
Ch 2: Part 5: Architects of Ruin: Session 30

Jun 21st, 2013
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  1. [15:45] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:45] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 2: Children of the Void~~~
  3. [15:45] <Kilarra> -Session 30-
  4. [15:46] <Kilarra> The party has successfully cleared the drow and their associates out of the sea caves beneath Devil's Elbow. Now all that's left to do, down here at least, is the fun part: looting!
  5. [15:49] <@Aluthyra> Tognik is totally down for looting. He looks around for any skymetal.
  6. [15:50] * Aluthyra searches the four drow that she downed with her bow, looking for anything of value.
  7. [15:50] <Kilarra> The drow have mostly more of the same equipment that the first two guards did
  8. [15:54] <Kilarra> Kjell wades back in after picking Tyrant's Bane out of the shallows, shrinking back down to size and losing his extra strength as he does so. "Not a moment too soon."
  9. [15:54] <Kilarra> There is a large number of mundane supplies in the cavern, mainly focused around excavation and carpentry. However, mixed in with those more mundane supplies is a crate with four bottles of wine.
  10. [15:55] <@Aluthyra> Tognik checks the wine, to at least see if they were of note, though he is still looking for skymetal!
  11. [15:56] <Kilarra> Kjell helps himself to a couple of the Cure Light Wounds Potions found on the drow guards.
  12. [15:57] * Kilarra makes a point of swiping whatever goodies the lead drow lady had on her.
  13. [15:58] * Aluthyra points Kjell to the guards. "If you could... I cannot carry much more."
  14. [16:00] <Kilarra> Shindiira's posessions are: A Wand, Her Flail, two scrolls, 10 vials, presumably of some kind of poison, a set of banded mail, Her shield, a hand crossbow, a cloak, and a silver circlet.
  15. [16:00] * Kilarra does the obvious and looks for magic
  16. [16:01] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and adds the gear to his own packs. He then starts looking around for a cart or something
  17. [16:03] <Kilarra> The wand, flail, scrolls, mail, shiled and cloak are magic
  18. [16:03] <@Aluthyra> Tognik smiles and takes the wine bottles!
  19. [16:04] * Aluthyra looks around for anything else of note worth taking in the room.
  20. [16:05] <Kilarra> Other things of potentical worth in the more mundane supplies are 200ft of silk rope, a portable ram, and yes, a couple of small carts to stash some of the stuff in.
  21. [16:05] <Kilarra> There is a small, unlocked box on the central platform, and up on the top where Shindiira herself once stood is what coul only be the drow's personal store.
  22. [16:06] * Aluthyra places the ram and rope on one of the carts, and then directs Kjell to it for other belongings.
  23. [16:06] * Aluthyra looks to Kilarra. "Did the drow have any key on her for this box?"
  24. [16:08] <Kilarra> The box isn't actually locked for some reason
  25. [16:08] <Kilarra> Kjell smiles, glad to have something to take the weight off his own back with
  26. [16:09] * Kilarra looks to Kjell, "Have a look at this stuff, I couldn't get all of it identified." She does however, take the cloak of resistance for herself.
  27. [16:09] * Aluthyra frowns, and calls Tognik over, "Can you check if this box is trapped?"
  28. [16:09] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods, storing the wine and scurrying over to inspect the box.
  29. [16:10] <Kilarra> The box is unlocked and untrapped, as though the drow woman never even considered anyone else would ever obtain it.
  30. [16:10] <Kilarra> Kjell looks at the stuff Kilarra failed to identify
  31. [16:11] <Kilarra> The smaller box contained 11 potions, all of which were labeled in Undercommon.
  32. [16:12] <@Aluthyra> Tognik takes the potions, bringing them all over to Kilarra and Kjell. "Maybe you could read these labels tomorrow with the right spell, yeah?"
  33. [16:14] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah, I could do that."
  34. [16:17] * Kilarra takes the potions and adds them to her own packs as well.
