
GBF Locations

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Zinkenstill
  3. Hermit Island - A nickname for Zinkenstill. No one knows when this island, which has existed quietly for several hundred years, was first called by this name. One theory is that they have been living in isolation since the final battle of the War. This isolation played a large part in the uniquely developed civilization on the island.
  5. Outer Mountain Ridge - The towering mountain range that surrounds Zinkenstill. It once cut the islanders off from the outside world, but thanks to recent developments in airship technology, they can now participate in meaningful exchange with other islands. Even if it weren't for the surrounding mountains, there are a lot of people who wouldn't leave here.
  7. Golden Fog Woods - The Island's greatest mystery lies within these trees. A primal crystal enables people to live in these woods. Only the chosen priestess may enter into these depths.
  9. Danchou's Home - Where Danchou and Vyrn grew up together. The turn of the seasons in this peaceful environment yields strong, compassionate children. No one yet knows that the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of the child born and raised in this house. It's small, but you know what they say. Home is where the heart is.
  11. Hermit Village - A village that has existed in secret for many hundreds of years. However, they are not especially isolationists, and in fact welcome the airship crews and travelers who sometimes visit. People here are always friendly and welcoming.
  13. Eingana Island, Port Breeze Archipelago
  15. Ungud Castle - An old castle nestled in Port Breeze City. Ungud Castle serves as a control tower, handing out instructions to the airships that approach the harbor. The view from the top is incredible.
  17. The Jutty - The pier airships use when coming ashore. It's used mainly for the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo. The accuracy with which a helmsman can dock their ship at this narrow structure is seen as a testament to their skill.
  19. Cardinal Temple - The temple of Port Breeze. Tiamat, the primal beast of the wind, is worshiped as the guardian deity of the island. However, over the last few hundred years, that faith has become quite formal, and deference to Tiamat is vanishing. The favorable winds Port Breeze is famous for are all thanks to Tiamat.
  21. Siero's Knickknack Shack - A shop stocked with everything that a skyfarer could need, from everyday goods to siege weapons. It sometimes serves as a tavern where everyone can get together for a drink or a story. It's said there's nothing that the tiny keeper Sierokarte can't supply.
  23. Angads Highlands - A plain of rippling green grass that reach out past town. Gentle winds blow across the fertile land, enveloping everything. Somewhere on the periphery, a single ship quietly marks the passage of time.
  25. Kakadu Canyon - An endless gorge. In its depths is hidden an emergency escape ship.
  27. Fremel Island, Valtz Duchy
  29. The Plant - There are countless factories on Fremel Island; some of them abandoned for centuries. Altogether these factories are called the Plant, and the long history of steelworks here shows.
  31. The Arsenal - Collectively, the mines that surround the factories are called the Arsenal. Like the factories of the Plant, these mines have no names, only numbers. Most of Valtz's mountains are mines, but a few of them are lush and green. Draphs can be found on those verdant peaks, living in harmony with nature.
  33. Grand Arsenal - The largest factory in Phantagrande Skydom and the official residence of Valtz. An arsenal from the time of the War was repurposed to become the Archduke's citadel as well as the seat of the government. It is indicative of the type of Valtz tenacity that arose along with their growth through steel industry.
  35. Lake Zairic - Known as the River of Lava, the heat source that supports Valtz's industry. It flows throughout the entire country. Since time immemorial fierce heat has smoldered deep below the island, so this river flowers without ever hardening.
  37. Sarwa Desert - Barren earth that covers the island. The cruel environment does not yield even the smallest of mercies.
  39. Abandoned Mine - An early mine. Presently it's being used for suspicious purposes.
  41. Kushathra Works - An underground factory/workshop that has endured since ancient times. It bears the name of the founder of Valtz.
  43. Auguste Isles
  45. Mizarea - The capital of the Auguste Isles, it is nicknamed Aqua City on account of being surrounded by ocean. Its residents mostly use boats to move around.
  47. The Bridge of Wishes - One of the most famous tourist sites in the aquatic city of Mizarea or elsewhere. It is said that your wish will come true if you cross the bridge as the sun sets. The beauty of the bridge alone is awe-inspiring.
