

Apr 8th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. #ここで武器の値段を変更します。(数を書かないといけない。)
  3. akm: 2000
  4. ar-15: 13000
  5. hunting: 2000
  7. command /weapon:
  8. trigger:
  9. open chest with 3 rows named "&8&lショップ選択メニュー" to player
  10. wait 3 ticks
  11. format slot 10 of player with 409 named "&6&l>> &7Primary ショップメニュー" to close then run [execute player command "/primaryshop"]
  12. format slot 12 of player with orange dye named "&6&l>> &7Secondary ショップメニュー" to close then run [execute player command "/secondaryshop"]
  13. format slot 14 of player with egg named "&6&l>> &7Grenade ショップメニュー" to close then run [execute player command "/grenadeshop"]
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. format slot 16 of player with potion named "&6&l>> &7HealItem ショップメニュー" to close then run [execute player command "/healitemshop"]
  18. command /primaryshop:
  19. trigger:
  20. wait 2 ticks
  21. open chest with 3 rows named "&8&lカテゴリー選択" to player
  22. wait 3 ticks
  23. format slot 1 of player with iron horse armor named "&6&l>> &8&lアサルトライフル" to close then run [execute player command "/assaultshop"]
  24. format slot 4 of player with diamond horse armor named "&6&l>> &8&lサブマシンガン" to close then run [execute player command "/"]
  25. format slot 7 of player with gold nugget named "&6&l>> &8&lスナイパーライフル" to close then run [execute player command "/snipershop"]
  26. wait 1 tick
  27. format slot 19 of player with diamond axe named "&6&l>> &8&lショットガン" to close then run [execute player command "/"]
  28. format slot 22 of player with wooden shovel named "&6&l>> &8&lライトマシンガン" to close then run [execute player command "/"]
  29. format slot 25 of player with 351:7 named "&6&l>> &8&lその他・イベント武器" to close then run [execute player command "/"]
  31. command /assaultshop:
  32. trigger:
  33. wait 2 ticks
  34. open chest with 2 rows named "&7&lショップ: Assault" to player
  35. wait 3 ticks
  36. format slot 4 of player with clock named "&6&l>> &7&l戻る" to close then run [execute player command "/weaponrate"]
  37. format slot 8 of player with arrow named "&8&l次のページ" to close then run [execute player command "/o"]
  38. format slot 9 of player with stone shovel named "&f&lAKM" with lore "&3&l$ {@akm}||&c<取得済み>||&b||&7装填数:&f30||&7リロード時間:&f40.0ticks||&7威力:&f3||&7ヘッドショット:&f2||&7スニーク:&f0.6||&7スコープ:&f0.4||&7弾速:&f100||&7連射間隔:&f4ticks||&7バースト:&f2||&7精度:&f1.3" to close then run [message "&e既に取得しております。"]
  39. if {} is true:
  40. format slot 10 of player with diamond named "&f&lAR-15" with lore "&3&l$ {@ar-15}||&c<取得済み>||&b||&7装填数:&f30||&7リロード時間:&f40.0ticks||&7威力:&f3||&7ヘッドショット:&f2||&7スニーク:&f0.6||&7スコープ:&f0.4||&7弾速:&f100||&7連射間隔:&f4ticks||&7バースト:&f2||&7精度:&f1.3" to close then run [execute player command "/buygun ar-15"]
  41. else:
  42. format slot 10 of player with diamond named "&f&lAR-15" with lore "&3&l$ {@ar-15}||&b||&7装填数:&f30||&7リロード時間:&f40.0ticks||&7威力:&f3||&7ヘッドショット:&f2||&7スニーク:&f0.6||&7スコープ:&f0.4||&7弾速:&f100||&7連射間隔:&f4ticks||&7バースト:&f2||&7精度:&f1.3" to close then run [execute player command "/buygun ar-15"]
  44. command /snipershop:
  45. trigger:
  46. wait 2 ticks
  47. open chest with 2 rows named "&7&lショップ: Sniper" to player
  48. wait 3 ticks
  49. format slot 4 of player with clock named "&6&l>> &7&l戻る" to close then run [execute player command "/weaponrate"]
  50. format slot 8 of player with arrow named "&8&l次のページ" to close then run [execute player command "/o"]
  51. format slot 9 of player with shears named "&f&lHunting" with lore "&3&l$ {@hunting}||&c<取得済み>||&b||&7装填数:&f5||&7リロード時間:&f80.0ticks(単発)||&7威力:&f8||&7ヘッドショット:&&7弾速:&f100||&7連射間隔:&f4ticks||&7精度:&f0" to close then run [message "&e既に取得しております。"]
  53. on command:
  54. if command is "weaponrate":
  55. wait 3 ticks