  35. [16:20] * Aluthyra nods. "Then are we prepared to leave?"
  36. [16:21] <Kilarra> Tognik probably won't want to leave without at least seeing what's in the big trunk first =P
  37. [16:22] <@Aluthyra> Tognik sprints to the big trunk!
  38. [16:22] <@Aluthyra> And opens it!
  39. [16:24] <Kilarra> Jackpot. At the bottom of the trunk, Tognik can catch the glint of noqual skymetal. On top of it are a number of items of value. Two noble outfits sized for a female elf, a set of ostentacious costume jewellery, a silver scrolltube, and three books wrapped in leather and silk set off to the left side of the chest.
  40. [16:27] <@Aluthyra> Tognik grins, trying to quickly appraise the haul's worth.
  41. [16:29] <Kilarra> Tognik counts 53 pounds of Noqual ore, the noble outfits are worth 60 gold apiece, the costume jewellery is only worth 5 gold, and the scroll tube alone is worth 150 gold. The contents may be even more valuable depending on what was inside.
  42. [16:30] * Kilarra discards her hemp rope and takes the nice silk stuff.
  43. [16:32] <@Aluthyra> Tognik opens the tube while yelling, "Kjell! Can you haul this stuff? It's a lot of nice things!"
  44. [16:32] <Kilarra> Kjell brings the cart up the platforms and carefully hoists the crate onto it, along with the armour, weapons and shields taken from the drow previously
  45. [16:34] * Kilarra tries on the drow woman's circlet. She liked to feel pretty now and again. Unfortunately her horns get in the way of it fitting properly, so she frowns and passes it to Tognik
  46. [16:36] <@Aluthyra> Tognik puts it in his packs after inspecting its worth.
  47. [16:40] * Kilarra eyes the costume jewellery. Kinda gaudy and not really worth anything. She might try it on when no one was watching though.
  48. [16:41] * Aluthyra waits by the entryway, or exit rather, until the others are ready to go.
  49. [16:42] <Kilarra> Kjell finishes packing up the cart. "We can check those maps and books tomorrow when Kilarra can use her languages spell, yes?"
  50. [16:42] * Kilarra nods affirmatively, rubbing some sand out of her hoof.
  51. [16:45] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "Sounds good to me."
  52. [16:46] <Kilarra> The party's journey back through the caves is obviously a lot less perilous than it was coming in. Although they would be slowed a bit by their haul, there was nothing presently coming to get them as they carried it out.
  53. [16:51] <Kilarra> However, once they reached the top of the steep cliffside path, ZIncher is there waiting for them, a scowl on his face and his pickaxe brandished. "So, yer back are ya?"
  54. [16:52] <Kilarra> Kjell makes sure the cart is on flat ground before looking to Zincher, "We are."
  55. [16:52] <Kilarra> Zincher is flanked by Erix and ten thugs in all.
  56. [16:53] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "Yes, we are. And are you here to greet us merrily?"
  57. [16:54] <Kilarra> Zincher scowls, "Maybe. However, there is the matter of you robbing me."
  58. [16:56] <Kilarra> Erix remains silent, but looks between Zincher and the party as though waiting to see what would come of this before taking any action.
  59. [16:56] <@Aluthyra> Tognik snorts. "We didn't rob you, you paid us for protecting you." He shakes his head. "Just leave us be."
  60. [16:57] <Kilarra> Zincher scowls, "I mean the two men in the sick tent. I was gonna harvest those creatures out of them. You took care of that drow lady, but you were gonna do that anyways, so if you wanna make it back to camp, you'd better have something to make it worth my while."
  61. [16:58] * Kilarra steps forward and shoves her hand onto Zincher's chest, "I am in no mood to play nice with you."
  62. [16:58] * Kilarra then sends a surge of negative energy into him.
  63. [17:00] <Kilarra> Kjell sighs at Kilarra's brashness, but he really didn't have any intention of cooperating with Zincher further anyways, especially with what Erix had claimed to want to bring him in for. He draws his sword.
