
A Bastardous Bet

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. [2018-07-11 23:00] Joey Bites: Brother it's fuckin' ho-o-o-ot outside.
  2. [2018-07-11 23:00] Koren Min: Enjoy the free heating before it's gone.
  3. [2018-07-11 23:03] *Joey Bites squirts Koren with a water bottle. Seasonally-appropriate banter. "Says the guy who spends all his time in his mom's basement with the A/C cranked on high."
  4. [2018-07-11 23:04] *Depredation shows up to ruin kids birthday parties.
  5. [2018-07-11 23:04] *Atlach-Nacha shows up to repair them.
  6. [2018-07-11 23:05] *Depredation secretly works with the spider to create a monopoly on the birthday business.
  7. [2018-07-11 23:06] Koren Min: Yeah. Wanna come over? I've got running water too.
  8. [2018-07-11 23:07] Joey Bites: And yet you still piss in bottles.
  9. [2018-07-11 23:09] Koren Min: Jealous?
  10. [2018-07-11 23:10] Atlach-Nacha: You need one of those modern NEET solutions that put a reclinable toilet chair in front of your pc and a delivery slot on the wall nearby. That way you can live your life without ever going AFK.
  11. [2018-07-11 23:13] Koren Min: That's a really NEET idea.
  12. [2018-07-11 23:15] Atlach-Nacha: And it actually works.
  13. [2018-07-11 23:17] Koren Min: Why is it always the creepy girls that have all the good ideas.
  14. [2018-07-11 23:19] Joey Bites: Oh my god
  15. [2018-07-11 23:25] Koren Min: What?
  16. [2018-07-11 23:28] Joey Bites: Just my gag reflex triggering.
  17. [2018-07-11 23:29] Atlach-Nacha: I thought you had none.
  18. [2018-07-11 23:33] Joey Bites: Rumours of my prowess might have been exaggerated, a little.
  19. [2018-07-11 23:34] Jioh: Yeah no kidding.
  20. [2018-07-11 23:36] *Connor Ayers pulls Joey into his lap. Good kitty.
  21. [2018-07-11 23:37] *Joey Bites isn't good at all, he's the dagger-fingered menace who tears up your drapes and pukes in your good shoes.
  22. [2018-07-11 23:37] *Connor Ayers pets his hair anyways. Has an affection for dumb things.
  23. [2018-07-11 23:40] Joey Bites: HEY.
  24. [2018-07-11 23:40] *Joey Bites endures this, but only just. His body's full of tension like he's ready to bolt at a moment's notice.
  25. [2018-07-11 23:41] Atlach-Nacha: Some doubts have been raised regarding this catboy's gag reflex. Perhaps those doubts ought to be put to rest.
  26. [2018-07-11 23:43] Joey Bites: I don't like this idea. I can promise you it's there.
  27. [2018-07-11 23:43] Atlach-Nacha: I'm betting 5000 Italian liras it isn't.
  28. [2018-07-11 23:44] *Acey D C walks in, glancing about with a slightly concerned expression. He's not quits sure how he ended up here.
  29. [2018-07-11 23:45] Joey Bites: I dunno... how much that is...
  30. [2018-07-11 23:56] Atlach-Nacha: It's enough to buy a cookbook on otter seasonings. Ask the elf.
  31. [2018-07-11 23:57] Ari Satoya: You didn't even pay with Iras. Did you? Did I take them? Either way I'll take em now, I guess.
  32. [2018-07-11 23:57] Joey Bites: ???
  33. [2018-07-11 23:58] Joey Bites: How am I supposed to test this? I don't think a finger's gonna do it
  34. [2018-07-12 00:00] *Atlach-Nacha reels down from the attic and whips out a thick, meaty, clicking spider leg. It wiggles in front of him and looks eager to do test things. "Will this do it?"
  35. [2018-07-12 00:01] *Joey Bites recoils in abject horror. "DUDE. That's just about enough to do it on sight alone, what the FUCK."
  36. [2018-07-12 00:02] Atlach-Nacha: Open your mouth.
  37. [2018-07-12 00:13] *Joey Bites shakes his head. "Hell no! It's all covered in spikes and shit! That's not goin' in my mouth."
  38. [2018-07-12 00:20] *Atlach-Nacha "Ah, that? No problem." She withdraws the leg and whips out another one, just as thick, meaty and clicking, but also completely smooth between the joints. Spider spits a large glob of inky goo into her palm and wraps it around the tip of the wriggling appendage. With a wet squelch, the lubricant is slathered down the length, leaving a slick and oily trail. "Open your mouth."
  39. [2018-07-12 00:20] Joey Bites: [sub]Dude.[/sub]
  40. [2018-07-12 00:22] *Joey Bites reluctantly... opens his mouth... how does deepthroating an appendage to defend his honour make any sense, again?
