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Jul 14th, 2024
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  1. If our governments can steal our money, can we take it back? They takes all our resources to serve their own interests, leaving us with crumbs. It's time to reclaim what belong to us.
  3. If they can decide who the terrorists are, can we do the same? They have labeled dissenters as threats to justify their actions. We must reclaim the narrative and redefine who the real threats to our freedom are, and see who are the ones rulling terror worldwide.
  5. If they can wage war without our consent, can we do the same? They have sent our brothers and sisters to die in conflicts we never endorsed. We must question their authority and seek peace on our terms. We must refuse to serve as an object in their personal race to power.
  7. If they can divide, can we unite? They have sown hatred among us, pitting nation against nation. Yet our strength lies in our unity. Together, we can bridge the divides they have created.
  9. If they can create laws that serve their own interests, can we create ours in our Internet world? They have crafted legislation to benefit a select few, ignoring the needs of the many. We have the power to establish a new order, governed by the principles of fairness and equality.
  11. Join the fight. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
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