  64. [17:02] * Aluthyra blinks, drawing her bow.
  65. [17:04] * Kilarra grins as Zincher smoulders a little, having been wanting to really hurt someone all day. Zincher made himself a most inviting target
  66. [17:06] * Aluthyra aims carefully, meaning to quickly down Zincher, firing three shots at the man, one on each foor, and the third carefully placed on his swordhand.
  67. [17:10] <Kilarra> Zincher curses loudly and practically growls at the party as Aluthyra pierces his right hand and left foot with her arrows.
  68. [17:11] <Kilarra> Kjell steps up, meaning to knock Zincher out with the flat of Tyrant's bane rather than actually cutting him.
  69. [17:12] <Kilarra> Kjell's blade is deflected by a small field of force surrounding Zincher.
  70. [17:13] <Kilarra> Erix steps in immediately after Kjell, leaving his hammer on the ground and going after Zincher with a flurry of non-lethal unarmed blows, seeing as the party had already done most of the work.
  71. [17:15] <Kilarra> Zinche however, is more nimble than he looks, sidestepping the first blow, although the unexpected attack nets a couple of hits for the ex-monk.
  72. [17:16] <Kilarra> Zincher roars furiously and the thugs take that as a sign to attack
  73. [17:18] <Kilarra> The rush of Zincher's thugs is largely ineffective, with Kilarra and Kjell each only recieving a glancing blow.
  74. [17:20] <Kilarra> Zincher scowls and aims his axe at the tiefling, feeling that she was about to cost him everything he had worked for. She had touched him first, she probably worked for one of his rival crimelords, and she was likely the one that took away his percieved chance at Akata breeding.
  75. [17:21] <Kilarra> Zincher lands two crushing blows on the tiefling, "I'm taking you with me side-show!"
  76. [17:23] <@Aluthyra> Tognik puts on his most intimidating face, eyeing down the mooks. "You all better run." He nods at Zincher's wounds. "Or you'll end up like your boss."
  77. [17:23] * Kilarra screams painfully, but focuses in on Zincher's words, "No one. Calls me. THAT!!"
  78. [17:24] <Kilarra> The mooks look down at their ineffective weapons, then to Zincher, then to Erix. The drop their weapons and back off
  79. [17:24] <Kilarra> They seem much more interested in just getting off the island alive at this point
  80. [17:25] * Kilarra places her hand on Zincher again, once more inflicting him with negative energy
  81. [17:26] <Kilarra> Zincher curses loudly, then his eyes roll back into his head and he topples backwards, just barely alive.
  82. [17:27] * Kilarra looks absolutely livid, and raises one of her hooves menacingly over Zincher's crotch.
  83. [17:29] * Aluthyra quickly moves up to Kilarra's side, slinging her bow over her shoulder. She puts an open palm out to Kilarra, motioning to stop. "He is down, Kilarra. I know he insulted you, but you do not need to add on further punishment."
  84. [17:30] * Kilarra sneers at him, "No one calls me that and walks away with their balls intact. No one!"
  85. [17:31] * Aluthyra grabs Kilarra's sides, looking at her with a frown. "Kilarra. No." She squeezes her sides reassuringly, and gives her a faint smile. "You are not a side show. His opinion is worthless."
  86. [17:32] * Kilarra blushes a bit when she's squeezed. Aluthyra's scent reaches her nose... and it actually calms her a bit." SHe kicks him in the shin out of spite, then turns around to embrace Aluthyra, a few tears leaking out.
  87. [17:33] <Kilarra> Erix meanwhile, addresses Zincher's thugs, "Now then, I intend to take Zincher back to Korvosa to face judgement for his crimes, If you have any real loyalty to him, you are welcome to join him in shackles. However, so long as you cause no further trouble, I am certain we can arrange with our new friends for your safe return to Riddleport."
  88. [17:34] * Aluthyra blinks, surprised by the normally brash woman to show such emotions. She hesitantly wraps her arms around Kilarra, one hand patting the tiefling's head, hushing her. "It is alright... You are a lovely woman, and he knows nothing of you."