  49. Auguste Shop 1 - The Auguste Isles are the economic powerhouse of the Phantagrande Skydom. Shops fill every corner of their cities. There is no regular military in Auguste; instead the isles rely on hired agents as necessary.
  51. Auguste Shop 2 - In most places airships are the main means of transportation, so it's generally better for shops to be situated higher. However in Auguste, people prefer boats over airships, so the shops that are positioned lower are considered higher-class.
  53. Baruha Beach - A beach of white sand overlooking the ocean. There are a few small islands between here and the boundaries of the Blue Beyond.
  55. Raya's Shore, Rainbow Beach - A sandy beach on the edge of Tzannis Plateau. Those on foot can enjoy a wide variety of landscapes here.
  57. Tzannis Plateau - A plateau that offers a sweeping view of the archipelago. Thin streams wind their way across the land until they spill into the ocean.
  59. Auguste Falls - A huge waterfall that flows from a distant source. Its shape is comparable to that of a gigantic water dragon.
  61. Benthic Island - Auguste's Newest Attraction. The concept behind it is to build a quiet resort that's a grade above all the others.
  63. "Welcome to Benthic Island, home to breathtaking scenery and exotic sea creatures. Feel the tug on your heartstrings as you behold such wondrous spectacles. All of us residing on the island welcome you from the bottom of our hearts. Enjoy an incredible time on the quiet beaches of Benthic Island." - Benthic Island Tourism Committee
  65. Although fish isn't common here, Benthic Island is instead known for its rare delicacies from the seafloor, especially the urkin. Much of the island's economic progress relies on harvesting the Queen Urkin every year. Lurking deep in the cold seas of Auguste, sea urkins feed off of algae and other such microorganisms. The actinomorphic nature of their five robust shells protects the golden innards - a specialty of the region. Those who covet their flesh must be willing to deal with spikes that strike with the speed of arrows.
  67. Menean Territory, Lumacie Archipelago
  69. Treehouses - Taking up residence in the trees is common on Lumacie. This is most effective for protecting against invaders, and the view from the top is worth any convenience sacrificed. Looks like it'd be peaceful living in the treetops.
  71. The Lumacie People - Those living on the Lumacie Archipelago are relatively indifferent to the surrounding islands. Visitors are not turned away, nor are those who leave pursued. Much like the Great Tree, it has simply stood tall against the passage of time. There is a semblance between Lumacie and Zinkenstill.
  73. The Great Tree of Time - A gigantic, centuries-old tree on the Lumacie Archipelago. It protects the other trees of Lumacie from the hand of time, ensuring that they will not perish for many ages. The tree was likely around during the Astral War.
  75. Entrance to the Deep Forest - Most of Lumacie is covered by a dense forest that blocks out the sun. In the heart of the forest slumbers the World Tree, and an ancient tale that has long gone untold.
  77. Blackmoon Forest - There are several landmarks within this forest. "The Greenway" is the the entrance to the overgrown forest. The hazy fragrance of flowers beckons travelers deep, deep inside... The "Vazeventch" is an empty patch of land in the depths of the forest. Faint traces of the Astrals linger here. The "Violet Lake Shore" is the banks of a shimmering lake in the black forest. Weary travelers congregate here to rest. There is a nameless ruins devoid of life as well. Whatever god worshiped in those ruins may lead to the truth about the Astrals.
  79. Temple of Miaplacidus - A temple where the stars offer their arrogance. At its heart slumbers a hubris best avoided.
  81. Vashista Isle - In the luscious green of this island, a steely malice slumbers. In the shadows of the forest, an army stirs.
  83. Albion Citadel
  85. The Citadel - A fortress city created by the Astrals, though currently its society is centered around the military academy. They advocate ruling by force, and choose the next Lord Commander through an Albion-wide gladiatorial contest.
  87. Albion's Greenery - Though the Albion Citadel is man-made, some parts are home to wild plants. Over many, many years, seeds have drifted on the winds and taken root in Albion.
  89. Albion Castle - This military command post is located at the center of the Albion citadel. The Lord Commander's office is located here, as are the quarters for noble guests and other visitors. The lower levels of the castle house the military academy.