  41. [2018-07-12 00:33] *Atlach-Nacha takes him by the chin with one hand, raises his head and grips him by the shoulder with the other hand, just in case. "Say 'aaaaah'." She feels like a children's dentist. Taking a peek inside, it does look quite impressive, but she tries her hardest not to be distracted by the teeth. That will come later. The well-lubricated spidery leg hovers over his face for a moment, dripping black oil onto it while she looks for the right angle of insertion. "Ready? Ready." The sharp tip touches his tongue for a brief moment before leaving his tissue and entering his throat without touching anything. Black and yellow stripes disappeared into his gaping mouth one by one, each one thicker than the previous. Eventually the slippery chitinous tube became thick enough to make contact with the walls of his throat, stretching them apart slowly. The leg slid in without resistance, racing down the base of his tongue almost like a skiing athlete down an icy slope, leaving behind a bitter taste and dripping black trails. Hatsune stopped only when she felt the talon at the tip touch something down there. About half of her leg was inside.
  42. [2018-07-12 00:41] *Joey Bites proves his point almost immediately when he gags, gripping Hatsune by the shoulder with a flicker of panic. Eyes wide and tears stinging at the edges, a trickle of drool running down his chin with no other recourse. He swallows reflexively and his throat struggles around the chitinous mass - and oh man, that makes it feel so much worse. This is arguably further inside of him than anyone's ever been. "Nnnh..."
  43. [2018-07-12 00:51] Frankie Roth: JOEY
  45. [2018-07-12 00:53] *Joey Bites busy fellatin a spider, bro
  46. [2018-07-12 00:54] *Frankie Roth waitwut?
  47. [2018-07-12 00:54] *Jioh was in his stomach! He will argue this point!
  48. [2018-07-12 00:55] Vapour: Jioh you're being invoiced $10 by [icon]Judge Anderson[/icon] to pay for her new copy of "Living Without A Colon".
  49. [2018-07-12 00:56] Joey Bites: Oh okay that's true
  50. [2018-07-12 00:56] Jioh: I'll pay $4 nothing more.
  51. [2018-07-12 00:56] *Atlach-Nacha noticed the his jolt of his body and felt his throat clench around the length. clicking her tongue, she nodded in acknowledgement. "No two ways about it. You earned your 5000 liras fair and square." Considering the deal done, she began withdrawing the leg, but ran into a problem. The shape of the joints was slightly flared at the back, making them easy to insert but not so easy to pull out, corners scraping against his insides with profound discomfort. Even for her. She couldn't imagine how it would feel for him, and anyway, she cared more about getting her leg back. "Guh..." With some effort, she began twisting the appendage out of him like a corkscrew out of a cork.
  52. [2018-07-12 01:00] Koren Min: 4$ will get you a semicolon.
  53. [2018-07-12 01:02] The Spunkiest HUNK: Man, programmers must have big business expenses then.
  54. [2018-07-12 01:02] *Joey Bites goes suddenly rigid, nostrils flaring in a futile effort to suck in air around the blockage sealing off his airway. Ohfuck. He wraps his hands around the upper portion of her leg with a nasally whine, blinking furiously as tears spill over his cheeks. He jumps with every twist, and it isn't long before he tastes the familiar metal tang of blood in the back of his throat.
  55. [2018-07-12 01:03] *Pais watches O_O
  56. [2018-07-12 01:04] *Koren Min covers the slave boy's cloudy eyes.
  57. [2018-07-12 01:05] *Frankie Roth covers Pais eyes with a blindfold "Thou art to young to witness this"
  58. [2018-07-12 01:05] *Syed Hundal sharpens his axe.
  59. [2018-07-12 01:05] Pais: "What's happeninggg. I wanna know!"
  60. [2018-07-12 01:05] Pais: "I hear weird gagging noises."
  61. [2018-07-12 01:06] Koren Min: Your mom's happening.
  62. [2018-07-12 01:06] Andrew_E: Mm a mom here?
  63. [2018-07-12 01:06] Pais: "No, she's not..."
  64. [2018-07-12 01:06] *Pais shakes his head at Andrew. "Nope. Who're you?"
  65. [2018-07-12 01:09] Andrew_E: I'm someone who would bring his own mother here, to learn and enjoy
  66. [2018-07-12 01:10] *Atlach-Nacha continues twisting back and forth, getting her poor leg out halfway, but then suddenly getting stuck. One particular joint catches the back of his throat, and she feels she won't be freeing it without turning him inside out. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. "Hang in there." Pulling him closer and hovering her face over his, she chews something squelchy in her mouth, before opening it and letting a stream of black, saliva-mixed lubricant line from her lips down his throat, sliding between his tenderized tissues and her chitin in a slimy, tickling, tepid bath. With a glug and a click, the joint popped free and allowed her to slide out her leg completely, soaked in a thick and gunky layer of both their juices.
  67. [2018-07-12 01:11] *Pais whispers to Joey "Do you know if this guy is nice?"
  68. [2018-07-12 01:11] Pais: "Sounds like a pervert"
  69. [2018-07-12 01:11] Koren Min: Sounds edgy.
