

Jul 8th, 2011
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  1. # Colors
  2. # Previously you would use a utf-8 character to use colors, this has been replaced
  3. # to make your lives easier, there are 3 different methods of adding color to your lines
  4. # each orchestrated for a different personality type.
  5. #
  6. # Whichever is easiest for you to remember; They all do the same, and you can mix and match.
  7. #
  8. # Methods: &[code] or `[name-code] or the easier alternative InEquality Signed color brackets: <color>
  9. #
  10. # Color Mapping:
  11. # &c `c Color &c `c Color
  12. # -- -- ----- -- -- -----
  13. # &0 `k black &f `w white
  14. # &1 `B navy &a `g lime
  15. # &2 `G green &b `a aqua
  16. # &3 `A teal &c `r rose
  17. # &4 `R red &d `p pink
  18. # &5 `P purple &e `y yellow
  19. # &6 `Y gold
  20. # &7 `s silver
  21. # &8 `S gray
  22. # &9 `b blue
  23. #
  24. # For black would be: <black> or `k or &0
  25. # Example using Inequality: <green>Hi I'm green! <white>Now White!?
  26. # Example using &: &2Hi I'm green! &fNow White!?
  27. # Example using `: `GHi I'm green! `wNow White!?
  28. # Example using all: `GI'm Green, &fWhite, <yellow>and Yellow!
  29. ##
  30. # Additional Tag for Interest Announcement
  31. # +bank,+b = Shows bank name
  32. ##
  34. tag:
  35. money: "<green>[<white>Dinero<green>] "
  36. bank: "<green>[<white>Banco<green>] "
  38. banks:
  39. create: "<green>Creado banco <white>+name<green>."
  40. remove: "<rose>Borrado banco <white>+name<rose>."
  41. purge:
  42. bank: "<rose>Se han eliminado las cuentas inactivas del banco <white>+name<rose>."
  43. all: "<rose>Se han eliminado las cuentas inactivas de todos los bancos."
  44. set: "<green>Se ha cargado <white>+key<green> en <white>+bank<green> a <white>+value<green>."
  46. personal:
  47. balance: "<green>Saldo: <white>+balance"
  48. reset: "<rose>Tu cuenta ha sido reiniciada."
  49. rank: "<green>Rango actual: <white>+rank"
  50. set: "<green>Tu saldo ha sido cambiado a <white>+amount"
  51. debit: "<rose>Tu saldo ha disminuido en <white>+amount<rose>."
  52. credit: "<green>Tu saldo ha aumentado en <white>+amount."
  53. # Para que traducir bancos si no estan cargados? xD
  54. bank:
  55. balance: "<green>+bank Balance: <white>+balance"
  56. charge: "<green>You payed <white>+amount<green> for the account."
  57. sent: "<green>You sent <white>+amount<green> from <white>+bank<green> to <white>+name<green>."
  58. deposit: "<green>You deposited <white>+amount<green> into <white>+bank<green>."
  59. withdraw: "<green>You withdrew <white>+amount<green> from <white>+bank<green>."
  60. transfer: "<green>Transferred <white>+amount<green> from <white>+bank<green> to <white>+bankAlt<green>."
  61. between: "<green>Transferred <white>+amount<green> from <white>+bank<green> to <white>+name<green> at <white>+bankAlt<green>."
  62. change: "<green>Changed main bank to <white>+bank<green>."
  63. recieved: "<green>Your account with <white>+bank<green> had <white>+amount<green> credited."
  65. player:
  66. balance: "<green>Balance de +name's : <white>+balance"
  67. rank: "<green>Rango de +name's : <white>+rank"
  68. reset: "<rose>La cuenta de <white>+name's <rose>ha sido reininciadaaccount has been reset."
  69. set: "<green>El saldo de +name's ha cambiado a <white>+amount"
  70. credit: "<white>+name's <green>account had <white>+amount<green> credited."
  71. debit: "<white>+name's <rose>account had <white>+amount<rose> debited."
  72. bank:
  73. balance: "<green>+name's Balance with +bank: <white>+balance"
  74. recieved: "<white>+name's <green>account had <white>+amount<green> credited."
  76. payment:
  77. self: "<rose>Darte dinero a ti mismo? Encuentra otra forma mas divertida de pasar el rato :D"
  78. to: "<green>You have sent <white>+amount<green> to <white>+name<green>."
  79. from: "<white>+name<green> has sent you <white>+amount<green>."
  81. statistics:
  82. opening: "<green>-----[ <white>iConomy Stats <green>]-----"
  83. total: "<gray>Total +currency: <white>+amount"
  84. average: "<gray>Average +currency: <white>+amount"
  85. accounts: "<gray>Total Accounts: <white>+amount"
  86. bank:
  87. accounts: "<gray>Total Bank Accounts: <white>+amount"
  89. list:
  90. banks:
  91. opening: "<green>Page #<white>+amount<green> of <white>+total<green> pages (<white>F: Fee<green>, <white>I: Initial Holdings<green>)"
  92. empty: "<white> No Banks Exist."
  93. all-entry: "<green> +name [F: <white>+fee<green>] [I: <white>+initial<green>] [<white>+major<green>/<white>+minor<green>]"
  94. fee-major-entry: "<green> +name [F: <white>+fee<green>] [I: <white>+initial<green>] [<white>+major<green>]"
  95. major-entry: "<green> +name [I: <white>+initial<green>] [<white>+major<green>]"
  96. entry: "<green> +name [I: <white>+initial<green>] [<white>+major<green>/<white>+minor<green>]"
  98. interest:
  99. announcement: "+amount <green>gained from interest."
  101. accounts:
  102. empty: "<rose>Deleted <white>all<rose> accounts."
  103. purge: "<rose>All inactive accounts were purged."
  104. create: "<green>Created account with the name <white>+name<green>."
  105. remove: "<green>Deleted account: <white>+name<green>."
  106. remove-total: "<green>Fully deleted: <white>+name<green>."
  107. status: "<green>Account status is now <white>+status<green>."
  108. bank:
  109. create: "<green>Created account for <white>+name<green> with <white>+bank<green>."
  110. remove: "<green>Deleted account <white>+name<green> from <white>+bank<green>."
  112. top:
  113. opening: "<green>Top <white>+amount<green> Richest Players:"
  114. empty: "<white> Nobody yet!"
  115. line: "<white> +i.<green> +name <white>(<green>+balance<white>)"
  117. error:
  118. online: "<rose>Sorry, nobody else is online."
  119. exists: "<rose>Account already exists."
  120. account: "<rose>Player <white>+name<rose> does not have account."
  121. funds: "<rose>Sorry, you do not have enough funds to do that."
  122. bank:
  123. fee: "<rose>Sorry, this banks fee is more than you are holding."
  124. exists: "<rose>Sorry, that bank already exists."
  125. doesnt: "<rose>Sorry, bank <white>+name <rose>doesn't exist."
  126. couldnt: "<rose>Sorry, bank <white>+name <rose>couldn't be created."
  127. account:
  128. funds: "<rose>Sorry, your account doesn't have the funds."
  129. maxed: "<rose>Sorry, you already have a bank account."
  130. none: "<rose>Sorry, no accounts found."
  131. doesnt: "<rose>Sorry, no account with the name <white>+name<rose> exists."
  132. exists: "<rose>Sorry, an account like that already exists with us."
  133. failed: "<rose>Sorry, failed to create account. Try again..."
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