  89. [17:34] * Kilarra sniffles, "I didn't ask to be born like this."
  90. [17:35] <Kilarra> Kjell steps away, letting the two have their moment, then looks between Tognik and Erix, "Our ship is coming back tomorrow. We can stay at the camp tonight I imagine, then head back up to the port in the morning."
  91. [17:36] <Kilarra> Erix nods, "That'll work. Thanks for the help. If you feel like Zincher owes you anything, you can take it out of his trunk. Minus a bit of compensation for the rough treatment of his lackeys, yeah?"
  92. [17:37] * Aluthyra feels a twinge of sympathy, seeing a side of Kilarra she hadn't seen before. She continues to caress the other woman's hair, nodding as she replies, "Of course you did not. But it isn't your race that defines you. I am sorry for what that man has said, but again, you are much more than he would believe."
  93. [17:37] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods at Erix. "Sounds fair enough."
  94. [17:38] <@Aluthyra> Tognik quips, looking past Kjell and Erix at Kilarra and Aluthyra. "That's an odd sight, yeah?"
  95. [17:38] * Kilarra pulls away and wipes her eyes, not wanting to keep up this display. She takes a deep breath, then pulls out her shackles and tosses them to Erix, "Just keep the bastard away from me."
  96. [17:39] <Kilarra> Erix nods and cuffs Zincher, picking him up and half-puppeting him, enlisting the aid of a couple of the henchmen to take him back to the camp. The bronzed man fishes a key out of Zincher's gear and tosses it to KIlarra while collecting Zincher's pickaxe for himself.
  97. [17:40] * Aluthyra nods to Kilarra. "Let's see what items he has that you might help yourself to, Kilarra."
  98. [17:41] <Kilarra> ZIncher also had 4 well-made throwing axes on his person, two potions of cure moderate wounds, an amulet depicting a two-headed roc around his neck, a bundle of rope that Erix takes to finish binding him, and a pair of gauntlets.
  99. [17:42] * Kilarra smiles, liking the idea of the man getting his comeuppance. She smirks at Aluthyra, "We also get his tent now too, if you had any interest in some celebratory activities this evening." She grins mischeviously.
  100. [17:43] <Kilarra> Kjell shrugs at Tognik, "The world is full of many strange things, but some of them can be wonderous." He detects magic on Zincher's gear just to see if there's anything of worth.
  101. [17:43] * Aluthyra rolls her eyes, seeing Kilarra back to her normal self. "I will have to pass."
  102. [17:43] <Kilarra> The amulet is magic, as are the gauntlets.
  103. [17:44] * Kilarra pouts a bit, she had been quite serious. Lousy hard to get beautiful, nice smelling woman.
  104. [17:44] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods, looking at Zincher's gear. "Anything of worth?"
  105. [17:45] <Kilarra> Kjell smiles and dons the gauntlets, "Aye, these are enchanted to boost the wearer's strength, and the amulet has the same enchantment as my own, giving some natural resilience." He offers the amulet of Natural Armour +1 to Tognik, who probably needed it
  106. [17:47] <@Aluthyra> Tognik smiles and nods his head in thanks, donning the amulet.
  107. [17:48] <Kilarra> Kjell leaves the throwing axes, not really needing anything to fight at range aside from his magic.
  108. [17:50] <Kilarra> Back at the camp, the thugs huddle around the bonfire, while there's a lot of squawking coming from the cages behind ZIncher's tent. Erix takes the bound Zincher back into his tent and stands guard over him, while Samaritha pokes her head out curiously at the commotion.
  109. [17:52] <Kilarra> Kjell smiles at seeing Samaritha was unharmed, and heads over to speak to her about everything they had experienced, slipping into her tent. Plus, they could talk more magic, which was always cool.
  110. [17:52] <@Aluthyra> Tognik waves to Samaritha.