  91. Town of Albion - The town of Albion surrounds the castle, and makes up much of the citadel. Ferocious beasts are allowed to roam through the town in order to keep the populace alert and fit. People lacking confidence in their skills require a guard.
  93. Mist-Shrouded Isle
  95. Bridge of the Dead - A bridge said to return the dead to their families on crossing. In fact, the legend originates from children frequently using the bridge to return home. There's a whole new meaning to that old folktale.
  97. Town of Crepesculo, Village Office - One of the few public buildings in this small village. A roughly scrawled public ledger keeps track of everyday comings and goings. According to records, the island's name is Tramont, but most of the villagers have long forgotten due to a lack of contact with outside visitors. The townspeople here don't have a care in the world.
  99. Villagers - Although death has been stolen away from the village, life continues on as always for its inhabitants. With no one dying and no new children being born, the denizens soon found themselves inhabiting a zombie village. You know, for zombies, they're very positive people!
  101. Monster Mansion - A mansion that looms tall just outside the village. Earning its name from the monsters prowling the surrounding area, almost as if to protect it. It once played host to a certain important family, but they've rarely been seen since the town became zombified. It looks like a haunted mansion.
  103. Murky Fields - Mist-shrouded island fields. Nightmares peek out from gaps in the spectral fog.
  105. The Tombs - A graveyard near the undead village. There haven't been any new holes dug in quite some time.
  107. Dispirra Cliff - A sheer cliff located near the edge of the island. In its shadow, an immortal beast lies in wait.
  109. Finis Archipelago, Golonzo Island
  111. Central Docks - This massive dock is the symbol and defining feature of Golonzo. Inside, countless ships wait for workers to perform repairs and maintenance. New ships are also being built here, and research into how to create faster, stronger, and more beautiful ships is constantly underway, day and night. Airship technology is always getting better and better!
  113. Cranes - The cranes jutting across the skyline are essential to airship construction and maintenance. Each crane is named according to its size and lifting capacity, with the largest being called Midgard-class. All those giant cranes are quite a sight!
  115. Airship Manteca - An airship undergoing adjustments in the central dock. To a crew, airships aren't just a means of transport; they're its spirit and livelihood. As a result, there's a great deal of trust between skyfarers and the skilled workers who handle their ships.
  117. Inspection Office - A small building that monitors port traffic. Ships are always coming and going for repairs, often in a state of confusion due to the frequently imprecise air traffic instructions. The people here don't get too bogged down in the details.
  119. Faber Precinct - A residential area lined with houses. Knights gather at the pub come nightfall.
  121. Nauta Quarter - A district still rich in greenery. The tree-lined pathways bring back faint, nostalgic memories.
  123. Amalthea Island
  125. Residential District - Where the Crew of Enforcers and those connected to them live. Any monsters trying to infiltrate do so under the watchful eye of the Crew of Enforcers' garrison, giving the town its reputation as the safest in the skies.
  127. Dikaiosuné Boulevard - Both those seeking aid from the Enforcers and those arrested by them pass through this gate, which is also known as the Gate of Judgement. Whether those who enter the Hall can pass through these gates again with a smile on their face is up to the Enforcers.
  129. Kuruvi Mountain Ridge - Most of Amalthea is covered by these mountains, verdant and green at their base. Ferocious monsters live in the forest, which is off-limits to residents; even escapees from the Hall don't dare enter. You don't have to venture far to find nature on this island.
  131. Fourth Hall, Crew of Enforcers - This massive chalk-white building immediately stands out in verdant Amalthea. The headquarters for the Fourth Hall of the Crew of Enforcers, who command influence across the skies, is located here. A statue of their first captain stands at its precipice, telling all that a sword is necessary to maintain law and order. It's an impressive building, and a serious workout to get to it!
  133. Mephorash, Ravi Island
  135. City of Mephorash - A city that retains the flavor of the old capital. Historically, Mephorash sprang up in the area surrounding the Palace of Elijah Chelm, and the people who live in the city are all imbued with reverence for the royal family members living in the palace. Apparently, the City of Mephorash is as old as the Palace itself.
