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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. [2/8/2016 9:10:12 AM] Smallzjay: Yeallo
  2. [2/8/2016 9:10:21 AM] Smallzjay: Galeen told me 2 msg you
  3. [2/8/2016 9:10:43 AM] Hitzzz_: Why are you claiming you wrote that application?
  4. [2/8/2016 9:10:52 AM] Smallzjay: As i remember, i did
  5. [2/8/2016 9:10:56 AM] Smallzjay: You asked me 2 wright it
  6. [2/8/2016 9:11:05 AM] Smallzjay: write*
  7. [2/8/2016 9:11:48 AM] Hitzzz_: As you remember?
  8. [2/8/2016 9:12:14 AM] Smallzjay: Yea- a few years ago you asked me 2 write you a helper app. I have used that same app whenever i apply to any server, with modifications.
  9. [2/8/2016 9:13:18 AM] Hitzzz_: When GaleenPanda mentioned it I didn't recall you writing me any application, then when I watched your video I remember years and years and I asked you to help me write and application. I don't remember if I wrote it, you wrote it or if you just spelled checked it.
  10. [2/8/2016 9:13:33 AM] Hitzzz_: But this is a totally different application which I wrote, not sure why you plagiarized it into yours.
  11. [2/8/2016 9:14:07 AM] Smallzjay: I wrote this app, and i showed you it and after you edited it to fit your needs. I gave it the rough draft
  12. [2/8/2016 9:14:18 AM] Smallzjay: And i kept that draft to use for myself
  13. [2/8/2016 9:14:25 AM] Hitzzz_: You know you didn't write that one, why would you lie about it?
  14. [2/8/2016 9:14:36 AM] Smallzjay: I am positive i wrote it.
  15. [2/8/2016 9:15:12 AM] Hitzzz_: You helped me write A application years and years ago, that is totally different to this one.
  16. [2/8/2016 9:15:24 AM] Hitzzz_: I even have the screenshot of this application in my google docs:
  17. [2/8/2016 9:15:43 AM] Hitzzz_: I remember because I wrote it on Docs so I could link to a few friends to ask them what they thought before I posted it.
  18. [2/8/2016 9:15:52 AM] Smallzjay: This makes no sence to me. I remember the entire thing down to a pulp.
  19. [2/8/2016 9:16:06 AM] Smallzjay: I am 100% positive i wrote the rough draft, and you took and modified it.
  20. [2/8/2016 9:16:10 AM] Smallzjay: Maybe that is your modified copy?
  21. [2/8/2016 9:16:26 AM] Hitzzz_: No, it's not. You helped me write another application years and year ago.
  22. [2/8/2016 9:16:53 AM] Smallzjay: I am !00% sure i wrote the base of that app. I have to go to lunch, we will discuss this more when i return
  23. [2/8/2016 9:17:38 AM] Hitzzz_: There's nothing to discuss if you're going to lie about it, you didn't write the application and I'm not sure why you're trying to lie about it.
  24. [2/8/2016 9:20:37 AM] Hitzzz_: Also, I'm not sure why you're going to lunch at 6:50AM in the morning.
  25. [2/8/2016 9:21:07 AM] Smallzjay: for me its 12:20 .-.
  26. [2/8/2016 9:21:16 AM] Smallzjay: I will be back in a hour or so
  27. [2/8/2016 9:21:27 AM] Hitzzz_:
  28. [2/8/2016 9:21:48 AM] Hitzzz_: I'm not going to be awake in an hour anyhow, I got out of bed to hop on my PC since Galeen messaged me.
  29. [2/8/2016 9:21:52 AM] Smallzjay:
  30. [2/8/2016 9:22:15 AM] Hitzzz_: My mistake then.
  31. [2/8/2016 9:22:37 AM] Hitzzz_: Still don't understand why you're trying to lie about it, you know you didn't write it so I'm not sure why you're claiming credit for it.
  32. [2/8/2016 9:22:49 AM] Smallzjay: i got 2 mins
  33. [2/8/2016 9:22:53 AM] Smallzjay: I will try to explain it
  34. [2/8/2016 9:23:07 AM] Hitzzz_: What is there to explain?
  35. [2/8/2016 9:24:06 AM] Smallzjay: So that application that i am positive i wrote got me helper on a server Galeen plays on. Everyone things i did not write it and the controvercy behind it is enormous. I am 100% sure i made the origional draft, but is Galeen starts running his mouth, people are going to think i didnt.
  36. [2/8/2016 9:24:20 AM] Smallzjay: I made the base of the app, you modified it. I gtg.
  37. [2/8/2016 9:25:10 AM] Hitzzz_: I don't understand what the point of you messaging me is if you're just going to blatantly lie.
  38. [2/8/2016 9:25:28 AM] Smallzjay: I remember the situation completley. I am just questioning if you do.
  39. [2/8/2016 9:25:36 AM] Smallzjay: Serious tho- gtg
  40. [2/8/2016 9:25:42 AM] Hitzzz_: Sigh
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