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Oct 12th, 2016
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  1. * Topic for #ShadowsRR set by castfromhp!~cast@seizon.senryaku.shimashouka (Wed Oct 12 16:54:54 2016)
  2. <Masterly> No we just quieted down because we saw you come in here
  3. <zoofdude> so how easy is it to boost POW?
  4. <zoofdude> outside of classes
  5. <Cable-> I don't even know how to do it outside of classes
  6. * You are now known as Cable
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  10. <Domovoi> i think pow only goes up with classes
  11. <Domovoi> they use that to gate things in lieu of anything else
  12. <Cable> it's funny cause there are spells ranked higher than 5
  13. <Cable> but players can't currently access them
  14. <Cable> so they're just a tease
  15. <Domovoi> i think Create Changeling is rank 6?
  16. <Cable> that sounds appropriate
  17. <Masterly> I'll play a dude who got kicked out of his party for being TOO COOL
  18. <Masterly> Just like in real life
  19. <Kaingaskhan> I just paused to look at the art
  20. * Doxy (~Doxy@I.Climb.Clouds) has joined
  21. <Kaingaskhan> and one page has a large one eyed cyclopian creature with a
  22. <Kaingaskhan> fire-breathing(?) snake hand on the left and wielding a chainsaw with his right
  23. <Kaingaskhan> this is like the professionally drawn version of high school doodles
  24. <castfromhp> gaining or not gaining Power is basically what makes a class a caster or not
  25. <castfromhp> Each novice or expert path that can grant power can get you up to +2
  26. <castfromhp> Each master path that does it gives you +1
  27. <castfromhp> At levels 1 and 5 for novice, levels 3 and 9 for expert, and level 7 for master IIRC
  28. <castfromhp> Except Rogue which is weird
  29. <Cable> yar
  30. <Cable> rogue also gets way fewer traditions/spells
  31. <castfromhp> Rogue does it at 2 and 8 IIRC?
  32. * Kaingaskhan is now known as Knox
  33. <Cable> the rogue caster is probably an incredibly niche build
  34. <Cable> 2 and 8 is correct, I think
  35. <zoofdude> this is what I got so far lol
  36. <zoofdude> I can't pickkkk
  37. <Cable> spellbinder+spellslinger doooo it
  38. <Cable> :P
  39. <castfromhp> Doxy you recommended one level 10 session and the others at lower levels, right?
  40. <Masterly> >Hummelfaust
  41. <Cable> or gunslinger
  42. <Masterly> Okay duder
  43. <Cable> er
  44. <Cable> spellweaver
  45. <zoofdude> Masterly its not even a joke
  46. <Cable> not spellslinger
  47. <castfromhp> I'm thinking since we'll have more players than fit in one session we should do two level 10 sessions and then the rest at lower levels, enough so everyone gets at least one level 10 session.
  48. <castfromhp> What level would you recommend the other sessions be at?
  49. <Cable> a level 10 session sounds nuts
  50. <castfromhp> I like nuts :>
  51. <Cable> like everyone is going to die nuts
  52. <Domovoi>
  53. <Masterly> What's the tone we'd be trying to hit?
  54. <Cable> fucking destruction magic
  55. <castfromhp> Etrian Odyssey
  56. <Cable> I can already tell it's going to be op
  57. <Domovoi> it's just raw damage
  58. <castfromhp> Domo and I independently came up with the same build lol
  59. <Cable> which seems op in this because of how low everyone's hp is
  60. <castfromhp> Sorcerer / Destroyer to just passively shit out damage whenever you do anything
  61. <Cable> sorcerer is also just silly
  62. <Masterly> Okay so, light hearted fantasy aesthetic with darker, seedier undertones/mythology?
  63. <Cable> the 'downside' of strain is not really a downside for the player playin sorc
  64. <Cable> idk about the light hearted bit
  65. <castfromhp> Yeah, basically that Masterly
  66. <castfromhp> And DANGER
  67. <Cable> this world is foul
  68. <Masterly> F O E
  69. <Masterly> F O E
  70. <castfromhp> Well, we don't have to go with the default setting, and most of us don't really want to read it all lol...