  137. Palace of Elijah Chelm - A palace that served as home for members of the royal family since the founding of the old Erste Kingdom. Its architectural style is one of the oldest in Phantagrande Skydom. A simple yet resilient building that has weathered the millennia without losing its splendor. Yet it doesn't look like it's been around for thousands of years.
  139. Shem Desert - An expansive desert surrounds the old city of Mephorash. It's said that all manner of forgotten buildings slumber beneath its sands. Occasionally, citizens have run into the ancient golems that protect these buildings. Be careful when transversing the area so that the same doesn't happen to you. Golems could pop up from anywhere in the desert!
  141. Trees of the Desert - Although most of Ravi Island is buried in sand, a few trees can be seen near the Palace of Elijah Chelm and the Shem Desert. Although most are indigenous to Ravi, a few trees of the same species as those seen in the depths of the Lumacie Archipelago can also be found here. Maybe someone brought over seeds from Lumacie.
  143. Golem - An animated vessel of earth and ore. There are numerous types of golems, all varying in shape, size, and form. Within the Phantagrande Skydom itself, many can be seen protecting treasure troves and palaces in every region. The Royal Family of Erste once attempted to develop a human-like golem, but there are no records of the success of the endeavor.
  145. Agastia
  147. Town of Agastia - The imperial capital of Erste Empire underwent rapid economic growth in a short period of time. Agastia itself servers as an imperial military stronghold, with soldiers commonly swaggering through town and interacting with the populace. Even with all the Imperial soldiers around, the people living here aren't so different.
  149. Agastia Fortress - The development of this massive fortress city began as Erste transitioned from monarchy to imperial power. Cutting edge facilities cover the island top to bottom, and almost no natural features or greenery remain visible.
  151. Imperial Headquarters - A government building for the Erste Empire, it is a giant tower situated in the very center of Agastia. Many simply call it "The Tower" for its shape and serves as the very heart of the Erste Empire. It not only houses the most vital bodies for governing the Empire, but also holds numerous research and development facilities, making this citadel a prime example of the Empire's capabilities. Entrance to civilians is tightly restricted, and although a few of the facilities are open to the public, most are shrouded in mystery.
  153. Erste Empire Battleship - A battleship of the Erste Empire visible across Phantagrande Skydom. Primarily used in combat against other airships, and to transport soldiers, weapons, and supplies. Although originally purchased in Golonzo, it's been given proprietary modifications, resulting in a ship of incalculable power.
  155. Dydroit Belt
  157. Central City - A city on the Dydroit Belt within the borders of Phantagrande. With few people able to cross the Grim Basin, there are many similar cities throughout the Dydroit Belt for every skydom it covers. Its market sells curious items from various skydoms, appealing to buyers and exploratory teams alike.
  159. Sea of Clouds - An expanse of white clouds in the lower area of the Dydroit Belt. On particularly windy days, the islands of the belt become enveloped in white with no visibility, postponing any outdoor exploration or other duties.
  161. Boulder Bluffs - A dense collection of small rocklands on the inner-side of the Dydroit Belt. As the winds are more stable than the outskirts, many outposts are built here for exploration and other duties. However, the Dydroit Belt is not meant to be inhabited, and extended days here are not common. The winds are whipping through here, and is a tough place to live.
  163. Vergelands - With its immense and rugged terrain, this group of rocklands along the outskirts serves as a shield for all life in the Dydroit Belt, protecting them from the rough winds on the Grim Basin border.
  165. Chrysanthemum Ridge - One of the major inner-rocklands, where long-wandering seeds take root.
  167. North Vast, Silverwind Stretch
  169. Eoniho Mountains - As the symbol of Silverwind Stretch, this mountain range is the largest in Phantagrande, with its outskirts forming a portion of the North Vast territory. It's considered the roughest place in Phantagrande, having claimed countless lives. It is mostly unexplored, but some areas, locked in endless territorial disputes between different nations and powers, are occupied by lawless groups.
  171. The "Glacier Base" is the foot of the Eoniho Mountains. Its low visibility disorients travelers and leaves no way of turning back. A treacherous mountainside where explorers frequently fall prey to an endless maze of white and wind.
