pathetic shot of cum that hit the roof of Twilight’s mouth before the rest of his orgasm dribbled onto her tongue. Twilight smiled and with only a single swallow sent the stallions seed to her belly where the ink markings began to softly glow. Big Macintosh laid back, enjoying the height of his climax and the gentle float back down unaware that Twilight now cupped his shaft in her hooves and pressed her muzzle firmly against the softening tip.
  103. With a gentle slurp Twilight's muzzle slipped into the head of Big Macintosh’s cock, the opening still slick with cum it seemed almost effortless as Twilight pushed her face into it. Big Macintosh jolted up when Twilight's horn was accepted and disappeared along with the rest of her head. A strange pressure built in the stallion’s loins, he couldn't decide what to do; thankfully Twilight was there to decide for him. Big Macintosh moaned each time Twilight moved, only adding to the pressure. Feeling as if he were perpetually on the edge of another orgasm, Big Macintosh’s diminutive length pulsed with new found vigor. Twilight's forehooves were next, tucking them up against her sides it was another moan inducing push from her and the head of Big Macintosh’s cock had eagerly devoured the front half of the unicorn.
  105. The journey from cock to balls was, of course, a short one. The plump and tasty balls that Twilight was lathing with her soft, warm tongue only minutes ago now swelled in size as Twilight's head made a clear imprint on the surface of the skin. The sounds in the room quickly became a cacophony of soft wet slurps and strained moans of pleasure each second a little more of Twilight disappeared into the drooling head of Big Macintosh’s cock and filled his swelling balls. Pre cum dripped and drooled, from the hungry hole, dripping and slobbering over the parts of Twilight that remained unclaimed. A haze settled over Big Macintosh, his thoughts became disjointed, erratic, his heart beat thundered in his ears and when he saw Twilight's hind hooves lift off the ground he acted on impulse.
  107. Grabbing the mare around her waist, Big Macintosh lifted what remained of Twilight and pushed her hard down to where she belonged. The moment those plump, cutie marked flanks were swallowed up Big Macintosh howled in pleasure, his muscles tensing as a false orgasm hit him but left him unfulfilled. The throbbing, aching, hunger of his dwarf dick went into overdrive and Twilight's hind hooves twitched as they slipped down and out of sight leaving only the end of her two toned tail trailing out of the tip and a bulging, plump and shifting ball sack underneath.
  109. Big Macintosh flopped backwards, out of breath and still pent up he wanted, no, needed to cum. A soft, plump mare to use as a cum dump, to pound mercilessly and fuck stupid. Big Macintosh’s balls ached with need as the lumpy form of Twilight began to soften, his balls shifting and churning her away into cum with gentle sloshes. Getting to his hooves, Big Macintosh hefted his heavy balls and slowly made for the door, his haze of lust leaving him unawares of the sudden growth his cock had undergone. Strong, rigid, easily a length befitting the name “Big”, his cock was mottled black and throbbing, eager state to be used to fuck a mare stupid and leave her womb as swollen with cum as his balls currently were; Big Macintosh would take anyone.
  111. It was just a matter of happenstance that the door opened and the first one Big Macintosh saw was the young dragon Spike.
  113. “Oh! Hey Big Mac,” Spike said, looking down impressed “Well, I see whatever Twilight did worked...speaking of where is she?”
  115. Big Macintosh smiled. This one would do.
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