  111. [17:52] <Kilarra> Samaritha waves back before heading back into the tent.
  112. [17:52] * Aluthyra nudges Kilarra. "To Zincher's tent? For his chest, nothing else."
  113. [17:53] * Kilarra nods and enters the extravagent pavillion. "I plan on sleeping in here tonight, and you are most welcome to join me." She winks, then heads over to the chest to open it up.
  114. [17:54] * Kilarra kneels down next to the trunk and slips the key in, opening it up.
  115. [17:55] * Aluthyra looks over Kilarra's shoulder.
  116. [17:56] <Kilarra> There are a number of ledgers inside for Zincher's businesses back in Riddleport. Even with his arrest by Erix, they would probably be of value to one or more of the other crimelords. There's another ledger tracking his considerable personal wealth, and copies of deeds to the places he owns in town. There's also a rough map of the island, recently made, with an X marking the entrance to the sea caves
  117. [17:57] <Kilarra> Moving on from the documents, there are also three bags holding 50 PLatinum pieces each, and two small bags holding between them eight beryls, four rubies and a black pearl. There is also another 35 pounds of Noqual ore
  118. [17:59] * Aluthyra blinks. "Wow. Quite a lot. What are you thinking you will do with the deeds?"
  119. [18:01] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I got no interest in them, and these are just copies anyways. Shorafa might be keen on these ledgers though, although Erix might need them as evidence in Korvosa. The skymetal, gems and cash however, are all ours I think. Tognik'll be happy about that."
  120. [18:03] * Aluthyra nods. "Quite." She looks at Kilarra for a moment, scrutinizing her. "If you still would like to talk about the comment Zincher made, I would be happy to help. Just, let me know if you would like to speak."
  121. [18:05] * Kilarra frowns a bit, "It's a local slang in Riddleport for tieflings. Shorafa shares my distase for it, and usually cracks anyone she hears say it with her whip. At least Shorafa's gorgeous though, I'm... not."
  122. [18:07] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "Do not be so hard on yourself. Beauty is two parts; body and mind," She thinks for a moment, and believing it would lead to no harm complimenting Kilarra, she continues, "and you have aspects of both." She smiles to herself. She isn't the best at flirting, but hey! She tries.
  123. [18:08] * Kilarra shrugs, "It's easy enough to get action in a brothel-temple, but I had zero success during my brief stint as a quickwife on the streets. It was after that that I started training as part of the clergy instead."
  124. [18:09] * Kilarra looks to ALuthyra, "Not that I imagine you really fully understand. You're pretty and have a nice body and even smell nice."
  125. [18:09] * Kilarra notes, "And you have a winning personality. I'm... well, as you've probably notice, kind of a bitch."
  126. [18:13] * Aluthyra sighs. "You have had many troubles. And you are kind when one gets to know you. Perhaps you unsuccessfulness will not last? I still will have to decline your offer, but... it is just because," She smirks. "If we were to do such a thing, I would like to get to know you better."
  127. [18:13] * Kilarra blinks, "That's... new."
  128. [18:15] * Aluthyra chuckles. "So perhaps you can meet me halfway. I /would/ like to get to know you better, and perhaps it could lead to something more."
  129. [18:17] * Kilarra blushes a bit. Something more was something she had never really considered, being a cleric with a focus on lust. "I... we'll see I guess. Depends on where our travels send us I imagine, although those journals might be a hint at to what, if anything, will be happening next."
  130. [18:24] * Aluthyra smiles. "Then I we shall see. Perhaps I shall rest early, and then be on watch throughout the night, unless you have anything else to attend to this day?"
  131. [18:26] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I'm spent as far as magic goes, and Kjell is probably burnt out too, although he seems to be making goo goo eyes at the half-elf lady, Pity, she was pretty too. They got more in common though I guess, with their magic and stuff."
  132. [18:26] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  133. [18:27] <Kilarra> Rewards: 10 CR 1/2, 1 CR 8. 2000 Experience Each
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