  173. Only a handful of brave souls have ventured to the peaks.
  175. Silverwind Stretch Monsters - Although similar to species on other islands, the monsters on Silverwind Stretch are giant in comparison. Various theories exist regarding their evolution, including adaptation to the harsh conditions or even the effects of the island's primal beast. However, no cause has yet been confirmed.
  177. The Hidden Village - As the area is mostly unexplored, there are many legends about Silverwind Stretch. One of them is about a hidden village where a skyfarer was nursed back to health after attempting to climb the Eoniho Mountains. The skyfarer left after a few days, but when searching again for the village, it was never found.
  179. Grim Basin - A violent wall of wind that divides skydoms. Its appearance dates back to the invasion of the Astrals before the War. The Grim Basin's interior spurs monsters and is filled with a highly-concentrated miasma so toxic that it can be fatal within minutes of contact.
  181. Griephland - A wide snowy field whose emptiness breeds both wonder and despair into the hearts of travelers.
  183. Jewel Resort Casino Liner
  185. A giant casino liner that tours around the Phantagrande Skydom. The incredibly luxurious interior belies the fact that it's an airship, making it the perfect place for skyfarers to kick back and relax. From poker to slots to bingo - and of course the famous duels at the arena - there is no shortage of entertainment aboard the Jewel Resort Casino Liner.
  187. Jewel Resort - People from all over Phantagrande come to Jewel Resort to try their luck or see a show. It's just the place for weary skyfarers to kick off their boots and let down their hair.
  189. Wishing Well - The centerpiece and pride of Jewel Resort, the Wishing Well is a towering fountain of fortune. Before doing anything else in the casino, most people go to the well to wish for good luck and bathe in its magical aura.
  191. Poker Table - Any world-class casino must have world-class poker tables. Whether you're a high or low roller, there's always a table free.
  193. Casino Staff - The staff in Jewel Resort are very friendly. You can pick them out by the long white rabbit ears they wear. If they listen carefully, they might drop some hints about the casino.
  195. ===
  197. Erste Empire - A militaristic empire that has brought nearly all of Phantagrande Skydom under its control. It used to be no more than a small country called the Erste Kingdom. However, when The Black Knight gained control and made the switch to imperialism, the strength of the empire increased tenfold. Currently they are conducting vigorous research on primal crystals and the legacy of the Astrals, but the Erste Kingdom was originally famous for techniques used to produce high-quality golems.
  199. Erste Royal Family - The royal family that once ruled all of the Erste Kingdom before its imperialization. Well-versed in special golem creation techniques, they are considered the forefathers of golem technology. The queen, though she has been rumored to possess ties with the Astrals, was greatly loved by the people of Erste, and her passing is deeply mourned. However, the heir to her throne has gone missing, and many worry for her safety.
  201. Albion Academy - A military academy located at the center of the Albion Citadel. Battle skills are a primary requirement of its students, as monsters appear regularly throughout Albion. However, as the purpose of the institute is to breed military cadets, a full range of lessons of history and tactics to politics and etiquette are offered in order to create the most outstanding knights.
  203. Idol - Originally a statue made to represent a god or a deity as an object of worship. The concept of an idol has existed in the skies since time immemorial. But in more recent times, special individuals have come to take on that role - due largely in part to their rabid fan base who will not stop worshiping them. Due to such similarities to traditional idols, these individuals have come to be known as "idols" themselves.
  205. Festival of Falling Flame - An annual event held at the Port Breeze Archipelago where culture and business come together. Merchants from all over gather on this momentous occasion to set up shop, entertaining the huge crowds that partake in the event. The main attractions are the duels happening aboard the Jewel Resort Casino Liner and the circus of horrors housing exotic monsters. This festival originally began as a means to pacify the primal beast Phoenix by offering it fiery monsters. But with the Phoenix now largely considered a mere superstition, the practice has long been abandoned.
  207. Bonito - They say there's a fish that has claimed the lives of many veteran fishermen - the bonito. Hardy anglers who still fish by the pole need both the intuition to predict its movements and the muscle to haul it in. Pole fishing is considered to be superior to net fishing, because the bonito can't mangle itself thrashing against the mesh. Those who land the mighty beast with nothing but grit, rod, and line are revered as legends.