  71. <Cable> well that's fine too :P
  72. <castfromhp> Easier to stick to something more general and which allows sessions to be lighter or darker depending on GM
  73. <Cable> but the real lore is DARK
  74. <Cable> don't include any elves if you go light
  75. <Cable> cause the elves are maniacs O_O
  76. <Cable> also, hobgoblins are hilarious
  77. <Cable> they're all the same
  78. <Cable> literally just clones
  79. <Cable> might be my favorite part
  80. <Masterly> Alright, Ima put together a build and just tell me how surprised you are by the choices I make
  81. <zoofdude> I don't even know what races we'd be using I just made a robot cause it was funny
  82. <zoofdude> "yes I'm literally going to stat up hummelfaust"
  83. <Cable> I love the clockwork
  84. <Doxy> I made a Centaur last night
  85. <Cable> so goofy
  86. <Cable> lewd
  87. <Doxy> build is probably not very good but I think it's funny to be Wartaur
  88. <zoofdude> Death Dealer = hilarious amounts of AOE, Dreadnaught and Brute = I AM THE METAL, Weapon Master is even more absurd single target damage, hrrrm
  89. * CablePhone (~Cable@18D87BCA:A8358E04:F18B55BC:IP) has joined
  90. <castfromhp> I don't know whether to do Magician or Priest of Father Death
  91. <castfromhp> ooh wait Priest of the Seer can learn Curse shit without taking corruption
  92. <castfromhp> Probably that one then
  93. <Knox> I thought about warrior/spellbinder/chronomancer but I'm not sure if it even turns out that good
  94. <Cable> Death Dealer capstone amuses me
  95. <zoofdude> yes its very funny
  96. <castfromhp> It's funny but not THAT good. By level 10 few things will have 20 or less max health I feel
  97. <zoofdude> yeah that was what I figured
  98. <zoofdude> the other 3 look a lot more universally good
  99. <Cable> hm?
  100. <Cable> I'm pretty sure it's an execute
  101. <castfromhp> No, because you don't lose health in the system
  102. <castfromhp> You take damage sure, but that doesn't = losing health
  103. <Cable> page?
  104. <Cable> how do you track combat if things don't get less and less hp?
  105. <castfromhp> 39
  106. <castfromhp> You track damage
  107. <castfromhp> When damage = health, then bad things happen
  108. <castfromhp> But whenever the value for health is referenced, it means the max health
  109. <Cable> oh
  110. <Cable> weird
  111. <Cable> I thought I had discovered exactly the opposite once
  112. <castfromhp> That's why it's always worded like "if a creature's damage total equals its Health" rather than "when your Health hits 0"
  113. <Cable> well, in that case, death dealer is fucking awful
  114. <Cable> flashy way to kill weaker mobs, but who needs that
  115. <Doxy> yeah I'm pretty sure it's just a minion board wipe
  116. <Cable> maybe that has value in this game? seems pretty lame to me
  117. <Doxy> shrug emoticon
  118. <castfromhp> I'd say it's just encounter dependent
  119. <castfromhp> Lame against a single boss, great if you're just fighting a swarm
  120. <Cable> but idk how strong swarms would even be at level 10 I guess
  121. <Cable> I would assume they'd have more than 20 hp to be relevant
  122. <castfromhp> Not necessarily, as long as they have good enough accuracy to hit. Armor isn't DR here, so lots of little hits add up really easily.
  123. <Cable> sure, but also, what GM wants to run a hundred tiny mooks individually
  124. <castfromhp> or you know, squishy spellcasters :P
  125. <castfromhp> I don't think it'd be that bad in this system
  126. <Cable> swarm mechanics are a thing to avoid these headaches, heh
  127. <Cable> hundreds of dudes?
  128. <castfromhp> not hundreds
  129. <Doxy> PC hp isn't all that high, I think 20 HP seems right for some minions even at level 10
  130. <castfromhp> but you know, a dozen mooks + a boss against 4 PCs can be dangerous.
  131. <Doxy> anyway really gotta clean now
  132. <castfromhp> And if you can just kill 5 or 6 of those mooks each turn that makes the battle a lot easier
  133. * Nacht (~Nacht@DCF9A2F9.FCB53CFE.57BA16E.IP) has joined
  134. <CablePhone> Seems more niche than most things at best too
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