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CodeChef Python 3.6 packages

a guest
Jan 13th, 2019
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  1. wrapt 1.10.11
  2. Werkzeug 0.14.1
  3. typing 3.6.4
  4. typed-ast 1.1.0
  5. Theano 1.0.2
  6. termcolor 1.1.0
  7. tensorflow 1.9.0
  8. tensorboard 1.9.0
  9. sqlparse 0.2.4
  10. SQLAlchemy 1.2.10
  11. setuptools 39.1.0
  12. scikit-learn 0.19.2
  13. PyYAML 3.11
  14. pylint 2.1.1
  15. pyglet 1.3.2
  16. protobuf 3.6.0
  17. pandas 0.23.4
  18. numba 0.39.0
  19. mccabe 0.6.1
  20. Markdown 2.6.11
  21. llvmlite 0.24.0
  22. lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1
  23. isort 4.3.4
  24. grpcio 1.14.0
  25. glu 0.0.18
  26. gast 0.2.0
  27. future 0.15.2
  28. cs50 2.4.1
  29. astroid 2.0.2
  30. astor 0.7.1
  31. arcade 1.3.4
  32. absl-py 0.3.0
  33. wheel 0.30.0
  34. webencodings 0.5
  35. six 1.11.0
  36. simplejson 3.15.0
  37. SecretStorage 2.3.1
  38. scipy 1.1.0
  39. pyxdg 0.25
  40. pytz 2018.5
  41. python-dateutil 2.6.1
  42. pyparsing 2.2.0
  43. pygobject 3.28.2
  44. pycurl
  45. pycrypto 2.6.1
  46. pip 9.0.1
  47. Pillow 5.2.0
  48. olefile 0.45.1
  49. numpy 1.14.5
  50. matplotlib 2.2.2
  51. lxml 4.2.3
  52. kiwisolver 1.0.1
  53. keyrings.alt 3.0
  54. keyring 13.1.0
  55. idna 2.6
  56. html5lib 1.0.1
  57. entrypoints 0.2.3.post2
  58. decorator 4.3.0
  59. cycler 0.10.0
  60. cryptography 2.3
  61. chardet 3.0.4
  62. beautifulsoup4 4.6.0
  63. asn1crypto 0.24.0
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