  209. Watermelon Splitting - A traditional ceremony said to ward off summer heat. Long ago people believed that evil spirits worked to destroy people's health by subjecting them to seasonal heat wave. Villagers tricked these spirits into possessing special mannequins made from watermelon - the red flesh of which resembled human muscle. Once inside of the fruit, villagers would cut the dummy in twain, rending not only the melon but the offending spirit as well. Over the years this ancient ritual was transmitted from island to island, until people all but forgot its original purpose. Nowadays it's recognized on the beaches of Auguste as a fun vacation activity.
  211. Tzaka the Great - The current archduke of Valtz. He is renowned for his prowess as a blacksmith and mage. Cheerful and genuinely concerned with the happiness of others, he is especially popular. His combat technique combines his brawny Draph physique and knowledge of magic, blowing his enemies away with one swift punch.
  213. The Earthy Realm - The land of the dead. Those who have been to the Realm and subsequently returned exist only in myth. Ever since ancient times, falling to earth has meant death. Even today, there are some funeral rites that include casting of the coffin of the deceased to earth. Records exist of curious orders who had set their sights on earth, but each and every one has vanished, so no one can be sure whether or not they were able to reach the Earthly Realm unscathed.
  215. Crew of Enforcers - An immense crew of skyfarers found throughout the sky. The Blue Knight of the Seven Luminary Knights serves as the current captain. Their activities mainly involve apprehending criminals and escorting VIPs, but they take on an abundance of requests from different lands, including goods transport. Airspace assigned to different fleets, and the Phantagrande Skydom is overseen by the Fourth Fleet.
  217. Deus Ex Machina - Buried in the annals of the Erste Royal Family's dark history, this primal beast sucks the essence out of humans and instills it into another matter. It can also swap the essence between humans, but cannot destroy or create it anew. This primal beast came about from a request by the Royal Family to the Astrals to create golems resembling humans. But asking for Astral cooperation can be seen as a betrayal to skydwellers, and as such, Deux Ex Machina's existence is known only to a select few within the Empire.
  219. The Astral War - A war that broke out between skydoms and the Astrals long ago. Through this drastic conflict, the people were able to gain back rule of their world from the Astrals and change the course of history. Unfortunately, almost all details of the War are not lost, yet its effects can still be seen shaping society even today.
  221. The Astrals - Long ago they invaded the skydoms, but were wiped from the pages of history after the War and now exist as pure enigma. Not one single thing is known about their true nature other than that they possess a mysterious, overwhelming strength. Today, airships employ the engineering of the Astrals.
  223. Venera Beach - Although all of Auguste's various beaches are popular, this ritzy resort area is the top of its class. The contrast between white sand beach and the crystal blue sea is beautiful, and the comparatively calm waves make it the perfect place for introducing ocean fun to amateur beachgoers. With plenty of facilities geared toward tourists, getting away at this getaway is guaranteed to bring gobs of good times to vacationists and vacationistas of all ages!
  225. Bon Dance - A dance festival honoring the deceased observed by the denizens of the Auguste Isles. The souls of the departed head out to sea but are said to return once a year during the festival. Bright pyers guide them back to shore, where they dance with the living for a brief but fun moment before fireworks send them off back to sea.
  227. Mysteria Academy of Magic - The most prestigious and preeminent magic academy in Phantagrande, its reputation commands respect far and wide. From royal families to the lowest commoners, all aspiring mages are welcomed through its gates. Equipped with two core monoliths, even novices find themselves commanding magic with ease. Students here study all kinds of magic from morning until night - sometimes even the forbidden kind.
  229. Monolith - Magical stones that help stabilize or amplify magic. Their power and stability, as well as their market value, are proportional to their physical size. The core monoliths that the Mysteria Academy possesses are extraordinarily rare and expensive.
  231. Primal Beasts - The greatest weapon the Astrals used in their invasion. These giant beasts are gifted with god-like power. After the War, they turned into crystal and settled into slumber, melding into every culture. Because these beasts only obey the Astrals, their awakening would be a calamity for the sky and must be stopped.