  70. [2018-07-12 01:14] *Joey Bites pitches forward and vomits, bile tinged with gruesome red streaks. It isn't until he's purged his stomach of its meager contents that he finally gets the chance to breathe, sucking in rasping lungfuls through his open mouth. "Ffffuck..!"
  71. [2018-07-12 01:15] *Syed Hundal squints. What is happening?
  72. [2018-07-12 01:16] *Frankie Roth Joey was felating spooder leg
  73. [2018-07-12 01:17] *Syed Hundal ...why.
  74. [2018-07-12 01:18] *Joey Bites had to prove he still has a gag reflex? And he makes bad choices
  75. [2018-07-12 01:18] *Syed Hundal snorts.
  76. [2018-07-12 01:20] *Atlach-Nacha holds out her heavily slimed leg in the air awkwardly, not sure what to do with it. Logic dictated a cleaning, but she wasn't in a hurry to get that pleasantly slick coating off. She pats Joey's back helpfully, and hands him a silk handkerchief she was carrying, unfazed by the vomit. "You won the bet, so you should be happy. Money's money, right?"
  77. [2018-07-12 01:21] *Joey Bites coughs and chokes; he's not even gonna attempt to refute that right now. He's gonna have nightmares.
  78. [2018-07-12 01:22] *Syed Hundal could have helped with that. No way Joey could keep from gagging on him.
  79. [2018-07-12 01:23] Pais: " Joey okay?"
  80. [2018-07-12 01:24] *Joey Bites shoots Syed a dirty look. He can FEEL the vibes of perversion wafting off of him.
  81. [2018-07-12 01:25] Frankie Roth: "Prolly"
  82. [2018-07-12 01:25] *Syed Hundal is repressed! And Joey looks good all messy.
  83. [2018-07-12 01:25] Pais: "Is nobody gonna tell me what happened?"
  84. [2018-07-12 01:27] Frankie Roth: "No"
  85. [2018-07-12 01:29] *Ari Satoya rubs Joey's back after he gets it all up. "There there."
  86. [2018-07-12 01:30] Pais: "You're all mean."
  87. [2018-07-12 01:30] *Joey Bites jerks away. "Money," he croaks. Fuck, his throat is raw.
  88. [2018-07-12 01:32] *Atlach-Nacha pulls out the slightly scrunched 5000-lira banknote and presents it to the catboy dramatically. "Well-earned."
  89. [2018-07-12 01:34] Jioh: Wait, Joey you just sell yourself?
  90. [2018-07-12 01:35] Jioh: Hang on, I have a card for my pastor, maybe it's about time you spoke with a man of god. They're usually qualified to handle cases of the mind.
  91. [2018-07-12 01:35] Atlach-Nacha: Alright, my betting budget is all spent for tonight. I need to wash up a little.
  92. [2018-07-12 01:35] *Atlach-Nacha zips up to the attic.
  93. [2018-07-12 01:37] *Aleksandr The Bear unzips from the attic
  94. [2018-07-12 01:40] *Joey Bites gingerly sips some water from the faucet. Not worth it. Would not do again.
  95. [2018-07-12 01:40] *Frankie Roth Would you do it again for twice as much?
  96. [2018-07-12 01:46] Joey Bites: Frankly man, I don't even know how much this is worth in CAD...
  97. [2018-07-12 01:46] Joey Bites: I just wanted to prove I still... had a gag reflex...
  98. [2018-07-12 01:47] Syed Hundal: Could've made it so much easier on yourself.
  99. [2018-07-12 01:47] Syed Hundal: Rather than slurpin' down a spider lady's leg like an idiot
  100. [2018-07-12 01:47] Frankie Roth: Joey has never been the smartest. Even if he's the smartest here
  101. [2018-07-12 01:48] Jioh: Lira aren't even in circulation anymore.
  102. [2018-07-12 01:48] Jioh: You'd know that if you went there and killed their people in the name of an empire.
  103. [2018-07-12 01:51] *Joey Bites stares blankly at Jioh. "Are you fucking with me."
  104. [2018-07-12 01:51] Jioh: Nah, Lira were replaced by the Euro in 1999 man.
  105. [2018-07-12 01:52] Jioh: They're worth about- nothing.
  106. [2018-07-12 01:52] Frankie Roth: [sub]Btw, Joey, you made a bit over $1000[/sub]
  107. [2018-07-12 01:53] Jioh: Aaaaa I'm fuckin with ya, hahaha, Lires were replaced in Italy A Lira is turkish man, so it's still worthless.
  108. [2018-07-12 01:54] *Joey Bites pinches the bridge of his nose.....
  109. [2018-07-12 01:54] Ari Satoya: Nah, he made nothing. Hatsune uses a currency Italy phased out years ago. And they stopped exchanging it for the Euro maybe fifteen or so years ago.
  110. [2018-07-12 01:55] Ari Satoya: Unless it's got some sort of uh...buyer for collection purposes?
  111. [2018-07-12 01:57] *Joey Bites isn't even surprised anymore. You can't be disappointed if you go in expecting nothing.
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