  56. execute player command "/weapon"
  58. command /money [<text>] [<number>] [<player>]:
  59. trigger:
  60. if arg-1 is not set:
  61. message "&8&l所持金 &7&l%{money::%player%}%"
  62. if arg-1 is set:
  63. if player is an op:
  64. if arg-2 is not set:
  65. message "&a&b/money add <数> , /money remove <数>"
  66. if arg-2 is set:
  67. if arg-3 is not set:
  68. if arg-1 is "add":
  69. add arg-2 to {money::%player%}
  70. message "&6%arg-2%&a円をチャージしました。"
  71. if arg-1 is "remove":
  72. remove arg-2 from {money::%player%}
  73. message "&6%arg-2%&a円を没収しました。"
  74. if arg-3 is set:
  75. if arg-1 is "add":
  76. add arg-2 to {money::%player%}
  77. message "&6%arg-2%&a円を%arg-3%にチャージしました。"
  78. send "&bあなたは運営により、&a%arg-2%&b円を受け取りました。" to arg-3
  79. if arg-1 is "remove":
  80. remove arg-2 from {money::%player%}
  81. message "&6%arg-2%&a円を%arg-3%から没収しました。"
  82. send "&cあなたは運営により、&a%arg-2%&c円を没収されました。" to arg-3
  83. else:
  84. message "&cYou are not operator"
  86. command /buygun [<text>]:
  87. trigger:
  88. if arg-1 is set:
  89. if arg-1 is "AR-15":
  90. if {} is true:
  91. message "&e既に取得しております。"
  92. else:
  93. if {money::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@ar-15}:
  94. set {} to true
  95. message "&aAR-15を購入しました。"
  96. remove {@ar-15} from {money::%player%}
  97. else:
  98. message "&a所持金が足りておりません。&e&l${@ar-15}&bが必要となります。"
  100. command /selectgun:
  101. trigger:
  102. open chest with 6 rows named "&7&l武器カスタマイズ" to player
  103. wait 2 ticks
  104. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  105. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  106. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  107. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  108. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  109. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  112. on join:
  113. if {firstjoin::%player%} is true:
  114. stop
  115. else:
  116. set {firstjoin::%player%} to true
  117. set {money::%player%} to 500
  118. set {bougu.head.sho::%player%} to true
  119. set {bougu.chest.sho::%player%} to true
  120. set {bougu.leg.sho::%player%} to true
  121. set {} to true
  122. set {shot.have.ak-47::%player%} to true
  123. set {shot.have.hunting::%player%} to true
  124. set {shot.have.m1191::%player%} to true
  125. set {} to true
  126. add 1 to {level::%player%}
  128. on join:
  129. clear player's inventory
  130. format slot 36 of player with 259 named "&b&l武器編集メニュー" to be unstealable
  131. format slot 40 of player with clock named "&b&lゲーム参加" to be unstealable
  132. format slot 44 of player with 404 named "&b&lプレイヤー設定メニュー" to be unstealable
  134. command /purchased [<text>] [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]:
  135. trigger:
  136. if arg-1 is "vip":
  137. if arg-2 is "1un1n24u918295uush9138joanij913hiahsdyb120salsdfj":
  138. send "&6VIPの購入に成功しました。" to arg-3
  139. execute console command "pex user %arg-3% prefix &e&l[VIP]"
  140. if arg-1 is "kinken1":
  141. if arg-2 is "1un1n24u918295uush9138joanij913hiahsdyb120salsdfj":
  142. send "&6金券1枚の購入に成功しました。" to arg-3
  143. add 1 to {kinken::%uuid of arg-3%}
  144. send "&6金券: %{kinken::%uuid of arg-3%}%枚" to arg-3
  145. if arg-1 is "kinken32":
  146. if arg-2 is "1un1n24u918295uush9138joanij913hiahsdyb120salsdfj":
  147. send "&6金券32枚の購入に成功しました。" to arg-3
  148. add 32 to {kinken::%uuid of arg-3%}
  149. send "&6金券: %{kinken::%uuid of arg-3%}%枚" to arg-3
  150. if arg-1 is "kinken64":
  151. if arg-2 is "1un1n24u918295uush9138joanij913hiahsdyb120salsdfj":
  152. send "&6金券64枚の購入に成功しました。" to arg-3
  153. add 64 to {kinken::%uuid of arg-3%}
  154. send "&6金券: %{kinken::%uuid of arg-3%}%枚" to arg-3
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