  233. Dark Essence - A crystal borne from the Erste Empire's research of the primal beasts. Originally designed to mimic the power of the Astrals, it has the power to bestow artificial Astral power unto beings from the sky realm. However, weilding powers from a different dimension must not be done without great caution.
  235. Malice - the form a primal beast that has been subject to excess infusion of dark essence. Though they possess astounding power in this state, the Astrals never designed them to be able to handle such amounts of dark energy. There is a great risk of destroying the primal beast itself.
  237. Eternalirum - is when a primal beast enters an irreversible state of frenzy. It was first invented by an Astral research lab during the War. The primal beast's sense of self is erased, and it exceeds its original limits to take on a new, destructive form that cannot be suppressed. Returning to their original state is impossible once this occurs.
  239. Attire - The climate of Phantagrande Skydom, save for one region, is very warm, and so standard attire consists of light clothing. Most citizens carry a knife or some other small weapon to protect themselves from the monsters that lurk outside the cities. With these weapons are mainly for self-defense, they also double as fashion accessories. Airship crews bring back the latest fashion trends from distand islands.
  241. Local Cuisine - With islands as varied as the clouds in the sky, one of the perks of skyfaring is sampling the local flavors. Every island has their own seasonings and unique ingredients delicious enough to calm any skyfarer's wanderlust.
  243. Wine - Fruit and grain-based wine is an integral part of celebrations. Erunes are especially skilled in the art of fermentation, and the wine they make is regarded as top-shelf. Aficionados of their product dwell all throughout the sky. Out of all the four races, those known to be especially fond of drinking are the Draphs. There is no shortage of stories of people carrying large quantities of wine with them as souvenirs whenever they seek a custom Draph weapon.
  245. Agents - A very ordinary occupation. It covers a broad range of jobs, from guarding cities or important people to intervening in international conflict. There are those who earn a living as agents while also belonging to an airship crew. This arrangement is quite convenient, as use of an airship provides a special freedom of mobility. However, agents can operate without licenses or credentials, so their quality is hit-or-miss. Anyone who wants a job well done would be wise to put in a request at the agents' guild town in town, even if it costs a little extra.
  247. Skyfarer - A general term for those who sail the skies in airships. It's said to be the job with the most freedom - and the most danger. Sky travel entails battles with all kinds of sinister creatures on just about a daily basis, so seasoned skyfarers are revered by all. Skyfarers form groups called crews. There are several famous crews in Phantagrande Skydom, such as the <a href="">"Crew of Enforcers" from Amalthea Island</a> and "The Eternals."
  249. Airships - As the only real means of travel between the islands, they are the symbol of skyfarers and their crews. Early airships were constructed based on Astral engineering, but advacements in research have been made in recent years. Now airships with all sorts of useful modifications crisscross the skyways.
  252. Ruby Ray Reactor - An fire amplifier radiating turbulent magic.
  254. Mine Lamp - Glows bright and lasts long.
  257. Cobalt Ray Reactor - A water amplifier radiating lucid magic.
  259. Aquarium - Sustains small fish in its sturdy frame.
  262. Copper Ray Reactor - An earth amplifier radiating stern magic.
  264. Plant Stand - A weaved sapling that helps cultivate other flora.
  267. Beryl Ray Reactor - An wind amplifier radiating crisp magic.
  269. Ceiling Fan - Whips up fresh breeze in any room.
  272. Citrine Ray Reactor - An light amplifier radiating hallowed magic.
  274. Skylight - Fills ship cabins with illuminating sunlight.
  277. Amethyst Ray Reactor - An dark amplifier radiating ominous magic.
  279. Toy Bed - Suits small critters to a tee.
  282. Weather Vane - Brings good luck to treasure hunters.
  284. Potion Distiller - Generates potions automatically.
  286. Rallying Gong - Sends off skyfarers with a loud bang, encouraging them for battle.
  288. Wooden Desk - Furnishes a place for study and knowledge.
  290. Dumbbell Set - Keeps skyfarers lean and fit.
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